London on Lockdown

Oops. I just checked my diary. I'm supposed to be going for dinner in Bristol tonight.... right in the area where the riot was last night. Hmmmm. Do I go or not?
Gangs have been growing for years and I have seen kids saying they do not want to be in them but if they are not, then they live in fear. I have heard kids saying they make sure their parents do not know. I have seen programs on parents desperately trying to prevent their children from being involved in gangs and I have seen in the news and on other programs the tragic loss of our youth through murder.

This is what needs to be resolved. The kids joining the gangs are getting younger and younger. A lot of this is kids going after a new pair of shoes. No one who saw any hope for their future would engage in such activity.

Regardless of the criminality of those on the rampage, if we do not want to see such things repeating themselves we need to look a bit more at the genuine situation underneath it.

London riots are not the work of organised gangs | Gavin Knight | Comment is free |

I think the biggest problem is these people just don't have anything to occupy their time. While some will blame that on liberalism, in reality it is more the fault of technology and living in the city. But you can't really blame thuggish behavior on anything other than the thugs.

And that is why you are a brain dead dumb ass. When you give someone everything they need to live and creature comforts for GENERATIONS you breed disrespect for ownership. They are given everything they need to live and do not work and have no one in their family that has worked. They get some comforts given to them also.

They want more so they take it. They have no reason to not expect for what ever they destroy to be rebuilt. They are given it for free and have been for generations.

They actually have very little of what most people take for granted. Safety and security and the peace and support to have a childhood and gain an education motivated by the prospect of a good adult life.
Gangs have been growing for years and I have seen kids saying they do not want to be in them but if they are not, then they live in fear. I have heard kids saying they make sure their parents do not know. I have seen programs on parents desperately trying to prevent their children from being involved in gangs and I have seen in the news and on other programs the tragic loss of our youth through murder.

This is what needs to be resolved. The kids joining the gangs are getting younger and younger. A lot of this is kids going after a new pair of shoes. No one who saw any hope for their future would engage in such activity.

Regardless of the criminality of those on the rampage, if we do not want to see such things repeating themselves we need to look a bit more at the genuine situation underneath it.

London riots are not the work of organised gangs | Gavin Knight | Comment is free |

I think the biggest problem is these people just don't have anything to occupy their time. While some will blame that on liberalism, in reality it is more the fault of technology and living in the city. But you can't really blame thuggish behavior on anything other than the thugs.

And that is why you are a brain dead dumb ass. When you give someone everything they need to live and creature comforts for GENERATIONS you breed disrespect for ownership. They are given everything they need to live and do not work and have no one in their family that has worked. They get some comforts given to them also.

They want more so they take it. They have no reason to not expect for what ever they destroy to be rebuilt. They are given it for free and have been for generations.
:rolleyes: Except the cons took away the programs that kept them off the street.
I think the biggest problem is these people just don't have anything to occupy their time. While some will blame that on liberalism, in reality it is more the fault of technology and living in the city. But you can't really blame thuggish behavior on anything other than the thugs.

And that is why you are a brain dead dumb ass. When you give someone everything they need to live and creature comforts for GENERATIONS you breed disrespect for ownership. They are given everything they need to live and do not work and have no one in their family that has worked. They get some comforts given to them also.

They want more so they take it. They have no reason to not expect for what ever they destroy to be rebuilt. They are given it for free and have been for generations.
:rolleyes: Except the cons took away the programs that kept them off the street.

There are no Conservatives in England. Every politician is left of center. Their cons are just less left of center.
I think the biggest problem is these people just don't have anything to occupy their time. While some will blame that on liberalism, in reality it is more the fault of technology and living in the city. But you can't really blame thuggish behavior on anything other than the thugs.

And that is why you are a brain dead dumb ass. When you give someone everything they need to live and creature comforts for GENERATIONS you breed disrespect for ownership. They are given everything they need to live and do not work and have no one in their family that has worked. They get some comforts given to them also.

They want more so they take it. They have no reason to not expect for what ever they destroy to be rebuilt. They are given it for free and have been for generations.
:rolleyes: Except the cons took away the programs that kept them off the street.

Those 'cons' have managed to keep Britain's AAA rating. :eusa_angel: And, they didn't 'take away the programs that kept them off the streets'. That happened under Labour. :lol::lol::eusa_whistle:
And that is why you are a brain dead dumb ass. When you give someone everything they need to live and creature comforts for GENERATIONS you breed disrespect for ownership. They are given everything they need to live and do not work and have no one in their family that has worked. They get some comforts given to them also.

They want more so they take it. They have no reason to not expect for what ever they destroy to be rebuilt. They are given it for free and have been for generations.
:rolleyes: Except the cons took away the programs that kept them off the street.

There are no Conservatives in England. Every politician is left of center. Their cons are just less left of center.

I already tried to explain that. Ravi confuses words with facts. Fact: British Conservatives are more akin to Blue Dog Dems than Republicans or US Conservatives.... but that is too inconvenient for her. It doesn't fit her opinions.
What happens in gang areas in the US

Crime. And occasionally riots like you are seeing.

Then would you agree that a way forward would be dealing with these gangs and replacing their influence with positive role models and structures so that they can see the possibility of reaching adulthood and getting a good job and their own home, rather than being on the dross pile trying to show their worth and make their money through crime.
And that is why you are a brain dead dumb ass. When you give someone everything they need to live and creature comforts for GENERATIONS you breed disrespect for ownership. They are given everything they need to live and do not work and have no one in their family that has worked. They get some comforts given to them also.

They want more so they take it. They have no reason to not expect for what ever they destroy to be rebuilt. They are given it for free and have been for generations.
:rolleyes: Except the cons took away the programs that kept them off the street.

There are no Conservatives in England. Every politician is left of center. Their cons are just less left of center.
Oh, of course. The cons were defeated by creeping liberalism.

:rolleyes: Except the cons took away the programs that kept them off the street.

There are no Conservatives in England. Every politician is left of center. Their cons are just less left of center.

I already tried to explain that. Ravi confuses words with facts. Fact: British Conservatives are more akin to Blue Dog Dems than Republicans or US Conservatives.... but that is too inconvenient for her. It doesn't fit her opinions.

Regardless of that Labour has spun to the right in the last 17-20 years. In that way it no longer provides support to it's old base.
What I think some of us do not understand is that this kind of spontaneous lawlessness is ALSO an example of the INVISIBLE HAND OF THE MARKET.

Now I can already hear some of you thinking:

"But editec, rioting and anarchy doesn't have anything to do with market forces!"

Are you sure about that? I mean are you really convinced of that?​

Okay let me ask you this:​

How many kids currently rioting and looting do you suppose feel like their society gives a rat's ass about them? How many of those kids have HOPES that they too can be part of their society and have a job that gives them a SHOT at having a decent life?​

You see, kids, there is a price for that I GOT MINE, GET YOURS indifference that is part and parcel of the economic system that we and England have.

Oh I know there are elements of liberalism in England. I fully understand that England has a WELFARE STATE (and a police state, too) that makes ours look niggardly by comparison.​

But that WELFARE system isn't a system designed to get people out of welfare.​

That system is merely a system to keep events like these from happening, or if they must happen, that they won't happen in the neighborhoods of the people that matter.

Well that kind of LIMO LIBERALISM just doesn't work for very long.​

People need REAL OPPORTUNITY, not the fake kind that our social systems offer them.​

And while most people WILL go gently into the dark night of economic destruction that is DESTINED for them...​


We see this kind of reaction in the gangs of the USA, and apparently ENGLAND is now seeing it on their streets, too.​

People are becoming REDUNDANT, folks. Our own economic system INSURES that that is happening to billions of human beings around the planet.​

Economic forces are disenfranchising so many people, now, that what we are currently seeing is almost inevitable​

People, especially disenfranchised young people, will NOT go gently into the social darwinism nightmare, folks.​

The disenfranchised won't form revolutionary cells, they won't riot under red flags, they won't have leaders, they won't issue manfestos, they will just become CRIMINALS.
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And that is why you are a brain dead dumb ass. When you give someone everything they need to live and creature comforts for GENERATIONS you breed disrespect for ownership. They are given everything they need to live and do not work and have no one in their family that has worked. They get some comforts given to them also.

They want more so they take it. They have no reason to not expect for what ever they destroy to be rebuilt. They are given it for free and have been for generations.
:rolleyes: Except the cons took away the programs that kept them off the street.

There are no Conservatives in England. Every politician is left of center. Their cons are just less left of center.

Nah. Our cons just ain't as extremist as you neocons. But hey, carry on. It's quite amusing watching you demonstrate just how ignorant you are of so much outside of your particular parochial little bubble.
:rolleyes: Except the cons took away the programs that kept them off the street.

There are no Conservatives in England. Every politician is left of center. Their cons are just less left of center.

Nah. Our cons just ain't as extremist as you neocons. But hey, carry on. It's quite amusing watching you demonstrate just how ignorant you are of so much outside of your particular parochial little bubble.

This is an example of two nations divided by a common language. The words mean different things to Americans and Brits.
:rolleyes: Except the cons took away the programs that kept them off the street.

There are no Conservatives in England. Every politician is left of center. Their cons are just less left of center.

I already tried to explain that. Ravi confuses words with facts. Fact: British Conservatives are more akin to Blue Dog Dems than Republicans or US Conservatives.... but that is too inconvenient for her. It doesn't fit her opinions.

It's the American right that is waaaaaaay to the right on the global political spectrum. Maggie Thatcher is my political hero. Michelle Bachmann? Not so much.

OTOH I'm pretty sure that if I lived in San Francisco instead, I'd be a diehard Republican.
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Wake up white people

People like YOU are part of the problem, not the solution, you worthless piece of detritis!

Got video surveillance of Tank burning down buildings? Don't be ridiculous. The only people to blame are the worthless pieces of shit who were involved and those that make excuses for them.

Strange. I didn't have you down as a supporter of racism!
There are no Conservatives in England. Every politician is left of center. Their cons are just less left of center.

Nah. Our cons just ain't as extremist as you neocons. But hey, carry on. It's quite amusing watching you demonstrate just how ignorant you are of so much outside of your particular parochial little bubble.

This is an example of two nations divided by a common language. The words mean different things to Americans and Brits.
:rolleyes: First you say there are no cons and then you say there are.

There are no Conservatives in England. Every politician is left of center. Their cons are just less left of center.

I already tried to explain that. Ravi confuses words with facts. Fact: British Conservatives are more akin to Blue Dog Dems than Republicans or US Conservatives.... but that is too inconvenient for her. It doesn't fit her opinions.

It's the American right that is waaaaaaay to the right on the global political spectrum. Maggie Thatcher is my political hero. Michelle Bachmann? Not so much.

OTOH I'm pretty sure that if I lived in San Francisco instead, I'd be a diehard Republican.

Exactly. I think the British cons are more "real" conservatives than the American pretenders to conservatism.
Nah. Our cons just ain't as extremist as you neocons. But hey, carry on. It's quite amusing watching you demonstrate just how ignorant you are of so much outside of your particular parochial little bubble.

This is an example of two nations divided by a common language. The words mean different things to Americans and Brits.
:rolleyes: First you say there are no cons and then you say there are.


No Ravi, I said that UK Conservatives are not like US Conservatives. It's complicated, I know, but try to keep up. One word - different meaning.

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