London on Lockdown

Must spread..... Absolutely right! Had these kids been taught a work ethic in stead of entitlement, had they been spanked when they broke the rules when they were 5, had they been taught how great their country is, in stead of how much their country owes them, there would be no rioting.

Now, that's another interesting thing about the UK. They seem to have very little pride in their country, despite their impressive history, they seem embarrassed by it. I find that odd.

I don't know where you live in the UK but people are very proud to come from where I live.

As an individual, you may be. But generally, there is no real pride in your nation. And I think that's sad.... it has an exceptional history. I'm not 'proud' of England - but I respect it. Pity that the English don't seem to.
Crime. And occasionally riots like you are seeing.

Then would you agree that a way forward would be dealing with these gangs and replacing their influence with positive role models and structures so that they can see the possibility of reaching adulthood and getting a good job and their own home, rather than being on the dross pile trying to show their worth and make their money through crime.

So now it's government's responsibility to provide role models? It's an individual choice to adopt a role model These kids have the choice of emulating productive, inspiring people, or thugs. They have chosen thugs

That would only be true if we were all born into roughly the same environment with the roughly the same opportunities. Modern societies do not provide that.

You are showing very little knowledge of these areas.
Must spread..... Absolutely right! Had these kids been taught a work ethic in stead of entitlement, had they been spanked when they broke the rules when they were 5, had they been taught how great their country is, in stead of how much their country owes them, there would be no rioting.

Now, that's another interesting thing about the UK. They seem to have very little pride in their country, despite their impressive history, they seem embarrassed by it. I find that odd.

I don't know where you live in the UK but people are very proud to come from where I live.
Yeah, I've yet to meet a Brit that was embarrassed by their history or weren't proud to be Brits.

Most of them are insufferable like Swaggert. ;)
Now, that's another interesting thing about the UK. They seem to have very little pride in their country, despite their impressive history, they seem embarrassed by it. I find that odd.

I don't know where you live in the UK but people are very proud to come from where I live.
Yeah, I've yet to meet a Brit that was embarrassed by their history or weren't proud to be Brits.

Most of them are insufferable like Swaggert. ;)

Don't take him seriously.
This isn't racism. It's anarchy, mindless vandalism, sheer criminality and wilful violence. We are now seeing the results of bleeding heart liberalism. Those who destroyed discipline in this country and replaced it with political correctness.

...and students who believe the world owes them a free ticket.


London riots: From Hackney to Brixton Twitter and Blackberry help looters co-ordinate raids | Mail Online

Well put my Friend, well put!

Now, that's another interesting thing about the UK. They seem to have very little pride in their country, despite their impressive history, they seem embarrassed by it. I find that odd.

I don't know where you live in the UK but people are very proud to come from where I live.

As an individual, you may be. But generally, there is no real pride in your nation. And I think that's sad.... it has an exceptional history. I'm not 'proud' of England - but I respect it. Pity that the English don't seem to.

Scottish and Welsh people are very proud of their Nation. The only country which has this problem is England. There people tend to have more pride and loyalty in their particular area.
I believe the source of all the trouble in the London area of England is the fact that the caffeine content of their tea has been reduced by 25%. It's a shock to their systems.
People like YOU are part of the problem, not the solution, you worthless piece of detritis!

Got video surveillance of Tank burning down buildings? Don't be ridiculous. The only people to blame are the worthless pieces of shit who were involved and those that make excuses for them.

Strange. I didn't have you down as a supporter of racism!

I'm not, nor do I dismiss logical ideas from people I disagree with. Tank is rather outspoken when it comes to race relations. In many cases, I agree with him despite his poor choice of words.
Very rarely is Tank flat out wrong. Is he a racist or a pragmatist? Hard for me to judge.
You obviously do see him as racist and automatically reject anything he says based on that assessment.
First the University protests, now this.
Instead of putting money into "nothing" (Lybia) maybe the Brits should re-route some of that money into the more important things, I mean the money they take as credit.

yeah... like deporting.

Most of the rioters are not immigrants, Sy. They are British. Deport them to where? Fortunately, the government appears to be quite hard on rioters. Those arrested during the student riots got prison time.... and not just a month or two. :clap2: Over 500 were arrested last night. I hope they come down as hard on them.

That's one of the main problems with discipline in Britain. Too many fucking bleeding hearts in the judiciary. Punishment NEVER fits the crime these days! And thanks to the EU and Tony Blair's administration, human rights law favours the criminal and not the victim!
I'm not at all confident these scumbags will get the sentence they deserve.
This isn't racism. It's anarchy, mindless vandalism, sheer criminality and wilful violence. We are now seeing the results of bleeding heart liberalism. Those who destroyed discipline in this country and replaced it with political correctness.

...and students who believe the world owes them a free ticket.


London riots: From Hackney to Brixton Twitter and Blackberry help looters co-ordinate raids | Mail Online
Beat the feds? That doesn't sound like bleeding heart liberalism, it sounds like libertarian/anarchists.

That doesn't sound like bleeding heart liberalism, it sounds like libertarian/anarchists.

Now that is Precious Ravi. You should be a Novelist. Where do you come up with this stuff? It is a gift. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Then would you agree that a way forward would be dealing with these gangs and replacing their influence with positive role models and structures so that they can see the possibility of reaching adulthood and getting a good job and their own home, rather than being on the dross pile trying to show their worth and make their money through crime.

So now it's government's responsibility to provide role models? It's an individual choice to adopt a role model These kids have the choice of emulating productive, inspiring people, or thugs. They have chosen thugs

That would only be true if we were all born into roughly the same environment with the roughly the same opportunities. Modern societies do not provide that.

You are showing very little knowledge of these areas.

As opposed to what? Could you be more full of shit?
Got video surveillance of Tank burning down buildings? Don't be ridiculous. The only people to blame are the worthless pieces of shit who were involved and those that make excuses for them.

Strange. I didn't have you down as a supporter of racism!

I'm not, nor do I dismiss logical ideas from people I disagree with. Tank is rather outspoken when it comes to race relations. In many cases, I agree with him despite his poor choice of words.
Very rarely is Tank flat out wrong. Is he a racist or a pragmatist? Hard for me to judge.
You obviously do see him as racist and automatically reject anything he says based on that assessment.

Yes I do, when he puts this situation down to blacks. A quick review of the available photography shows the rioters are both black and white, but it suits his particular agenda to ignore that fact.
First the University protests, now this.
Instead of putting money into "nothing" (Lybia) maybe the Brits should re-route some of that money into the more important things, I mean the money they take as credit.

yeah... like deporting.

Most of the rioters are not immigrants, Sy. They are British. Deport them to where? Fortunately, the government appears to be quite hard on rioters. Those arrested during the student riots got prison time.... and not just a month or two. :clap2: Over 500 were arrested last night. I hope they come down as hard on them.

Oh i am not saying they are all immigrants.... ekrem thinks British money should be put to better use at home in Brittan.... I think it should be used to deport the illegals. :eusa_whistle:

I hope they all get some good hard time..and if they are underage.. both the kid and the parents get hard time.
yeah... like deporting.

Most of the rioters are not immigrants, Sy. They are British. Deport them to where? Fortunately, the government appears to be quite hard on rioters. Those arrested during the student riots got prison time.... and not just a month or two. :clap2: Over 500 were arrested last night. I hope they come down as hard on them.

That's one of the main problems with discipline in Britain. Too many fucking bleeding hearts in the judiciary. Punishment NEVER fits the crime these days! And thanks to the EU and Tony Blair's administration, human rights law favours the criminal and not the victim!
I'm not at all confident these scumbags will get the sentence they deserve.

But that kid who pissed on the cenotaph got 16 months in prison. That seemed reasonable to me. He's still in prison, I think. They do need to toughen up on sentencing, I agree.... but I think the Conservatives are doing that. Or they say they are. LOL.

I totally agree about the EU/Blair comment. That's kind of what I meant with my comment about this being the result of liberal policies... but I think it pre-dates Blair. Y'all got soft on crime long ago.... and pandering to the hordes of welfare babies does not help.
Then would you agree that a way forward would be dealing with these gangs and replacing their influence with positive role models and structures so that they can see the possibility of reaching adulthood and getting a good job and their own home, rather than being on the dross pile trying to show their worth and make their money through crime.

So now it's government's responsibility to provide role models? It's an individual choice to adopt a role model These kids have the choice of emulating productive, inspiring people, or thugs. They have chosen thugs

That would only be true if we were all born into roughly the same environment with the roughly the same opportunities. Modern societies do not provide that.

You are showing very little knowledge of these areas.

Same environment, no. Same opportunities, for the most part, yes. Use what opportunity you have and you can change your environment. It is not the responsibility of government to provide results.
This isn't racism. It's anarchy, mindless vandalism, sheer criminality and wilful violence. We are now seeing the results of bleeding heart liberalism. Those who destroyed discipline in this country and replaced it with political correctness.

...and students who believe the world owes them a free ticket.


London riots: From Hackney to Brixton Twitter and Blackberry help looters co-ordinate raids | Mail Online

Racism is a part of the equation, look at what is targeted.

It's anarchy, mindless vandalism, sheer criminality and willful violence.
Why exclude Racism?
Why the Mass Attacks?
To what end? What is being served here?
What Justice is being served?
Strange. I didn't have you down as a supporter of racism!

I'm not, nor do I dismiss logical ideas from people I disagree with. Tank is rather outspoken when it comes to race relations. In many cases, I agree with him despite his poor choice of words.
Very rarely is Tank flat out wrong. Is he a racist or a pragmatist? Hard for me to judge.
You obviously do see him as racist and automatically reject anything he says based on that assessment.

Yes I do, when he puts this situation down to blacks. A quick review of the available photography shows the rioters are both black and white, but it suits his particular agenda to ignore that fact.

Oh come off it, Colin. Let's be honest with ourselves, eh? I'll grant you that the more this spreads to areas that are less predominantly black, the baton will be picked-up by thugs of whatever creed. But at the moment, however hard it is for you to swallow, the looters causing all the destruction across London are mainly black. I'm here, and I'm seeing it with my own eyes. They're mostly black, get over it.
So now it's government's responsibility to provide role models? It's an individual choice to adopt a role model These kids have the choice of emulating productive, inspiring people, or thugs. They have chosen thugs

That would only be true if we were all born into roughly the same environment with the roughly the same opportunities. Modern societies do not provide that.

You are showing very little knowledge of these areas.

As opposed to what? Could you be more full of shit?

I wasn't opposing it to anything. You think you can compare people brought up in the New Town of Edinburgh with people brought up from the moment they are born on an estate with drugs and guns and gangs. You can't. Clearly the likely adult life of the person brought up in Edinburgh New Town will be one of the professions and the likely adult life of someone brought up in a crime estate is crime. Your believe that they both have the same choice is erroneous

and if you want, a lack of knowledge of psychology, sociology, political sociology, history, criminology and no doubt a great deal more
yeah... like deporting.

Most of the rioters are not immigrants, Sy. They are British. Deport them to where? Fortunately, the government appears to be quite hard on rioters. Those arrested during the student riots got prison time.... and not just a month or two. :clap2: Over 500 were arrested last night. I hope they come down as hard on them.

Oh i am not saying they are all immigrants.... ekrem thinks British money should be put to better use at home in Brittan.... I think it should be used to deport the illegals. :eusa_whistle:

I hope they all get some good hard time..and if they are underage.. both the kid and the parents get hard time.

Admittedly, there is a significant problem here with illegal immigrants, and they should deport them. But the EU HRA (Human Rights Act) ties Britain's hands somewhat in that regard. Stupid bullshit HRA.

Personally, I think those caught and convicted should be made to put right the vandalism as part of their sentence, and should be made to pay - financially - for the damage to private homes and businesses. They can spend the rest of their miserable lives paying off their debt to society.... with cash.... and, until every penny is repaid, they should lose any welfare.

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