London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

yeah as his people had to throw plastic chairs at the terrorists last night to

protect themselves while the first responding (unarmed) police hid

what a fucking great lifestyle to offer

If a few of the people would have had a gun as soon as those Killer Kebabs got out of that vehicle they'd have been dealt with.

One man was throwing bottles at them as they stabbed a woman 15 times, bottles.

They need a Glock 19 not bottles. A Glock 19 and a headshot. End of.
I heard people were throwing bar stools to try to defend themselves.

Time for civilization to arm themselves, the barbarians are inside the gates.

People have a human right to defend themselves against savages, defend themselves and their family and their friends and any other people who are around during these barbaric situations.

As I said a few people each with a gun would have immediately prevented what happened after those POS got out of the vehicle.

Of course it's more difficult to prevent them mowing people down with the vehicle, but even then if you witnessed that and you had a gun and were a good shot you could blow the driver of the vehicle away and hopefully prevent a longer drawn out mowing down.

I read the other day that the British authorities have 25,000 Radical Islamists on a Watch List, WTF what are they watching them for, these are dangerous and psychopathic individuals, instead of now watching them they should mass arrest them, get them off the streets and incarcerate them, if there's not enough room in whatever high security prisons they have, they should put them out to sea in prison ships.

If you have mad dogs with rabies running around you don't let them run around, you get them off the street.
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
Being nice to these people and letting them in is what is making us less safe.
There are millions of them that believe that the only way for there to be real peace in the world is to either kill or convert everyone on the planet to Islam.
Those they need for slaves need not convert, because they cannot make slaves of Muslims.....but they will hold the knife over their heads until they decide to kill them as well.
Yet even inside Muslim controlled nations they murder each other with zeal for simple fun.
people had to throw plastic chairs at the terrorists last night to
protect themselves

Police are proffering charges against those people for criminal assault with plastic furniture (Crimes Act s77, p21)
yeah as his people had to throw plastic chairs at the terrorists last night to

protect themselves while the first responding (unarmed) police hid

what a fucking great lifestyle to offer

If a few of the people would have had a gun as soon as those Killer Kebabs got out of that vehicle they'd have been dealt with.

One man was throwing bottles at them as they stabbed a woman 15 times, bottles.

They need a Glock 19 not bottles. A Glock 19 and a headshot. End of.
I heard people were throwing bar stools to try to defend themselves.

Time for civilization to arm themselves, the barbarians are inside the gates.

People have a human right to defend themselves against savages, defend themselves and their family and their friends and any other people who are around during these barbaric situations.

As I said a few people each with a gun would have immediately prevented what happened after those POS got out of the vehicle.

Of course it's more difficult to prevent them mowing people down with the vehicle, but even then if you witnessed that and you had a gun and were a good shot you could blow the driver of the vehicle away and hopefully prevent a longer drawn out mowing down.

I read the other day that the British authorities have 25,000 Radical Islamists on a Watch List, WTF what are they watching them for, these are dangerous and psychopathic individuals, instead of now watching them they should mass arrest them, get them off the streets and incarcerate them, if there's not enough room in whatever high security prisons they have, they should put them out to sea in prison ships.

If you have mad dogs with rabies running around you don't let them run around, you get them off the street.
When I was in London a few years ago I was rather shocked at the large Muslim population. UK is lost, it is Airstrip One now.
Perhaps the muzzie filth should realize they have attacked America....maybe that's why we don't want them here
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

That sounds like the Kebab is threatening something, he's probably got a hotline to ISIS.

Um so the British have tons of Kebabs in Britain and Britain is now under seige and has had two Islamic Terrorist attacks in less than two weeks and the people don't know when the next one will happen. Why is Britain getting attacked....why is France getting attacked when they've let tons of Kebabs in?

The Kebab Mayor is devoid of logic being a Leftist, but being a Kebab his comments sound like he's threatening America.
------------------------------------------------------ threatening and fighting words to me , sounds like the muslim is trying to order ME , an American about . Trump seems American to me , hopefully he also understand the muslims insult Lucy !!
CNN this morning was saying the Brits need to "give Muslims the tools they need to fight the problem from within" and then went on praising London's Muslim culture.
That is exactly what they were talking about TODAY.

If you think of CNN has a branch of Islam, it all makes sense.
What I want to know is why does London care whether or not America accepts immigrants? I think they have their own problems to worry about without being like nosy neighbors. Perhaps it's time they mind their own business for a change? We kicked them out a very long time ago. Lol.
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
Being nice to these people and letting them in is what is making us less safe.
There are millions of them that believe that the only way for there to be real peace in the world is to either kill or convert everyone on the planet to Islam.
Those they need for slaves need not convert, because they cannot make slaves of Muslims.....but they will hold the knife over their heads until they decide to kill them as well.
Yet even inside Muslim controlled nations they murder each other with zeal for simple fun.

That's also why they shouldn't be in Western nations.
The devout Muslim will always put Islam first. True for any religion but in this case it's dangerous for others. The asshole mayor should be ashamed of what is brethren did instead of threatening us. Thank God Hillary is not president.

Yes....fortunately Hillary is not President...for now.
Sadly, you can rest assured it won't be long before the left regains control and pushes aside any and all common sense protections for America and demands the gates be opened and start shipping masses of Middle Eastern immigrants into the USA. It's coming again.
Unlike the left does, the right won't stand in the way. The right is passive, silent.....which is why it's situation is deteriorating rapidly IMO.

We're in a bubble right now under which the right managed to get a Pro-American President in the White House.
It won't last long. Too many illegals already here....too many liberal judges and political powers in the pockets of the globalists/elitists, too much corruption, too many idiot emotional snowflakes.

Don't thin your means of self defense just yet. Just know the push to make you helpless will return in spades soon. Get prepared.
Trump is a very temporary reprieve.
We also need to introduce more piranhas to our fish tanks.

It will guarantee the safety of the guppies, you know.
What I want to know is why does London care whether or not America accepts immigrants? I think they have their own problems to worry about without being like nosy neighbors. Perhaps it's time they mind their own business for a change? We kicked them out a very long time ago. Lol.

It's The Agenda Chris, the whole of the Western world is being told it must accept unlimited amounts of Kebabs and other Third Worlders or else we're just racist bigots.

Well better to be a racist bigot than to be slaughtered on the streets.

Fuck Islam. Fuck the Paedophile Mohammed. Fuck the UN. Fuck the EU. Fuck the MSM. Fuck Multiculturalism.
"give Muslims the tools they need to fight the problem from within"

While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
“Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

Recent events have proven that mayor wrong

He's a Far Leftist they are always wrong about everything.

If Tony Blair had not have opened the floodgates to millions of Kebabs and other Third Worlders and they didn't in London now have nearly 14% of them Muslim and 10% of them Black and 34% of them born outside of England, then the Pakistani Mayor wouldn't have been elected.

This is why Leftists import all these Third Worlders, they sign them up to vote for them, well also who knows how many times this crowd are voting, Leftists are known throughout the world for rigging elections, usually via the postal vote, which is why postal voting should be prohibited except for elderly people and people with some disability which means they physically cannot go and vote on the day of the election.
-------------------------------- the problem is MUSLIMS imported into the west .
Someone needs to ask him how that policy is working out for him.
Not very well it appears. Londoners elected this fool, they got more than they bargained for.

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