London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

people had to throw plastic chairs at the terrorists last night to
protect themselves

Police are proffering charges against those people for criminal assault with plastic furniture (Crimes Act s77, p21)

that is common is such fascist places

many have gone to jail or been convicted

for defending themselves or family

in their own homes using ordinary kitchen utensils
In order to take my guns they will have to kill me.
What I want to know is why does London care whether or not America accepts immigrants? I think they have their own problems to worry about without being like nosy neighbors. Perhaps it's time they mind their own business for a change? We kicked them out a very long time ago. Lol.

Dang skippy!
It doesn't seem to be working out very well for them. Lol.

No, what's happening over there is what would happen here if everyone was disarmed and leftists ran everything.

Chances of that happening= nil.

The UK has been going down that rabbit hole for nearly 30 years now, I doubt they'll ever recover, barring a bloody citizen uprising.
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"give Muslims the tools they need to fight the problem from within"

Problem is....these weapons will only end up in the hands of terrorists.....Because too many moderates are quietly in support of the violence.
What I want to know is why does London care whether or not America accepts immigrants? I think they have their own problems to worry about without being like nosy neighbors. Perhaps it's time they mind their own business for a change? We kicked them out a very long time ago. Lol.

That is the issue, every country sticks their noses into to others business. The mayor of London has had another terror attack and he still has no clue.
islam IS the problem. Until the world stops the pc bullshit, comes together and denounces this 'religion', the islamic terrorism will continue. They claim there are 'moderate' muslims. Oh? Where are they? Where are the tens of thousands 'moderates' (moderate, the ones who don't believe in killing infidels, etc) marching in protest of the radicals that are giving islam a bad name? Silence is consent. islam must reform from within or be wiped off the face of the earth. There is no middle ground.
------------------------------------------------- my concern is that Western governments will bow to 'islam' as they figure that they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive . After all , the elites in Western governments stand for nothing and they live seperate lives from most Americans and Westerners . The Western elites will continue to live seperate wealthy lives no matter who populates the Western worlds land masses Zoom !!

"they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive ."

Well also because the brainwashing says that Western values and traditions are racist, because of Colonialism and The Slave Trade.

I mean if you say I'm proud of my Culture and Heritage and I want to protect and preserve my Culture and Heritage for future generations you get called racist.

Everyone on this planet is allowed to protect and be proud of their Culture and Heritage EXCEPT for White Christian Westerners and yet it's OUR Ancestors who gave birth to Civilisation itself and brought the world out of The Dark Ages, why should we be ashamed? We shouldn't we should be proud of our Culture and Heritage and we should if need be be willing to die to protect and preserve it for future generations.
islam IS the problem. Until the world stops the pc bullshit, comes together and denounces this 'religion', the islamic terrorism will continue. They claim there are 'moderate' muslims. Oh? Where are they? Where are the tens of thousands 'moderates' (moderate, the ones who don't believe in killing infidels, etc) marching in protest of the radicals that are giving islam a bad name? Silence is consent. islam must reform from within or be wiped off the face of the earth. There is no middle ground.
------------------------------------------------- my concern is that Western governments will bow to 'islam' as they figure that they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive . After all , the elites in Western governments stand for nothing and they live seperate lives from most Americans and Westerners . The Western elites will continue to live seperate wealthy lives no matter who populates the Western worlds land masses Zoom !!

"they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive ."

Well also because the brainwashing says that Western values and traditions are racist, because of Colonialism and The Slave Trade.

I mean if you say I'm proud of my Culture and Heritage and I want to protect and preserve my Culture and Heritage for future generations you get called racist.

Everyone on this planet is allowed to protect and be proud of their Culture and Heritage EXCEPT for White Christian Westerners and yet it's OUR Ancestors who gave birth to Civilisation itself and brought the world out of The Dark Ages, why should we be ashamed? We shouldn't we should be proud of our Culture and Heritage and we should if need be be willing to die to protect and preserve it for future generations.
The thing that created the Dark Ages was western civilization..You notice that the rest of the world was not having a dark age after the fall of Rome.
What I want to know is why does London care whether or not America accepts immigrants? I think they have their own problems to worry about without being like nosy neighbors. Perhaps it's time they mind their own business for a change? We kicked them out a very long time ago. Lol.

That is the issue, every country sticks their noses into to others business. The mayor of London has had another terror attack and he still has no clue.

Don't worry the BBC - Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation - will have some um moderate Iman on babbling about how this has nothing to do with Islam because Islam is a religion of peace :rolleyes-41:

I listened to some of the BBC News coverage of last nights latest barbarism and the reporting was pathetic. Whoever the host of the programme was, some woman, she and everyone she brought on to speak were talking very carefully and you knew they were all talking very carefully because they had to think before they said anything because they were all terrified of saying something that some Politically Correct Snowflake or the Kebabs would be offended by.

WTF I think it's grotesquely offensive slaughtering people by mowing them down with a vehicle and then stabbing as many people as possible, I think it's grotesquely offensive walking into a music venue with a suicide bomb and blowing up children and teenagers.

So who cares if some Politically Correct Snowflake or the Kebabs are offended by calling this exactly what it is:

Islamic Terrorism, slaughtering Westerners on the streets in the name of Islam and for the praise of Allah.
islam IS the problem. Until the world stops the pc bullshit, comes together and denounces this 'religion', the islamic terrorism will continue. They claim there are 'moderate' muslims. Oh? Where are they? Where are the tens of thousands 'moderates' (moderate, the ones who don't believe in killing infidels, etc) marching in protest of the radicals that are giving islam a bad name? Silence is consent. islam must reform from within or be wiped off the face of the earth. There is no middle ground.
------------------------------------------------- my concern is that Western governments will bow to 'islam' as they figure that they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive . After all , the elites in Western governments stand for nothing and they live seperate lives from most Americans and Westerners . The Western elites will continue to live seperate wealthy lives no matter who populates the Western worlds land masses Zoom !!

"they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive ."

Well also because the brainwashing says that Western values and traditions are racist, because of Colonialism and The Slave Trade.

I mean if you say I'm proud of my Culture and Heritage and I want to protect and preserve my Culture and Heritage for future generations you get called racist.

Everyone on this planet is allowed to protect and be proud of their Culture and Heritage EXCEPT for White Christian Westerners and yet it's OUR Ancestors who gave birth to Civilisation itself and brought the world out of The Dark Ages, why should we be ashamed? We shouldn't we should be proud of our Culture and Heritage and we should if need be be willing to die to protect and preserve it for future generations.
The thing that created the Dark Ages was western civilization..You notice that the rest of the world was not having a dark age after the fall of Rome.

So Western Civilisation is wrong?
islam IS the problem. Until the world stops the pc bullshit, comes together and denounces this 'religion', the islamic terrorism will continue. They claim there are 'moderate' muslims. Oh? Where are they? Where are the tens of thousands 'moderates' (moderate, the ones who don't believe in killing infidels, etc) marching in protest of the radicals that are giving islam a bad name? Silence is consent. islam must reform from within or be wiped off the face of the earth. There is no middle ground.
------------------------------------------------- my concern is that Western governments will bow to 'islam' as they figure that they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive . After all , the elites in Western governments stand for nothing and they live seperate lives from most Americans and Westerners . The Western elites will continue to live seperate wealthy lives no matter who populates the Western worlds land masses Zoom !!

"they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive ."

Well also because the brainwashing says that Western values and traditions are racist, because of Colonialism and The Slave Trade.

I mean if you say I'm proud of my Culture and Heritage and I want to protect and preserve my Culture and Heritage for future generations you get called racist.

Everyone on this planet is allowed to protect and be proud of their Culture and Heritage EXCEPT for White Christian Westerners and yet it's OUR Ancestors who gave birth to Civilisation itself and brought the world out of The Dark Ages, why should we be ashamed? We shouldn't we should be proud of our Culture and Heritage and we should if need be be willing to die to protect and preserve it for future generations.
The thing that created the Dark Ages was western civilization..You notice that the rest of the world was not having a dark age after the fall of Rome.

So Western Civilisation is wrong?
Wrong about what?
What I want to know is why does London care whether or not America accepts immigrants? I think they have their own problems to worry about without being like nosy neighbors. Perhaps it's time they mind their own business for a change? We kicked them out a very long time ago. Lol.

That is the issue, every country sticks their noses into to others business. The mayor of London has had another terror attack and he still has no clue.
-------------------------- course he knows whats going on and he is most likely a supporter of whats going on or he would be an Apostate muslim Papa !!=
islam IS the problem. Until the world stops the pc bullshit, comes together and denounces this 'religion', the islamic terrorism will continue. They claim there are 'moderate' muslims. Oh? Where are they? Where are the tens of thousands 'moderates' (moderate, the ones who don't believe in killing infidels, etc) marching in protest of the radicals that are giving islam a bad name? Silence is consent. islam must reform from within or be wiped off the face of the earth. There is no middle ground.
------------------------------------------------- my concern is that Western governments will bow to 'islam' as they figure that they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive . After all , the elites in Western governments stand for nothing and they live seperate lives from most Americans and Westerners . The Western elites will continue to live seperate wealthy lives no matter who populates the Western worlds land masses Zoom !!

"they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive ."

Well also because the brainwashing says that Western values and traditions are racist, because of Colonialism and The Slave Trade.

I mean if you say I'm proud of my Culture and Heritage and I want to protect and preserve my Culture and Heritage for future generations you get called racist.

Everyone on this planet is allowed to protect and be proud of their Culture and Heritage EXCEPT for White Christian Westerners and yet it's OUR Ancestors who gave birth to Civilisation itself and brought the world out of The Dark Ages, why should we be ashamed? We shouldn't we should be proud of our Culture and Heritage and we should if need be be willing to die to protect and preserve it for future generations.
The thing that created the Dark Ages was western civilization..You notice that the rest of the world was not having a dark age after the fall of Rome.
What created the Dark Ages was the downfall of the Roman Empire. The world lost the one thing that kept them under control. For centuries they were under the thumb of a Totalitarian government that subjugated the other societies at the same time they kept the crazies in check. After Rome fell everything went to shit. Same thing in the Middle-East. Dictators run everything, but remove them and all they have is their religion. A religion that teaches them that the only way to world peace is by spilling blood.
islam IS the problem. Until the world stops the pc bullshit, comes together and denounces this 'religion', the islamic terrorism will continue. They claim there are 'moderate' muslims. Oh? Where are they? Where are the tens of thousands 'moderates' (moderate, the ones who don't believe in killing infidels, etc) marching in protest of the radicals that are giving islam a bad name? Silence is consent. islam must reform from within or be wiped off the face of the earth. There is no middle ground.
------------------------------------------------- my concern is that Western governments will bow to 'islam' as they figure that they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive . After all , the elites in Western governments stand for nothing and they live seperate lives from most Americans and Westerners . The Western elites will continue to live seperate wealthy lives no matter who populates the Western worlds land masses Zoom !!

"they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive ."

Well also because the brainwashing says that Western values and traditions are racist, because of Colonialism and The Slave Trade.

I mean if you say I'm proud of my Culture and Heritage and I want to protect and preserve my Culture and Heritage for future generations you get called racist.

Everyone on this planet is allowed to protect and be proud of their Culture and Heritage EXCEPT for White Christian Westerners and yet it's OUR Ancestors who gave birth to Civilisation itself and brought the world out of The Dark Ages, why should we be ashamed? We shouldn't we should be proud of our Culture and Heritage and we should if need be be willing to die to protect and preserve it for future generations.
The thing that created the Dark Ages was western civilization..You notice that the rest of the world was not having a dark age after the fall of Rome.
What created the Dark Ages was the downfall of the Roman Empire. The world lost the one thing that kept them under control. For centuries they were under the thumb of a Totalitarian government that subjugated the other societies at the same time they kept the crazies in check. After Rome fell everything went to shit. Same thing in the Middle-East. Dictators run everything, but remove them and all they have is their religion. A religion that teaches them that the only way to world peace is by spilling blood.
--------------------------------------------------------- that what i always wondered about , Rome or Western civ dominated the world long before muslim savagery came along in the 6th or 7th century BC didn't it Mudwhistle ??
islam IS the problem. Until the world stops the pc bullshit, comes together and denounces this 'religion', the islamic terrorism will continue. They claim there are 'moderate' muslims. Oh? Where are they? Where are the tens of thousands 'moderates' (moderate, the ones who don't believe in killing infidels, etc) marching in protest of the radicals that are giving islam a bad name? Silence is consent. islam must reform from within or be wiped off the face of the earth. There is no middle ground.
------------------------------------------------- my concern is that Western governments will bow to 'islam' as they figure that they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive . After all , the elites in Western governments stand for nothing and they live seperate lives from most Americans and Westerners . The Western elites will continue to live seperate wealthy lives no matter who populates the Western worlds land masses Zoom !!

"they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive ."

Well also because the brainwashing says that Western values and traditions are racist, because of Colonialism and The Slave Trade.

I mean if you say I'm proud of my Culture and Heritage and I want to protect and preserve my Culture and Heritage for future generations you get called racist.

Everyone on this planet is allowed to protect and be proud of their Culture and Heritage EXCEPT for White Christian Westerners and yet it's OUR Ancestors who gave birth to Civilisation itself and brought the world out of The Dark Ages, why should we be ashamed? We shouldn't we should be proud of our Culture and Heritage and we should if need be be willing to die to protect and preserve it for future generations.
The thing that created the Dark Ages was western civilization..You notice that the rest of the world was not having a dark age after the fall of Rome.
What created the Dark Ages was the downfall of the Roman Empire. The world lost the one thing that kept them under control. For centuries they were under the thumb of a Totalitarian government that subjugated the other societies at the same time they kept the crazies in check. After Rome fell everything went to shit. Same thing in the Middle-East. Dictators run everything, but remove them and all they have is their religion. A religion that teaches them that the only way to world peace is by spilling blood.
Rome was Christian for half of it's empire, they had no qualms over shedding blood...
islam IS the problem. Until the world stops the pc bullshit, comes together and denounces this 'religion', the islamic terrorism will continue. They claim there are 'moderate' muslims. Oh? Where are they? Where are the tens of thousands 'moderates' (moderate, the ones who don't believe in killing infidels, etc) marching in protest of the radicals that are giving islam a bad name? Silence is consent. islam must reform from within or be wiped off the face of the earth. There is no middle ground.
------------------------------------------------- my concern is that Western governments will bow to 'islam' as they figure that they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive . After all , the elites in Western governments stand for nothing and they live seperate lives from most Americans and Westerners . The Western elites will continue to live seperate wealthy lives no matter who populates the Western worlds land masses Zoom !!

"they don't want to fight for Western values and traditions because its too expensive ."

Well also because the brainwashing says that Western values and traditions are racist, because of Colonialism and The Slave Trade.

I mean if you say I'm proud of my Culture and Heritage and I want to protect and preserve my Culture and Heritage for future generations you get called racist.

Everyone on this planet is allowed to protect and be proud of their Culture and Heritage EXCEPT for White Christian Westerners and yet it's OUR Ancestors who gave birth to Civilisation itself and brought the world out of The Dark Ages, why should we be ashamed? We shouldn't we should be proud of our Culture and Heritage and we should if need be be willing to die to protect and preserve it for future generations.
The thing that created the Dark Ages was western civilization..You notice that the rest of the world was not having a dark age after the fall of Rome.
What created the Dark Ages was the downfall of the Roman Empire. The world lost the one thing that kept them under control. For centuries they were under the thumb of a Totalitarian government that subjugated the other societies at the same time they kept the crazies in check. After Rome fell everything went to shit. Same thing in the Middle-East. Dictators run everything, but remove them and all they have is their religion. A religion that teaches them that the only way to world peace is by spilling blood.
Rome was Christian for half of it's empire, they had no qualms over shedding blood...

a lot of the blood they shed was Christian
thats not my question , my thinking is that the Roman murderers evolved or moderated to being less murdererous [Christianized] and also that the Roman civ or Western civ was far more advanced than the muslims that only came along in the 6th or 7th century Moonglow .
Did the mayor think because he was a Muslim mayor that his city would be spared?

That is really naive thinking and maybe London need a mayor that can deal with the issue.
And just because it's so much fun to watch....

Here's Britain's Socialist-in-Chief going into this week's election on a platform of open immigration.
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
I'd like to take a dump on this ass clowns face, and then stomp it in... just sayin'...

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