Long live the F/A -18

F-35 Rising: The Pentagon's Biggest Weapon Program Made Major Progress In 2015

I amso IR states; I post this article from FORBES Magazine which released the article today, Dec 21, 2015. It is for all of the "Nay" sayer's concerning the F35 JSF. The F35 is really real and is the fighter of the future. Bring on all deniers and read and weep. As for Russia and China, continue to march, you have a long way to do so. Too bad you don't have pockets deep enough. The United States has the best suite of aircraft in the world today with the F35, F22 and the Legacy fighters. And will soon be joined by the last of long range bombers, "Nay" sayer's be damned!

If all that is true, then why does Paul Ryan keep screaming that Obama has decimated the military and that the GOP is the ones that will rebuild it?
I amso IR responds.
As important as the F35 is, it is only a part of the military. Low manpower and and older equipment do more to damage the force than any other factor. Sequestering did most of the damage. That and it is an election year. The standard battle cry of Republicans/Democrats during a presidential election is always, "the other party gutted the military". I note you are a "sailor guy". Look at all the new boats the Navy is receiving. A carrier with one more on the way, new Destroyers named for "Zummie", and a sack full of shallow water boats. What more could the Navy want than new boats to play with?

Exactly my point. If the military is getting all these new goodies, why is the GOP saying that Obama has decimated the military?

I amso IR responds:

BikerSailor, the best I can offer for your question is what I stated above. It is an Presidential election year and the party hoping to take the White House, the Repubs, always say the Dems have destroyed the military which is the same thing Dems say when they want to regain the White House. Fact and truth mean nothing during a Presidential campaign and simply get in the way. The average civilian has no clue as to what is going on with our military nor do they want to hear anything except, "the other guys broke it". I am on your side biker and stand with you as retired(?) military. We are in this thing together, have served, and I am proud of that fact. Have a wonderful Navy day. :banana:
F-35 Rising: The Pentagon's Biggest Weapon Program Made Major Progress In 2015

I amso IR states; I post this article from FORBES Magazine which released the article today, Dec 21, 2015. It is for all of the "Nay" sayer's concerning the F35 JSF. The F35 is really real and is the fighter of the future. Bring on all deniers and read and weep. As for Russia and China, continue to march, you have a long way to do so. Too bad you don't have pockets deep enough. The United States has the best suite of aircraft in the world today with the F35, F22 and the Legacy fighters. And will soon be joined by the last of long range bombers, "Nay" sayer's be damned!

Good points. The only F-18 that can't be replaced for a few years is the EF-18G Growler. And that is in the mix, just too soon. Even the AF has a detachment of EA-18Gs assigned to them. The Growler is a true jammer and can disrupt radar all across the board. But the F-35 is due to get that equipment at a later date.

I amso IR responds:

Hello Daryl. I am a grunt and always have been. The one thing about the F14 which grabbed my attention, right off the bat, was the wing root of that beast. I have no idea how many "G's" that thing could survive but it had to be a sackful. That is the most solid wing root I have looked at in a while and they do not build some thing like that for the fun of it.
F-35 Rising: The Pentagon's Biggest Weapon Program Made Major Progress In 2015

I amso IR states; I post this article from FORBES Magazine which released the article today, Dec 21, 2015. It is for all of the "Nay" sayer's concerning the F35 JSF. The F35 is really real and is the fighter of the future. Bring on all deniers and read and weep. As for Russia and China, continue to march, you have a long way to do so. Too bad you don't have pockets deep enough. The United States has the best suite of aircraft in the world today with the F35, F22 and the Legacy fighters. And will soon be joined by the last of long range bombers, "Nay" sayer's be damned!

Good points. The only F-18 that can't be replaced for a few years is the EF-18G Growler. And that is in the mix, just too soon. Even the AF has a detachment of EA-18Gs assigned to them. The Growler is a true jammer and can disrupt radar all across the board. But the F-35 is due to get that equipment at a later date.

I amso IR responds:

Hello Daryl. I am a grunt and always have been. The one thing about the F14 which grabbed my attention, right off the bat, was the wing root of that beast. I have no idea how many "G's" that thing could survive but it had to be a sackful. That is the most solid wing root I have looked at in a while and they do not build some thing like that for the fun of it.

Most aircraft are built to withstand up to 10 G's, since that is the absolute limit that most pilots can take. I remember one time while we were on detachment in Key West, one of our pilots earned a new callsign............."Snatch". Seems that when he was doing his dogfight, he decided to push the aircraft further than it was supposed to go. He hit 10 G's, won the fight, but ended up coming back with panels missing off of the aircraft. They called him Snatch because he appeared to be trying to pull the joystick out of the floor.

Interesting thing about the F-14............did you know that in the early 90's, FA-18 outfits were traveling up to Oceana to teach them how to drop bombs? Our outfit (VFA-131) was one of the first squadrons that taught them. And, you're right, the F-14 is a very impressive platform. Ever watch one launch at night in full afterburner from a carrier? One of the neatest things I ever saw.

BTW.....................Yeah, I retired back in 2002 as a PN1. What was your rate?
F-35 Rising: The Pentagon's Biggest Weapon Program Made Major Progress In 2015

I amso IR states; I post this article from FORBES Magazine which released the article today, Dec 21, 2015. It is for all of the "Nay" sayer's concerning the F35 JSF. The F35 is really real and is the fighter of the future. Bring on all deniers and read and weep. As for Russia and China, continue to march, you have a long way to do so. Too bad you don't have pockets deep enough. The United States has the best suite of aircraft in the world today with the F35, F22 and the Legacy fighters. And will soon be joined by the last of long range bombers, "Nay" sayer's be damned!

Good points. The only F-18 that can't be replaced for a few years is the EF-18G Growler. And that is in the mix, just too soon. Even the AF has a detachment of EA-18Gs assigned to them. The Growler is a true jammer and can disrupt radar all across the board. But the F-35 is due to get that equipment at a later date.

I amso IR responds:

Hello Daryl. I am a grunt and always have been. The one thing about the F14 which grabbed my attention, right off the bat, was the wing root of that beast. I have no idea how many "G's" that thing could survive but it had to be a sackful. That is the most solid wing root I have looked at in a while and they do not build some thing like that for the fun of it.

Most aircraft are built to withstand up to 10 G's, since that is the absolute limit that most pilots can take. I remember one time while we were on detachment in Key West, one of our pilots earned a new callsign............."Snatch". Seems that when he was doing his dogfight, he decided to push the aircraft further than it was supposed to go. He hit 10 G's, won the fight, but ended up coming back with panels missing off of the aircraft. They called him Snatch because he appeared to be trying to pull the joystick out of the floor.

Interesting thing about the F-14............did you know that in the early 90's, FA-18 outfits were traveling up to Oceana to teach them how to drop bombs? Our outfit (VFA-131) was one of the first squadrons that taught them. And, you're right, the F-14 is a very impressive platform. Ever watch one launch at night in full afterburner from a carrier? One of the neatest things I ever saw.

BTW.....................Yeah, I retired back in 2002 as a PN1. What was your rate?
F-35 Rising: The Pentagon's Biggest Weapon Program Made Major Progress In 2015

I amso IR states; I post this article from FORBES Magazine which released the article today, Dec 21, 2015. It is for all of the "Nay" sayer's concerning the F35 JSF. The F35 is really real and is the fighter of the future. Bring on all deniers and read and weep. As for Russia and China, continue to march, you have a long way to do so. Too bad you don't have pockets deep enough. The United States has the best suite of aircraft in the world today with the F35, F22 and the Legacy fighters. And will soon be joined by the last of long range bombers, "Nay" sayer's be damned!

Good points. The only F-18 that can't be replaced for a few years is the EF-18G Growler. And that is in the mix, just too soon. Even the AF has a detachment of EA-18Gs assigned to them. The Growler is a true jammer and can disrupt radar all across the board. But the F-35 is due to get that equipment at a later date.

I amso IR responds:

Hello Daryl. I am a grunt and always have been. The one thing about the F14 which grabbed my attention, right off the bat, was the wing root of that beast. I have no idea how many "G's" that thing could survive but it had to be a sackful. That is the most solid wing root I have looked at in a while and they do not build some thing like that for the fun of it.

Most aircraft are built to withstand up to 10 G's, since that is the absolute limit that most pilots can take. I remember one time while we were on detachment in Key West, one of our pilots earned a new callsign............."Snatch". Seems that when he was doing his dogfight, he decided to push the aircraft further than it was supposed to go. He hit 10 G's, won the fight, but ended up coming back with panels missing off of the aircraft. They called him Snatch because he appeared to be trying to pull the joystick out of the floor.

Interesting thing about the F-14............did you know that in the early 90's, FA-18 outfits were traveling up to Oceana to teach them how to drop bombs? Our outfit (VFA-131) was one of the first squadrons that taught them. And, you're right, the F-14 is a very impressive platform. Ever watch one launch at night in full afterburner from a carrier? One of the neatest things I ever saw.

BTW.....................Yeah, I retired back in 2002 as a PN1. What was your rate?

I amso IR responds:

I retired in 1977 as
Eventually, the future belings to those who can make the most advanced UAV's, and have the best UAV pilots and systems. A new era has begun.








UAV long way from being able to dogfight...still nothing but a bus......put them in from of your fighters loaded with lots of missles and lock them on via datalink to tie up enemy fighters then follow on with yours while they are busy.....
F-35 Rising: The Pentagon's Biggest Weapon Program Made Major Progress In 2015

I amso IR states; I post this article from FORBES Magazine which released the article today, Dec 21, 2015. It is for all of the "Nay" sayer's concerning the F35 JSF. The F35 is really real and is the fighter of the future. Bring on all deniers and read and weep. As for Russia and China, continue to march, you have a long way to do so. Too bad you don't have pockets deep enough. The United States has the best suite of aircraft in the world today with the F35, F22 and the Legacy fighters. And will soon be joined by the last of long range bombers, "Nay" sayer's be damned!

Good points. The only F-18 that can't be replaced for a few years is the EF-18G Growler. And that is in the mix, just too soon. Even the AF has a detachment of EA-18Gs assigned to them. The Growler is a true jammer and can disrupt radar all across the board. But the F-35 is due to get that equipment at a later date.

I amso IR responds:

Hello Daryl. I am a grunt and always have been. The one thing about the F14 which grabbed my attention, right off the bat, was the wing root of that beast. I have no idea how many "G's" that thing could survive but it had to be a sackful. That is the most solid wing root I have looked at in a while and they do not build some thing like that for the fun of it.

Most aircraft are built to withstand up to 10 G's, since that is the absolute limit that most pilots can take. I remember one time while we were on detachment in Key West, one of our pilots earned a new callsign............."Snatch". Seems that when he was doing his dogfight, he decided to push the aircraft further than it was supposed to go. He hit 10 G's, won the fight, but ended up coming back with panels missing off of the aircraft. They called him Snatch because he appeared to be trying to pull the joystick out of the floor.

Interesting thing about the F-14............did you know that in the early 90's, FA-18 outfits were traveling up to Oceana to teach them how to drop bombs? Our outfit (VFA-131) was one of the first squadrons that taught them. And, you're right, the F-14 is a very impressive platform. Ever watch one launch at night in full afterburner from a carrier? One of the neatest things I ever saw.

BTW.....................Yeah, I retired back in 2002 as a PN1. What was your rate?

I amso IR responds:

I retired from the Army in November 1977. I retired as a 55Z5M which is an Ammunition Company First Sergeant. The closest I ever got to the Navy was on the USNS Upshur out of New York to Germany in 1960. Word had it that the USNS Upshur was a former oil exploration ship converted to haul troops over the North Atlantic during the winter months. She was small and could carry 1200 troops but of course they found room for 2000 with dependents and pets. Gawd awful trip! And every time she would dive below the waves and water covered the port holes in the galley where we had to stand to eat, the barf factor was always in progress. A 6th Fleet flat top would have been a God send. I have not been and will never get on a boat, again, as long as I live, period! The white hats thought it was funny, not me. Like I said above, I was very happy as a mud soldier. Woof, woof, woof, doggie, doggie, doggie !!
Funny, but I see a lot of the F14 in the F35. Compact, strong and agile. Built like a brick crapper. For Lockheed to compliment Grumman like that says a lot. Virtually the entire length of the 35 forms the wing root for the aircraft. When the F35 engine caught fire it was reported that the fire and heat never got into the cockpit. That tells you something right there, at least from my point of view. Kinda like the M1 Abrams main battle tank with the shielding of the ammo from the crew compartment. If the ammo in storage goes the crew is protected somewhat and if the crew goes the ammo is protected. Course the best answer is to be able to shoot the other guy before he can see and shoot you and both platforms do that well.
f-35 still not combat capable

You wish, "man", you wish. Go to post #22 and click on the Forbes reference at the top of the page, in red. You might learn something. Please notice that the F35 has 45000 test hours in the air, ahead of 2015 delivery requirements and is being flown overseas. The helmet is functional and the zillion symbol programs are a go. You lose, bubba, you lose, along with Russia and China. And like expensive cheese and wine, it only gets better with age. Read and weep!

Look at all that stealth hanging off external rails....nobody gonna see ya coming no siree

The beauty of fleet defense. You don't gotta be unseen cause the bad guy ain't there. You simply merge with the FA18's, allow the G's to jam the other guys way out yonder and everyone else has a turkey shoot. That is why it is called fleet defense. As Daryl has stated, not to far in the future the F35 will take on the 'Growler" role also. That's life I suppose, people and aircraft all become non productive at some point. The F35 is scheduled for 2065. Not to mention the Legacy series has not been ruled out of the equation. They are alive and well and continue to do their thing and as a reader of five military pubs daily, you are well aware a few are being tweaked to give an added dimension to this stealth thing. That will be of importance to the entire stealth program. "Oh ye of little faith". The crow is in the oven and browning nicely.
Eventually, the future belings to those who can make the most advanced UAV's, and have the best UAV pilots and systems. A new era has begun.








UAV long way from being able to dogfight...still nothing but a bus......put them in from of your fighters loaded with lots of missles and lock them on via datalink to tie up enemy fighters then follow on with yours while they are busy.....

UAV's are fighter pilots operating the military aircraft remotely. They will soon replace the necessity of manned military warplanes. The technology of military UAV's is advancing so rapidly the fighter pilots are literally in the cockpit.

Laser-armed drone can think on its own and beat any fighter pilot

The US Navy is giving up on fighter pilots and turning to drones

F-35 and F-22 over budget – drones to take over aerial warfare? » MiGFlug.com Blog

Fighter UAVs

Supersonic Drones Can Outmaneuver Humans. So Why Do We Still Need Pilots? - Businessweek

Ex-US Navy fighter pilot MIT prof: Drones beat humans - I should know
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Technology is moving very fast, and we are almost there. Plus, we are not privy to the latest advances. Today's ace fighter pilots are tomorrow's ace drone fighter pilots. The controls are essentially the same, but it isn't as glamorous and macho as piloting a manned aircraft.

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