Longmont weather: Lowest temperature ever recorded in May

OP- that's weather, dimwit- and extreme weather is part of GW. 2012 was the hottest year in the history of the US, 9th hottest in the world (and the top 10 are all in the last 15 years)- that's climate.

Only the GOP and the dupes are this dumb- in the WORLD! Congratulations!

pub crap
Wow, one weather station had a record low on one day?

In your face, science. :eusa_whistle:

Two records broken in the last two weeks in Houston. DOH !!!

Don't be an idiot.

you need to take your own advice.......here is the test

IF the people who claim this shit, alter their behavior...then I'll consider altering mine...until then, they're full of shit and making a mint of dupes on this shit.........

1700s had a min ice age......1500s had a severe bought of heat.....this stuff happens.........quit with the knee jerk
Learn. It's not a frank luntz semantics but stay with what you will, it is Climate Change. Big difference.

More proof of global warming, folks!

Under clear skies and a snowy landscape, the temperature plunged to 14 degrees at Vance Brand Airport at 6:30 a.m. Thursday morning, smashing the previous record low for the date of 24, set in 1989.

The morning low is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Longmont during the month of May, according to Times-Call weather consultant Dave Larison. Previously, the lowest reading for the month was 18 degrees, set on May 1, 1989, and May 5, 1917.

Longmont weather: Lowest temperature ever recorded in May - Longmont Times-Call
I watched an interview of a guy from Lloyds of London, one of the world's biggest insurers, and he was asked if his company considered climate change a reality and was his company making adjustments in their business to account for it.

His answers were yes and yes.

That to me is as a good a testament as any to the fact of global warming.
I watched an interview of a guy from Lloyds of London, one of the world's biggest insurers, and he was asked if his company considered climate change a reality and was his company making adjustments in their business to account for it.

His answers were yes and yes.

That to me is as a good a testament as any to the fact of global warming.

yeah and he can raise premiums and make more money....good reason to......so is he stopping car usage and air travel? When he rides a bike everywhere, let me know
I watched an interview of a guy from Lloyds of London, one of the world's biggest insurers, and he was asked if his company considered climate change a reality and was his company making adjustments in their business to account for it.

His answers were yes and yes.

That to me is as a good a testament as any to the fact of global warming.

well no kidding, wonder if they changed the policy of an asteroid crashing on some ones head after the one that exploded over Russia.
I still think the man made climate folks was praying that they could fool us: for one they thought we fell asleep in 2nd grade science class. For two they thought we never went outside. for three they thought when we watched the news and seen that today broke a record as the hottest day since 1969 that we didnt know the U.S. weather records didnt go back no farther since 1914....... what tards and forth they want to tell us its happening to fast and we know the great Sahara desert went wet to dry in only 200 years. and 5th they try to defuse the argument by saying us reporting local weather dont mean shit when they in fact they use local weather reporting in before it was official with personal diarys and ship logs..... man made climate change? can kiss my ass.
More proof of global warming, folks!

Under clear skies and a snowy landscape, the temperature plunged to 14 degrees at Vance Brand Airport at 6:30 a.m. Thursday morning, smashing the previous record low for the date of 24, set in 1989.

The morning low is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Longmont during the month of May, according to Times-Call weather consultant Dave Larison. Previously, the lowest reading for the month was 18 degrees, set on May 1, 1989, and May 5, 1917.

Longmont weather: Lowest temperature ever recorded in May - Longmont Times-Call

Once again a member of the right wing demonstrates his completely lack of ability to understand the word "global" or "climate".
Don't be an idiot.

see you have your tail between your legs with that post.

Yeah dude, ya got me... :rolleyes:

Don't be an idiot.

and again thats all your asshat brain can come up with? just "dont be an idiot" you sound like your "god" Al Bore that says the debate of man made global climate change is over because the tard says so....... at least give me links or something. fucking try me, if man made climate change is a fact? I will run circles around you and confuse the shit out of you with links. go ahead and try me. wanted to see if some one can out debate me on the man made climate change hoax.
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I watched an interview of a guy from Lloyds of London, one of the world's biggest insurers, and he was asked if his company considered climate change a reality and was his company making adjustments in their business to account for it.

His answers were yes and yes.

That to me is as a good a testament as any to the fact of global warming.

yeah and he can raise premiums and make more money....good reason to......so is he stopping car usage and air travel? When he rides a bike everywhere, let me know

Are you always this stupid?
Geeze. What happened to Globa warming??

Thought we were all gonna die of heat??

Climat echange?? You bet.

I know...it's chilly which means research is invalidated


Scientists said the weather is hitting extremes and they thought that meant "hot".

OP- that's weather, dimwit- and extreme weather is part of GW. 2012 was the hottest year in the history of the US, 9th hottest in the world (and the top 10 are all in the last 15 years)- that's climate.

Only the GOP and the dupes are this dumb- in the WORLD! Congratulations!

Yep and the Pacific is cooling just like it did in the 50's, the Atlantic will soon follow and the over all temps will moderate. Climate like weather is cyclical, but that doesn't fit the narrative that governments need to exert more control over people so any who says this will be shit on.
see you have your tail between your legs with that post.

Yeah dude, ya got me... :rolleyes:

Don't be an idiot.

and again thats all your asshat brain can come up with? just "dont be an idiot" you sound like your "god" Al Bore that says the debate of man made global climate change is over because the tard says so....... at least give me links or something. fucking try me, if man made climate change is a fact? I will run circles around you and confuse the shit out of you with links. go ahead and try me. wanted to see if some one can out debate me on the man made climate change hoax.

K, so I'm an "asshat," "Al Bore" is my "God," and "Man made global warming" is a "hoax?" Have I got that right?

Son, if you fancy yourself a good debater, why not pick a subject that's currently under debate?
More proof of global warming, folks!

Under clear skies and a snowy landscape, the temperature plunged to 14 degrees at Vance Brand Airport at 6:30 a.m. Thursday morning, smashing the previous record low for the date of 24, set in 1989.

The morning low is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Longmont during the month of May, according to Times-Call weather consultant Dave Larison. Previously, the lowest reading for the month was 18 degrees, set on May 1, 1989, and May 5, 1917.

Longmont weather: Lowest temperature ever recorded in May - Longmont Times-Call

Once again a member of the right wing demonstrates his completely lack of ability to understand the word "global" or "climate".

Once again a lefty does not understand that global or climate, Mother Earth is going to do what she damn well pleases.

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