Longmont weather: Lowest temperature ever recorded in May

More proof of global warming, folks!

Under clear skies and a snowy landscape, the temperature plunged to 14 degrees at Vance Brand Airport at 6:30 a.m. Thursday morning, smashing the previous record low for the date of 24, set in 1989.

The morning low is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Longmont during the month of May, according to Times-Call weather consultant Dave Larison. Previously, the lowest reading for the month was 18 degrees, set on May 1, 1989, and May 5, 1917.

Longmont weather: Lowest temperature ever recorded in May - Longmont Times-Call

What a great thread!
so is this way Al Gore was acting like Richard Simmons on Sterrhoids earlier this week? did he claim that Global Warming is causing all of this winter weather in May?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxenUzZPFiQ]Brian Regan-Stupid in School - YouTube[/ame]

5:00 mark explains it all
I watched an interview of a guy from Lloyds of London, one of the world's biggest insurers, and he was asked if his company considered climate change a reality and was his company making adjustments in their business to account for it.

His answers were yes and yes.

That to me is as a good a testament as any to the fact of global warming.

Of course they would dumbass, they get to charge you more money and they have ZERO risk...global warming is an insurance mans wet dream and you suckers all fall for it.
More proof of global warming, folks!

Under clear skies and a snowy landscape, the temperature plunged to 14 degrees at Vance Brand Airport at 6:30 a.m. Thursday morning, smashing the previous record low for the date of 24, set in 1989.

The morning low is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Longmont during the month of May, according to Times-Call weather consultant Dave Larison. Previously, the lowest reading for the month was 18 degrees, set on May 1, 1989, and May 5, 1917.

Longmont weather: Lowest temperature ever recorded in May - Longmont Times-Call

Once again a member of the right wing demonstrates his completely lack of ability to understand the word "global" or "climate".

Why? He's merely following the globalwarmingclimatechangeglobalclimatedisruption players playbook. If you don't like the tactic don't use it.
Fires and Santa Anas in CA. Usually get in September.

Thanks to mans influence. Were man to leave the area alone the fires would shift back to the summer months....

Mediterranean/Chaparral Climate

Chaparral habitat covers only about 8.5 percent of California, and only ranges in elevation from near sea level to over 5,000' in Southern California, and up to 3,000' in Northern California. Yet, it is considered by many to be the most characteristic vegetative community of the state (Hanes 1987). This is especially true in Southern California. Chaparral communities experience long dry summers, and receive most of their annual precipitation, 10 to 32 inches per year, from Winter rains (Radtke 1983). Although chaparral is commonly referred to as one community there are two distinct types; hard chaparral and soft chaparral, more commonly referred to as chaparral and coastal sage scrub respectively.

It is commonly believed that fire has been an important component of chaparral communities for at least 2 million years; however, the true nature of the "fire cycle" has been subject to interpretation. In a period of 750 years, it generally thought that fire occurs once every 65 years in coastal drainages, and once every 30 to 35 years inland (Barro and Conard 1990). Many wildland blazes of the interior mountains of California are the cause of lightning; however, in the coastal ranges of the state, where coastal sage scrub is a dominant community, the "Catalina eddy" and marine influence create conditions where summer lightning rarely occurs (Radtke 1983). Despite the marine influence associated with the coastal range, lightning, or other nature causes, may still have played a major role in the creation of early to mid summer fires. Yet, with the advent of fire suppression, fires in this region now occur predominately between late fall and early winter, coinciding with the Santa Ana winds. These fires differ in intensity from the interior summer blazes as Santa Ana conditions result in lower than normal humidity levels and produce high wind speeds which further intensify a wildfire to a point where it produces its own weather conditions creating what is commonly referred to as "firestorm". These fires are often too intense to control until fuels are either consumed, weather conditions change, or the fire reaches the sea.

Natural History of Fire and Flood Cycles
More proof of global warming, folks!

Under clear skies and a snowy landscape, the temperature plunged to 14 degrees at Vance Brand Airport at 6:30 a.m. Thursday morning, smashing the previous record low for the date of 24, set in 1989.

The morning low is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Longmont during the month of May, according to Times-Call weather consultant Dave Larison. Previously, the lowest reading for the month was 18 degrees, set on May 1, 1989, and May 5, 1917.

Longmont weather: Lowest temperature ever recorded in May - Longmont Times-Call

And? We caught a late cold spell. Early winter was moderate. 2012 was the hottest year on record in the US. The long term fundamentals are showing that the planet is warming.

I don't know if the burning of fossil fuels is the cause, but I do know that planet is getting hotter. I'm not going to put a bag over my head in denial just because we get some cold temperatures every now and then.

You guys remind me of the CEO's and top management from the cigarette companies who for years told us that cigarettes did not cause cancer as one by one they died from lung cancer.
so during the Bush years, all "Out Of Control" forest fires were "Bush's Fault" and since 2009, all Out of control forest fires are being caused by Global Warming? am I right?
so during the Bush years, all "Out Of Control" forest fires were "Bush's Fault" and since 2009, all Out of control forest fires are being caused by Global Warming? am I right?

two possibilities

1) still bushs fault


2) global weatherchangewarming
41 degrees here in south La this morning---record low-----------this global warming sucks

But wait until we have a hot day in August---all the warmers will say that proves that the prophet algore was right.

soccer moms in SUVs and cow farts in texas are destroying the planet------------yeeeooow everybody run---------but where should we run Mr algore? how about if we all run to your 20,000 sq ft mansion? can you pick us up in your private jet that burns thousands of gallons of fuel an hour?

hypocrisy is the life of a warmer.
how about when global warming wiped out the human race on plant mars ? just don't remember what year that happened. but it had to been at least 8 billion years ago.
how about when global warming wiped out the human race on plant mars ? just don't remember what year that happened. but it had to been at least 8 billion years ago.



that the sun caused global warming on every other planet (like Mars)

except on Earth where cow farts & exhaling of C02 are the culprits
I still think that Global Warming caused the Ice-Age of 10,042 BC as well as the 40 days/nights dilemma when Moses and Noah were traveling on a boat with 900 animals that were giving off toxic fumes into the stratosphere 24/7. I hope they had gas masks on the arc.
Well, even the big boys like Hansen, Levitus, Guemas all either believe it is aerosols or the heat is going into the oceans. This means that the models didn't model something accurately and need to be redefined to come to the new understanding of the system.

Look at skeptical science to see how they feel about the roll of the oceans, aerosols, etc. I wouldn't count on it playing out how the IPCC is predicting it to.
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now, isn't the core of the earth between 5million and 10million degrees according to "Professor Al Gore"??? now if that was true, how long before the earth will emplode?

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