Look at all the pretty windmills....

QUOTE="iamwhatiseem, post: 23467397, member: 24610"]Personally, in my limited reading on the subject, solar is a better solution.
Per acre, solar delivers just over 10 times the energy as the best wind farms.
A study of 1,100 wind farms shows that the actual power density they deliver is literally 100 times lower than what they were supposed to deliver.
Which means, of course, the science the companies used to sell the idea to governments was junk science.
IMO - the energy and dollars that have been spent on wind would have been better spent on solar.
Just my limited opinion.
^^^^ Ringel05 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I would say limited is an understatement considering it appears your opinion on this is politically based. :dunno:
limited is your effort.
I'll take that as a compliment rdea...... Uummmm, what was your name again?[/QUOTE]

It tells me a lot that where once upon a time when you could go online and check real time energy output that is no longer possible for the majority of wind and solar plants.
limited is your effort.
I'll take that as a compliment rdea...... Uummmm, what was your name again?
r who? hahahhahahahaa

Just another political hack.
says the hack that performed a throw and go with no statistics. yes you!!!
Here, now you can go and claim the site is a far left hack site........ Not that i give a shit. :thup:

Overblown: Wind turbines don’t take more energy to build than they will ever produce
I can agree with some of what's in that write up. I'm sure a whirly bird is more productive in certain areas over others. Don't question that at all. the true expense is the value it adds based on its cost. And the facts are the whirly birds are ineffective even at strategic locations. They are not always on line and because of that require a back up source like natural gas. so that has to be included in the costs. And sir, I don't see that written in that article.[/QUOTE]
Okay, why didn't you approach it like that in the first place? As for your caveats concerning wind power, I have no idea if they took that into account or not. I'm assuming with fifty studies at least some included those parameters but I haven't looked at the studies nor am I going to, I have too many other irons in the fire to play what appears to be political games with alternative energy, the old my stats are better than your stats BS.
My wood stove isn't always online....... Oh yeah, I removed it and donated it...... Never mind. :D
QUOTE="iamwhatiseem, post: 23467397, member: 24610"]Personally, in my limited reading on the subject, solar is a better solution.
Per acre, solar delivers just over 10 times the energy as the best wind farms.
A study of 1,100 wind farms shows that the actual power density they deliver is literally 100 times lower than what they were supposed to deliver.
Which means, of course, the science the companies used to sell the idea to governments was junk science.
IMO - the energy and dollars that have been spent on wind would have been better spent on solar.
Just my limited opinion.
^^^^ Ringel05 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I would say limited is an understatement considering it appears your opinion on this is politically based. :dunno:
limited is your effort.
I'll take that as a compliment rdea...... Uummmm, what was your name again?

It tells me a lot that where once upon a time when you could go online and check real time energy output that is no longer possible for the majority of wind and solar plants.[/QUOTE]
Okay. :dunno:
Sitting idle because the wind is blowing too hard! This is west of Amarillo at 9:54 Veterans Day 2019.

You're really pissed about these windmills, huh. This isn't the first thread you've talked about them. Do you drive by them every day or something?

One of my neighbors has solar panels on his roof and a windmill outside. The windmill is actually functional, too, kind of cool looking as it's old fashioned looking, but my one neighbor always says gosh damn hippies, they're takin over the place. lol.

Think he said he's gonna go to the home owner's association about it.
Sitting idle because the wind is blowing too hard! This is west of Amarillo at 9:54 Veterans Day 2019.

You're really pissed about these windmills, huh. This isn't the first thread you've talked about them. Do you drive by them every day or something?

One of my neighbors has solar panels on his roof and a windmill outside. The windmill is actually functional, too, kind of cool looking as it's old fashioned looking, but my one neighbor always says gosh damn hippies, they're takin over the place. lol.

Think he said he's gonna go to the home owner's association about it.

Yeah, I have a solar system too, and a water wheel system. Windmills kill rare Raptors, that's why I hate them
Yeah, I have a solar system too, and a water wheel system. Windmills kill rare Raptors, that's why I hate them

Oh, I see. That's true, they do. Or so I've read. I have stray cats around here killing all of my birds. Trying to decide how I'm gonna deal with that without breaking out the .22.
Yeah, I have a solar system too, and a water wheel system. Windmills kill rare Raptors, that's why I hate them

Oh, I see. That's true, they do. Or so I've read. I have stray cats around here killing all of my birds. Trying to decide how I'm gonna deal with that without breaking out the .22.

Stray cats are the prey of raptors. Raptors are the top of the avian food chain and are protected from everything man does, except windmills. They get to massacre them at will.

Were you shoot a raptor the fines are substantial and you risk jail time.

But the operators of the Altamont wind farm are exempt, even though they have decimated the local raptor populations.
Stray cats are the prey of raptors. Raptors are the top of the avian food chain and are protected from everything man does, except windmills. They get to massacre them at will.

Were you shoot a raptor the fines are substantial and you risk jail time.

But the operators of the Altamont wind farm are exempt, even though they have decimated the local raptor populations.

Oh, you mean eagles and whatnot. Sorry, duh. It didn't register. lol. I'm not the sharpest knife in the box sometimes.
Oh and the lie that wind turbines cost more than the energy they produce has already been exposed. The lie is based on a scientific essay written by David Hughes, published in 2009 and taken completely out of context. Hughes has stated so. At least fifty studies have shown that wind turbines produce at minimum 20% more energy than it cost to build them. That is taking into account maintenance and their average life span of twenty years.

But doesn't take into account the cost of disposal when they are retired. See where the blades are causing problems in the landfill world.
Nobody said it was perfect, look how long it took to get to where we are now in many ways and in many fields, it takes time, money and effort and there are a lot of missteps along the way. We fuck up we learn....... well, in some areas....... Hell it's not like they're trying to perfect a DVD rewinder..........

I agree on the time aspect. 300 years isn't enough? Windmills are great for local usage, like the water pumping one I posted, but for large scale electricity production they are less than useless. They are a fraud. Reno bought 4 of them at huge cost and after three years they pulled them down because they calculated they would need 200 years to repay their cost, and maintenance expenditures.
Oh look, an anecdote. Then why does one of the largest wind farms in the world -- in my home State -- not just persist, but continue to grow?

Sorry, my anecdote obliterates your anecdote. Back to square one, for you.

Government subsidies. Look it up. I dare you.

He is not the sort to "look stuff up". He is given talking points and goes forth and regurgitates like a good little bot.
Raptors are the top of the avian food chain and are protected from everything man does, except windmills.

And buildings, and power lines, and barbed wire, and shooting, and poison, and vehicles, and habitat loss, and climate change. Which kill far, far more.

And you care zilch about that, thus revealing just how much of a stinking hypocrite you are.

By the way, everyone notices you've backed up none of your lunatic claims about windmills. That would be because you just made them all up.

Come on, show us how government subsidies are the only thing making wind power profitable. Show us how windmills consume more power than they create. If you didn't just fake it all, that shouldn't be a problem.

SSDD, you too. Show you didn't just fake it all. Since you did fake it all, you won't be able to, so let me laugh in advance for exposing you as a gutless fraud.
Raptors are the top of the avian food chain and are protected from everything man does, except windmills.

And buildings, and power lines, and barbed wire, and shooting, and poison, and vehicles, and habitat loss, and climate change. Which kill far, far more.

And you care zilch about that, thus revealing just how much of a stinking hypocrite you are.

By the way, everyone notices you've backed up none of your lunatic claims about windmills. That would be because you just made them all up.

Come on, show us how government subsidies are the only thing making wind power profitable. Show us how windmills consume more power than they create. If you didn't just fake it all, that shouldn't be a problem.

SSDD, you too. Show you didn't just fake it all. Since you did fake it all, you won't be able to, so let me laugh in advance for exposing you as a gutless fraud.

And ALL of the causes you listed, COMBINED, don't even come close to the carnage that windmills cause. Thanks for showing the world that you don't really give a shit about conserving critters, you just want your fraud to continue.

And ALL of the causes you listed, COMBINED, don't even come close to the carnage that windmills cause.

We await your data, along with your data of how windmills use more power than they create, and how only subsidies make them viable.

And we'll be waiting a long time, because you won't present any of that. You'll just scream and flail and divert, because you just made it all up, and you were busted for making it all up.

Given how badly you suck at being a fraud, why do you continue to even try? Do you just enjoy the humiliation?
Oh, I see. That's true, they do. Or so I've read. I have stray cats around here killing all of my birds. Trying to decide how I'm gonna deal with that without breaking out the .22.

So glad to see Congress beginning to make felons of people who think of shit like that. I wish I could catch someone in the act.......I vote for castration followed by removal of hands.

btw...Birds kill more wild life than domestic cats. Not even close.
Sitting idle because the wind is blowing too hard! This is west of Amarillo at 9:54 Veterans Day 2019.

This was kinda what I was thinking when PGE was blacking out a large portion of Cali homes during the Santa Ana winds...

If only they went to 100% renewables, the wind turbines and solar panels would BLACK THEMSELVES OUT when the sun wasn/t there and the wind blew too hard.. Or just didn't blow at all for that matter...

Wouldn't be PGE's fault anymore.. They should give Cali what they are asking for and watch the body count rise....
And buildings, and power lines, and barbed wire, and shooting, and poison, and vehicles, and habitat loss, and climate change. Which kill far, far more.

Do tell hairball...how many raptors die annually from flying into buildings?

And a lot of money has been invested in the effort to greatly reduce the number of raptors that die on power lines.



And the fact is that conservationists do care a great deal abut the loss of raptors and that is why you don't hear us squealing over laws and measures taken to protect them...You hypocrites on the other hand......

SSDD, you too. Show you didn't just fake it all. Since you did fake it all, you won't be able to, so let me laugh in advance for exposing you as a gutless fraud.

All you have to do is take of those blinders hairball...look at germany...the poster child for renewables...government cut subsidies and the rats are getting off the ship as quickly as possible. It isn't our fault that you believed in a fantasy and now the fantasy is exposed as just that...be bitter with the petiole who duped you...not the people who are pointing out that you were duped...
Sitting idle because the wind is blowing too hard! This west of Amarillo at 9:54 Veterans Day 2019.
And? :dunno:

Old school windmills seem to work just fine. This little sucker, right alongside the big boys, was happily moving water.
Okay. And?

Merely pointing out how worthless wind farms are. They cost more energy to produce than they ever create.

This is an example why.
You remain quite the lying fool, Mr. Westwall

Lazard’s latest annual Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis (LCOE 12.0) shows a continued decline in the cost of generating electricity from alternative energy technologies, especially utility-scale solar and wind. In some scenarios, alternative energy costs have decreased to the point that they are now at or below the marginal cost of conventional generation.

Do tell hairball..

Pisschugger, I asked you for hard data, not another torrent of bitch-tears.

I think everyone noticed that, as usual, you failed to back up any of your kook claims. You're clearly just making stupid shit up.

Poor hairball...What's the matter...couldn't find anything to support your claim that raptors are flying into buildings? All that I have seen on the topic shows that raptors are making use of buildings as perches from which to hunt.

And true, some birds are killed by other means, but the bottom line is that wind turbines are driving raptors, migratory birds, and bats into extinction and for no other reason than environmentalist waco's fantasy.

Look to Germany if you want to see the future of wind power...more than 30,000 jobs lost over the past 2 years...and the subsidies are being cut and as that happens, the private sector will bail out like rats on a sinking ship...

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