Look At Cain Woop An On the Attack Agenda Driven MSLSD Anchor

So he should have stepped all over the other motherfuckers that were already doing it?

Isn't this a free country where we are allowed to live whatever way we choose?

Did every single black in Atlanta become a civil rights leader?

Isn't there another way of showing support for civil rights other then breaking the law and causing trouble????

I'm just saying.

I'm still waiting for somebody to tell me what Obama did to assure equality in this country during the civil rights struggle.

"Isn't there another way of showing support for civil rights other then breaking the law and causing trouble????"

Asking for basic civil rights is causing trouble? I guess for you and Herman Cain, it is.

Since Obama was born in August 1961 I bet he was holding shit-ins during late 1961, early 1962.

So...if Obama didn't do shit....why the push for some kind of stupid 'Authentic Black' credentials where Herman Cain is concerned? Can't you stupid fucks think for yourself????

Since when has being black meant you had to be a specific way, do what everyone else expects you to do? Not everyone in the black community had to handle their live the way Democrats think is Being Down For The Struggle

Some blacks showed whites that blacks not only could get along in American society but excel. They all don't have to be screaming about racial inequality 24/fucken 7.

Use your damned brain idiot.

So it's ok for the right to argue that Cain was too young and had to listen to his parents concerning involvement in the civil rights struggle, but Obama it's ok to hold it against Obama for being 3 years old at the height of the movement?

Yep, old Herm "got along".
What did Herman Cain do for Civil Rights? He was a highly successful Black mathematician in ballistics for the US Navy paving the way for other inspiring black men in the Navy. He also became a HIGHLY successful Black business men that rose to the top of large corporations doing it on merit and not by affirmative action, paving the way for other like young black men!

He did much more than a failed community organizer or a race hustler like Sharpton and Jackson who get rich off keeping young black men dumb, death and ignorant!

Herman Cain is the savior of America and the Black community!


Given that he had a Bachelors Degree in Mathematics and had recently graduated from college, Cain had a low level civil servants position working for the Navy. He did not lead any projects and inspired no one

You are just making shit up
What was so innovative about Herman Cains business acumen?

He turned around Godfathers Pizza in 14 months. How did he do it?

1) innovative pizza making technology producing better pizzas at a lower price?
2) a unique marketing strategy that positioned his company for enhanced profits?
3) closing restaurants and firing workers

We all know the method Cain used. He came in as a corporate hit man and slashed the company. How will that make him an effective President?

We all don't know what method he used.

What you claim is pure speculation and opinion.

Still, I'm not gonna get into some silly argument about how good Steve Jobs is.

Steve Jobs is dead.

The problem is Barrack Obama.

Considering his record Herman Cain would be a clear upgrade.

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This prompted Pillsbury to appoint him President and CEO of another subsidiary, Godfather's Pizza. Aiming to cut costs, Cain, over a 14-month period, reduced the company from 911 stores to 420.

Cain was a corporate hatchet man. Cut back on stores and employees. What will Cain do to create jobs? We all know that he can reduce jobs

Don't you feel any guilt when you write something that dishonest? The leftwing is doing its damndest to diminish Cain's business successes and in fact Godfathers might not be as impressive as what he did with Burger King, but he did take a company on the verge of bankruptcy and pulled it back from the brink. If he should be the GOP nominee, I would hope he would be willing to make the same kinds of cuts in government and pull the nation back from the brink.
What did Herman Cain do for Civil Rights? He was a highly successful Black mathematician in ballistics for the US Navy paving the way for other inspiring black men in the Navy. He also became a HIGHLY successful Black business men that rose to the top of large corporations doing it on merit and not by affirmative action, paving the way for other like young black men!

He did much more than a failed community organizer or a race hustler like Sharpton and Jackson who get rich off keeping young black men dumb, death and ignorant!

Herman Cain is the savior of America and the Black community!

"Isn't there another way of showing support for civil rights other then breaking the law and causing trouble????"

Asking for basic civil rights is causing trouble? I guess for you and Herman Cain, it is.

Since Obama was born in August 1961 I bet he was holding shit-ins during late 1961, early 1962.

How many successful black businessman have there been throughout American history?

How many black Americans have been elected President of the United States of America?

Which do you think inspires more young black men?

We'll see. Obama is a poor example for the black youth of America....as much as Muhammed Ali was.

They admired a man who would not serve his country. A man with a big mouth and too much pride. And what did all of that pride get Ali???

Now he can barely talk.

Who's to say Obama doesn't end up in a similar way. A shell of himself just living off of his reputation.

Once Obama is out of office he will be just a memory because he lacks what every great leader has. Integrity.
So he should have stepped all over the other motherfuckers that were already doing it?

Isn't this a free country where we are allowed to live whatever way we choose?

Did every single black in Atlanta become a civil rights leader?

Isn't there another way of showing support for civil rights other then breaking the law and causing trouble????

I'm just saying.

I'm still waiting for somebody to tell me what Obama did to assure equality in this country during the civil rights struggle.

"Isn't there another way of showing support for civil rights other then breaking the law and causing trouble????"

Asking for basic civil rights is causing trouble? I guess for you and Herman Cain, it is.

Since Obama was born in August 1961 I bet he was holding shit-ins during late 1961, early 1962.

So...if Obama didn't do shit....why the push for some kind of stupid 'Authentic Black' credentials where Herman Cain is concerned? Can't you stupid fucks think for yourself????

Since when has being black meant you had to be a specific way, do what everyone else expects you to do? Not everyone in the black community had to handle their lives the way Democrats think is Being Down For The Struggle

Some blacks showed whites that blacks not only could get along in American society but excel. They all don't have to be screaming about racial inequality 24/fucken 7.

My wife chose the Herman Cain route. She worked hard all her life and made something of herself. She wasn't out wearing her color on her sleeve pissing off every white person she met. She used the system and made it work for her, not go around holding grudges and trying to tear down society around her head.

Use your damned brain idiot.

So...if Obama didn't do shit....why the push for some kind of stupid 'Authentic Black' credentials where Herman Cain is concerned? Can't you stupid fucks think for yourself????

No They can't. They have Their Marching Orders.
"Isn't there another way of showing support for civil rights other then breaking the law and causing trouble????"

Asking for basic civil rights is causing trouble? I guess for you and Herman Cain, it is.

Since Obama was born in August 1961 I bet he was holding shit-ins during late 1961, early 1962.

So...if Obama didn't do shit....why the push for some kind of stupid 'Authentic Black' credentials where Herman Cain is concerned? Can't you stupid fucks think for yourself????

Since when has being black meant you had to be a specific way, do what everyone else expects you to do? Not everyone in the black community had to handle their live the way Democrats think is Being Down For The Struggle

Some blacks showed whites that blacks not only could get along in American society but excel. They all don't have to be screaming about racial inequality 24/fucken 7.

Use your damned brain idiot.

So it's ok for the right to argue that Cain was too young and had to listen to his parents concerning involvement in the civil rights struggle, but Obama it's ok to hold it against Obama for being 3 years old at the height of the movement?

Yep, old Herm "got along".

I think you're suffering from dementia because I never said Cain was too young.

Better tighten your shit up bitch...because you're getting confused.
What did Herman Cain do for Civil Rights? He was a highly successful Black mathematician in ballistics for the US Navy paving the way for other inspiring black men in the Navy. He also became a HIGHLY successful Black business men that rose to the top of large corporations doing it on merit and not by affirmative action, paving the way for other like young black men!

He did much more than a failed community organizer or a race hustler like Sharpton and Jackson who get rich off keeping young black men dumb, death and ignorant!

Herman Cain is the savior of America and the Black community!

How many successful black businessman have there been throughout American history?

How many black Americans have been elected President of the United States of America?

Which do you think inspires more young black men?

In Truth, I know what should. Self Reliance. :) I choose Cain, hands down.

You are free to chose Cain, just as some Jews chose Jacob Tannenbaum.
So...if Obama didn't do shit....why the push for some kind of stupid 'Authentic Black' credentials where Herman Cain is concerned? Can't you stupid fucks think for yourself????

Since when has being black meant you had to be a specific way, do what everyone else expects you to do? Not everyone in the black community had to handle their live the way Democrats think is Being Down For The Struggle

Some blacks showed whites that blacks not only could get along in American society but excel. They all don't have to be screaming about racial inequality 24/fucken 7.

Use your damned brain idiot.

So it's ok for the right to argue that Cain was too young and had to listen to his parents concerning involvement in the civil rights struggle, but Obama it's ok to hold it against Obama for being 3 years old at the height of the movement?

Yep, old Herm "got along".

I think you're suffering from dementia because I never said Cain was too young.

Better tighten your shit up bitch...because you're getting confused.

Are you the only right-leaning poster on this thread? Read and research.
What did Herman Cain do for Civil Rights? He was a highly successful Black mathematician in ballistics for the US Navy paving the way for other inspiring black men in the Navy. He also became a HIGHLY successful Black business men that rose to the top of large corporations doing it on merit and not by affirmative action, paving the way for other like young black men!

He did much more than a failed community organizer or a race hustler like Sharpton and Jackson who get rich off keeping young black men dumb, death and ignorant!

Herman Cain is the savior of America and the Black community!

How many successful black businessman have there been throughout American history?

How many black Americans have been elected President of the United States of America?

Which do you think inspires more young black men?

We'll see. Obama is a poor example for the black youth of America....as much as Muhammed Ali was.

They admired a man who would not serve his country. A man with a big mouth and too much pride. And what did all of that pride get Ali???

Now he can barely talk.

Who's to say Obama doesn't end up in a similar way. A shell of himself just living off of his reputation.

Once Obama is out of office he will be just a memory because he lacks what every great leader has. Integrity.

And what vice gave Ronald Reagan Alzheimer's disease?
Cain was a corporate hatchet man. Cut back on stores and employees. What will Cain do to create jobs? We all know that he can reduce jobs.

Cain will make the same tedious rightwing proclamations about ‘small government’ and the like without giving specifics, as with all conservative candidates.

Should he arrives in Washington he gets hit hard with reality.

He’ll realize that a large, powerful, industrialized Western nation of the 21st Century can’t be run on a shoestring budget like a Third World nation, that it’s no longer the 18th Century; and that indeed government and its services are vital to the success of any business.

Don't you feel any guilt when you write something that dishonest? The leftwing is doing its damndest to diminish Cain's business successes and in fact Godfathers might not be as impressive as what he did with Burger King, but he did take a company on the verge of bankruptcy and pulled it back from the brink. If he should be the GOP nominee, I would hope he would be willing to make the same kinds of cuts in government and pull the nation back from the brink.
‘Brink’? ‘Brink’ of what? That’s nonsense and hyperbole.

Or if we’re at a ‘brink,’ we were placed there by the same failed policies Cain advocates.
So it's ok for the right to argue that Cain was too young and had to listen to his parents concerning involvement in the civil rights struggle, but Obama it's ok to hold it against Obama for being 3 years old at the height of the movement?

Yep, old Herm "got along".

I think you're suffering from dementia because I never said Cain was too young.

Better tighten your shit up bitch...because you're getting confused.

Are you the only right-leaning poster on this thread? Read and research.

I know what I've said. You read and research.

Btw, bend over, cuz I've got a size twelve boot for your ass.
How many successful black businessman have there been throughout American history?

How many black Americans have been elected President of the United States of America?

Which do you think inspires more young black men?

We'll see. Obama is a poor example for the black youth of America....as much as Muhammed Ali was.

They admired a man who would not serve his country. A man with a big mouth and too much pride. And what did all of that pride get Ali???

Now he can barely talk.

Who's to say Obama doesn't end up in a similar way. A shell of himself just living off of his reputation.

Once Obama is out of office he will be just a memory because he lacks what every great leader has. Integrity.

And what vice gave Ronald Reagan Alzheimer's disease?

Old age.

Come on....this is getting pathetic.
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Cain did poorly but the guy asking the questions is a fucking joke.

This is what I mean when I call Cain WWF politics, if you really think he will just destroy Obama you're a fool. Cain is VERY easy to talk into a corner and he can only do two things, insult Obama and talk about his 9 9 9 plan.
We'll see. Obama is a poor example for the black youth of America....as much as Muhammed Ali was.

They admired a man who would not serve his country. A man with a big mouth and too much pride. And what did all of that pride get Ali???

Now he can barely talk.

Who's to say Obama doesn't end up in a similar way. A shell of himself just living off of his reputation.

Once Obama is out of office he will be just a memory because he lacks what every great leader has. Integrity.

And what vice gave Ronald Reagan Alzheimer's disease?

Old age.

Come on....this is getting pathetic.

Old age? I thought it was adultery.
Old age? I thought it was adultery.

Adultery causes Dementia???

Shit....then most of us are in trouble.

Pride causes Parkinson's???

Please provide a link that shows the stats for "prideful" boxers getting Parkinson's disease vs. humble boxers getting Parkinson's disease.

I think zigging when you should have zagged.....eating too many left-hooks....or maybe it's just Ali's karma.

For a man who used to mouth off at anything and everything....Ali is suffering from a disease that finally shut his mouth.
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Adultery causes Dementia???

Shit....then most of us are in trouble.

Pride causes Parkinson's???

Please provide a link that shows the stats for "prideful" boxers getting Parkinson's disease vs. humble boxers getting Parkinson's disease.

I think zigging when you should have zagged.....eating too many left-hooks....or maybe it's just Ali's karma.

For a man who used to mouth off at anything and everything....Ali is suffering from a disease that finally shut his mouth.

Ali was too uppity for you?

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