Look At Cain Woop An On the Attack Agenda Driven MSLSD Anchor

Howard Stern would do a good interview.

O'Donnell was exactly what you said. Cain handled him well.

The libs here won't admit it.

I don't think Cain was all that impressive in the interview. I don't think that HE thinks he needs to impress anyone. He's not dumb enough to think he's going to be the GOP nominee......and his goal is to grow his PAC and sell some books before the votes are cast.

You should look around.....it isn't only "libs" who disagree with you on this.

I was one of them. It still doesn't change the fact that he is head and shoulders above Obama any day of the week.

Well.....no. He is not.
As a black American born and raised below the Mason-Dixon line, I am eminently qualified to qualify or disqualify Cain for his civil rights area cooning.

So you're the fucker that has caused all of this racism......

You're the fucker that they invented the "N" word for......

FYI....motherfucker. You are not the Alpha and the Omega of all things Black......unless you're some friggen God or something.

I didn't write the U.S. Constitution nor did I invent the word ******, that would be white racist. I'm a black racist.

I'm the only god I worship, but I'm not Mormon.

So in other words 'The ****** had better get with the program or he's gonna get a dose like Clarence Thomas'.

Don't be no Uncle Tom or a fucken House ****** like Condi Rice.

He'd better bring his black ass back in line or you're gonna drop em like a bad habit.
I don't think Cain was all that impressive in the interview. I don't think that HE thinks he needs to impress anyone. He's not dumb enough to think he's going to be the GOP nominee......and his goal is to grow his PAC and sell some books before the votes are cast.

You should look around.....it isn't only "libs" who disagree with you on this.

I was one of them. It still doesn't change the fact that he is head and shoulders above Obama any day of the week.

Well.....no. He is not.

Well....obviously you just blew your objectivity all to hell with that dumb-assed statement.

A total retard could tell he is......just look at Obama's record if you don't believe me.
Actually I'm a Newt fan......but I like defending folks when people are lying about them.

You racist bastards are going to eat your fucken words.

I'm a Newt fan too... but I still fail to see how anything above made me racist. You might wana pull it back before you make other Cain supporters look bat shit crazy dude.

Because you said Cain is a bigot, which is a lie....and because you think anyone who supports him is bat shit crazy.

I suspect that a Ron Paul supporter such as yourself leans toward racism.

Many of his most ardent fans are white supremacists.

I think the only reason you don't like Cain is because you don't want another black in the White House. It's a very good explanation for you warped perspective on him.

Hoooooly shit, give it up you blind dumb fuck.

Give me a link to where I said (Quote from you) "anyone who supports him (Cain) is bat shit crazy." You either knowingly lied or you can't fucking read.

You attacked Ron Paul for absolutely NO fucking reason out of the blue.... Why again? Oh and BTW you claimed because I'm a Ron Paul supporter that I’m (Quote from you again) “If you like that crazy bastard Ron Paul then there's something seriously wrong with you” and You just attacked ME claiming I said something YOU just said, in fact you said I’m a racist for it…. (Quote you again lolz) “You sound like a fucken racist bastard.”

Great job playing the race card btw, I almost forgot what to do!
So you're the fucker that has caused all of this racism......

You're the fucker that they invented the "N" word for......

FYI....motherfucker. You are not the Alpha and the Omega of all things Black......unless you're some friggen God or something.

I didn't write the U.S. Constitution nor did I invent the word ******, that would be white racist. I'm a black racist.

I'm the only god I worship, but I'm not Mormon.

So in other words 'The ****** had better get with the program or he's gonna get a dose like Clarence Thomas'.

Don't be no Uncle Tom or a fucken House ****** like Condi Rice.

He'd better bring his black ass back in line or you're gonna drop em like a bad habit.

Cain is free to do what he wants, just like I'm free to think of him as a buck dancing coon. He will be gone soon enough. One more comment about insensitivity and the tea party crowd will put him on a post card.
Just as Alzheimer's was Reagan's?

Reagan was in his 90s. It happens to a lot of people over 70.

Explain to me what he did wrong, other then piss you off.

Reagan was 81 when his doctors noticed signs of Alzheimer's.

Explain to me what Ali did, other then piss you off?

You still on that? You think this copy-cat bs is gonna work?


...being old (Eighty-one) is usually the cause of Alzheimers. Some of it is hereditary.

Ali was in his 40s when he came down with Parkinson's. They say the disease is also hereditary.

Btw, Ali never did anything against me. I had nothing against the man. I just used him as an example of how quickly the great can fall.

My nephew's name is Ali Muhammed.

I felt Ali was a great man. I just think that he did things in his life that made his current condition...shall we say...poetic-justice.
I didn't write the U.S. Constitution nor did I invent the word ******, that would be white racist. I'm a black racist.

I'm the only god I worship, but I'm not Mormon.

So in other words 'The ****** had better get with the program or he's gonna get a dose like Clarence Thomas'.

Don't be no Uncle Tom or a fucken House ****** like Condi Rice.

He'd better bring his black ass back in line or you're gonna drop em like a bad habit.

Cain is free to do what he wants, just like I'm free to think of him as a buck dancing coon. He will be gone soon enough. One more comment about insensitivity and the tea party crowd will put him on a post card.

That is a very racist statement.....and pretty much solidifies my assessment of your character....or lack of.

The only good thing about this country is that not every black is as fucked up as you are.

Whenever I meet cocksuckers like you I don't associate much with them because they spend their lives wearing their race on their sleeves going around blaming somebody else for the simple fact they're ASSHOLES!!!!!
I was one of them. It still doesn't change the fact that he is head and shoulders above Obama any day of the week.

Well.....no. He is not.

Well....obviously you just blew your objectivity all to hell with that dumb-assed statement.

A total retard could tell he is......just look at Obama's record if you don't believe me.

Objectivity? Do you mean "credibility"? If so....you can't blow it. You either have it or you don't. I happen to have it. You don't. You are stating something that you wish to be true as a fact. Not in the least bit credible.
Well.....no. He is not.

Well....obviously you just blew your objectivity all to hell with that dumb-assed statement.

A total retard could tell he is......just look at Obama's record if you don't believe me.

Objectivity? Do you mean "credibility"? If so....you can't blow it. You either have it or you don't. I happen to have it. You don't. You are stating something that you wish to be true as a fact. Not in the least bit credible.

Sorry, your credibility was shot the moment you started voicing opinions not based in fact.

It doesn't matter if you think your credible. Your biased statements speak for themselves.
OooooooooooKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. What biased statements?

Take your pick.

That Cain screwed the pooch during the interview....that he's a bigot.

An Objective person wouldn't say he fucked up so easily.....and the fact that you called him a bigot pretty much sealed the deal. You're biased against him. Pretty obviously.

I think it's because he's black.
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Salty Balls doesn't like Cain because he doesn't like blacks that step out of line.

How dare they be different.

Get your black ass back on the plantation!!!!
What did Herman Cain do for Civil Rights? He was a highly successful Black mathematician in ballistics for the US Navy paving the way for other inspiring black men in the Navy. He also became a HIGHLY successful Black business men that rose to the top of large corporations doing it on merit and not by affirmative action, paving the way for other like young black men!

He did much more than a failed community organizer or a race hustler like Sharpton and Jackson who get rich off keeping young black men dumb, death and ignorant!

Herman Cain is the savior of America and the Black community!

How many successful black businessman have there been throughout American history?

How many black Americans have been elected President of the United States of America?

Which do you think inspires more young black men?

In Truth, I know what should. Self Reliance. :) I choose Cain, hands down.

same here. im tired of supporting Obastards 57 states
You think this guy is better then Cain???

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDJSVPAx8xc&feature=related]Obama Speech - Teleprompter Goes Out - YouTube[/ame]

I think he needs to lay off the doobage a bit.
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OooooooooooKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. What biased statements?

Take your pick.

That Cain screwed the pooch during the interview....that he's a bigot.

An Objective person wouldn't say he fucked up so easily.....and the fact that you called him a bigot pretty much sealed the deal. You're biased against him. Pretty obviously.

I think it's because he's black.

I said he didn't impress me in the interview. That is a personal opinion. No bias.

Regarding his bigotry: I believe he is on the record as saying he would not hire a Muslim for a cabinet position. And.....what is the man's take on rights for gay and lesbian Americans? Hmmmmmmmmm?

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