Look at that!

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008

Climate Reanalyzer

About 10 degrees, C, warmer all over the East Coast. Where the hell did you deniers ice age go to? LOL
Unbelievable, warm weather in the north pole turns into cold weather, cold weather turns into cold weather...make up your mind fruit loops

Ol' Stupidity posts once again. Wobbly jet stream sends cold air south, and pulls warm air north. Exactly as predicted. And people like you continue to demonstrate their ignorance.
Now Bear, why the hell do you not post any evidence to support your position? Could it possibly be because there is no such evidence? That your position is simply one of political stupidity? LOL
Since the phenomenon wasn’t seriously studied until the late 1950’s, it’s safe to say we have no idea what the jet streams have been doing for thousands of years.

We do know that paths of the streams can change by thousands of miles which can cause the El Niño and La Niña effects.

Effects that have been known to occur cyclically for the past 300 years and perhaps the last 10,000 years.

Despite the fact that Neolithic man drove much more fuel efficient cars.


Climate Reanalyzer

About 10 degrees, C, warmer all over the East Coast. Where the hell did you deniers ice age go to? LOL
Ah yep, typical liberal bullshit, as soon as it gets warmer, GLOBAL WARMING, yet when there is RECORD COLD, it is just weather. Cant get more stupid than a worthless liberal(Redundant Statement). What does taxing CO2 do to stop GLOBAL WARMING, and why after 8 years of OBAMA taxing US didn't the Earth cool down? Oops, didn't mean to expose your stupidness...
Ol' Stupidity posts once again. Wobbly jet stream sends cold air south, and pulls warm air north. Exactly as predicted. And people like you continue to demonstrate their ignorance.

There in lies your climate change........any further questions? Feel free to ask.....I am here to help.
Now Bear, why the hell do you not post any evidence to support your position? Could it possibly be because there is no such evidence? That your position is simply one of political stupidity? LOL

Because it's stupid as hell...warm air from the north pole turns cold?

Say what?
Egad, why don't you just put a big stupid sign on your avatar? Warm air from the temperate pulled up into the Arctic by the loops in the jet stream. I know, a bit to complicated for you. Maybe you need a third grader to explain that to you.
Egad, why don't you just put a big stupid sign on your avatar? Warm air from the temperate pulled up into the Arctic by the loops in the jet stream. I know, a bit to complicated for you. Maybe you need a third grader to explain that to you.

You have warm air coming from the golf of Mexico you moron. .
Now Bear, why the hell do you not post any evidence to support your position? Could it possibly be because there is no such evidence? That your position is simply one of political stupidity? LOL
How about you do the same thing? Your pretty little pictures prove nothing like always.
Egad, why don't you just put a big stupid sign on your avatar? Warm air from the temperate pulled up into the Arctic by the loops in the jet stream. I know, a bit to complicated for you. Maybe you need a third grader to explain that to you.

You know you’ve lost an argument when you go from evidence to abuse.
Now Bear, why the hell do you not post any evidence to support your position? Could it possibly be because there is no such evidence? That your position is simply one of political stupidity? LOL
How about you do the same thing? Your pretty little pictures prove nothing like always.
LOL That is to say that you are incapable of reading the pictures. LOL

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