Look at what the Dems are offended by now

They won the election. They have the majority in congress but they won't stop whining about it. You just want to tell them shut up and govern.

Looks to me that YOUR bunch is whining more about it than any other group. You lost, get over it.

YOU lost. Here's how.....

DJT presided over the ONLY period in modern history of any President where no new wars were entered.

Now that he is gone, the War mongering Democrats will lead us into many wars and conflicts. You probably have no clue why, but for them it's
all about the $$$. Wars make money......Dems are ALL FOR IT

Maybe that makes you happy.
Is there no end to the dems insanity? Now they are even picking on their own

Yeah uh two little problems with this premise.

Number one, Bernie Sanders is not a "Dem". Number two, " a public high school teacher in San Francisco named Ingrid Seyer-Ochi" is not the collective set of "Dems".

Both of these are in fact single individuals. I don't know what the fuck is so hard to fathom about that.

Actually we don't know if this teacher even has a political affiliation at all since the link never even mentions that. Nor does the teacher's op-ed either. Of course that didn't slow you down from pulling it out of your ass now did it. I guess that explains the screen name of "he who is desperate".
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A San Francisco teacher represents the views of tens of millions of others?
368 million people in the US and shorty here is quoting one person as a Dem. moment......let the booojay nick picking right wing bs begin.
Is there no end to the dems insanity? Now they are even picking on their own

These are the people Bernie created - and their hatred of white - curated by Bernie and the Reich - is so deep they want to march HIM off to the camps.

The hatred the democrats have carefully cultivated for decades is coming to a head. This will end in blood. Good job democrats.

It ALWAYS ends in blood with the left. Always. The DemoKKKrats are having trouble exterminating Americans, so they're going after each other now.
Is there no end to the dems insanity? Now they are even picking on their own

These are the people Bernie created - and their hatred of white - curated by Bernie and the Reich - is so deep they want to march HIM off to the camps.

The hatred the democrats have carefully cultivated for decades is coming to a head. This will end in blood. Good job democrats.

It ALWAYS ends in blood with the left. Always. The DemoKKKrats are having trouble exterminating Americans, so they're going after each other now.

A true sissy fight lol
The funniest thing about this person's obviously satirical comic commentary would be if the person were really serious.
She seems happy to be teaching her effed up, racist delusions to her students. That's the dangerous part. Far more than any White supremacy she is imagining.
That type of thing is not uncommon in CA--About ten years ago, a San Jose school principal sent a student home for wearing an American flag T-shirt to school on the 5th of May. Another student in rural Denair, CA was told he could not fly an American flag on the bicycle that he rode to school. Schools have become anti-American indoctrination centers.
Is there no end to the dems insanity? Now they are even picking on their own

Yeah uh two little problems with this premise.

Number one, Bernie Sanders is not a "Dem". Number two, " a public high school teacher in San Francisco named Ingrid Seyer-Ochi" is not the collective set of "Dems".

Both of these are in fact single individuals. I don't know what the fuck is so hard to fathom about that.

Actually we don't know if this teacher even has a political affiliation at all since the link never even mentions that. Nor does the teacher's op-ed either. Of course that didn't slow you down from pulling it out of your ass now did it. I guess that explains the screen name of "he who is desperate".
Bernie changes parties like most people change their socks. Democrat today, Indy tomorrow, Prog the next day. Useless, senile, old waste of air forever.

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