Look for a new buzzword to appear soon: “momentum.”

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
As in, “Harris is still trailing Trump in the popular vote and in swing states, but the momentum she is gaining might push her over the top.”

“Yes, the momentum for Harris is palpable.”

“Her supporters are energized and are using the momentum to rally potential voters to action.”

By that rhetorical device, the can justify millions of harvested ballots again, dropped off after polls close, again, and nearly 100% for Trump’s opponent and no one down ballot - again.

No matter how far behind the day before the election they’ll say momentum caught up.
As in, “Harris is still trailing Trump in the popular vote and in swing states, but the momentum she is gaining might push her over the top.”

“Yes, the momentum for Harris is palpable.”

“Her supporters are energized and are using the momentum to rally potential voters to action.”

By that rhetorical device, the can justify millions of harvested ballots again, dropped off after polls close, again, and nearly 100% for Trump’s opponent and no one down ballot - again.

No matter how far behind the day before the election they’ll say momentum caught up.


The New York Times just called her the "least electable" Democrat:

As in, “Harris is still trailing Trump in the popular vote and in swing states, but the momentum she is gaining might push her over the top.”

“Yes, the momentum for Harris is palpable.”

“Her supporters are energized and are using the momentum to rally potential voters to action.”

By that rhetorical device, the can justify millions of harvested ballots again, dropped off after polls close, again, and nearly 100% for Trump’s opponent and no one down ballot - again.

No matter how far behind the day before the election they’ll say momentum caught up.

Then why vote at all? If you genuinely believed this Big Lie bullshit, there would be no point.

The Big Lie is just nonsense MAGA apes because they were told to. They don't believe it anymore than we do.
Then why vote at all? If you genuinely believed this Big Lie bullshit, there would be no point.

The Big Lie is just nonsense MAGA apes because they were told to. They don't believe it anymore than we do.
Stop voting because the opposition party is willing to cheat?

Sounds like exactly what the want us to do. Then they won’t need to cheat anymore, everyone who believed in democracy stopped voting.

Kinda like how the Biden-Harris Secret Service turned down the Trump detail’s request for more agents so many times that they stopped asking.
Stop voting because the opposition party is willing to cheat?

If you genuinely believe that the dems will just cheat any number they want, then why vote?

Of course you don't actually believe the Big Lie bullshit. Its just nonsense your ilk ape to each other because they were told to. A balm to the fragile ego of a man who couldn't accept that he was a loser.

No one who actually believed the Big Lie would ever bother to vote. It would be pointless.
As in, “Harris is still trailing Trump in the popular vote and in swing states, but the momentum she is gaining might push her over the top.”

“Yes, the momentum for Harris is palpable.”

“Her supporters are energized and are using the momentum to rally potential voters to action.”

By that rhetorical device, the can justify millions of harvested ballots again, dropped off after polls close, again, and nearly 100% for Trump’s opponent and no one down ballot - again.

No matter how far behind the day before the election they’ll say momentum caught up.

Damn, already conceding defeat.

Dark days ahead for Team Trump, it appears.
Damn, already conceding defeat.

Dark days ahead for Team Trump, it appears.

They're already making up excuses for a loss that hasn't happened yet.

This does not denote confidence in their candidate.
If you genuinely believe that the dems will just cheat any number they want, then why vote?

Of course you don't actually believe the Big Lie bullshit. Its just nonsense your ilk ape to each other because they were told to. A balm to the fragile ego of a man who couldn't accept that he was a loser.

No one who actually believed the Big Lie would ever bother to vote. It would be pointless.
I didn’t say that they will just cheat any number they want. They had to work hard to “win” in 2020 and hard work ain’t the Democrats’ long suit.

Why would I make it easy for them? If I didn’t vote and then complained about another Deus Ex Machina win for Harris, you’d say “your own fault for not votin!”

Another gaslight fail, sorry.
I didn’t say that they will just cheat any number they want. They had to work hard to “win” in 2020 and hard work ain’t the Democrats’ long suit.

How many millions and millions of votes do you think they can 'make up'?

Backed by what evidence?

And if Trump actually won in 2020, what were the real vote tallies?

You love conspiracies. Show us, don't tell us.
How many millions and millions of votes do you think they can 'make up'?

Backed by what evidence?

And if Trump actually won in 2020, what were the real vote tallies?

You love conspiracies. Show us, don't tell us.
As far behind as she is, as bad as her negatives are, how else could she win?

Connect the dots on any honest path to a Harris victory?
As far behind as she is, as bad as her negatives are, how else could she win?

Connect the dots on any honest path to a Harris victory?

First off, the election isn't for another 4 months. She's been the presumptive candidate for a day. Take a breath.

Second.....you just did it again. Your ilk lambased polling, insisting that it was all fixed and didn't mean anything in 2020. And that Trump was ahead despite what the polls saying was behind. And yet THIS election cycle you're citing polls.

Demonstrating elegantly that once again, like your Big Lie.....y'all don't believe the bullshit conspiracies you're spewing. They are just nonsense you tell each other, but no one actually believes.
As in, “Harris is still trailing Trump in the popular vote and in swing states, but the momentum she is gaining might push her over the top.”

“Yes, the momentum for Harris is palpable.”

“Her supporters are energized and are using the momentum to rally potential voters to action.”

By that rhetorical device, the can justify millions of harvested ballots again, dropped off after polls close, again, and nearly 100% for Trump’s opponent and no one down ballot - again.

No matter how far behind the day before the election they’ll say momentum caught up.
The Big Mo for the Pig Ho
First off, the election isn't for another 4 months. She's been the presumptive candidate for a day. Take a breath.

Second.....you just did it again. Your ilk lambased polling, insisting that it was all fixed and didn't mean anything in 2020. And that Trump was ahead despite what the polls saying was behind. And yet THIS election cycle you're citing polls.

Demonstrating elegantly that once again, like your Big Lie.....y'all don't believe the bullshit conspiracies you're spewing. They are just nonsense you tell each other, but no one actually believes.
My “ilk” is not debating you here. I am.

Simple question: beside the passage of time that Harris sees as all important, what is her path to victory?

Since you’ve already dodged one question, here’s another: you believe in passage of time? How did you like that quick anointing of Harris after Biden threw in the towel? She wasn’t even running three days ago, now she’s “won” the nomination.

No possibility the voters might want someone else?
My “ilk” is not debating you here. I am.

You didn't make up the Big Lie. Nor its claims. You aped them. So I'm addressing both the source and the regurgitator.

And you don't believe the Big Lie nonsense you're spewing any more than your ilk believe the polls are 'fixed'.

As you just demonstrated by citing the polls.

Simple question: beside the passage of time that Harris sees as all important, what is her path to victory?

Give it a couple of weeks to settle out. Its been 24 hours. There have been zero debates, and barely any events.

Lets check the polling in a couple of weeks and then discuss it. But demanding an evidence based strategy for the entire election 24 HOURS after she became the presumptive nominee is a little absurd.

Take a breath. The election isn't going anywhere.
Since you’ve already dodged one question, here’s another: you believe in passage of time? How did you like that quick anointing of Harris after Biden threw in the towel? She wasn’t even running three days ago, now she’s “won” the nomination.

She'll 'win' the nomination if the delegates vote for her. Currently, there is no democratic nominee for president in 2024. With support from a majority of Biden's delegates, there is a presumptive nominee.

And why did Biden's delegates back Harris? Because Biden backed Harris.

Its not that complicated. You may be overthinking this.
You didn't make up the Big Lie. Nor its claims. You aped them. So I'm addressing both the source and the regurgitator.

And you don't believe the Big Lie nonsense you're spewing any more than your ilk believe the polls are 'fixed'.

As you just demonstrated by citing the polls.

Give it a couple of weeks to settle out. Its been 24 hours. There have been zero debates, and barely any events.

Lets check the polling in a couple of weeks and then discuss it. But demanding an evidence based strategy for the entire election 24 HOURS after she became the presumptive nominee is a little absurd.

Take a breath. The election isn't going anywhere.

She'll 'win' the nomination if the delegates vote for her. Currently, there is no democratic nominee for president in 2024. With support from a majority of Biden's delegates, there is a presumptive nominee.

And why did Biden's delegates back Harris? Because Biden backed Harris.

Its not that complicated. You may be overthinking this.
I’ve given you two chances to answer what’s legitimate path to victory for Harris might be. At this point it’s fair to say “loyal Democrat sees no path to Harris General Election victory.”

Sad thing is, I’ve said a couple of times long before this that almost any serious Democrat would be a threat to beat Trump: Newsom, Whitmer, a moderate Dem. All would feed into the common feeling that we have two unacceptable candidates running. This was your party’s chance and they won’t even let the voters have a say?

Biden’s delegates obeyed Biden? They still think he has the mental capacity to be giving advice on running the country?

Are you saying there’s a chance it could be someone besides Harris? Your media is sabotaging any other Democrat who might try to run by saying that Harris has it locked up.
I’ve given you two chances to answer what’s legitimate path to victory for Harris might be. At this point it’s fair to say “loyal Democrat sees no path to Harris General Election victory.”

Its been less than 24 hours since she became the presumptive nominee.

Take a breath.
We can discuss her plausible paths to victory after the political landscape responds to her nomination. Give it a couple of weeks, some campaign events, some new polling.

I'm not refusing to answer. I'm rightly indicating that its too soon to know, as she just became the presumptive nominee.

All of which you already understand. But pretend you don't.

Sad thing is, I’ve said a couple of times long before this that almost any serious Democrat would be a threat to beat Trump: Newsom, Whitmer, a moderate Dem. All would feed into the common feeling that we have two unacceptable candidates running. This was your party’s chance and they won’t even let the voters have a say?

Biden dropped out. A candidate that drops out committing his delegates to another candidate happens every convention.

it happened in the GOP convention less than a week ago. Haley released her delegates so they could vote for Trump.

No new primary necessary. No 'sabotage'. Or any other conspiracy. Its the same process used in EVERY convention, democrat or republican.
Its been less than 24 hours since she became the presumptive nominee.

Take a breath. We can discuss her plausible paths to victory after the political landscape responds to her nomination. Give it a couple of weeks, some campaign events, some new polling.

I'm not refusing to answer. I'm rightly indicating that its too soon to know, as she just became the presumptive nominee.

All of which you already understand. But pretend you don't.

Biden dropped out. A candidate that drops out committing his delegates to another candidate happens every convention.

it happened in the GOP convention less than a week ago. Haley released her delegates so they could vote for Trump.

No new primary necessary. No 'sabotage'. Or any other conspiracy. Its the same process used in EVERY convention, democrat or republican.
It is crazy, that you support the anointing of a Democrat candidate in the general election when you cannot articulate a path to victory for that candidate.

I mentioned Whitmer and Newsom. They weren’t chosen, or even give it a chance to be chosen after Biden dropped out. I’m not even a Democrat. But in spite of those things, I could easily explain how I think Whitmer or Newsom could win.

I would respect this exchange more if you would just say “it’s wishful thinking on my part.”
This is what you sound like with your let’s wait and see what might happen:

You don’t want to admit that there is no legitimate path to victory for Kamala Harris. Not even you, her fearless advocate on this board, can’t even imagine one, much less state one.

You cannot be the only Democrat who realizes this. What do you think your party is trying to do? Are they deliberately trying to throw this election? If so, how concerned are you about that?

By the way, for the sake of the nation, I hope you will tell this to every fellow Democrat, you know:taking out Trump will never, ever, put Kamala Harris in the White House.

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