Look How Many Black People 'Ain't Black'....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

President Trump’s Approval with Black Voters
Soars to 46% After Debate Win Over Joe “Predator” Biden

It’s happening.
After 50 years of absolute Democrat corruption and destruction the black community is looking for change. And it’s not going to be with Joe “You Ain’t Black” Biden.

Last night’s debate was devastating for Joe Biden and the Democrats.
Depite a favorable list of topics and a biased liberal moderator, Joe Biden could not seal the deal.
Biden flopped.

And President Trump pounding Joe Biden on his outrageous comments in the 90’s about “predator” young black males hit the target.

On Friday Rasmussen Report’s numbers on black voters and Trump was up to 46%!

Ruh-roh! Time for Biden to retreat back to his basement....

You had eight years to fix that, Joe.
“I wasn’t President”. He’s a heartbeat away- closer than anyone- and did nothing.

No, he was the VP who was admittedly extorting the previous Ukraine PM, meeting with Hunter's Burisma so-board members and Kurdistan clients, & taking his cut of $15 BILLION from the Chinese WHILE acting as a co-conspirator in Obama's treasonous failed coup attempt.
Joe Biden's 'Claim To Fame' regarding Blacks:

1. A miserably failed criminal reform that separated families by putting a lot of people in jail.

2. Calling Blacks 'Predators'

3. 'You Ain't Black'

4. 'Blacks are not divers like you (Latinos) are.'

5. 'I can stay in my basement because "some black woman stocked shelves"


President Trump's Achievements In Regards To Blacks

1. Reformed Criminal Justice

2. Accomplished Prison Reform

3. Created 'Opportunity Zones'

4. Took care of Black Colleges and Universities

5. Lowest Minority (Black, Latino, & Asian) Unemployment rates in US HISTORY
Trumptards, do you really think that these online circle jerks help your candidate in any way?

No, but President Trump kicking Joe Biden's ass last night sure did.

'President Trump’s Approval with Black Voters Soars to 46% After Debate Win Over Joe “Predator” Biden'

Joe Biden declaring he will end the oil industry last night did.

Joe Biden lying about his family scandal, claiming it is all 'Russia, Russia, Russia' sure did.

Joe claiming he never called the travel bans 'Xenophobic' and then asking people to 'play the tape' / research it sure did, especially if they took Joe's advice and went back and saw he did so.
All of the post-debate polls showed a solid Biden win. If you want to remain in delusion-land, I can't stop you, but it won't turn out well for you.
All of the post-debate polls showed a solid Biden win. If you want to remain in delusion-land, I can't stop you, but it won't turn out well for you.

Yes, I am sure CNN and ABC - whore fused to cover the Whistle Blower who destroyed the Bidens right before the debate by providing 1st-hand account of Hunter and Joe Biden discussing the $1.5 BILLION China Deal - is bragging about how Biden won every point.


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