LOOK KIDS...THIS is what a leader with balls does to ISIS!

Now, who will be the first to tell me I'm a fucking Commie lover?

You have ISIS kill 2 Americans and wound 14 Americans in Belgium, and all we get is the fucking Manchurian muslim giving us a 51 second SOUND BITE! Is it no wonder that Europeans now look to Putin as the WORLD'S LEADER in getting rid of this scourge!

Vlad strikes back: Putin gets pissed, and 100 Jihadis are killed as ISIS blitzed in Palmyra

In the last 24 hours, Moscow has conducted 40 sorties around Palmyra, hitting 158 ISIS targets and killing more than 100 militants.

The Ministry of Defence cited nine ceasefire violations across Syria over the last 24 hours.

Just 11 days ago, Russia agreed to a ceasefire in Syria after a five-month bombing campaign.

ISIS and al-Qaida linked group the Nusra Front are exempted from the month-long cessation of war.

Before the ceasefire, Syrian rebels fighting president Bashar al-Assad's regime had also been targeted by Russian warplanes, western countries alleged.

Assad's troops and the moderate rebels have laid down their weapons as part of the truce.

Syrian government forces have been able to advance into Palmyra helped by support from Russian airstrikes in a major assault against ISIS.

Waves of explosions were spotted in Palmyra as tanks and armoured vehicles fired from the outskirts.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it was the biggest assault in a three-week campaign by the Syrian army and allied militia fighters to recapture the desert city and open up the road to ISIS strongholds further east.

Troops have advanced into the ancient city and taken several neighbourhoods.

The recapture of Palmyra, which ISIS seized in May 2015, would mark the biggest reversal for them in Syria since Russia's intervention turned the tide of the five-year conflict in President Bashar al-Assad's favour.

The limited ceasefire has allowed aid to reach previously inaccessible areas under siege.

Peace talks in Geneva are ongoing but progress has been slow, with the government and opponents disagreeing over whether Assad must leave power.

Russia, which sponsored the talks along with the US, has withdrawn forces from Syria but has strongly supported the Palmyra offensive, with a Russian special forces officer killed after directing an airstrike to his own location where he was surrounded by terrorists.

Vlad strikes back: Putin snaps and 100 Jihadis killed as ISIS blitzed in Palmyra

Well, if you can't trust the head of the KGB, who can you trust...unless you're a commie sympathsizer.

I seem to remember fucksticks like you rushing to point out that when the SEALs killed Bin Laden not to give Obama any credit since he wasn't in on the raid. Good to see you treat the guy with ICBMs pointed at us differently.

You Trump cock suckers are too much.

Are they liars or just stupid?

Or both?

Here's Pooting killing a grapefruit and children.
Syria: Undercover behind rebel lines - CNN.com

This post is so damn funny.
America's Salvation

Read the figures for Pooting and for the US. RWNJ traitors are too damn dumb to READ the print at the bottom.

"Source: Russia Ministry of Defense ... Russia counts sorties flown. The United States counts strikes on targets"

War on ISIS: Who's doing what?

Facts don't matter. All they care about is attacking their own country.

There is a lot of truth to that.

People like Vigilante are, in many ways, the worst type of Americans. They have stood on the shoulders of others their entire lives, know nothing of what made America great in the first place (or what allows them to worship people like Putin), and then turn around and claim that they are "real" Americans.

I'm not sure what those who created the Internet intended it for but I'm sure if they could go back in time, they'd make sure fuckstains like him didn't get anywhere near it.

He's still standing on the shoulders of others.

I'm of an era when we loved our country and just would not have dreamed of siding with Russia/KGB dictator. Reading vijgilante's garbage just really makes my skin crawl. Pisses me off that my taxes support enemies of the state but he has made a success of scamming the system.

OTOH, I see that Obama's approval rate is over 51%. That means that more people see what he has really done and don't need to lie in order to attack their own country.

I also don't believe RWNJs will succeed in getting one of the anti-US, anti-Constitution candidates into the WH. Funny thing is, these jerks would lose their welfare if the Repubs could do it!

Most Americans love their country. The garbage on this board is not representative of the US.
Obama just got through dusting their #2 in command earlier this week.

Thread fail.

Could their #2 do as much damage to civilians as the 100 Putin sent to hell?:ahole-1:
yes......all it would take is for him to give an order to hit another place filled with civilians....hey just sayin.....

Henry, you failing to remember WW II and the civilian deaths that were part of winning the war? The bomb on Japan, ended that, or should we NOT have done it, and lost another 100K U.S. troops in order to secure that country?
That most on the right are in love with a brutal dictator and warmonger such as Putin comes as no surprise.

They like being told what to do and how high to jump. It takes them back to the 1950's when you could do shit like that to people you could dominate.
They like being told what to do and how high to jump
i think many on the left are like that too candy......
Op is a commie sympathizer.

Understanding, hes squeezing into the shoe as hard as he can to make that shit fit, too.
Obama just got through dusting their #2 in command earlier this week.

Thread fail.

Big whoop. You chop off one head and three grow back. The goal is to kill as many as possible, as fast as possible, so that the head growing takes longer. Killing a single dude is as useful as a pimple.

And now you see why Obama and Clinton had to clean up wars started by the GOP and their "expert" backers.


First, it wasn't a "war".
Second, the shrub lost it and forced the US to pull out.
The shrub is war criminal.

And YOU blame CRAZY muslims killing each other on the U.S..... How many CENTURIES have different factions of that fucked up religion been killing each other?...Fucking dumb bastard!
Obama just got through dusting their #2 in command earlier this week.

Thread fail.

Could their #2 do as much damage to civilians as the 100 Putin sent to hell?:ahole-1:
yes......all it would take is for him to give an order to hit another place filled with civilians....hey just sayin.....

Henry, you failing to remember WW II and the civilian deaths that were part of winning the war? The bomb on Japan, ended that, or should we NOT have done it, and lost another 100K U.S. troops in order to secure that country?
thats not what i meant....you asked if the guy who was just killed could do as much damage as the 100 ones killed by the russians...yes he can,by just planning an attack on a place where there are lots of civilians....
Obama just got through dusting their #2 in command earlier this week.

Thread fail.

Could their #2 do as much damage to civilians as the 100 Putin sent to hell?:ahole-1:
yes......all it would take is for him to give an order to hit another place filled with civilians....hey just sayin.....

Henry, you failing to remember WW II and the civilian deaths that were part of winning the war? The bomb on Japan, ended that, or should we NOT have done it, and lost another 100K U.S. troops in order to secure that country?
thats not what i meant....you asked if the guy who was just killed could do as much damage as the 100 ones killed by the russians...yes he can,by just planning an attack on a place where there are lots of civilians....

Henry, he NEEDS the 100 men in order to DO IT, making plans won't accomplish the fact by itself.
Op is a commie sympathizer.

Understanding, hes squeezing into the shoe as hard as he can to make that shit fit, too.

Funny, coming from a leftist terrorist sympathizer!
You dont know your head from your ass, have no life and are clearly a fucking meme browsing virgin assed loser.

I seem to bring out all the BETTER parts of subversives, Next his head will explode with HATRED, let's all watch!

I'd feel more comfortable were you libbies to use quotation marks: "president".

When we refer to you we often say "human"
****, let me make this clear...I signed up as a Democrat today (I felt so dirty) just to make sure that all those poor, old women would not have to be condemned to a hell (Madelain Albright) where they would have to wear orange jumpsuits.
I guess my efforts were successful?
Op is a commie sympathizer.

Understanding, hes squeezing into the shoe as hard as he can to make that shit fit, too.

Funny, coming from a leftist terrorist sympathizer!
You dont know your head from your ass, have no life and are clearly a fucking meme browsing virgin assed loser.

I seem to bring out all the BETTER parts of subversives, Next his head will explode with HATRED, let's all watch!

Are you describing Putins cock when you are sucking it? Sounds like it, Commie Leftist!
Op is a commie sympathizer.

Understanding, hes squeezing into the shoe as hard as he can to make that shit fit, too.

Funny, coming from a leftist terrorist sympathizer!
You dont know your head from your ass, have no life and are clearly a fucking meme browsing virgin assed loser.

I seem to bring out all the BETTER parts of subversives, Next his head will explode with HATRED, let's all watch!

Are you describing Putins cock when you are sucking it? Sounds like it, Commie Leftist!

They don't call G.T. a FAGERAL for nothing! He always goes for the cock sucking.... We understand...have you met Aaron yet?

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