Look what is coming

you ever heard of things called lakes and rivers???
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?
from rain and melting ice and snow,,,,
And where does the rain and snow come from?
the sky???
Ok, you win. You are officially too stupid to carry on a conversation.

Have a nice day.
so youre saying that rain and snow dont come from the sky???
Most of that water gets recycled. You never heard of waste water treatment plants, fer Chrissakes!
And goes down stream into the ocean where eventually it will evaporate and fall as rain to start the cycle again.

But that only happens so fast and we are currently using the water faster than the earth can recycle it.

Why is this so hard for you to understand?
you ever heard of things called lakes and rivers???
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.

Also, don't throw old prescription drugs down the sink or flush them in the toilet cause they may contaminate recycled water.
Beyond this, also don't toss baby and adult disposable washcloths, cause they clog up the filters in sewage treatment plants. If you do, then don't bitch if your sewage bill keeps going up.
This has been a public service announcement.

Actually our water bills are going up thanks to the EPA. They said they didn't like our water, so instead of going someplace where the water is better, they mandated we improve ours.
And goes down stream into the ocean where eventually it will evaporate and fall as rain to start the cycle again.

But that only happens so fast and we are currently using the water faster than the earth can recycle it.

Why is this so hard for you to understand?
you ever heard of things called lakes and rivers???
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.
For how long? Can you get it to the farmers down here?

Actually they talked about it, but we decided no. If you want water like we have, move up this way. We have plenty you know, and brushing your teeth with the water running isn't going to help one farmer down where you live.
Since we are all drawing water from the same aquifers it actually will if enough folks do it.
you ever heard of things called lakes and rivers???
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.
For how long? Can you get it to the farmers down here?
where is down here???
Kansas currently. Where the previously mentioned aquifers are drying up.
might be because its a stupid place to farm anything that needs a lot of water,,,here in missouri we are trying to figure out how to get water out of the fields

but at least you didnt say arizona or new mexico, cause only morons try and farm there
you ever heard of things called lakes and rivers???
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.
For how long? Can you get it to the farmers down here?

Actually they talked about it, but we decided no. If you want water like we have, move up this way. We have plenty you know, and brushing your teeth with the water running isn't going to help one farmer down where you live.
Since we are all drawing water from the same aquifers it actually will if enough folks do it.

Not up here it won't. You can run your water 24/7 and still have plenty. The only thing it will do is run up your water bill.
Note to students; when water goes from a solid to a gas without being a liquid, it is called ablation.
No, it's called sublimation.

This is the politics forum. We can define words any way we want to.
Not if you want others to understand your meaning.

What if I want to confuse my political opponents?
with crepe its easy to confuse him
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?
from rain and melting ice and snow,,,,
And where does the rain and snow come from?
the sky???
Ok, you win. You are officially too stupid to carry on a conversation.

Have a nice day.
so youre saying that rain and snow dont come from the sky???
I have neither the time nor the inclination to give you the lessons you should have learned by fourth grade.

Have a nice day.
Maybe we should do away with legal indoor pot production.
They use mega amounts of water and energy and are very far from being green!
And goes down stream into the ocean where eventually it will evaporate and fall as rain to start the cycle again.

But that only happens so fast and we are currently using the water faster than the earth can recycle it.

Why is this so hard for you to understand?
you ever heard of things called lakes and rivers???
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.

Also, don't throw old prescription drugs down the sink or flush them in the toilet cause they may contaminate recycled water.
Beyond this, also don't toss baby and adult disposable washcloths, cause they clog up the filters in sewage treatment plants. If you do, then don't bitch if your sewage bill keeps going up.
This has been a public service announcement.

Actually our water bills are going up thanks to the EPA. They said they didn't like our water, so instead of going someplace where the water is better, they mandated we improve ours.
The EPA enforces drinking water standards for your safety.
Students globally protest warming, pleading for their future

School children are now cutting class to protest global warming, much like they were told to do protesting guns.

The end result here is that an entire generation will have been indoctrinated to fight global warming at any cost. This means they will give up their economic freedom, property, everything.

This is the future.
/----/ Here's to them outgrowing their idealistic notions and they graduate and live in the real world. I was a big-time libtard back in college - until I had to get a job and support myself.

So now you're just a retard, thanks for confirming.
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.
For how long? Can you get it to the farmers down here?
where is down here???
Kansas currently. Where the previously mentioned aquifers are drying up.
might be because its a stupid place to farm anything that needs a lot of water,,,here in missouri we are trying to figure out how to get water out of the fields

but at least you didnt say arizona or new mexico, cause only morons try and farm there
You do know that it was not to dry for farming a few decades ago right?

The climate changed.
you ever heard of things called lakes and rivers???
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.

Also, don't throw old prescription drugs down the sink or flush them in the toilet cause they may contaminate recycled water.
Beyond this, also don't toss baby and adult disposable washcloths, cause they clog up the filters in sewage treatment plants. If you do, then don't bitch if your sewage bill keeps going up.
This has been a public service announcement.

Actually our water bills are going up thanks to the EPA. They said they didn't like our water, so instead of going someplace where the water is better, they mandated we improve ours.
The EPA enforces drinking water standards for your safety.

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.
For how long? Can you get it to the farmers down here?
where is down here???
Kansas currently. Where the previously mentioned aquifers are drying up.
might be because its a stupid place to farm anything that needs a lot of water,,,here in missouri we are trying to figure out how to get water out of the fields

but at least you didnt say arizona or new mexico, cause only morons try and farm there
You do know that it was not to dry for farming a few decades ago right?

The climate changed.

or the farmers over farmed the area by using underground irrigation instead of surface water

and the climate changes several times a yr
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.

Also, don't throw old prescription drugs down the sink or flush them in the toilet cause they may contaminate recycled water.
Beyond this, also don't toss baby and adult disposable washcloths, cause they clog up the filters in sewage treatment plants. If you do, then don't bitch if your sewage bill keeps going up.
This has been a public service announcement.

Actually our water bills are going up thanks to the EPA. They said they didn't like our water, so instead of going someplace where the water is better, they mandated we improve ours.
wants to control The EPA enforces drinking water standards for your safety.
the EPA
For how long? Can you get it to the farmers down here?
where is down here???
Kansas currently. Where the previously mentioned aquifers are drying up.
might be because its a stupid place to farm anything that needs a lot of water,,,here in missouri we are trying to figure out how to get water out of the fields

but at least you didnt say arizona or new mexico, cause only morons try and farm there
You do know that it was not to dry for farming a few decades ago right?

The climate changed.

or the farmers over farmed the area by using underground irrigation instead of surface water

and the climate changes several times a yr
No you dingbat, the weather changes several times a year.

Climate is something else.
Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.

Also, don't throw old prescription drugs down the sink or flush them in the toilet cause they may contaminate recycled water.
Beyond this, also don't toss baby and adult disposable washcloths, cause they clog up the filters in sewage treatment plants. If you do, then don't bitch if your sewage bill keeps going up.
This has been a public service announcement.

Actually our water bills are going up thanks to the EPA. They said they didn't like our water, so instead of going someplace where the water is better, they mandated we improve ours.
wants to control The EPA enforces drinking water standards for your safety.
the EPA
where is down here???
Kansas currently. Where the previously mentioned aquifers are drying up.
might be because its a stupid place to farm anything that needs a lot of water,,,here in missouri we are trying to figure out how to get water out of the fields

but at least you didnt say arizona or new mexico, cause only morons try and farm there
You do know that it was not to dry for farming a few decades ago right?

The climate changed.

or the farmers over farmed the area by using underground irrigation instead of surface water

and the climate changes several times a yr
No you dingbat, the weather changes several times a year.

Climate is something else.

and you call me a dingbat,,,thats funny
you ever heard of things called lakes and rivers???
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.

Also, don't throw old prescription drugs down the sink or flush them in the toilet cause they may contaminate recycled water.
Beyond this, also don't toss baby and adult disposable washcloths, cause they clog up the filters in sewage treatment plants. If you do, then don't bitch if your sewage bill keeps going up.
This has been a public service announcement.

Actually our water bills are going up thanks to the EPA. They said they didn't like our water, so instead of going someplace where the water is better, they mandated we improve ours.
The EPA enforces drinking water standards for your safety.

They enforce drinking standards for control. Who should I trust, our local water department that processes our water or some mindless bureaucrat who lives nowhere near here?
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.

Also, don't throw old prescription drugs down the sink or flush them in the toilet cause they may contaminate recycled water.
Beyond this, also don't toss baby and adult disposable washcloths, cause they clog up the filters in sewage treatment plants. If you do, then don't bitch if your sewage bill keeps going up.
This has been a public service announcement.

Actually our water bills are going up thanks to the EPA. They said they didn't like our water, so instead of going someplace where the water is better, they mandated we improve ours.
The EPA enforces drinking water standards for your safety.

They enforce drinking standards for control. Who should I trust, our local water department that processes our water or some mindless bureaucrat who lives nowhere near here?
Maybe this explains why there are so many republicans?

Thousands of U.S. Areas Afflicted with Lead Poisoning beyond Flint's
Students globally protest warming, pleading for their future

School children are now cutting class to protest global warming, much like they were told to do protesting guns.

The end result here is that an entire generation will have been indoctrinated to fight global warming at any cost. This means they will give up their economic freedom, property, everything.

This is the future.

i remember when students at kent state were protesting and our own countrymen murdered them when the students were shoving flower stems in their gun barrels

yes, we are a bunch of ass holes

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