Look what is coming

Stop the temper tamtrums

Debate the issue if you can

Which issue do you disagree with?

The min age raised will bring more wise voters

The restricting emotional voters will stop electing crooks

Which issue do you disagree with ?
I disagree with YOU pretending to be an American and spouting the stupid shit you do which makes Americans look stupid.

You want to bet I'm not American

It's me protecting the founders NOT YOU

It was Adam type stupid men that helped change the founders laws

You're Russian, comrade. I like your posts and all, but be what you are, ok?

If you don't ask me questions to prove I'm not Russian

What does that prove??

You made the charge so you need to ask the questions

A normal American would ask the questions

If you don't your credibility is toast

So get to asking the questions if you got any courage and not afraid to lose

What do you season greens with? :rolleyes:

What do people usually eat on St. Patty's day?

Blackeyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck

Drink green beer on Saint padded day

The biggest Saint paddy day parade and festival in the south is Savannah Georgia

Saint paddy was from Ireland and drove the snakes out of Ireland

4 leaf clover makes one lucky

The blarney curse is real

The dangerous leprechauns will destroy you if you don't let him have his gold

His gold can be seen many times at the end of a rainbow

Now who is Wes Parker ??

Who is Magic Johnson ?

Who is Larry bird ??

So quit wasting your time and losing when saying I'm not American

What did Elvis love??

Banana sandwiches and Mater sandwiches

What is a Mater and tater

Yep your low logic will always have to lose.

One with logic could pick out the clues to prove something

The left says I'm a Russian bot because they can't debate

Again logic is what picks out the clues to prove something

That's why one way or the other there will be a high logic ability test for voting

And a min age raised!!

This can come the easy way or the destruction way

Put your money now on Christian survival groups

Families will flee to be close to the experts on these cycles ending in destruction

The Hutterites is the best group to flee to and to work and trade with until the world gets thru the severe destruction stage which is the CORRECTION Stage. And the end of this life cycle

The next cycle will have very strict controls on the unwise and kids and women .. With no voting then humanity will advance 3 steps like all cycles at first

Then women will rise again and liberalism and the destruction that makes us go backwards 2 steps

But the cycles do advance us to become gods of the universe in time

When the children start wearing scarfs of the same color and turning their parents and grandparents in for not following the movement...

That is when to worry
I voted for Obama in 2008 when I was 20. Then I grew up. The liberal message sounds amazing when you are young and have no common sense. It isnt so fun anymore when you have to work M-F, knowing 1/4 of your money goes to some piece of shit who does nothing. Adult democrats are usually those college educated elite, who feel like their too smart for common sense.
Waste what, a bathroom sink of water? How long do you brush your teeth?
Not "a" sink full of water, millions of sinks full of water. Think you × the population of your county × twice a day for the rest of your life. We're talking about millions and millions of gallons of water saved just by this one tiny thing that costs you nothing.

Most of that water gets recycled. You never heard of waste water treatment plants, fer Chrissakes!
And goes down stream into the ocean where eventually it will evaporate and fall as rain to start the cycle again.

But that only happens so fast and we are currently using the water faster than the earth can recycle it.

Why is this so hard for you to understand?
you ever heard of things called lakes and rivers???
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Lemme stick my hose nozzle into your nose and run it until it racks up $1 on my water bill, please?
Ok, back up.

Just where do you think the water in lakes and rivers comes from?

Did you skip every science class in school?

Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.

Also, don't throw old prescription drugs down the sink or flush them in the toilet cause they may contaminate recycled water.
Beyond this, also don't toss baby and adult disposable washcloths, cause they clog up the filters in sewage treatment plants. If you do, then don't bitch if your sewage bill keeps going up.
This has been a public service announcement.

Actually our water bills are going up thanks to the EPA. They said they didn't like our water, so instead of going someplace where the water is better, they mandated we improve ours.
The EPA enforces drinking water standards for your safety.

They enforce drinking standards for control. Who should I trust, our local water department that processes our water or some mindless bureaucrat who lives nowhere near here?
/——-/ Progs say you can trust the unelected bureaucrats in Washington
I disagree with YOU pretending to be an American and spouting the stupid shit you do which makes Americans look stupid.

You want to bet I'm not American

It's me protecting the founders NOT YOU

It was Adam type stupid men that helped change the founders laws

You're Russian, comrade. I like your posts and all, but be what you are, ok?

If you don't ask me questions to prove I'm not Russian

What does that prove??

You made the charge so you need to ask the questions

A normal American would ask the questions

If you don't your credibility is toast

So get to asking the questions if you got any courage and not afraid to lose

What do you season greens with? :rolleyes:

What do people usually eat on St. Patty's day?

Blackeyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck

Drink green beer on Saint padded day

The biggest Saint paddy day parade and festival in the south is Savannah Georgia

Saint paddy was from Ireland and drove the snakes out of Ireland

4 leaf clover makes one lucky

The blarney curse is real

The dangerous leprechauns will destroy you if you don't let him have his gold

His gold can be seen many times at the end of a rainbow

Now who is Wes Parker ??

Who is Magic Johnson ?

Who is Larry bird ??

So quit wasting your time and losing when saying I'm not American

What did Elvis love??

Banana sandwiches and Mater sandwiches

What is a Mater and tater

Yep your low logic will always have to lose.

One with logic could pick out the clues to prove something

The left says I'm a Russian bot because they can't debate

Again logic is what picks out the clues to prove something

That's why one way or the other there will be a high logic ability test for voting

And a min age raised!!

This can come the easy way or the destruction way

Put your money now on Christian survival groups

Families will flee to be close to the experts on these cycles ending in destruction

The Hutterites is the best group to flee to and to work and trade with until the world gets thru the severe destruction stage which is the CORRECTION Stage. And the end of this life cycle

The next cycle will have very strict controls on the unwise and kids and women .. With no voting then humanity will advance 3 steps like all cycles at first

Then women will rise again and liberalism and the destruction that makes us go backwards 2 steps

But the cycles do advance us to become gods of the universe in time


But What do you season greens with? :rolleyes:

What do people usually eat on St. Patty's day?

This ain't rocket surgery, brah.
Last edited:
Who can predict correctly on what's coming??

One is low logic people stopped from doing an ability they don't have

Low logic cannot pick out the clues that proves I'm not a russian
Oh please. We are not running out of water. If we were, we would just erect more water treatment plants. If you need water, move up here to the north and take advantage of all the water you can get your hands on.

Also, don't throw old prescription drugs down the sink or flush them in the toilet cause they may contaminate recycled water.
Beyond this, also don't toss baby and adult disposable washcloths, cause they clog up the filters in sewage treatment plants. If you do, then don't bitch if your sewage bill keeps going up.
This has been a public service announcement.

Actually our water bills are going up thanks to the EPA. They said they didn't like our water, so instead of going someplace where the water is better, they mandated we improve ours.
The EPA enforces drinking water standards for your safety.

They enforce drinking standards for control. Who should I trust, our local water department that processes our water or some mindless bureaucrat who lives nowhere near here?
/——-/ Progs say you can trust the unelected bureaucrats in Washington

Every time we get some leftist President, they change the water standards and it ends up costing Americans a ton of money.
I drink green beer
And eat blackeyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck

Your question there proves low logjc because it depends on what part of America one is from

So you lose again with not understanding what questions to ask to prove something

When one has low logic like you errors on top of errors will come

Saint Patrick's day is known more in Ireland than the USA

And with Catholics

Protestants will not as much

See how your low logic cannot reason

Because of what ??

Yep it's low logic

Now you could ask a more correct question to know what area of the nation I'm from

Can you guess that question ?

What does the southwest area of America say when ordering a beverage

What does the southeast say when ordering a beverage at fast food restaurants

The south west says either soda or pop or soda pop

The southeast says coke

See how you hurt your self by trying to do an ability you don't wave

You waste time and make errors

What's coming Is destruction of these cycles that makes a correction of the unwise trying to be wise

That is always stopped at the begginning of the next cycle

Again what's coming is the stopping of the unwise trying to do the wise job

And all trying to do abilities one don't have

GDP scores will be what proves a nation correct

Every time a person tries to do an ability they don't have the GDP scores drop

Those scores if honest tells you the correct governmental system ,,, but has to be long term

The wise will flee to those highest GDP scores nations. But if the scores are not fake

Logic is the only thing than can decide if a nations GDP scores is correct
I drink green beer
And eat blackeyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck

Your question there proves low logjc because it depends on what part of America one is from

So you lose again with not understanding what questions to ask to prove something

When one has low logic like you errors on top of errors will come

Saint Patrick's day is known more in Ireland than the USA

And with Catholics

Protestants will not as much

See how your low logic cannot reason

Because of what ??

Yep it's low logic

Now you could ask a more correct question to know what area of the nation I'm from

Can you guess that question ?

What does the southwest area of America say when ordering a beverage

What does the southeast say when ordering a beverage at fast food restaurants

The south west says either soda or pop or soda pop

The southeast says coke

See how you hurt your self by trying to do an ability you don't wave

You waste time and make errors

What's coming Is destruction of these cycles that makes a correction of the unwise trying to be wise

That is always stopped at the begginning of the next cycle

Again what's coming is the stopping of the unwise trying to do the wise job

And all trying to do abilities one don't have

GDP scores will be what proves a nation correct

Every time a person tries to do an ability they don't have the GDP scored drop

Those scores if honest tells you the correct governmental system ,,, but has to be long term

The wise will flee to those highest GDP scores nations. But if the scores are not fake

Logic is the only thing than can decide if a nations GDP scores is correct

Good Lord a' Mercy comrade. Do you live in a Dacha or an apartment?

It's okay to be Russian, bro! Just don't say you're something you're not. Be yourself!

What's that 1 Russian dude with the cool pics? Oh yeah, Balancer

I eat Blackeyed peas on New Years day, seasoned with browned salt pork.

What do you not do on New Years Day?
Last edited:
I drink green beer
And eat blackeyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck

Your question there proves low logjc because it depends on what part of America one is from

So you lose again with not understanding what questions to ask to prove something

When one has low logic like you errors on top of errors will come

Saint Patrick's day is known more in Ireland than the USA

And with Catholics

Protestants will not as much

See how your low logic cannot reason

Because of what ??

Yep it's low logic

Now you could ask a more correct question to know what area of the nation I'm from

Can you guess that question ?

What does the southwest area of America say when ordering a beverage

What does the southeast say when ordering a beverage at fast food restaurants

The south west says either soda or pop or soda pop

The southeast says coke

See how you hurt your self by trying to do an ability you don't wave

You waste time and make errors

What's coming Is destruction of these cycles that makes a correction of the unwise trying to be wise

That is always stopped at the begginning of the next cycle

Again what's coming is the stopping of the unwise trying to do the wise job

And all trying to do abilities one don't have

GDP scores will be what proves a nation correct

Every time a person tries to do an ability they don't have the GDP scored drop

Those scores if honest tells you the correct governmental system ,,, but has to be long term

The wise will flee to those highest GDP scores nations. But if the scores are not fake

Logic is the only thing than can decide if a nations GDP scores is correct

Good Lord a' Mercy comrade. Do you live in a Dacha or an apartment?

It's okay to be Russian, bro! Just don't say you're something you're not. Be yourself!

What's that 1 Russian dude with the cool pics? Oh yeah, Balancer

See what you've done

You have a mental issue

Our debate proves several things

You have a mental issue of needing to be right
That mental issue will stop reasonable people from working with you

You may fool people for a short time

But that need to be right after you were proved wrong will bring harm to you in many many ways

Your logic logic makes you blind to understand and because of that you must obey a higher logic

This will soon come as this destruction pain does its thing

The unwise WILL be stopped trying to be wise !!

This above is coming
I drink green beer
And eat blackeyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck

Your question there proves low logjc because it depends on what part of America one is from

So you lose again with not understanding what questions to ask to prove something

When one has low logic like you errors on top of errors will come

Saint Patrick's day is known more in Ireland than the USA

And with Catholics

Protestants will not as much

See how your low logic cannot reason

Because of what ??

Yep it's low logic

Now you could ask a more correct question to know what area of the nation I'm from

Can you guess that question ?

What does the southwest area of America say when ordering a beverage

What does the southeast say when ordering a beverage at fast food restaurants

The south west says either soda or pop or soda pop

The southeast says coke

See how you hurt your self by trying to do an ability you don't wave

You waste time and make errors

What's coming Is destruction of these cycles that makes a correction of the unwise trying to be wise

That is always stopped at the begginning of the next cycle

Again what's coming is the stopping of the unwise trying to do the wise job

And all trying to do abilities one don't have

GDP scores will be what proves a nation correct

Every time a person tries to do an ability they don't have the GDP scored drop

Those scores if honest tells you the correct governmental system ,,, but has to be long term

The wise will flee to those highest GDP scores nations. But if the scores are not fake

Logic is the only thing than can decide if a nations GDP scores is correct

Good Lord a' Mercy comrade. Do you live in a Dacha or an apartment?

It's okay to be Russian, bro! Just don't say you're something you're not. Be yourself!

What's that 1 Russian dude with the cool pics? Oh yeah, Balancer

See what you've done

You have a mental issue

Our debate proves several things

You have a mental issue of needing to be right
That mental issue will stop reasonable people from working with you

You may fool people for a short time

But that need to be right after you were proved wrong will bring harm to you in many many ways

Your logic logic makes you blind to understand and because of that you must obey a higher logic

This will soon come as this destruction pain does its thing

The unwise WILL be stopped trying to be wise !!

This above is coming


I'll tell you something, I can put a bullet in between eyebrows at 200+ yards. I can shut a deer down instantly with a .22 and not ruin the meat. That is me. Not 100% of the time, but more often than not.
What happens when building a bridge?? IF people does an ability that they don't have??

Put the detective ability trying to do the ditch diggers job and the ditch digger doing the detective ability which is logic ability

What happens

No bridge and no progress

We have become a nation of the unwise trying to do the job of the wise

This debate with this guy about whether I'm a Russian proves this exactly

A need to be right comes from low logic and stops learning and progress
I drink green beer
And eat blackeyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck

Your question there proves low logjc because it depends on what part of America one is from

So you lose again with not understanding what questions to ask to prove something

When one has low logic like you errors on top of errors will come

Saint Patrick's day is known more in Ireland than the USA

And with Catholics

Protestants will not as much

See how your low logic cannot reason

Because of what ??

Yep it's low logic

Now you could ask a more correct question to know what area of the nation I'm from

Can you guess that question ?

What does the southwest area of America say when ordering a beverage

What does the southeast say when ordering a beverage at fast food restaurants

The south west says either soda or pop or soda pop

The southeast says coke

See how you hurt your self by trying to do an ability you don't wave

You waste time and make errors

What's coming Is destruction of these cycles that makes a correction of the unwise trying to be wise

That is always stopped at the begginning of the next cycle

Again what's coming is the stopping of the unwise trying to do the wise job

And all trying to do abilities one don't have

GDP scores will be what proves a nation correct

Every time a person tries to do an ability they don't have the GDP scored drop

Those scores if honest tells you the correct governmental system ,,, but has to be long term

The wise will flee to those highest GDP scores nations. But if the scores are not fake

Logic is the only thing than can decide if a nations GDP scores is correct

Good Lord a' Mercy comrade. Do you live in a Dacha or an apartment?

It's okay to be Russian, bro! Just don't say you're something you're not. Be yourself!

What's that 1 Russian dude with the cool pics? Oh yeah, Balancer

See what you've done

You have a mental issue

Our debate proves several things

You have a mental issue of needing to be right
That mental issue will stop reasonable people from working with you

You may fool people for a short time

But that need to be right after you were proved wrong will bring harm to you in many many ways

Your logic logic makes you blind to understand and because of that you must obey a higher logic

This will soon come as this destruction pain does its thing

The unwise WILL be stopped trying to be wise !!

This above is coming


I'll tell you something, I can put a bullet in between eyebrows at 200+ yards.

See there is your problem. You don't understand what you do or say

What's coming is a good topic to help make progress and the correct predictions can save from a helluva life
I drink green beer
And eat blackeyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck

Your question there proves low logjc because it depends on what part of America one is from

So you lose again with not understanding what questions to ask to prove something

When one has low logic like you errors on top of errors will come

Saint Patrick's day is known more in Ireland than the USA

And with Catholics

Protestants will not as much

See how your low logic cannot reason

Because of what ??

Yep it's low logic

Now you could ask a more correct question to know what area of the nation I'm from

Can you guess that question ?

What does the southwest area of America say when ordering a beverage

What does the southeast say when ordering a beverage at fast food restaurants

The south west says either soda or pop or soda pop

The southeast says coke

See how you hurt your self by trying to do an ability you don't wave

You waste time and make errors

What's coming Is destruction of these cycles that makes a correction of the unwise trying to be wise

That is always stopped at the begginning of the next cycle

Again what's coming is the stopping of the unwise trying to do the wise job

And all trying to do abilities one don't have

GDP scores will be what proves a nation correct

Every time a person tries to do an ability they don't have the GDP scored drop

Those scores if honest tells you the correct governmental system ,,, but has to be long term

The wise will flee to those highest GDP scores nations. But if the scores are not fake

Logic is the only thing than can decide if a nations GDP scores is correct

Good Lord a' Mercy comrade. Do you live in a Dacha or an apartment?

It's okay to be Russian, bro! Just don't say you're something you're not. Be yourself!

What's that 1 Russian dude with the cool pics? Oh yeah, Balancer

See what you've done

You have a mental issue

Our debate proves several things

You have a mental issue of needing to be right
That mental issue will stop reasonable people from working with you

You may fool people for a short time

But that need to be right after you were proved wrong will bring harm to you in many many ways

Your logic logic makes you blind to understand and because of that you must obey a higher logic

This will soon come as this destruction pain does its thing

The unwise WILL be stopped trying to be wise !!

This above is coming


I'll tell you something, I can put a bullet in between eyebrows at 200+ yards.

See there is your problem. You don't understand what you do or say

What's coming is a good topic to help make progress and the correct predictions can save from a helluva life

What do you eat on St. Patty's day, bro? I assume you're Orthodox, correct?

Yeah, I plan on eating the same thing that day. What is it?

I will, even I have to go to the titty bar to get it.
I drink green beer
And eat blackeyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck

Your question there proves low logjc because it depends on what part of America one is from

So you lose again with not understanding what questions to ask to prove something

When one has low logic like you errors on top of errors will come

Saint Patrick's day is known more in Ireland than the USA

And with Catholics

Protestants will not as much

See how your low logic cannot reason

Because of what ??

Yep it's low logic

Now you could ask a more correct question to know what area of the nation I'm from

Can you guess that question ?

What does the southwest area of America say when ordering a beverage

What does the southeast say when ordering a beverage at fast food restaurants

The south west says either soda or pop or soda pop

The southeast says coke

See how you hurt your self by trying to do an ability you don't wave

You waste time and make errors

What's coming Is destruction of these cycles that makes a correction of the unwise trying to be wise

That is always stopped at the begginning of the next cycle

Again what's coming is the stopping of the unwise trying to do the wise job

And all trying to do abilities one don't have

GDP scores will be what proves a nation correct

Every time a person tries to do an ability they don't have the GDP scored drop

Those scores if honest tells you the correct governmental system ,,, but has to be long term

The wise will flee to those highest GDP scores nations. But if the scores are not fake

Logic is the only thing than can decide if a nations GDP scores is correct

Good Lord a' Mercy comrade. Do you live in a Dacha or an apartment?

It's okay to be Russian, bro! Just don't say you're something you're not. Be yourself!

What's that 1 Russian dude with the cool pics? Oh yeah, Balancer

See what you've done

You have a mental issue

Our debate proves several things

You have a mental issue of needing to be right
That mental issue will stop reasonable people from working with you

You may fool people for a short time

But that need to be right after you were proved wrong will bring harm to you in many many ways

Your logic logic makes you blind to understand and because of that you must obey a higher logic

This will soon come as this destruction pain does its thing

The unwise WILL be stopped trying to be wise !!

This above is coming


I'll tell you something, I can put a bullet in between eyebrows at 200+ yards.

See there is your problem. You don't understand what you do or say

What's coming is a good topic to help make progress and the correct predictions can save from a helluva life

What do you eat on St. Patty's day, bro? I assume you're Orthodox, correct?

Yeah, I plan on eating the same thing that day. What is it?

See you can't handle losing

You can be a dangerous person that makes errors and then gets mad

Again that's the mental issue that makes you not accept a loss

And you not accepting a loss makes you not learn from the loss

You then cannot progress

Our debate can help others

But our debate is over and back to the predictions on what's coming
Good Lord a' Mercy comrade. Do you live in a Dacha or an apartment?

It's okay to be Russian, bro! Just don't say you're something you're not. Be yourself!

What's that 1 Russian dude with the cool pics? Oh yeah, Balancer

See what you've done

You have a mental issue

Our debate proves several things

You have a mental issue of needing to be right
That mental issue will stop reasonable people from working with you

You may fool people for a short time

But that need to be right after you were proved wrong will bring harm to you in many many ways

Your logic logic makes you blind to understand and because of that you must obey a higher logic

This will soon come as this destruction pain does its thing

The unwise WILL be stopped trying to be wise !!

This above is coming


I'll tell you something, I can put a bullet in between eyebrows at 200+ yards.

See there is your problem. You don't understand what you do or say

What's coming is a good topic to help make progress and the correct predictions can save from a helluva life

What do you eat on St. Patty's day, bro? I assume you're Orthodox, correct?

Yeah, I plan on eating the same thing that day. What is it?

See you can't handle losing

You can be a dangerous person that makes errors and then gets mad

Again that's the mental issue that makes you not accept a loss

And you not accepting a loss makes you not learn from the loss

You then cannot progress

Our debate can help others

But our debate is over and back to the predictions on what's coming

Hokay, comrade.

The correct answer is:

Salt Pork and Corned Beef and Cabbage. Apparently you didn't know that, because you're Russian, but that's okay!

If you keep poking me, I will slap slam your ass, though.
I drink green beer
And eat blackeyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck

Your question there proves low logjc because it depends on what part of America one is from

So you lose again with not understanding what questions to ask to prove something

When one has low logic like you errors on top of errors will come

Saint Patrick's day is known more in Ireland than the USA

And with Catholics

Protestants will not as much

See how your low logic cannot reason

Because of what ??

Yep it's low logic

Now you could ask a more correct question to know what area of the nation I'm from

Can you guess that question ?

What does the southwest area of America say when ordering a beverage

What does the southeast say when ordering a beverage at fast food restaurants

The south west says either soda or pop or soda pop

The southeast says coke

See how you hurt your self by trying to do an ability you don't wave

You waste time and make errors

What's coming Is destruction of these cycles that makes a correction of the unwise trying to be wise

That is always stopped at the begginning of the next cycle

Again what's coming is the stopping of the unwise trying to do the wise job

And all trying to do abilities one don't have

GDP scores will be what proves a nation correct

Every time a person tries to do an ability they don't have the GDP scored drop

Those scores if honest tells you the correct governmental system ,,, but has to be long term

The wise will flee to those highest GDP scores nations. But if the scores are not fake

Logic is the only thing than can decide if a nations GDP scores is correct

Good Lord a' Mercy comrade. Do you live in a Dacha or an apartment?

It's okay to be Russian, bro! Just don't say you're something you're not. Be yourself!

What's that 1 Russian dude with the cool pics? Oh yeah, Balancer

See what you've done

You have a mental issue

Our debate proves several things

You have a mental issue of needing to be right
That mental issue will stop reasonable people from working with you

You may fool people for a short time

But that need to be right after you were proved wrong will bring harm to you in many many ways

Your logic logic makes you blind to understand and because of that you must obey a higher logic

This will soon come as this destruction pain does its thing

The unwise WILL be stopped trying to be wise !!

This above is coming


I'll tell you something, I can put a bullet in between eyebrows at 200+ yards.

See there is your problem. You don't understand what you do or say

What's coming is a good topic to help make progress and the correct predictions can save from a helluva life

What do you eat on St. Patty's day, bro? I assume you're Orthodox, correct?

Yeah, I plan on eating the same thing that day. What is it?

I will, even I have to go to the titty bar to get it.

Pitiful guy with low logic keeps going off topic with bringing up something that is off topic

The topic is what's coming

And saying I'm a Russian with no clues is outrageously off topic

What's coming is the unwise that makes so many errors by trying to do an ability they don't have What's coming is that will be stopped

That makes a nations productivity fall like a rock and will be stopped after this coming destruction from all these people trying to do abilities that they don't have
Students globally protest warming, pleading for their future

School children are now cutting class to protest global warming, much like they were told to do protesting guns.

The end result here is that an entire generation will have been indoctrinated to fight global warming at any cost. This means they will give up their economic freedom, property, everything.

This is the future.
When I was young we got out of school for 'Snow Day's...Now they use the excuse 'Global Warming'...

...and if I told my parents I was SKIPPING SCHOOL to protest 'Global Warming' the only thing that would have warmed up would have been my backside...
See what you've done

You have a mental issue

Our debate proves several things

You have a mental issue of needing to be right
That mental issue will stop reasonable people from working with you

You may fool people for a short time

But that need to be right after you were proved wrong will bring harm to you in many many ways

Your logic logic makes you blind to understand and because of that you must obey a higher logic

This will soon come as this destruction pain does its thing

The unwise WILL be stopped trying to be wise !!

This above is coming


I'll tell you something, I can put a bullet in between eyebrows at 200+ yards.

See there is your problem. You don't understand what you do or say

What's coming is a good topic to help make progress and the correct predictions can save from a helluva life

What do you eat on St. Patty's day, bro? I assume you're Orthodox, correct?

Yeah, I plan on eating the same thing that day. What is it?

See you can't handle losing

You can be a dangerous person that makes errors and then gets mad

Again that's the mental issue that makes you not accept a loss

And you not accepting a loss makes you not learn from the loss

You then cannot progress

Our debate can help others

But our debate is over and back to the predictions on what's coming

Hokay, comrade.

The correct answer is:

Salt Pork and Corned Beef and Cabbage. Apparently you didn't know that, because you're Russian, but that's okay!

If you keep poking me, I will slap slam your ass, though.

See you just proved how low logic you are

And your mental issue

It was you to drive this off topic

It was you accusing me of being a Russian

And knowing what Catholics eat on Saint Patrick's day had no bearing to if I'm a Russian

That shows pure stupidity
Good Lord a' Mercy comrade. Do you live in a Dacha or an apartment?

It's okay to be Russian, bro! Just don't say you're something you're not. Be yourself!

What's that 1 Russian dude with the cool pics? Oh yeah, Balancer

See what you've done

You have a mental issue

Our debate proves several things

You have a mental issue of needing to be right
That mental issue will stop reasonable people from working with you

You may fool people for a short time

But that need to be right after you were proved wrong will bring harm to you in many many ways

Your logic logic makes you blind to understand and because of that you must obey a higher logic

This will soon come as this destruction pain does its thing

The unwise WILL be stopped trying to be wise !!

This above is coming


I'll tell you something, I can put a bullet in between eyebrows at 200+ yards.

See there is your problem. You don't understand what you do or say

What's coming is a good topic to help make progress and the correct predictions can save from a helluva life

What do you eat on St. Patty's day, bro? I assume you're Orthodox, correct?

Yeah, I plan on eating the same thing that day. What is it?

I will, even I have to go to the titty bar to get it.

Pitiful guy with low logic keeps going off topic with bringing up something that is off topic

The topic is what's coming

And saying I'm a Russian with no clues is outrageously off topic

What's coming is the unwise that makes so many errors by trying to do an ability they don't have What's coming is that will be stopped

That makes a nations productivity fall like a rock and will be stopped after this coming destruction from all these people trying to do abilities that they don't have

Stfu, you borscht-eating motherfucker! :1peleas:

I'm 'bout sick of your shit. Cease your silly masquerade, we all know, dumbass.

I don't eat borscht, I eat swamp cabbage, do you know what that is? Fuck no you don't. I eat it seasoned with bacon and salt pork, baby, Straight-up old school. I can cut my own cabbage, too. You ever skin a gator or Diamondback, boy? I have.

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