Look Who’s Being Violent! Wisconsin Unions! I Thought Libs Said it was the Tea Party

Gee whiz guys, lets take your right away to go the church of your choice. I wonder what would happen? Or lets just say from now on you can watch the church service on TV, but there isn't a place to hear and your not going to be able to be a part of it.

Just keep pushing guys, you have gone a long way in getting the 30 million people who either voter against their own best interest or didn't vote at all to take notice of how brutal your side is in getting what they want.

Okay, don't make yourself sound more stupid than you already sound.

A) There is no Constitutional right to collective bargaining in the Constitution.

B) There is a 1st amendment. DUH!

C) Federal union employees already HAVE NO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING RIGHTS.

D) So, why should states have such rights, at the expense of the tax payer.

We aren't talking about piss poor workers, bargaining against some robber baron. The "boss" the unions are using the cudgel of collective bargaining against is THE TAX PAYER. Tax payers that are out of work, or making less than the unions GREEDILY DEMAND for their workers.

What gives them the right to make more than you or I do? What gives them the right to have better benefits?

So you analogy with the first amendment is a HUGE fail.

Suggest you READ the Constitution. You obviously haven't.

Gee whiz guys, lets take your right away to go the church of your choice. I wonder what would happen? Or lets just say from now on you can watch the church service on TV, but there isn't a place to hear and your not going to be able to be a part of it.

Just keep pushing guys, you have gone a long way in getting the 30 million people who either voter against their own best interest or didn't vote at all to take notice of how brutal your side is in getting what they want.

Sort of like forcing everyone to have health insurance unconstitutionally?

Just keep pushing guys, you have gone a long way in getting the 30 million people who either voter against their own best interest or didn't vote at all to take notice of how brutal your side is in getting what they want.
Who the hell are you to tell anyone you don't even know what's in their best interests, numbnutz?
Both voters of the 2 popular parties do this stuff, no big deal, it's only going to increase. I don't have a problem with any of it. I don't agree with them, but don't have an issue with them doing what they did.
(I don't vote for either of the 2 big parties).

But just hope that the members of the party you don't like on this board don't save this thread for when tea partiers or republicans do something similar and you don't start threads to speak out against it. You'll look like hypocrites.

I disagree that both parties do this. Republicans usually work at their jobs instead of running down on orders from some political union hack to shout and pound on walls.

Well of course the motivations are different, but I'm not going to stand up on some moral highground screaming "HOW DARE YOU" because people were inside a government building with heavy security in the late afternoon.
wow that's the best you guys can do, angry protesters who are giving up a good chunk of their pay are being told it ain't enough, you got to give up your rights to ever better yourself. You will now have no say or rights and we will pay you what we want, treat you the way we want. Now just go home and enjoy it!

wake up people, it's only going to get worse as those sheep keep on attacking anyone who tries to better themselves except those at the top, who can fight for billions and transfer this cost onto the workers. GOVT IS BAD, industry is good and fair, as the chant goes on from the right.

We got to hold down people who work for a living, not those who live at the top and want more of it.
wow that's the best you guys can do, angry protesters who are giving up a good chunk of their pay are being told it ain't enough, you got to give up your rights to ever better yourself. You will now have no say or rights and we will pay you what we want, treat you the way we want. Now just go home and enjoy it!

wake up people, it's only going to get worse as those sheep keep on attacking anyone who tries to better themselves except those at the top, who can fight for billions and transfer this cost onto the workers. GOVT IS BAD, industry is good and fair, as the chant goes on from the right.

We got to hold down people who work for a living, not those who live at the top and want more of it.

What rights do the rest of us have that they do not?
Republicans usually work at their jobs instead of running down on orders from some political union hack to shout and pound on walls.

right, do you remember Flordia and all the staffers they flew from around the country to protest for BUSH?
Both voters of the 2 popular parties do this stuff, no big deal, it's only going to increase. I don't have a problem with any of it. I don't agree with them, but don't have an issue with them doing what they did.
(I don't vote for either of the 2 big parties).

But just hope that the members of the party you don't like on this board don't save this thread for when tea partiers or republicans do something similar and you don't start threads to speak out against it. You'll look like hypocrites.


The Tea Party has been around for more than TWO YEARS. Liberals over and over LIED AND LIED AND LIED about them.

"They had swastikas, they were racists, they were violent, blah blah blah."

It was all a pure lie.

But when liberals protest . . . . .

Now you threaten us with, "yeah, but the tea party might be violent in the future!!!!!!!!!!!"

Let us know when that happens okay . . .

You know why I'm not worried?

Because I understand the difference between conservatism and liberal.

It's why when conservatives said "tea bag Washington" they were thinking of our proud American history of the Boston Tea Party.

Liberals thought of a perverted, sex act.

That's all you need to say to tell you how liberals and conservatives are different.

I know the difference between conservatism and liberalism. How they think, how they act, and how they treat the country.


Your explanation of the the difference between conservatism and liberalism shows you have no idea what the differences are, a silly sex analogy. Have you ever been in a thread about gay marriage? The people who call themselves conservative make sexual assumptions and accusations against people who don't agree with them all the time in those forums.

Both sides do it, because it's a human trait, not a trait of a particular political idealogy.

All I'm saying is it takes an amazing level of confidence to be 100% that no republican group will do something similar to standing in a government building a couple extra hours than they're supposed to when democratic legislation is about to be pushed through.

When that day comes what will you do? Speak out against the republican group for doing what the democrat group is doing here? Or will you justify it because you don't like the legislation?
Gee whiz guys, lets take your right away to go the church of your choice. I wonder what would happen? Or lets just say from now on you can watch the church service on TV, but there isn't a place to hear and your not going to be able to be a part of it.

Just keep pushing guys, you have gone a long way in getting the 30 million people who either voter against their own best interest or didn't vote at all to take notice of how brutal your side is in getting what they want.


Exactly where did you get that 30 million number? Watching MSNBC? Rachel Maddow?

I have a project for you....

Go to this link...


It is the results of a Wisconsin poll. It was one done on behalf of those that are against Walkers actions......the results show that 1.1 million people would sign or support a petiton for a recall...likewsie...ONLY THOSE THAT HAVE VOTED or WOULD HAVE VOTED democrat were polled. You will find that info in parahraph 4 of the "findings" section.

Now....once your research is complete...and assuming you know how to research data so that you can then apply the research to the findings of a poll...

You wanna know what you will find?

1/3 of those that voted for Barrett (about 300,00) are satisfied with Walker and would NOT sign or support a recall petition.

You see....YOUR media knows you are too much of a puppet to investigate what the resul;ts of a poll really mean...so they brag about the 1.1 million number....but truth is, the results were a bad thing for those against Walker.

Enjoy your research.
Seems to me the Democrats abandoned their duty to represent people. I think that is your recall opportunity.
Soooo....what we have are American citizens storming and protesting a government that is unresponsive to the wishes of the majority. I like that!!
This has nothing to do with Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, liberal, conservative, none of it. People en masse are stupid, and they just get more stupid the more emotional they get. And the bigger the crowd, the more likely they are to get more emotional. Don't forget what yearly ritual people of all political affiliations do, to celebrate the birth of baby Jebus.

wow that's the best you guys can do, angry protesters who are giving up a good chunk of their pay are being told it ain't enough, you got to give up your rights to ever better yourself. You will now have no say or rights and we will pay you what we want, treat you the way we want. Now just go home and enjoy it!

wake up people, it's only going to get worse as those sheep keep on attacking anyone who tries to better themselves except those at the top, who can fight for billions and transfer this cost onto the workers. GOVT IS BAD, industry is good and fair, as the chant goes on from the right.

We got to hold down people who work for a living, not those who live at the top and want more of it.

What rights do the rest of us have that they do not?

Your probably right, you lost nothing, it was just those who choose to used the rights they had, can't because they were taken away.

Oh by the way, I don't have money that I can go to Washington and lobby for what will help me as a citizen. I don't have the money to control the media and put any kind of BS on the tube I want to spill. The right have the ability to use their money to enhance their positions with the govt, we do not, the people who work for a living wage.

Now I am being told it is wrong to have influence over the govt, if you work for a living. but it's fine for them who have the money to do it.
Both voters of the 2 popular parties do this stuff, no big deal, it's only going to increase. I don't have a problem with any of it. I don't agree with them, but don't have an issue with them doing what they did.
(I don't vote for either of the 2 big parties).

But just hope that the members of the party you don't like on this board don't save this thread for when tea partiers or republicans do something similar and you don't start threads to speak out against it. You'll look like hypocrites.


The Tea Party has been around for more than TWO YEARS. Liberals over and over LIED AND LIED AND LIED about them.

"They had swastikas, they were racists, they were violent, blah blah blah."

It was all a pure lie.

But when liberals protest . . . . .

Now you threaten us with, "yeah, but the tea party might be violent in the future!!!!!!!!!!!"

Let us know when that happens okay . . .

You know why I'm not worried?

Because I understand the difference between conservatism and liberal.

It's why when conservatives said "tea bag Washington" they were thinking of our proud American history of the Boston Tea Party.

Liberals thought of a perverted, sex act.

That's all you need to say to tell you how liberals and conservatives are different.

I know the difference between conservatism and liberalism. How they think, how they act, and how they treat the country.

"I know the difference between conservatism and liberalism. How they think, how they act, and how they treat the country." - I think the video amply demonstrates how Tea Party supporters think, act and how they treat the country (their commitment to preserving the 1st Amendment).
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Police are now dragging protesters out of the Assembly Room so the Legislature can proceed.

It will turn violent today.
wow that's the best you guys can do, angry protesters who are giving up a good chunk of their pay are being told it ain't enough, you got to give up your rights to ever better yourself. You will now have no say or rights and we will pay you what we want, treat you the way we want. Now just go home and enjoy it!

wake up people, it's only going to get worse as those sheep keep on attacking anyone who tries to better themselves except those at the top, who can fight for billions and transfer this cost onto the workers. GOVT IS BAD, industry is good and fair, as the chant goes on from the right.

We got to hold down people who work for a living, not those who live at the top and want more of it.

What rights do the rest of us have that they do not?

Your probably right, you lost nothing, it was just those who choose to used the rights they had, can't because they were taken away.

Oh by the way, I don't have money that I can go to Washington and lobby for what will help me as a citizen. I don't have the money to control the media and put any kind of BS on the tube I want to spill. The right have the ability to use their money to enhance their positions with the govt, we do not, the people who work for a living wage.

Now I am being told it is wrong to have influence over the govt, if you work for a living. but it's fine for them who have the money to do it.

You really should have listened to your parents, and stayed in school a little longer.

You are going to regret that decision for the rest of your life.
wow that's the best you guys can do, angry protesters who are giving up a good chunk of their pay are being told it ain't enough, you got to give up your rights to ever better yourself. You will now have no say or rights and we will pay you what we want, treat you the way we want. Now just go home and enjoy it!

wake up people, it's only going to get worse as those sheep keep on attacking anyone who tries to better themselves except those at the top, who can fight for billions and transfer this cost onto the workers. GOVT IS BAD, industry is good and fair, as the chant goes on from the right.

We got to hold down people who work for a living, not those who live at the top and want more of it.

What rights do the rest of us have that they do not?

Your probably right, you lost nothing, it was just those who choose to used the rights they had, can't because they were taken away.

Oh by the way, I don't have money that I can go to Washington and lobby for what will help me as a citizen. I don't have the money to control the media and put any kind of BS on the tube I want to spill. The right have the ability to use their money to enhance their positions with the govt, we do not, the people who work for a living wage.

Now I am being told it is wrong to have influence over the govt, if you work for a living. but it's fine for them who have the money to do it.

The ability to make money is not reserved for "the right"
Many on the left make more money than many on the right.

And you need to find out waht is a "right" in this country and what is a "negotiated item" as it pertains to working.

You have the right to work.
You have the right to trun down the job.
You have the right to negotiate.
You have the right to not negotiate.

You do NOT have the right to tell the emplyer what he ro she must do.

The employer does not have the right to make you keep the job.
What rights do the rest of us have that they do not?

Your probably right, you lost nothing, it was just those who choose to used the rights they had, can't because they were taken away.

Oh by the way, I don't have money that I can go to Washington and lobby for what will help me as a citizen. I don't have the money to control the media and put any kind of BS on the tube I want to spill. The right have the ability to use their money to enhance their positions with the govt, we do not, the people who work for a living wage.

Now I am being told it is wrong to have influence over the govt, if you work for a living. but it's fine for them who have the money to do it.

You really should have listened to your parents, and stayed in school a little longer.

You are going to regret that decision for the rest of your life.

at the rate we are going in this country...an education and a good career will simply mean that you will be forced to support your less educated and less successful neighnbors in an equal lifestyle as your own.
Both voters of the 2 popular parties do this stuff, no big deal, it's only going to increase. I don't have a problem with any of it. I don't agree with them, but don't have an issue with them doing what they did.
(I don't vote for either of the 2 big parties).

But just hope that the members of the party you don't like on this board don't save this thread for when tea partiers or republicans do something similar and you don't start threads to speak out against it. You'll look like hypocrites.

wink wink
Your probably right, you lost nothing, it was just those who choose to used the rights they had, can't because they were taken away.

Oh by the way, I don't have money that I can go to Washington and lobby for what will help me as a citizen. I don't have the money to control the media and put any kind of BS on the tube I want to spill. The right have the ability to use their money to enhance their positions with the govt, we do not, the people who work for a living wage.

Now I am being told it is wrong to have influence over the govt, if you work for a living. but it's fine for them who have the money to do it.

You really should have listened to your parents, and stayed in school a little longer.

You are going to regret that decision for the rest of your life.

at the rate we are going in this country...an education and a good career will simply mean that you will be forced to support your less educated and less successful neighnbors in an equal lifestyle as your own.

Its been that way for 20 years or more now.

Well.....that......and the ability to communicate.

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