Lookin' For That Apology...

From post 359 in this thread, you fatass closet queen:

Quote: Originally Posted by NYcarbineer
Quote: Originally Posted by boedicca
If that is the case, then why not have the system of paying voluntary fees to use the services instead of taxing everyone for things they don't use?
And how would that work? I can opt out of my share of military spending because I don't 'use' the military?
oooOOOooo feisty aren't we?

Sick of getting pwnd in this thread?

Proving that you can't read is getting pwned?

Denial... it's not just a river in Egypt.
It's how much the country has to produce.

Soooooo the gubmint is the private sector? What Stalinist fantasy world are YOU living in? I go to the store and buy government brand? Is my ISP the US gubmint?

What does the GOVERNMENT produce? Come on now. The Government is NOT the country. The Government is the organization that handles the administration.
It's how much the country has to produce.

Soooooo the gubmint is the private sector? What Stalinist fantasy world are YOU living in? I go to the store and buy government brand? Is my ISP the US gubmint?

What does the GOVERNMENT produce? Come on now. The Government is NOT the country. The Government is the organization that handles the administration.

What does the Government produce?

It produces the most powerful military on earth
It produces roads, bridges, tunnels, water and sewer systems
It produces police and fire protection
It builds librarys, schools, universities
Tax revenues as a percent of GDP shows how much the government has to produce in order to generate the funding of the government.

Ooh! Ooh! This is going to be good!


What direct action does it take to create a profit?

"The bureaucracy is expanding to provide for the needs of the expanding bureaucracy." Yes sir!

It's how much the country has to produce.

Currently, tax revenues as a percent of GDP are at the lowest level they've been since


That means, put simply, that contrary to what you THINK is the case, the government is collecting the smallest percent of our nation's production that it has in 60 years.

No, you didn't know that. No, you didn't think that, and no, you don't believe that.

Always fascinating to look into the workings of the human psyche...

here we have an individual totally committed to the left wing spin, and yet, even when his reputed leaders have thrown in the towel and admitted that their economic philosophy is flawed, and based on fraud, they cannot bring themselves to admit...

1. So President Obama agrees with the GOP plan to keep the Bush tax cuts because the left knows that the cuts grow the economy…

a. But [Moody's chief economist Mark] Zandi begs to differ. "We can debate this until the cows come home but at the end of the day," he said, "we're providing some additional support to the economy and, as it's designed right now, it's temporary support, so by my definition this is stimulus."

White House economic advisor Larry Summers warned last week that without a tax cut deal, the country faces a double-dip recession. Zandi, who's advised Democrats and Republicans alike, agrees the chances for a double-dip recession will drop from "one in four" to "one in 10" if the Obama-brokered plan is passed.
Zandi predicts a bill will increase GDP growth by one percentage point next year, adding it will also create 2.8 million new jobs next year.Are Republicans Backing Another Stimulus? - FoxNews.com

2. Obama had Clinton address the press, supporting the plan and
“The voluble former president took it away, and Obama left part-way through his remarks, saying he had holiday parties to attend.

"Both sides are going to have to eat some things they don't like," Clinton told reporters. "We don't want to slip back into a recession. We've got to keep this thing going and accelerate its pace. I think this is the best available option."

The pact would extend cuts in income tax rates for all earners that would otherwise expire next month, renew long-term jobless benefits and trim Social Security taxes for one year. A number of liberal Democrats say it gives away too much to Republicans, and a provision that's particularly irksome to Democrats cuts estate taxes for the wealthiest Americans.

Clinton gave the package his full-throated endorsement, even while noting that he opposes the extension of upper-income tax cuts — though he himself will benefit from it.
"I personally believe this is a good deal and the best he could have gotten under the circumstances," Clinton said, urging fellow Democrats to support it.
"If I was in office now, I would have done what the president has done," he said.
At Obama's side, Clinton backs tax deal - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

3. “The tax agreement, if it survives a surly and reluctant lame duck Congress, could add to the federal deficit in the short term unless deficit hawks can get offsets in spending. Among other things, the deal would cut the Social Security payroll tax by 2 percentage points in 2011, which could put more than $2,000 in the pockets of upper-income taxpayers. Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, on Thursday produced a YouTube video saying that the deal would not increase the government's long-term deficit.Deficit? What deficit? | The Burlington Free Press | Burlington, Vermont

I'm gonna suggest you look up Hiroo Onoda, and get in touch with him...after all you two have so much in common.
It's how much the country has to produce.
Soooooo the gubmint is the private sector? What Stalinist fantasy world are YOU living in? I go to the store and buy government brand? Is my ISP the US gubmint?

What does the GOVERNMENT produce? Come on now. The Government is NOT the country. The Government is the organization that handles the administration.

What does the Government produce?

It produces the most powerful military on earth
It produces roads, bridges, tunnels, water and sewer systems
It produces police and fire protection
It builds librarys, schools, universities
And those produce a profit how again? Like buying a house, it is a debt, not an asset. Or better still, let me ask it this way.

"If you took away taxes, how would the government pay for this?" That's right, it does not EARN anything.

Someone needs to learn some economics.

Oh and before you get cute and think they were built by the government, the government is not a contractor. They hire private industry to do the design and construction. Therefore it is not built buy government, it is PURCHASED by government. Defense is not a service equivalent to a FedEx/Kinkos or certified public accountant or even security firm. It is unique.
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Ooh! Ooh! This is going to be good!


What direct action does it take to create a profit?

"The bureaucracy is expanding to provide for the needs of the expanding bureaucracy." Yes sir!

It's how much the country has to produce.

Currently, tax revenues as a percent of GDP are at the lowest level they've been since


That means, put simply, that contrary to what you THINK is the case, the government is collecting the smallest percent of our nation's production that it has in 60 years.

No, you didn't know that. No, you didn't think that, and no, you don't believe that.

Always fascinating to look into the workings of the human psyche...

here we have an individual totally committed to the left wing spin, and yet, even when his reputed leaders have thrown in the towel and admitted that their economic philosophy is flawed, and based on fraud, they cannot bring themselves to admit...

1. So President Obama agrees with the GOP plan to keep the Bush tax cuts because the left knows that the cuts grow the economy…

a. But [Moody's chief economist Mark] Zandi begs to differ. "We can debate this until the cows come home but at the end of the day," he said, "we're providing some additional support to the economy and, as it's designed right now, it's temporary support, so by my definition this is stimulus."

White House economic advisor Larry Summers warned last week that without a tax cut deal, the country faces a double-dip recession. Zandi, who's advised Democrats and Republicans alike, agrees the chances for a double-dip recession will drop from "one in four" to "one in 10" if the Obama-brokered plan is passed.
Zandi predicts a bill will increase GDP growth by one percentage point next year, adding it will also create 2.8 million new jobs next year.Are Republicans Backing Another Stimulus? - FoxNews.com

2. Obama had Clinton address the press, supporting the plan and
“The voluble former president took it away, and Obama left part-way through his remarks, saying he had holiday parties to attend.

"Both sides are going to have to eat some things they don't like," Clinton told reporters. "We don't want to slip back into a recession. We've got to keep this thing going and accelerate its pace. I think this is the best available option."

The pact would extend cuts in income tax rates for all earners that would otherwise expire next month, renew long-term jobless benefits and trim Social Security taxes for one year. A number of liberal Democrats say it gives away too much to Republicans, and a provision that's particularly irksome to Democrats cuts estate taxes for the wealthiest Americans.

Clinton gave the package his full-throated endorsement, even while noting that he opposes the extension of upper-income tax cuts — though he himself will benefit from it.
"I personally believe this is a good deal and the best he could have gotten under the circumstances," Clinton said, urging fellow Democrats to support it.
"If I was in office now, I would have done what the president has done," he said.
At Obama's side, Clinton backs tax deal - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

3. “The tax agreement, if it survives a surly and reluctant lame duck Congress, could add to the federal deficit in the short term unless deficit hawks can get offsets in spending. Among other things, the deal would cut the Social Security payroll tax by 2 percentage points in 2011, which could put more than $2,000 in the pockets of upper-income taxpayers. Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, on Thursday produced a YouTube video saying that the deal would not increase the government's long-term deficit.Deficit? What deficit? | The Burlington Free Press | Burlington, Vermont

I'm gonna suggest you look up Hiroo Onoda, and get in touch with him...after all you two have so much in common.

Could you restate your point in one coherent sentence, if by chance you had one?
It's how much the country has to produce.

Soooooo the gubmint is the private sector? What Stalinist fantasy world are YOU living in? I go to the store and buy government brand? Is my ISP the US gubmint?

What does the GOVERNMENT produce? Come on now. The Government is NOT the country. The Government is the organization that handles the administration.

What does the Government produce?

It produces the most powerful military on earth
It produces roads, bridges, tunnels, water and sewer systems
It produces police and fire protection
It builds librarys, schools, universities

Hillarious.... :lol:
Way back when, before the election of '08, what were those of us on the right telling you guys?

We told you that the press wasn't vetting this articulate senator...

we told you you were unaware of his politics, that you were pickin,' with due respect to the President, 'a pig in a poke'...

we even suggested the dire possibilities...

did you listen? Nooooooooooo!

Then, finally, after the election, Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw admit they don't know who he is....


Now, the Democratic Party itself is saying the same things"

"But many other Democrats, including Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), a member of the defense appropriations subcommittee, said they didn’t even know the provision was included.

Moran’s anger with the president boiled over in a short interview Thursday with The Hill about the provision and the tax debate held shortly after the Democratic Caucus voted to reject Obama’s tax-cut deal.

“This is a lack of leadership on the part of Obama,” fumed Moran (D-Va.) “I don’t know where the f*** Obama is on this or anything else. They’re AWOL.”

Dems show signs of abandoning Obama elsewhere after frustration with tax deal - TheHill.com

Hinsight is always 20/20.

Too bad people didn't listen to those of us who actually read obama's books, studied his history, and understood his mindset. You know those of us with foresight ;).
It's how much the country has to produce.

Soooooo the gubmint is the private sector? What Stalinist fantasy world are YOU living in? I go to the store and buy government brand? Is my ISP the US gubmint?

What does the GOVERNMENT produce? Come on now. The Government is NOT the country. The Government is the organization that handles the administration.

Are you mentally retarded?

Let me out of courtesy and to the limit of my patience try to explain this to you.

I mistakenly typed the word 'government' where I meant the word 'country' to go. I did not proofread it and thus published the mistake. If you had bothered to read the second sentence of the post you would have seen I used the word 'country'.

Now please, stop trolling. I know you're desperate to sidetrack the discussion because you're being made a monkey of, but please...enough.
way back when, before the election of '08, what were those of us on the right telling you guys?

We told you that the press wasn't vetting this articulate senator...

We told you you were unaware of his politics, that you were pickin,' with due respect to the president, 'a pig in a poke'...

We even suggested the dire possibilities...

Did you listen? Nooooooooooo!

Then, finally, after the election, charlie rose and tom brokaw admit they don't know who he is....


now, the democratic party itself is saying the same things"

"but many other democrats, including rep. Jim moran (d-va.), a member of the defense appropriations subcommittee, said they didn’t even know the provision was included.

Moran’s anger with the president boiled over in a short interview thursday with the hill about the provision and the tax debate held shortly after the democratic caucus voted to reject obama’s tax-cut deal.

“this is a lack of leadership on the part of obama,” fumed moran (d-va.) “i don’t know where the f*** obama is on this or anything else. they’re awol.”

dems show signs of abandoning obama elsewhere after frustration with tax deal - thehill.com

hinsight is always 20/20.

Too bad people didn't listen to those of us who actually read obama's books, studied his history, and understood his mindset. You know those of us with foresight ;).

you dare question lord god obama???????????????????
Way back when, before the election of '08, what were those of us on the right telling you guys?

We told you that the press wasn't vetting this articulate senator...

we told you you were unaware of his politics, that you were pickin,' with due respect to the President, 'a pig in a poke'...

we even suggested the dire possibilities...

did you listen? Nooooooooooo!

Then, finally, after the election, Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw admit they don't know who he is....


Now, the Democratic Party itself is saying the same things"

"But many other Democrats, including Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), a member of the defense appropriations subcommittee, said they didn’t even know the provision was included.

Moran’s anger with the president boiled over in a short interview Thursday with The Hill about the provision and the tax debate held shortly after the Democratic Caucus voted to reject Obama’s tax-cut deal.

“This is a lack of leadership on the part of Obama,” fumed Moran (D-Va.) “I don’t know where the f*** Obama is on this or anything else. They’re AWOL.”

Dems show signs of abandoning Obama elsewhere after frustration with tax deal - TheHill.com

Hinsight is always 20/20.

Too bad people didn't listen to those of us who actually read obama's books, studied his history, and understood his mindset. You know those of us with foresight ;).

Where in any of his books did he telegraph that he was much further to the center than he appeared to be?
It's how much the country has to produce.

Soooooo the gubmint is the private sector? What Stalinist fantasy world are YOU living in? I go to the store and buy government brand? Is my ISP the US gubmint?

What does the GOVERNMENT produce? Come on now. The Government is NOT the country. The Government is the organization that handles the administration.

Are you mentally retarded?

Let me out of courtesy and to the limit of my patience try to explain this to you.

I mistakenly typed the word 'government' where I meant the word 'country' to go. I did not proofread it and thus published the mistake. If you had bothered to read the second sentence of the post you would have seen I used the word 'country'.

Now please, stop trolling. I know you're desperate to sidetrack the discussion because you're being made a monkey of, but please...enough.

So, substituting Country for Government makes it better?

OK, all you fake phoney fiscal conservatives, here's the 990 billion dollar Stimulus Bill you're now supporting (after you opposed that itty bitty 750 billion dollar one 2 years ago)


Let's hear every sorry one of you tell us how you can support this and still call yourself, with a straight face, a fiscal conservative.
Way back when, before the election of '08, what were those of us on the right telling you guys?

We told you that the press wasn't vetting this articulate senator...

we told you you were unaware of his politics, that you were pickin,' with due respect to the President, 'a pig in a poke'...

we even suggested the dire possibilities...

did you listen? Nooooooooooo!

Then, finally, after the election, Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw admit they don't know who he is....


Now, the Democratic Party itself is saying the same things"

"But many other Democrats, including Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), a member of the defense appropriations subcommittee, said they didn’t even know the provision was included.

Moran’s anger with the president boiled over in a short interview Thursday with The Hill about the provision and the tax debate held shortly after the Democratic Caucus voted to reject Obama’s tax-cut deal.

“This is a lack of leadership on the part of Obama,” fumed Moran (D-Va.) “I don’t know where the f*** Obama is on this or anything else. They’re AWOL.”

Dems show signs of abandoning Obama elsewhere after frustration with tax deal - TheHill.com

Hinsight is always 20/20.

Too bad people didn't listen to those of us who actually read obama's books, studied his history, and understood his mindset. You know those of us with foresight ;).

Where in any of his books did he telegraph that he was much further to the center than he appeared to be?

Depends on your definition of Center if you think he is right, left, or center. Thats objective.

However, his general belief system was highly evident in his books, his public statements, and his other writings. All of his behavior, beleifs, and general attitudes are exactly what I expected from studying the man.
OK, all you fake phoney fiscal conservatives, here's the 990 billion dollar Stimulus Bill you're now supporting (after you opposed that itty bitty 750 billion dollar one 2 years ago)


Let's hear every sorry one of you tell us how you can support this and still call yourself, with a straight face, a fiscal conservative.

I dont support it. I never supported the compromise between the progressive lame ducks that are still putting forth legislation right now.

If you want to talk about it I posted in your other thread about it....or do I not fit your pre-determined mold of what I should be as a conservative american?
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Soooooo the gubmint is the private sector? What Stalinist fantasy world are YOU living in? I go to the store and buy government brand? Is my ISP the US gubmint?

What does the GOVERNMENT produce? Come on now. The Government is NOT the country. The Government is the organization that handles the administration.

Are you mentally retarded?

Let me out of courtesy and to the limit of my patience try to explain this to you.

I mistakenly typed the word 'government' where I meant the word 'country' to go. I did not proofread it and thus published the mistake. If you had bothered to read the second sentence of the post you would have seen I used the word 'country'.

Now please, stop trolling. I know you're desperate to sidetrack the discussion because you're being made a monkey of, but please...enough.

So, substituting Country for Government makes it better?


Probably not to someone like you who has no idea what GDP stands for.
Soooooo the gubmint is the private sector? What Stalinist fantasy world are YOU living in? I go to the store and buy government brand? Is my ISP the US gubmint?

What does the GOVERNMENT produce? Come on now. The Government is NOT the country. The Government is the organization that handles the administration.

What does the Government produce?

It produces the most powerful military on earth
It produces roads, bridges, tunnels, water and sewer systems
It produces police and fire protection
It builds librarys, schools, universities
And those produce a profit how again? Like buying a house, it is a debt, not an asset. Or better still, let me ask it this way.

"If you took away taxes, how would the government pay for this?" That's right, it does not EARN anything.

Someone needs to learn some economics.

Oh and before you get cute and think they were built by the government, the government is not a contractor. They hire private industry to do the design and construction. Therefore it is not built buy government, it is PURCHASED by government. Defense is not a service equivalent to a FedEx/Kinkos or certified public accountant or even security firm. It is unique.

The government is not allowed to be a contractor. They are restricted from competing with the private sector. It does not mean they are not heavily involved in the establishment of a requirement, the design, the execution and the acceptance of all products.

Defense is a service. All soldiers are employed by the government and represent the American people. Fire and police protection are the same.
Schools are run by government employees.

Profit? Our government operates as a non-profit organization. Do you want them to charge you every time you drive on a road or when the fire department comes to your home?

Private industry would

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