Looking for answers.

I welcomed you earlier. Now you seem like a commie lib. Pops is takin it back

Be gone you commie lib French lover.

freedom fries FOREVER!!!!

Oops, Pops does love French toast and French dressing. Frenches mustard ROCKS.

Guess I can't kick you out after all.
I welcomed you earlier. Now you seem like a commie lib. Pops is takin it back

Be gone you commie lib French lover.

freedom fries FOREVER!!!!

Oops, Pops does love French toast and French dressing. Frenches mustard ROCKS.

Guess I can't kick you out after all.
French maids......... :D
You might not like some of the answers you get around here...but welcome!

...and just wait 'til we start askin' him questions!:eusa_angel:

Welcome, Beachboy! Watch out for sand in your Schlitz!

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You might not like some of the answers you get around here...but welcome!

...and just wait 'til we start askin' him questions!:eusa_angel:

Welcome, Beachboy! Watch out for sand in your Schlitz!


Got curious, and found this 1959 Schlitz television commercial. I can see why the product is no longer around![ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYQo8OuYRfw"] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYQo8OuYRfw[/ame]
Having been both a Republican and a Democrat, I find myself now an independent. I don't buy the party line of either party, and find myself thinking more for myself. Don't get me wrong, I respect the sincerity and commitment of political partisans. It just looks to me that no matter what we do, we continue to decline as a nation. I don't know if I am more angry, or hurt about our state of affairs.

Hi Beachboy you have an interesting background that may prove to serve as a great advantage in where politics and govt are heading. I see we need to go back to having a mixed ticket and balanced/inclusive representation to cover all parties not just the majority in office.

Jimmy Jam is a well-balanced person trying to address and police issues threatening to divide and destroy the Republican party about at the same level as I try enforcing Constitutional principles within the Democrat party to unite and stop bullying and other abuses of party politics. I see there is mutual frustration especially where party members get blamed for hypocrisy of party leaders even where we opposed these. there is also a former Republican turned liberal "Richdon" who posts on other forums but I can try to invite him over here to balance things better. Where he posts now the liberals tend to make more sense on there, while conservative posts on here are better. They both post very informative msgs and are generally open to balance and inclusion of different views.

I believe we will probably need a system of representation by party. I would consider asking conservative parties focused on Constitutional rules of law to organize under one umbrella such as using the Justice Party as a central mediator to include all members in a coaltion or parliament type partnership; and then ask the liberal parties that focus on inclusion and diversity to organize under a central Peace Party. Then bring the two together to check and balance each other. There are peace and justice advocates who want a peace dept added to the Cabinet, but I recommend adding peace and mediation/conflict resolution training and grievance process based on consensus to the existing justice dept and expand it to a peace and justice dept. there is not enough check on judicial power, and we need a more direct check and review by citizens through party to make sure laws are passed by consent not bullied through by abuse of party politics or media to exclude half the nation.

so if all parties can organize around peace and justice, maybe we can add some body or process to check all branches and levels of govt and resolve conflicts by mutual agreement.

dont' be discouraged but take heart it takes special ppl like you to bridge these gaps, to understand both sides, and still seek to resolve them by putting country and laws first before party politics that pits ppl against each other instead of working together in teams.

thanks bb and hope to hear more from you as this country struggles to work it all out!
we are in it together, cannot afford divisive politics, and have no choice but to realize this. we will not survive except by investing our resources knowledge and labor in solutions.
Having been both a Republican and a Democrat, I find myself now an independent. I don't buy the party line of either party, and find myself thinking more for myself. Don't get me wrong, I respect the sincerity and commitment of political partisans. It just looks to me that no matter what we do, we continue to decline as a nation. I don't know if I am more angry, or hurt about our state of affairs.

I read your statements several times, I get the impression that you may have unrealistic expectations of parties, society and the US in general. Sometimes things get worse before they get better. I rather work with what I have than wish for things I do not. Yesterday did not look so good to the generation that immediately preceded it, however we as a nation and society strive for better. Perhaps one day we will realize it.


It is my belief that the less partisan I become, the more open I am to accepting the opinions of others. We have a President whose party controlled both houses of Congress during the Wall Street Bail Out. Taxpayers got shafted and so did Main Street, yet there were no hearings, and no one went to jail. The other party put up a candidate who attacked low income taxpayers as freeloaders.

Neither Obama nor Romney could get my vote today. As others have pointed out in this thread, my opinions are shared by others.

The problem with accountability is that we seek it using retributive justice or jdugment and punishment, which makes people defensive and deny what went wrong.

If we move toward restorative justice, then we can better mediate and resolve conflicts to assess restitution, regardless of placing blame; the focus is on corrections and sharing responsibility for those, not trying to make political statements targeting this or that party.

instead of relying on parties or lawyers to attack or deny, which reaps equal backlash and deadlocks and blocks democratic/due process,
why not hire lawyers and enlist parties to assess and collect debts for damages owed to taxpayers, and invest that into restitution. if we let private investors lend money to govt at a profit on interest t hrough the fed, why not let all citizens buy shares in the debts owed by corporate corruption, and charge the wrongdoers to pay back both the debts and the interest on the loans to fix the problems caused by the bailouts and other govt fraud/abuse.

So I am trying to write up this proposal and need supporters of both parties to pull everyone together under a plan to collect on restitution owed to taxpayers for govt abuses at our expense and use that to finance jobs and rebuilding our country and economy.

Any connections and insights you have into this bipartisan process are surely welcome!

some of my proposals are summarized on different webpages
Earned Amnesty
Consent of the Governed

I am also asking usmb members for help to develop websites for
and equalparties
on how to set up equal representation and inclusion by party
especially how to set up separate funding of policies/programs where
parties disagree religiously and need to pay for their own choices
similar to different religious groups funding their own programs and leave each other alone
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Having been both a Republican and a Democrat, I find myself now an independent. I don't buy the party line of either party, and find myself thinking more for myself. Don't get me wrong, I respect the sincerity and commitment of political partisans. It just looks to me that no matter what we do, we continue to decline as a nation. I don't know if I am more angry, or hurt about our state of affairs.

Welcome to the largest political constituency in America, mate...the politically unaffiliated

We feel your pain, believe me.

Unlike you, however, I do NOT respect the sincerity and commitment of today's political partisans.

I used to, naturally, but...

There is no longer ANY EXCUSE for not knowing that both are TOXIC CABALS collaborating in the destruction of this nation.

All the information one needs to know to understand the nature of this SHAMOCRACY is out there from reputable sources.

It takes a willful kind of blindness to miss the OBVIOUS now.
Looking for answers?

Its called solving your own problems. Involving government will just create more problems.

Yes: FIRST solve the problems THEN set up teams and hand the instructions to them to implement and follow, since the govt is hired and managed by the people, not vice versa.
Seriously, would you ever trust a team of builders to build you a house, by letting them decide both the budget and the plans? Wouldn't you decide on the plans, hire the best team that can make it work with the budget, or hire someone else if they can't do the job!
As a Libertarian I typically vote Republican as the Libertarian party just does not stand a chance. I vote on the right for three main issues... National Defense, the Economy, and the Right to Bear Arms, things most important to me. However, as a non religious person who wants the government to leave me the fuck alone I find some of their social views detestable.

I am sick of the two party system, it has lead to extremism and lack of compromise on both sides, but nothing will change as most people have no understanding of the issues and fall for the soundbites. Another problem is that we need term limits for the House and Senate. As long as the term "career politician " is in our vocabulary nothing will ever change.

When those in power elect themselves pay raises, Liberty ceases to exist. Thomas Jefferson warned us about this.
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I welcomed you earlier. Now you seem like a commie lib. Pops is takin it back

Be gone you commie lib French lover.

freedom fries FOREVER!!!!

Oops, Pops does love French toast and French dressing. Frenches mustard ROCKS.

Guess I can't kick you out after all.
French maids......... :D

French Kiss

French Hens


I falling deeper and deeper into the Commie conspiracy. :(
Saw a documentary on France recently. The strongest point was the difference in how Americans and the French view their governments. The American people FEAR Uncle Sam, where as the French government is afraid of the people. I do not think the 1% would like Americans getting too familiar with French history. Chopping off the head of the king, and the Royal Family in 1789 France has left a lasting impression!

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Saw a documentary on France recently. The strongest point was the difference in how Americans and the French view their governments. The American people FEAR Uncle Sam, where as the French government is afraid of the people. I do not think the 1% would like Americans getting too familiar with French history. Chopping off the head of the king, and the Royal Family in 1789 France has left a lasting impression!



Arghhhhhhh, I am a commie!
How dare you think for yourself & not parrot a party line?

Who the fuck do you think you are thinking for your self like that?

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