Looking for answers.

........So I am trying to write up this proposal and need supporters of both parties to pull everyone together under a plan to collect on restitution owed to taxpayers for govt abuses at our expense and use that to finance jobs and rebuilding our country and economy......

You have my attention.

Hi BeachBoy: Thank you for being openminded and trying to look at both sides of things.
It will take people like you to bring the best of both worlds together, not the worst sides which is what we have now.

The main idea I have is to organize ppl in teams, on specific cases
we can use as a pilot study to see if this can work. Some of the activist groups like the
Greens or Occupy may already have legal defense groups willing to take on the
task of assessing the costs to taxpayers for specific acts of abuse or corruption.
If this works, I would go through law schools to set up internships, similar to the
Innocence Project, where this can be done on a continuing basis. [The model I want to
use for setting up a democratically accessible grievance process to check corporate and
govt abuses more directly, would be like Nader's OSHA process of streamlined citations
that are answered by hearings or penalties/corrections, and not proceed to trials unless necessary.
but instead of govt complaining of business violations, citizens would complain of corporate or govt
violations of the Bill of Rights, Amendment 14, or the Code of Ethics for Govt service,
where I posted these basic principles on http://www.ethics-commission.net]

For the restitution part, to publicize the cost to taxpayers per project,
I recommend using the independent currency idea taught by Paul Glover
and Ithaca HOURS Ithaca Hours - Local Currency - Ithaca, New York OR Home

But here I would use the currency not just to represent labor exchanged at 10/hour,
but also to represent the debt, and use the VALUE of the project to back the notes.

I talked to a local banking professional who recommended having people
lend their money against the notes and the project goal; hold that
in a bank account; and then circulate the notes to represent the debt.

The point is for the actual WRONGDOERS to be held to paying the full
amount of the debt, which I would ask teams of lawyers to work out a settlement
plan with the govt and the parties responsible for absconding or abusing public funds.

And either the lenders gain interest off the loan (while the notes or money
are used to finance the jobs and internships/studies to fix the problem
such as with restoring damaged sites of national historic or environmental landmarks)
or the investors OWN shares in the actual project or program.

So either the govt holds the WRONGDOERS responsible, or the citizens
take back the program/property as collateral against the debts and damages at our expense.
If lawyers are hired to do the settlement/collection work, on behalf of taxpayers then they could get a commission, but not where it become a racket itself, like with tobacco suits that profited the lawyers more than anyone else.

What do you think of developing this idea?

Since you are in California, the Headwaters Forest is a good example of
corporate destruction of invaluable wilderness and wildlife at taxpayers' expense.
Would you like to form an exploratory team around that?
I know some ppl who may be interested, if you want to give it a good college try!

Julia Hill of the Circle of Life Foundation was interested in fundraising for scholarships for student interns. And I know other politically-minded media activists who might join in if a team started up around this idea.

here are the rock song lyrics I wrote to host music video contests
to try to raise the money to save redwood trees, endangered species
or the 5 groves within Headwaters Forest:

I thought people of all ages might get involved in karaoke contests
to honor their favorite stars while raising money for a good cause!

What do you think? What kind of music do you like, are you interested?

PS where i Live in Houston, the Freedmen's Town national historic district
is another site I'd like to use as a pilot program for taxpayer reparations:
Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

Because this site combines Freed Slave church, Civil Rights and military history
it may be a bit heavy for lightweights to deal with all that in one project.

So the environmental campaign I was going to call "Rock the Earth"
for hosting wildlife pageants and video contests for clubs to raise money to pay back restitution to save endangered species in a redwood rainforest and river ecosystem
is more appealing to the general public and kids. Since everyone's into American Idol I thought of pitching a TV show called American Wildlife and see if that would draw talent.
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Saw a documentary on France recently. The strongest point was the difference in how Americans and the French view their governments. The American people FEAR Uncle Sam, where as the French government is afraid of the people. I do not think the 1% would like Americans getting too familiar with French history. Chopping off the head of the king, and the Royal Family in 1789 France has left a lasting impression!


Hey BB: sorry I did not see your msg and replied late, see above.
As for fear, the worst fear i see is people are so afraid of each other, ie each other's parties or religious differences, that is where we become prey, slaves or victims to party politics.
so when this hype and bullying is running govt, then we are not in charge by the Constitution.

to address the enemy is to overcome the fear separating people from working together.
MLK said it best about people hating each other because we fear each other,
because we cannot communicate when we are separated from each other.

If you check my other links and postings, I try to promote spoofy political video projects to give people a venue or excuse for crossing over and working with people from other groups.

Though the content and purpose of the projects is serious, if we can mix humor and music in there, we can find more fun creative ways to work together on solutions and get over the divisive political hype and hysteria keeping everyone up in arms about "the other groups."

it's so weird sometimes, when I talk with ppl, and they always blame "the other group" for why "things can't change' why "ppl can't work together' because of THEM. well what about YOU? I'm asking YOU not them. and ironically when I do go ask the others, they say the sAME thing and say it's the other guy, he wont change, so good luck.

I swear this is like little kids afraid to be caught holding hands, until they know the other person like them first, they won't admit it, and they fight to make sure no one knows they like the other person.

in this case they fear the other person, and won't forgive unless they know the other person is forgiving first, etc. so they go in circles, because they are separated by walls they put up to protect themselves, both blaming the other party.

very middle school or high school.
not sure if we need to grow up like adults
or grow down and be like kids in kindergarten not afraid to share toys
and ask can we be friends?
I have a question for you,
Where in all of this Edenesque construct did you plan on taking human nature into account?
Welcome beachboy! You're down the road a piece, so...waving from north of ya.
How dare you think for yourself & not parrot a party line?

Who the fuck do you think you are thinking for your self like that?

And the award for this years most original thought goes to FireFly!

We all deserve a Participation award....

What kind of commie lib are you?

I have been both a registered Republican and a registered Democrat. Now I am an independent. We are an ever increasing group who has little time for the platitudes and mindless ideology of both political parties.


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and the award for this years most original thought goes to firefly!

we all deserve a participation award....

What kind of commie lib are you?

i have been both a registered republican and a registered democrat. Now i am an independent. We are an ever increasing group who has little time for the platitudes and mindless ideology of both political parties.


right on
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we all deserve a participation award....

What kind of commie lib are you?

i have been both a registered republican and a registered democrat. Now i am an independent. We are an ever increasing group who has little time for the platitudes and mindless ideology of both political parties.


right on

I think there are a lot of us. We may not agree on anything except that we are pissed off, or what practical solutions exist. However, I think we agree that that Democrats and Republicans or Liberals and Conservatives mean "More of the same old shit!"

I have a question for you,
Where in all of this Edenesque construct did you plan on taking human nature into account?

it is based on universal human nature. ie wanting free will respected and not mandated for us by some third party. whether a religious view we don't agree with. or some political agenda being pushed through govt by partisan bullying. nobody wants that. and everyone i know would rather have the policies they agree with to be supported. so why not give taxpayers the choice of funding their preferred platforms by party. and reserve the govt for public policies we all agree on across the board. duh!
Having been both a Republican and a Democrat, I find myself now an independent. I don't buy the party line of either party, and find myself thinking more for myself. Don't get me wrong, I respect the sincerity and commitment of political partisans. It just looks to me that no matter what we do, we continue to decline as a nation. I don't know if I am more angry, or hurt about our state of affairs.

You and about half of all eligible voters in our nation, mate.

Welcome to our nighmare.

I have a question for you,
Where in all of this Edenesque construct did you plan on taking human nature into account?

it is based on universal human nature. ie wanting free will respected and not mandated for us by some third party. whether a religious view we don't agree with. or some political agenda being pushed through govt by partisan bullying. nobody wants that. and everyone i know would rather have the policies they agree with to be supported. so why not give taxpayers the choice of funding their preferred platforms by party. and reserve the govt for public policies we all agree on across the board. duh!

Universal human nature? Good, kind and accepting? I have to ask, did you ever graduate beyond reading fairy tales?
Besides, your concept isn't a new one it also runs contrary to the representative, Democratic Republic construct that is our constitution.
Oh and how are you going to get people to agree on policies and what is supported by taxes and what isn't? Good luck with that.

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