Looks like Biden will abandon Americans in the Ukraine, just like he did in Afghanistan.

There's going to be a lot more Americans in Ukraine than there were in Afghanistan.... seeing as how it's not a war zone with tribal sub-humans beheading each other in the streets. Sure wish we could use some of that Xiden Crime Family's expertise in all things Ukrainian. I wonder if Hunted ever learned anything over there besides how to order up a 14-year old prostitute....

Anyway, count on the stuttering shit clown to completely fuck up the operation. Whatever cause the most damage to the people he hates....
The only Tardo is the guy who was fine with Russian Aggression against the Ukraine when Trump was in charge, even defended him when Trump withheld military aid.

The only place where we have troops are in Western Ukraine where they are assisting in training.... If the Ukraine is so incompetent the Russians get that far, it's kind of their own fault.

Again, I think we are just giving Putin enough rope to Hang himself. He's looking for a distraction against a population that has tired of him.

Its not Russian aggression.
The Ukraine is totally corrupt and had been convicted in the world court of stealing billions in gas and oil since 1991.
Eastern Ukraine had always been part of Russia until the 1950s, is ethnic Russian, and should never have been considered part of the Ukraine.
Mind your own fucking business! I was referring to his despicable comment regarding Americans getting trapped in the Ukraine.

Its a big enough country so that no one is trapped, and no US soldiers should ever have been there.
Remember how Biden was supposed to unite the country and regain the "soul of America"?

Remember how it was supposed to be Trump who got us into another war?

UKRAINE: The country so vital to America's interests that they had to impeach a president just for delaying a little aid to it. But now that a democrat has control, is ready to not only give it away completely but can't even get our own people out over there working for us.

You just can't make up shit this fucked up.
Remember how it was supposed to be Trump who got us into another war?

UKRAINE: The country so vital to America's interests that they had to impeach a president just for delaying a little aid to it. But now that a democrat has control, is ready to not only give it away completely but can't even get our own people out over there working for us.

You just can't make up shit this fucked up.
You just did.

He told them to investigate his political rival. You seemed to have forgotten that. But then again, he's your cult leader so I can understand it.
Remember how Biden was supposed to unite the country and regain the "soul of America"?
Dirty commies have no souls. On the other hand the nation is united in disliking Biden. Only the most rabid liberals fools don't hate him.
There are 2 cultures in the Ukraine.
The west does not speak Russian, the east does speak Russian.
The east was given to the Ukraine by Khrushchev for some reason, in the 50s.
It should never have been done/
In the 50s, it was only the Crimea that was joined to Ukraine. Ukrainian Soviet republic was formed in the 20s, at the times when Western Ukraine was a part of Poland.
Its not Russian aggression.
The Ukraine is totally corrupt and had been convicted in the world court of stealing billions in gas and oil since 1991.
Eastern Ukraine had always been part of Russia until the 1950s, is ethnic Russian, and should never have been considered part of the Ukraine.
When was it convicted? Can you cite this decision?
You don't belong in America. I will buy you an inner tube so you can flee to Havana
Funny, I don't see you walking down to the recruiter and signing up for the military like I did 40 years ago.

How many tours have you served with those men????

None. I got out of the Military before it got converted to just doing scrub work for the Zionists and Oil Companies. Happier for it.
There are 2 cultures in the Ukraine.
The west does not speak Russian, the east does speak Russian.
The east was given to the Ukraine by Khrushchev for some reason, in the 50s.
It should never have been done/

Mostly agree. The problem is that the Ukrainians, Belorussians and Russians were historically known as the Little Russians, White Russians and Great Russians. Russia did some finagaling to get Ukraine and Belarus semi-autonomy to get extra seats in the UN.

The Ukraine mostly worked because the Ethnic Russians enjoyed political strength until the Orange Revolution, where the Ethnic Ukrainians toppled a government supported by Ethnic Russians, even though the election that brought it to power was mostly considered fair.

So really, this is a civil war that Russia is taking a side in.

Not our circus, not our monkeys.
Mostly agree. The problem is that the Ukrainians, Belorussians and Russians were historically known as the Little Russians, White Russians and Great Russians. Russia did some finagaling to get Ukraine and Belarus semi-autonomy to get extra seats in the UN.

The Ukraine mostly worked because the Ethnic Russians enjoyed political strength until the Orange Revolution, where the Ethnic Ukrainians toppled a government supported by Ethnic Russians, even though the election that brought it to power was mostly considered fair.

So really, this is a civil war that Russia is taking a side in.

Not our circus, not our monkeys.
Yep, why the US insists on getting involved in alphabet soup conflicts I'll never know. I guess they figure they they can play the sides off against each other like they do here for eventual enrichment of themselves and/or their cronies.
It would never had been in our interest to protect the border of another country.

However, a competent President like Trump would have put a lot more pressure on Putin.

Potatohead is just handing it over to Putin.

The Russians gave millions of dollars to the Biden family a few years ago. Is this what they were buying for their money?
Funny, I don't see you walking down to the recruiter and signing up for the military like I did 40 years ago.

None. I got out of the Military before it got converted to just doing scrub work for the Zionists and Oil Companies. Happier for it.

You always have to spout your Semitic hate, don't you? Typical for a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.
Funny, I don't see you walking down to the recruiter and signing up for the military like I did 40 years ago.

None. I got out of the Military before it got converted to just doing scrub work for the Zionists and Oil Companies. Happier for it.
Thank you for your service, I will still help you get to Havana where you will find your Progressive Paradise
Potatohead is the most incompetent President the US ever had. That is saying a lot seeing that The Worthless Negro use to have that title.

The Russians gave the Biden family millions of dollars. Not as much as the Chinese but much more than the Ukrainians. Looks like money talks, huh?

It is not in the best interest of the West for Russia to expand by force but this dufus "leader of the free world" don't give a shit.
Non of this would be happening if Trump was in charge, that’s for sure.

Biden is a Russian asset.
I still don't understand why we care what happens there. I certainly don't nor should any American with two brain cells to rub together to create a spark......Holy shit, what a bad time to be lead by a bona fide Putz who's only concern is getting his gutter dwelling poll numbers up.
Do you understand that the straights of Hormoz are a major shipping lane for US goods, don't you? Ukraine borders this shipping lane.. Its important all right, to our national security.

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