looks like blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.. weird book about fallen-away Christian


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
I read this book.. not going to say who wrote it bc will NOT promote this kind of thing

but basically, the woman goes into her childhood, no problem there
teen years.. ditto except she finally loses her virginity... but when she gets pregnant, the guy marries her and they eventually find Jesus..

she then describes the kind of life most women would give anything to have.. good husband who works at jobs he doesn't always like but he takes care of them... doesn't abuse her.. doesn't cheat on her

long story short... they get involved w/ this church community and... wow.. I would LOVE to find this kind of community... where people actually LIVE the Word of God.. But... again, long story short...

she begins to be very unahppy... does NOT tell us exactly why, just ssome vague stuff about how her husband wasn't so great in bed .. no details given at all..

She goes to college at his expense.. then.. even though he begs her to return to them... she eventually meets and marries someone else,.

not one word about that 2nd husband... so...

The blaspheny is that she did not seem to have any valid reason for leaving her family... no abuse or if there was she didn't mention it

she just wanted to be young.. I guess a mid life crisis..

She admitted that when she was thinking about leaving her husband, the thought occurred that to leave him meant leaving God..

Then after all the blessings she had serving God... she endss up saying something like Why should we follow some guy who lived in the mid east thousands of years ago?

That is knowing Jesus and rejecting Him anyway which looks like blasphemy of the HS
Blasphemy isn't the word I use.

Face it, the Christian life isn't for everyone. You have to CHOOSE to serve God. She wasn't happy so she moved on. Was she right? In her eyes yes. Only God can judge what happens to her.
The blaspheny is that she did not seem to have any valid reason for leaving her family... no abuse or if there was she didn't mention it

The guy was a Jesus Freak
When she encountered the real world, she found there was more to life than mindless Bible Thumping
Blasphemy isn't the word I use.

Face it, the Christian life isn't for everyone. You have to CHOOSE to serve God. She wasn't happy so she moved on. Was she right? In her eyes yes. Only God can judge what happens to her.
oh please

we are called to "judge" (not condemn but judge)

another word for Judge is Assess

I assess that she had all the good things of life, all as a benefit of following Jesus... and then she just didn't want that anymore...

which is rejecting TRUTH (objectively speaking)

subjectively... her heart is in some weird place... and it is true only God knows what that place looks like..

But she pretty much admitted she was leaving God.. In the psg in the Bible about the unforgivable sin... you have to see the context there as anywhere else..

people were attacking Jesus verbally because he had just done a miracle... and they did not want to follow him.. not bc they thought he was a fraud but because it costs something... Plus, some people, let's face it... they just don't want to be saved.. simple as that.. They embrace evil..

so they knowingly reject (and in that psg rejected) TRuth.. If someone does that until the very end of hteir lives.. no repentance.. they end up in Hell
The guy was a Jesus Freak
When she encountered the real world, she found there was more to life than mindless Bible Thumping
put this in mature terminology and maybe I will respond

I don't recognize such childish, derogatory terms as Bible thumping
put this in mature terminology and maybe I will respond

I don't recognize such childish, derogatory terms as Bible thumping

She was sheltered in a religious bubble that was unfulfilling
When she went to College, she realized there is more to life than the Bible

That is why many fundamentalists send their kids to Christian Universities
I read this book.. not going to say who wrote it bc will NOT promote this kind of thing

but basically, the woman goes into her childhood, no problem there
teen years.. ditto except she finally loses her virginity... but when she gets pregnant, the guy marries her and they eventually find Jesus..

she then describes the kind of life most women would give anything to have.. good husband who works at jobs he doesn't always like but he takes care of them... doesn't abuse her.. doesn't cheat on her

long story short... they get involved w/ this church community and... wow.. I would LOVE to find this kind of community... where people actually LIVE the Word of God.. But... again, long story short...

she begins to be very unahppy... does NOT tell us exactly why, just ssome vague stuff about how her husband wasn't so great in bed .. no details given at all..

She goes to college at his expense.. then.. even though he begs her to return to them... she eventually meets and marries someone else,.

not one word about that 2nd husband... so...

The blaspheny is that she did not seem to have any valid reason for leaving her family... no abuse or if there was she didn't mention it

she just wanted to be young.. I guess a mid life crisis..

She admitted that when she was thinking about leaving her husband, the thought occurred that to leave him meant leaving God..

Then after all the blessings she had serving God... she endss up saying something like Why should we follow some guy who lived in the mid east thousands of years ago?

That is knowing Jesus and rejecting Him anyway which looks like blasphemy of the HS
You are making all this up there is no book with this premise for sale.
oh please

we are called to "judge" (not condemn but judge)

another word for Judge is Assess

I assess that she had all the good things of life, all as a benefit of following Jesus... and then she just didn't want that anymore...

which is rejecting TRUTH (objectively speaking)

subjectively... her heart is in some weird place... and it is true only God knows what that place looks like..

But she pretty much admitted she was leaving God.. In the psg in the Bible about the unforgivable sin... you have to see the context there as anywhere else..

people were attacking Jesus verbally because he had just done a miracle... and they did not want to follow him.. not bc they thought he was a fraud but because it costs something... Plus, some people, let's face it... they just don't want to be saved.. simple as that.. They embrace evil..

so they knowingly reject (and in that psg rejected) TRuth.. If someone does that until the very end of hteir lives.. no repentance.. they end up in Hell

She didn't reject God because she never accepted Him in the first place.
She was sheltered in a religious bubble that was unfulfilling
When she went to College, she realized there is more to life than the Bible

That is why many fundamentalists send their kids to Christian Universities
yeh, right... guess I myself am a freak bc I have done both... been into Jesus AND gone to college.. got a 4. gpa sometimes... over 3 the rest of the time

can't be Christian and have a high IQ (though I do) much less go to college and do well (whicch I did)

so logical

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