Looks Like Harris Off the List to be Biden's Token on the Ticket

Biden is a racist child molester. Why would someone who gropes women demand that he pick a woman as a running mate? God he just can't keep his hands off of women. And she has to be black. Not qualified for the job or the best for the job, just black. Maybe he should select a little girl for a running mate, someone to sniff, caress her cheeks and run his hands through her hair on the campaign trail.

Deplorable is too kind a word to describe you. It needs to be modified by several other words, such as dishonorable, inexcusable, appalling, rotten and especially diabolical.

I wonder why any message board would put up with you. You bring discredit to this board and to all of us who post here. Your toxic and hateful rhetoric is all of the above; I can't believe you can defame a public servant with such scurrious and dishonest allegations and get away with it.

lol hilarious stuff, waxing about 'deplorables' while spamming the board with love for an admitted extortionist and bribe taker who has openly admitted he will throw open the borders to any piece of shit who wants in, as long as they're not white and will vote Democrat along with all the other Democrat candidates this election cycle, and is openly in bed with Red China and Iran, two of the world's major scumbag regimes, and this is just the start of the list.

Crawl back up your ass and inhale deeply.

WOW, this is the longest run on sentence I've ever read. The only one I may have seen won the Bulwer Lytton Fiction Award. I did need to inhale deeply just by reading your post and tying to figure out each of the conspiracy theories you've been brainwashed to believe.

See: Home | The Bulwer Lytton Fiction Contest

Well, no one is surprised you never advanced in school long enough to write complex sentences, given your lack of thinking skills and inability to form independent thoughts on anything, relying on parroting whatever drivel you can absorb at the usual fever swamp web sites you get your weekly talking points from.
Biden is a racist child molester. Why would someone who gropes women demand that he pick a woman as a running mate? God he just can't keep his hands off of women. And she has to be black. Not qualified for the job or the best for the job, just black. Maybe he should select a little girl for a running mate, someone to sniff, caress her cheeks and run his hands through her hair on the campaign trail.
Love it when Trumpsters accuse others of offenses that Trump has done far worse

Love it how worshippers of the rancid tomato deflect.
The Party is paying for riots and mayhem in the streets to divert attention away from the latest in criminal acts thye've been caught red handed at, including their extortionist Presidential candidate Biden, and their previous Obama administration, the dirtiest and most treasonous administration since Lincoln's.
The Party is paying for riots and mayhem in the streets to divert attention away from the latest in criminal acts thye've been caught red handed at, including their extortionist Presidential candidate Biden, and their previous Obama administration, the dirtiest and most treasonous administration since Lincoln's.

The longest idiot-gram in history ^^^.
Deplorable Thread, Deplorable comments and examples of Trump-sters, disgusting, deplorable Racists.

How do you like the way the PROG plays the race card when irony has it Biden will only select a candidate who is the right race and color?

Your ignorance on the term Racism is noted.
Please quote the post where someone expressed the belief one race is inferior to another.

GO! Rye Catcher

I'll do the research when you provided probative evidence that BLM is a domestic terrorist organization.
Your ignorance on the term "racism" is noted.

Hey, Rye Catcher if you are going to call anyone and everyone posting in a thread "racist" you should educate yourself on the definition of the word you raving lunatic race baiting asswipe.

Here, let me educate the perpetually ignorant Rye:

Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Deplorable Thread, Deplorable comments and examples of Trump-sters, disgusting, deplorable Racists.
Awe all the things you loons talk about our first Lady. What is being said here is tame.

I don't recall ever reading any negative comment on Trump's Wife, I do recall some very scurrilous attacks on Obama's Wife.
Okay than name something good the media said about Malina, CNN. Then show me something CNN said bad about Michelle.
Deplorable Thread, Deplorable comments and examples of Trump-sters, disgusting, deplorable Racists.
Awe all the things you loons talk about our first Lady. What is being said here is tame.

I don't recall ever reading any negative comment on Trump's Wife, I do recall some very scurrilous attacks on Obama's Wife.
Okay than name something good the media said about Malina, CNN. Then show me something CNN said bad about Michelle.

I don't watch CNN.
Bummer, I was looking forward to a plastic surgery built batman lookalike freak to run against her at the next opportunity.

Maybe she can team up with the Penguin to heist some loot.....
It's amazing how a botched face lift can just destroy a career like that. Poor. It's over.
she has no experience in any field! how can Biden even consider picking her? he may as well choose some 17 year old kid that works at McDonalds if he's gonna choose her

He could her AG, so she can keep them all out of jail for all the drimes they will commit in office, like a good lil Cadre stalwart. Frankly Holder did a lousy job covering up for the Party; too much evidence left behind from when the regime was in power.
Definition of racism
1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Now that the Trumpsters have joined the Regressive Left in screaming RACISM at everything that moves, you may want to bring this up to them, too.
In other news, heard somewhere his pick was going to be that scumbag Clinton met at that airport in Arizona, right before she testified about something or other involving the crime syndicate and the FBI corruption, Loretta Lynch.
The Party is paying for riots and mayhem in the streets to divert attention away from the latest in criminal acts thye've been caught red handed at, including their extortionist Presidential candidate Biden, and their previous Obama administration, the dirtiest and most treasonous administration since Lincoln's.

The longest idiot-gram in history ^^^.

Poor baby, majored in 'Journalism', where everything is written for 4th graders and commie Party stooges.
I am becoming more convinced that the DNC is going to dump Biden.

Most likely, but then given how stupid they've been since 2016, their leadership really may be too deranged and terrified of prosecution to make adult decisions, who knows; mass insanity does happen.
Definition of racism
1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Now that the Trumpsters have joined the Regressive Left in screaming RACISM at everything that moves, you may want to bring this up to them, too.

You're an idiot. Racism is not defined in a dictionary, it is both overt and covert within the culture. People like you who opposed Affirmative Action, label others as Welfare Queens and a court system which discriminates in sentencing; hiring practices and in the words written on this message board by self proclaimed patriots, the faux conservative set.
Definition of racism
1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Now that the Trumpsters have joined the Regressive Left in screaming RACISM at everything that moves, you may want to bring this up to them, too.

You're an idiot. Racism is not defined in a dictionary, it is both overt and covert within the culture. People like you who opposed Affirmative Action, label others as Welfare Queens and a court system which discriminates in sentencing; hiring practices and in the words written on this message board by self proclaimed patriots, the faux conservative set.
Looks like you really don't know my politics.

But don't let that stop you.
Definition of racism
1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Now that the Trumpsters have joined the Regressive Left in screaming RACISM at everything that moves, you may want to bring this up to them, too.

You're an idiot. Racism is not defined in a dictionary, it is both overt and covert within the culture. People like you who opposed Affirmative Action, label others as Welfare Queens and a court system which discriminates in sentencing; hiring practices and in the words written on this message board by self proclaimed patriots, the faux conservative set.

You're the idiot.


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