Looks like McConnell wins again

Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Do you think that anyone would get violent on the other side? They have not done much up to now. I do know many will not rat on those if they did get violent.

No need for Democrats to get violent.
Republicans have won

Now all that matters is getting even
Pass every piece of legislation you have been putting off. Without a filibuster, Republicans will be powerless
Then start Saturday afternoon executions, right?
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
The court has a way of moderating itself.
Not this time
The Democratic Party is going to ensure the moderation of the Court.

No but the seated justices will.

Supreme court justices are pretty intelligent people when it comes to interpreting the Constitution. Conservatives are always the last to find out that the "intelligencia" doesn't work for them because conservatism has nothing to do with intelligence...it's a visceral reaction--usually of hate--to any change on any front; anywhere. Generally, minorities...they hate them. Increased autonomy of women...they hate that. Multiculturalism...they REALLY hate that. New music...they can't stand it. Inter-racial marriage...I think it's still against the law in some red states (they just don't enforce it). LGBTQ...that sets them off.
The key for Democrats is ......Pass legislation like there is no tomorrow.

By 2022, Republicans may take the House or Senate

Make all legislation binding without options to change without controlling all branches of Government.

Gun control, tax the wealthy, Immigration path to citizenship, Environmental Protection

Make Republicans SCREAM
The only way to make legislation binding is to pass a Constitutional Amendment and the liberals will never control three quarters of the states to do that. If conservatives lose this election, the backlash will give us the House in 2022 and both the presidency and Senate in 2024. All of your schemes will be undone.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
The court has a way of moderating itself.
Not this time
The Democratic Party is going to ensure the moderation of the Court.

No but the seated justices will.

Supreme court justices are pretty intelligent people when it comes to interpreting the Constitution. Conservatives are always the last to find out that the "intelligencia" doesn't work for them because conservatism has nothing to do with intelligence...it's a visceral reaction--usually of hate--to any change on any front; anywhere. Generally, minorities...they hate them. Increased autonomy of women...they hate that. Multiculturalism...they REALLY hate that. New music...they can't stand it. Inter-racial marriage...I think it's still against the law in some red states (they just don't enforce it). LGBTQ...that sets them off.
Yes, the Democratic Party will be involved in that court moderation.
The key for Democrats is ......Pass legislation like there is no tomorrow.

By 2022, Republicans may take the House or Senate

Make all legislation binding without options to change without controlling all branches of Government.

Gun control, tax the wealthy, Immigration path to citizenship, Environmental Protection

Make Republicans SCREAM
The only way to make legislation binding is to pass a Constitutional Amendment and the liberals will never control three quarters of the states to do that. If conservatives lose this election, the backlash will give us the House in 2022 and both the presidency and Senate in 2024. All of your schemes will be undone.
Simply attach a rider that requires a 2/3rds majority to reverse such legislation later on.
The key for Democrats is ......Pass legislation like there is no tomorrow.

By 2022, Republicans may take the House or Senate

Make all legislation binding without options to change without controlling all branches of Government.

Gun control, tax the wealthy, Immigration path to citizenship, Environmental Protection

Make Republicans SCREAM
The only way to make legislation binding is to pass a Constitutional Amendment and the liberals will never control three quarters of the states to do that. If conservatives lose this election, the backlash will give us the House in 2022 and both the presidency and Senate in 2024. All of your schemes will be undone.
Simply attach a rider that requires a 2/3rds majority to reverse such legislation later on.
Law doesn't work that way. Such a rider would be declared unconstitutional because it aims to restrict future legislatures. If it worked that way, the Senate could pass a law tomorrow that would prevent any non-constitutionalist judges or justices from being appointed forever.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
The court has a way of moderating itself.
Not this time
The Democratic Party is going to ensure the moderation of the Court.

No but the seated justices will.

Supreme court justices are pretty intelligent people when it comes to interpreting the Constitution. Conservatives are always the last to find out that the "intelligencia" doesn't work for them because conservatism has nothing to do with intelligence...it's a visceral reaction--usually of hate--to any change on any front; anywhere. Generally, minorities...they hate them. Increased autonomy of women...they hate that. Multiculturalism...they REALLY hate that. New music...they can't stand it. Inter-racial marriage...I think it's still against the law in some red states (they just don't enforce it). LGBTQ...that sets them off.

I like it when partisan bigots think you're somehow enlightened
I don't have any treats Rex...go hump someone else's leg. Maybe they'll play with you.

Sorry, I can't marry you. Mac1958 already asked me. Well, I suppose I could marry him then marry you. What if we just all get married?

Another one who has me a little too far up in their head.

It's Monty Python, try having a sense of humor for a change
If you don’t like it

Get your candidates elected and change it
Do you object to people disagreeing with you?

you told us what you want and I told you why I dont support it

Whether you disagree or not is irrelevant
I disagreed with Republicans stealing the courts but now have to live with it
If Dems can pass what they want, how does your opinion matter?

Here's a question you keep hiding from.

What have Republicans done that Democrats wouldn't do? Go ...
he danced around the question i asked him too....
I answered

Dems would never do what Mitch pulled

They have integrity
thats not what i asked you.....the question was.... .if biden wins and nothing he does stops this virus, it just goes on like it is now....will we see you here bad mouthing him like you do with trump or will you make excuses why he cant contain it?..
Lets see...

If Biden wins and denies COVID is a problem, undermines scientists, lies about the threat, encourages people to disobey regulations and things get worse.....

Yes, I will blame him
i bet if trump never did any of those things you and your fellow lefties would be still blaming him for its devastation .....your hate for the guy is to big of a factor....
The key for Democrats is ......Pass legislation like there is no tomorrow.

By 2022, Republicans may take the House or Senate

Make all legislation binding without options to change without controlling all branches of Government.

Gun control, tax the wealthy, Immigration path to citizenship, Environmental Protection

Make Republicans SCREAM
The only way to make legislation binding is to pass a Constitutional Amendment and the liberals will never control three quarters of the states to do that. If conservatives lose this election, the backlash will give us the House in 2022 and both the presidency and Senate in 2024. All of your schemes will be undone.
Simply attach a rider that requires a 2/3rds majority to reverse such legislation later on.
Law doesn't work that way. Such a rider would be declared unconstitutional because it aims to restrict future legislatures. If it worked that way, the Senate could pass a law tomorrow that would prevent any non-constitutionalist judges or justices from being appointed forever.
Such a rider would of course be constitutional because of separation of powers. You can argue all you want and always will lose.
The problem is not really in Moscow Mitch breaking tradition TWICE to get two seats. America has had anti consumer progressive courts before.

The problem arises if things like Executive Orders/power are ruled on differently depending on the party holding the WH, or if const power is viewed differently by party.

We've already seen Obama Dace upheld 5=4 but Trump having similar power in setting immigrtation policy. IT hangs on integrity, and Thomas and Alito have none
The FBI and Homeland are investigating Thomas and Alito's financial dealings.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
Wow, you're quite the optimist, aren't you???

Do you really think the Democrats can get 67 Senate seats (the number required to override a veto)???
The key for Democrats is ......Pass legislation like there is no tomorrow.

By 2022, Republicans may take the House or Senate

Make all legislation binding without options to change without controlling all branches of Government.

Gun control, tax the wealthy, Immigration path to citizenship, Environmental Protection

Make Republicans SCREAM
I always love when a liberal has a melt down online
If you don’t like it

Get your candidates elected and change it
Do you object to people disagreeing with you?

you told us what you want and I told you why I dont support it

Whether you disagree or not is irrelevant
I disagreed with Republicans stealing the courts but now have to live with it
If Dems can pass what they want, how does your opinion matter?

Here's a question you keep hiding from.

What have Republicans done that Democrats wouldn't do? Go ...
he danced around the question i asked him too....
I answered

Dems would never do what Mitch pulled

They have integrity
thats not what i asked you.....the question was.... .if biden wins and nothing he does stops this virus, it just goes on like it is now....will we see you here bad mouthing him like you do with trump or will you make excuses why he cant contain it?..
Lets see...

If Biden wins and denies COVID is a problem, undermines scientists, lies about the threat, encourages people to disobey regulations and things get worse.....

Yes, I will blame him

You should, but Trump didn't do any of those things.
Video says otherwise

In addition, Trump is attempting to remove millions of people from health insurance during a Pandemic.

He has also chosen an odd time to withdraw from WHO.

Worst leadership in a crisis that you can imagine
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
Wow, you're quite the optimist, aren't you???

Do you really think the Democrats can get 67 Senate seats (the number required to override a veto)???

They will not need to veto Biden
Dems need to drop talk about packing the courts. Let Republicans have their court. They sold their soul for it.

Dems need a sweep in November and abandon the stupid filibuster. Then pass everything on your wish list for the next two years.

Tax the wealthy, Gun a control, Obamacare on Steroids, Immigration reform with a path to citizenship.

Also grant statehood to DC and Puerto Rico
If you don’t like it

Get your candidates elected and change it
Do you object to people disagreeing with you?

you told us what you want and I told you why I dont support it

Whether you disagree or not is irrelevant
I disagreed with Republicans stealing the courts but now have to live with it
If Dems can pass what they want, how does your opinion matter?

Here's a question you keep hiding from.

What have Republicans done that Democrats wouldn't do? Go ...
he danced around the question i asked him too....
I answered

Dems would never do what Mitch pulled

They have integrity
thats not what i asked you.....the question was.... .if biden wins and nothing he does stops this virus, it just goes on like it is now....will we see you here bad mouthing him like you do with trump or will you make excuses why he cant contain it?..
Lets see...

If Biden wins and denies COVID is a problem, undermines scientists, lies about the threat, encourages people to disobey regulations and things get worse.....

Yes, I will blame him

You should, but Trump didn't do any of those things.
Video says otherwise

In addition, Trump is attempting to remove millions of people from health insurance during a Pandemic.

He has also chosen an odd time to withdraw from WHO.

Worst leadership in a crisis that you can imagine

He withdrew from the WHO because they were trying to help China keep the virus undercover. We have 200,000 Americans dead from the virus, long from the prediction of over 2 million. Outside of China, we had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries, and that is if you trust China's reporting. Trump's policy to get rid of Commie Care was a part of the platform he was running on. If it's ruled unconstitutional, then it's unconstitutional.

I have videos too. Would you like to see the one where Dr. Fauci responds to the Woodhead claim? He said all pertinent points he and Trump discussed about the virus were conveyed to the people by Trump or himself.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

the demrats have always been that way.
Dems need to drop talk about packing the courts. Let Republicans have their court. They sold their soul for it.

Dems need a sweep in November and abandon the stupid filibuster. Then pass everything on your wish list for the next two years.

Tax the wealthy, Gun a control, Obamacare on Steroids, Immigration reform with a path to citizenship.

Also grant statehood to DC and Puerto Rico

Sounds like a plan............... to put us in a depression nobody alive has ever seen before.
If you don’t like it

Get your candidates elected and change it
Do you object to people disagreeing with you?

you told us what you want and I told you why I dont support it

Whether you disagree or not is irrelevant
I disagreed with Republicans stealing the courts but now have to live with it
If Dems can pass what they want, how does your opinion matter?

Here's a question you keep hiding from.

What have Republicans done that Democrats wouldn't do? Go ...
he danced around the question i asked him too....
I answered

Dems would never do what Mitch pulled

They have integrity
thats not what i asked you.....the question was.... .if biden wins and nothing he does stops this virus, it just goes on like it is now....will we see you here bad mouthing him like you do with trump or will you make excuses why he cant contain it?..
Lets see...

If Biden wins and denies COVID is a problem, undermines scientists, lies about the threat, encourages people to disobey regulations and things get worse.....

Yes, I will blame him

You should, but Trump didn't do any of those things.
Video says otherwise

In addition, Trump is attempting to remove millions of people from health insurance during a Pandemic.

He has also chosen an odd time to withdraw from WHO.

Worst leadership in a crisis that you can imagine

OMG you're right. I just realized Trump isn't a Democrat. Fuck, fuck, fuck, what was I thinking?

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