Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

The NY Times is beginning to look like a pathetic media arm of the Hillary dominated democrat party. Did they really think they could defend the administration with unnamed sources and a ridiculous story about a you-tube video that has already been debunked and no longer supported by the administration? Years ago they could get away with flagrant political propaganda but the stodgy old Times is way behind the times and doesn't realize that Americans are smarter and better informed than they were when Cronkite was king. The fact that the administration is unresponsive to the Times' "investigation" is indicative of the lame story that nobody except desperate lefties believe.
rightwinger still throwing it out there even though he knows the story is a fraud. Just like his beloved messiah. Keep repeating the lie and hope people will be stupid enough to believe it.

Republicans are only right if you believe AlQaed means.......Muslim bad guys
If you talk about an international terror organization.....they weren't involved

Must have been Ali and the guys at the local bakers union just decided to bring their AK's, RPG's and mortars to a protest, right?
It all depends on your definition of AlQaeda

If you think AlQaeda means Muslim Bad Guys.....you are right
If you think an international terror group was involved in the attacks.....you are wrong

"Kirpatrick said the only way one could claim al Qaida involvement was, "If you're using the term al Qaida to describe even a local group of Islamist militants who dislike democracy or have a grudge against the United States. If you're going to call anybody like that 'al Qaeda,' then, okay.”

Darrell Issa, David Kirkpatrick debate New York Times Benghazi report on Meet the Press

And Darrel Issa says exactly the opposite - that the Benghazi attack is directly linked to al quaeda.

I trust Issa much more than the leftard's lying machine NYT
It all depends on your definition of AlQaeda

If you think AlQaeda means Muslim Bad Guys.....you are right
If you think an international terror group was involved in the attacks.....you are wrong

"Kirpatrick said the only way one could claim al Qaida involvement was, "If you're using the term al Qaida to describe even a local group of Islamist militants who dislike democracy or have a grudge against the United States. If you're going to call anybody like that 'al Qaeda,' then, okay.”

Darrell Issa, David Kirkpatrick debate New York Times Benghazi report on Meet the Press


Several Yemeni men belonging to al Qaeda took part in the terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi last September, according to several sources who have spoken with CNN.

One senior U.S. law enforcement official told CNN that "three or four members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula," or AQAP, took part in the attack.

Another source briefed on the Benghazi investigation said Western intelligence services suspect the men may have been sent by the group specifically to carry out the attack. But it's not been ruled out that they were already in the city and participated as the opportunity arose.

Sources: 3 al Qaeda operatives took part in Benghazi attack - CNN.com
the Times Never said terrorism was not involved, NEVER and you all are just regurgitating a LIE....

be proud of yourselves! Make Christ proud of you at least during this Christmas season, stop your lies, all of you on the right and the left....if you're lying, just STOP IT! If you are ignorant on a topic, then don't lie for the sake of lying....inform yourself, before speaking and passing along another lie you've read...


Having another circle jerk makes you look dumb, honestly...it does....

I just don't get you sheeple......?
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When will Issa apologize to the American people for tying up Congress for ten hearings?

One of the primary functions of Congress is oversight. If the sleazeball in the Administration would tell the truth, it wouldn't take as many hearings to get to the truth.
the Times LIED. as they often do.

there is a direct terrorism involvement in the Benghazi attack which was confirmed by ALL witnesses who testified on the Benghazi hearings.

NYT is desperate to defend their failure in the WH and even more desperate to push failure of SecofState Hillary.

but the leftard sheeple will swallow any lie they are being fed :lol:
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rightwinger still throwing it out there even though he knows the story is a fraud. Just like his beloved messiah. Keep repeating the lie and hope people will be stupid enough to believe it.

Republicans are only right if you believe AlQaed means.......Muslim bad guys
If you talk about an international terror organization.....they weren't involved

Al Queda is an international terror organization with branches all over the world. And, they are all Muslim bad guys.

What do you Democrats think they are?
Kirkpatrick is a liar. He knows that Al-Qaeda participated in that attack, namely the Yemeni branch of Ansar al Sharia. On October 4, 2012, the state sponsor of terrorism list was amended by the US State Department to include the name "Ansar al Sharia" as an alias for "Al Qaeda."

BS all the way paperview.
Kirkpatrick is a liar. He knows that Al-Qaeda participated in that attack, namely the Yemeni branch of Ansar al Sharia. On October 4, 2012, the state sponsor of terrorism list was amended by the US State Department to include the name "Ansar al Sharia" as an alias for "Al Qaeda."

BS all the way paperview.

sure he is. he is a NYT reporter. which instantaneously labels him to be a leftard liar.
It's a well established fact that there was no time to send Marines.

Republicans are the ones who wouldn't fund extra security.

There was plenty of time to send a quick reaction force into Benghazi. And, the Marines budget comes out of the Defense Department.

Seven hours away is quick?

Did the administration know how long the attacks would last when first advised?

If you know that the attacks will last less than Seven hours then you might have a point, even though they should have been deployed regardless, but if you do not know the length of the attack ( information only the attackers could have known) then you have ZERO point.

This just illustrates what happens when children are allowed to govern.
the Times Never said terrorism was not involved, NEVER and you all are just regurgitating a LIE....

be proud of yourselves! Make Christ proud of you at least during this Christmas season, stop your lies, all of you on the right and the left....if you're lying, just STOP IT! If you are ignorant on a topic, then don't lie for the sake of lying....inform yourself, before speaking and passing along another lie you've read...


Having another circle jerk makes you look dumb, honestly...it does....

I just don't get you sheeple......?

How hard is it for you not to spin something?

They flat out denied terrorism was involved (i.e Al Qaeda), rehashing that old line "it was a 'spontaneous protest' all the result of the video." You are essentially doing the same.
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Kirkpatrick is a liar. He knows that Al-Qaeda participated in that attack, namely the Yemeni branch of Ansar al Sharia. On October 4, 2012, the state sponsor of terrorism list was amended by the US State Department to include the name "Ansar al Sharia" as an alias for "Al Qaeda."

BS all the way paperview.
al-Sharia as an Alias for Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula Terrorist Designations of Ansar al-Sharia as an Alias for Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula

Media NoteOffice of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 4, 2012

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The Department of State amended the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and E.O. 13224 designations of al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula to include the new alias, Ansar al-Shari’a (AAS). The Department of State previously designated AQAP as an FTO and under E.O. 13224 on January 19, 2010.
AAS – which is based in Yemen and is a separate entity from Ansar al-Shari’a in Libya – was established to attract potential followers to shari’a rule in areas under the control of AQAP. However, AAS is simply AQAP’s effort to rebrand itself, with the aim of manipulating people to join AQAP’s terrorist cause.

AAS has publicly stated that the particular brand of shari’a they hope to implement is the same as that espoused by the Afghan Taliban and the Islamic State of Iraq, a militant umbrella group and designated Foreign Terrorist Organization that includes al-Qa’ida in Iraq.
Terrorist Designations of Ansar al-Sharia as an Alias for Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula
When will Issa apologize to the American people for tying up Congress for ten hearings?

This is obviously rhetorical, given the arrogance of most conservatives, and the contempt most partisan republicans have for the American people, the ‘hearings’ being evidence of that, where the right pursued a McCarthyesque witch-hunt in lieu of addressing jobs and the economy.
Kirkpatrick is a liar. He knows that Al-Qaeda participated in that attack, namely the Yemeni branch of Ansar al Sharia. On October 4, 2012, the state sponsor of terrorism list was amended by the US State Department to include the name "Ansar al Sharia" as an alias for "Al Qaeda."

BS all the way paperview.
al-Sharia as an Alias for Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula Terrorist Designations of Ansar al-Sharia as an Alias for Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula

Media NoteOffice of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 4, 2012

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The Department of State amended the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and E.O. 13224 designations of al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula to include the new alias, Ansar al-Shari’a (AAS). The Department of State previously designated AQAP as an FTO and under E.O. 13224 on January 19, 2010.
AAS – which is based in Yemen and is a separate entity from Ansar al-Shari’a in Libya – was established to attract potential followers to shari’a rule in areas under the control of AQAP. However, AAS is simply AQAP’s effort to rebrand itself, with the aim of manipulating people to join AQAP’s terrorist cause.

AAS has publicly stated that the particular brand of shari’a they hope to implement is the same as that espoused by the Afghan Taliban and the Islamic State of Iraq, a militant umbrella group and designated Foreign Terrorist Organization that includes al-Qa’ida in Iraq.
Terrorist Designations of Ansar al-Sharia as an Alias for Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula

And? That still doesn't change the fact that Al-Qaeda did participate in the attack, paperview. Move along.
rightwinger still throwing it out there even though he knows the story is a fraud. Just like his beloved messiah. Keep repeating the lie and hope people will be stupid enough to believe it.

Republicans are only right if you believe AlQaed means.......Muslim bad guys
If you talk about an international terror organization.....they weren't involved

Al Queda is an international terror organization with branches all over the world. And, they are all Muslim bad guys.

What do you Democrats think they are?

Al Queda has become a term for Muslim terrorists in everyday usage, much the same way as 'xerox' and 'kleenex' became to represent copier and tissue, respectively.

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