Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

I guess the blatant attempt to rehabilitate Hillary is an epic failure. Benghazi will hang around her neck for the rest of her political life. No amount of lies or spin by the NY Times are other corrupt rags will change that. Might as well deal with it Libs. :(
Ohhh I hope it's a Clinton/Warren ticket. Please let it be so.

Better would be a Clinton/DeBlasio ticket!

Seriously? I'd be a little more concerned about who you people run :lol: The 1st person you people kicked out of your primaries last time was the one guy who could get the crossover vote :eusa_eh: Keep up the good work.
let's see, hmmm, local militia, Ansar al-Shariah--

Ansar al-Shariah is the militant al-Qaida inspired group
When will Issa apologize to the American people for tying up Congress for ten hearings?
The NY Times alleged "report" on Benghazi might have unintended consequences. The stodgy old Times still thinks that they can fool "all of the people all of the time" with unnamed sources but their incredible conclusions raise new awareness over the Obama administration's negligence. Almost nobody in what we used to call "the free world" believes that an obscure you-tube video sparked the armed assault on the American embassy.
You can interview all the fucking Libyans you want. I watched the congressional hearings. The number 2 AMERICAN on the ground laid the blame at the administrations feet. The 9/11 anniversary was coming up. Additional security was requested and denied. It would not have bankrupted the treasury to send a platoon of Marines that would have stopped the terrorists in their tracks. Hilary and Obozo are guilty of accessory to murder.

It's a well established fact that there was no time to send Marines.

Republicans are the ones who wouldn't fund extra security.

It's a well established fact that the requests came weeks before the attack and that the state department turned down the requests. A squad of marines would have bankrupted the treasury? And thanks for the neg. If you want to keep trading, I'm game.
rightwinger still throwing it out there even though he knows the story is a fraud. Just like his beloved messiah. Keep repeating the lie and hope people will be stupid enough to believe it.
Hilarious. The left actually think this is about protecting Obama. They are insulating their true hero, Hillary. Especially anything with New York in the title.

All I do know is Hillary said this in regards to that......

So, are democrats (moron liberals) taking BOTH SIDES of this issue, like they take on both sides of every issue in order to then claim they were right?

Yeah, safe to say that, since indeed that is what they do best (other than making brown people feel like victims on behalf of whitey righty).


Do you liberals really truly want a debate on the Benghazi debacle? Let me know. I am game.
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You can interview all the fucking Libyans you want. I watched the congressional hearings. The number 2 AMERICAN on the ground laid the blame at the administrations feet. The 9/11 anniversary was coming up. Additional security was requested and denied. It would not have bankrupted the treasury to send a platoon of Marines that would have stopped the terrorists in their tracks. Hilary and Obozo are guilty of accessory to murder.

It's a well established fact that there was no time to send Marines.

Republicans are the ones who wouldn't fund extra security.

It's a well established fact that the requests came weeks before the attack and that the state department turned down the requests. A squad of marines would have bankrupted the treasury? And thanks for the neg. If you want to keep trading, I'm game.

I love the comment "It was well established......"

Omitted is that it was established AFTER THE FACT

Unless these poor examples of leadership had supernatural powers, they would have had ZERO idea of how long the attacks would last WHILE it was going on.

Brilliant response by our leaders!
Funny...libtards are all over the two lying threads on Benghazi, but when they have actual quotes from Republicans and Dems debunking the NY Times garbage they're no where to be found. Wonder why?
rightwinger still throwing it out there even though he knows the story is a fraud. Just like his beloved messiah. Keep repeating the lie and hope people will be stupid enough to believe it.

Republicans are only right if you believe AlQaed means.......Muslim bad guys
If you talk about an international terror organization.....they weren't involved
rightwinger still throwing it out there even though he knows the story is a fraud. Just like his beloved messiah. Keep repeating the lie and hope people will be stupid enough to believe it.

It works for every one of their issues.


Has anyone ever seen a liberal be on the correct side of any issue? If so, which one?

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