Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

There was no riot in Libya prior to the attack ..Why do you people keep saying that?


The Libyans were well aware of that video and have been using it to recruit militants.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeR34hrvrCw]ABC: Obama Admin admits no protest before Benghazi attack, security 'inappropriately low' - YouTube[/ame]

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

A fuller accounting of the attacks suggests lessons for the United States that go well beyond Libya. It shows the risks of expecting American aid in a time of desperation to buy durable loyalty, and the difficulty of discerning friends from allies of convenience in a culture shaped by decades of anti-Western sentiment. Both are challenges now hanging over the American involvement in Syria’s civil conflict.

The attack also suggests that, as the threats from local militants around the region have multiplied, an intensive focus on combating Al Qaeda may distract from safeguarding American interests.

In this case, a central figure in the attack was an eccentric, malcontent militia leader, Ahmed Abu Khattala, according to numerous Libyans present at the time. American officials briefed on the American criminal investigation into the killings call him a prime suspect. Mr. Abu Khattala declared openly and often that he placed the United States not far behind Colonel Qaddafi on his list of infidel enemies. But he had no known affiliations with terrorist groups, and he had escaped scrutiny from the 20-person C.I.A. station in Benghazi that was set up to monitor the local situation.

Mr. Abu Khattala, who denies participating in the attack, was firmly embedded in the network of Benghazi militias before and afterward. Many other Islamist leaders consider him an erratic extremist. But he was never more than a step removed from the most influential commanders who dominated Benghazi and who befriended the Americans. They were his neighbors, his fellow inmates and his comrades on the front lines in the fight against Colonel Qaddafi.
A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

That's probably a little too complex for you. :eusa_shifty:
You're off in Lah..lah..land come back to the real world:cuckoo:


Arbusto Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lah lah land.

it's fucking sad the lengths you libs will go in order to protect your people. Really?...I mean I guess we conservatives can take lessons from you libs, but we are just more principled than you.

The Bushes and Ronald Reagan have a relationship with the Bin Ladens that stretch over the years..and you conservatives just gloss over it.


it's fucking sad the lengths you libs will go in order to protect your people. Really?...I mean I guess we conservatives can take lessons from you libs, but we are just more principled than you.

The Bushes and Ronald Reagan have a relationship with the Bin Ladens that stretch over the years..and you conservatives just gloss over it.



The Bin Laden family is the biggest construction contractors in Saudi Arabia. This spoiled little rich kid goes nuts and becomes a terrorist. Should we destroy the rest of his family because of one black sheep?

Yet, Obama is friends with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hillary's chief of staff is a daughter of brotherhood members, but nothing to see here. Let's talk about Booosh.
Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

What seems mind boggling to me is that Bush eroneously engaged the U S in two major wars and got many tens of thousands of Americans murdered illegally and hundreds of thousands injured and millions of Muslims killed injured and displaced ..

Yet Obama had NOTHING to do with the unfortunate losses in Benghazi and you mouth breathing knuckle dragging morons believe Obama is the end all of evil in the Mid East American involement.

Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

What seems mind boggling to me is that Bush eroneously engaged the U S in two major wars and got many tens of thousands of Americans murdered illegally and hundreds of thousands injured and millions of Muslims killed injured and displaced ..

Yet Obama had NOTHING to do with the unfortunate losses in Benghazi and you mouth breathing knuckle dragging morons believe Obama is the end all of evil in the Mid East American involement.


Many tens of thousands?


Obama has made it clear he doesn't believe in sweating the details. This one just bit him in the ass, and he compounds it by covering it up.

That's how they got Nixon BTW.
Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

What seems mind boggling to me is that Bush eroneously engaged the U S in two major wars and got many tens of thousands of Americans murdered illegally and hundreds of thousands injured and millions of Muslims killed injured and displaced ..

Yet Obama had NOTHING to do with the unfortunate losses in Benghazi and you mouth breathing knuckle dragging morons believe Obama is the end all of evil in the Mid East American involement.


Lol at liberals. two major wars blamed on Bush? Look everyone a fucking demented truther.

The Iraq war? Yeah. Carrying out Clintons Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs he signed before Bush took office.

You blind ignorant brainwashed left wing hack.

Of course Gitmo is still open. Yeah, just like we thought. You don't care.

Piece of commie shit.
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Bush did it. The Tea Party is at fault. Fox News is making up phony scandals caused by rouge agents in Cincinnati appointed by Bush. Hey, what difference does it make anyway. The cover-up was only intended to re-elect the president. He actually called it an act of terror even before he blamed it all on a disgusting video that nobody saw. We need to talk about more important issues like removing income inequality, profiling during criminal investigations, women's rights, climate-change, racism, traffic cones on the GWB, and it's time Obama stopped following the Constitution and start turning America into a more authoritarian based governmental system rather than a representative Republic with co-equal branches of government and those nasty checks and balances.

If no one saw the video, why did they have riots over it in 20 countires.

Here's the thing, guy. Obama has made you all so batshit crazy that no one takes your side seriously anymore.

It starts when you guys turn against your own ideas just because the black guy implements them.
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Bush did it. The Tea Party is at fault. Fox News is making up phony scandals caused by rouge agents in Cincinnati appointed by Bush. Hey, what difference does it make anyway. The cover-up was only intended to re-elect the president. He actually called it an act of terror even before he blamed it all on a disgusting video that nobody saw. We need to talk about more important issues like removing income inequality, profiling during criminal investigations, women's rights, climate-change, racism, traffic cones on the GWB, and it's time Obama stopped following the Constitution and start turning America into a more authoritarian based governmental system rather than a representative Republic with co-equal branches of government and those nasty checks and balances.

If no one saw the video, why did they have riots over it in 20 countires.

Here's the thing, guy. Obama has made you all so batshit crazy that no one takes your side seriously anymore.

It starts when you guys turn against your own ideas just because the black guy implements them.

The last line of your statement shows exactly who the racist is. Sad you can't even see it.
Never once can you see past his skin color to be aable to look at the disastrous policies, or in this case the lack therof, of those within the state department, found by the Senate which resulted in the death of a US Ambassador.
It's a good thing his skin color is black for you on the left, even though he is equally whie, because if not then you would have to actually look at the facts of these scandals and discuss them instead of the color of a man's skin.
Bush did it. The Tea Party is at fault. Fox News is making up phony scandals caused by rouge agents in Cincinnati appointed by Bush. Hey, what difference does it make anyway. The cover-up was only intended to re-elect the president. He actually called it an act of terror even before he blamed it all on a disgusting video that nobody saw. We need to talk about more important issues like removing income inequality, profiling during criminal investigations, women's rights, climate-change, racism, traffic cones on the GWB, and it's time Obama stopped following the Constitution and start turning America into a more authoritarian based governmental system rather than a representative Republic with co-equal branches of government and those nasty checks and balances.

If no one saw the video, why did they have riots over it in 20 countires.

Here's the thing, guy. Obama has made you all so batshit crazy that no one takes your side seriously anymore.

It starts when you guys turn against your own ideas just because the black guy implements them.

The last line of your statement shows exactly who the racist is. Sad you can't even see it.

Pointing out the obvious that the main thing about Obama that makes you all batshit crazy is that he's black.

You do get, this, right. That you aren't even about ideas anymore, you are just against what the black guy is for.

Because it's obvious to everyone else.
It's a good thing his skin color is black for you on the left, even though he is equally whie, because if not then you would have to actually look at the facts of these scandals and discuss them instead of the color of a man's skin.

He looks like a black guy, and that's how society treats him. It really doesn't matter what his ancestory is.
Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

What seems mind boggling to me is that Bush eroneously engaged the U S in two major wars and got many tens of thousands of Americans murdered illegally and hundreds of thousands injured and millions of Muslims killed injured and displaced ..

Yet Obama had NOTHING to do with the unfortunate losses in Benghazi and you mouth breathing knuckle dragging morons believe Obama is the end all of evil in the Mid East American involement.


Many tens of thousands?


Obama has made it clear he doesn't believe in sweating the details. This one just bit him in the ass, and he compounds it by covering it up.

That's how they got Nixon BTW.

This "ONE" ???? If you want to label in numbers.. let's say Bush's daddy had "ONE" Bush had two and three and Obama's "Benghazi" which he had nothing to do with it occuring might be a ".000000001". AND that only because the timing and dispersion of the explaination of it was clumbsy. You morons have your panties stuck up your cracks because of a news release snafu ... but the intentional illegal decision to send our troups to senseless slaughter doesn't even register in your fucking willfully ignorant pea brains.

I'm tired of talking to you dangerously stupid assholes.
It's a good thing his skin color is black for you on the left, even though he is equally whie, because if not then you would have to actually look at the facts of these scandals and discuss them instead of the color of a man's skin.

He looks like a black guy, and that's how society treats him. It really doesn't matter what his ancestory is.

As you have so convinced yourself because that is how you see him, all others must as well. Sorry to break it to you, but that is only your reality, because if its otherwise you would have to deal with actual issues instead.
So much for the Republican campaign against Hillary

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.

Wow, the DNC daily newsletter printed that?

How very convincing.....

The New York Times is like a print version of MSNBC, but far more biased and much less credible. You could up your credibility by linking a post on DailyKOS...
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Bush did it. The Tea Party is at fault. Fox News is making up phony scandals caused by rouge agents in Cincinnati appointed by Bush. Hey, what difference does it make anyway. The cover-up was only intended to re-elect the president. He actually called it an act of terror even before he blamed it all on a disgusting video that nobody saw. We need to talk about more important issues like removing income inequality, profiling during criminal investigations, women's rights, climate-change, racism, traffic cones on the GWB, and it's time Obama stopped following the Constitution and start turning America into a more authoritarian based governmental system rather than a representative Republic with co-equal branches of government and those nasty checks and balances.

They saw the video all over the middle east and they were plenty of riots.

Couple that with the fact that the US has a heavy footprint in the region and considers the natural resources of multiple countries as US assets.

It didn't matter that they timed it to coincide with 9/11?

They went around asking everyone about the video, and most said they never saw it but heard it was pretty bad.

That's a good reason to torch an embassy.
Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

What seems mind boggling to me is that Bush eroneously engaged the U S in two major wars and got many tens of thousands of Americans murdered illegally and hundreds of thousands injured and millions of Muslims killed injured and displaced ..

Yet Obama had NOTHING to do with the unfortunate losses in Benghazi and you mouth breathing knuckle dragging morons believe Obama is the end all of evil in the Mid East American involement.


Lol at liberals. two major wars blamed on Bush? Look everyone a fucking demented truther.

The Iraq war? Yeah. Carrying out Clintons Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs he signed before Bush took office.

You blind ignorant brainwashed left wing hack.

Of course Gitmo is still open. Yeah, just like we thought. You don't care.

Piece of commie shit.

Clinton didn't invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

That was George W. Bush.
Bush did it. The Tea Party is at fault. Fox News is making up phony scandals caused by rouge agents in Cincinnati appointed by Bush. Hey, what difference does it make anyway. The cover-up was only intended to re-elect the president. He actually called it an act of terror even before he blamed it all on a disgusting video that nobody saw. We need to talk about more important issues like removing income inequality, profiling during criminal investigations, women's rights, climate-change, racism, traffic cones on the GWB, and it's time Obama stopped following the Constitution and start turning America into a more authoritarian based governmental system rather than a representative Republic with co-equal branches of government and those nasty checks and balances.

They saw the video all over the middle east and they were plenty of riots.

Couple that with the fact that the US has a heavy footprint in the region and considers the natural resources of multiple countries as US assets.

It didn't matter that they timed it to coincide with 9/11?

They went around asking everyone about the video, and most said they never saw it but heard it was pretty bad.

That's a good reason to torch an embassy.

Of course it matters.

Which brings into question why Ambassador Stevens went to the embassy knowing full well of the danger.
Lol at liberals. two major wars blamed on Bush? Look everyone a fucking demented truther.

The Iraq war? Yeah. Carrying out Clintons Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs he signed before Bush took office.

You blind ignorant brainwashed left wing hack.

Of course Gitmo is still open. Yeah, just like we thought. You don't care.

Piece of commie shit.

Clinton didn't invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

That was George W. Bush.

What part of "Clinton didn't invade Iraq or Afghanistan" aren't you understanding?

English doesn't seem to be your first language.

You may be a Saudi..as it certainly sounds like it.
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What part of "Clinton didn't invade Iraq or Afghanistan" aren't you understanding?

English doesn't seem to be your first language.

You may be a Saudi..as it certainly sounds like it.

What's that you're holding in your hands, Shallow?

Is it a rump roast?

Oh wait, looks like Theowl handed you your ass....

Carry on.

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