Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Just because that is the lie you wish to push doesn't make it reality. And I will continue to respond with the truth each and every attempt you make.
And the budget was such that they even were buying electric vehicles and their needed resources for other embassies at the time.

What lie?

The republicans DID slash the budget for security.

The budget was never the issue.
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Bush did it. The Tea Party is at fault. Fox News is making up phony scandals caused by rouge agents in Cincinnati appointed by Bush. Hey, what difference does it make anyway. The cover-up was only intended to re-elect the president. He actually called it an act of terror even before he blamed it all on a disgusting video that nobody saw. We need to talk about more important issues like removing income inequality, profiling during criminal investigations, women's rights, climate-change, racism, traffic cones on the GWB, and it's time Obama stopped following the Constitution and start turning America into a more authoritarian based governmental system rather than a representative Republic with co-equal branches of government and those nasty checks and balances.
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Bush did it. The Tea Party is at fault. Fox News is making up phony scandals caused by rouge agents in Cincinnati appointed by Bush. Hey, what difference does it make anyway. The cover-up was only intended to re-elect the president. He actually called it an act of terror even before he blamed it all on a disgusting video that nobody saw. We need to talk about more important issues like removing income inequality, profiling during criminal investigations, women's rights, climate-change, racism, traffic cones on the GWB, and it's time Obama stopped following the Constitution and start turning America into a more authoritarian based governmental system rather than a representative Republic with co-equal branches of government and those nasty checks and balances.

They saw the video all over the middle east and they were plenty of riots.

Couple that with the fact that the US has a heavy footprint in the region and considers the natural resources of multiple countries as US assets.
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Just because that is the lie you wish to push doesn't make it reality. And I will continue to respond with the truth each and every attempt you make.
And the budget was such that they even were buying electric vehicles and their needed resources for other embassies at the time.


Is this a good time to point out that Congress approved every line in State's budget, and they were the ones who signed off on the electric cars...

you really are naive. Really
from page 26 of the report-
State Department documents indicate that its Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
was aware of the fact that many of the tripwires had indeed been crossed and
discussed suspending operations, but never did. Given these developments and the
available intelligence at the time, the Coii1IIllttee believes the State Department
should have recognized the need to increase security to a level commensurate with
the threat, or suspend operations in Benghazi.
However, operations continued with
minimal improvements in security and personnel protections.

It is hilarious how wrong you all are on every single issue.

Then to watch all of you squirm like little toads.

I still remember all of you actually saying Bush lied about WMDs. I think you all still believe that bullshit.

Do any of you (swallow or the stat asshole or rightwinger etc) have any control over how dumb you allow yourselves to get?

Or is it that hard to be proven wrong over and over again, where you add layers of bullshit to the established layers of bullshit?

Tell us again how Bush and Cheney organized 911 and rigged explosives at the base of WTC#7 again. I always loved that one. Always reminds me that I am talking to mental cases who have the thinking power of a 7 year old, but always think they are smarter.

How does it feel to be proved wrong again?
page 27 -
With respect to the role of DoD and AFRICOM in emergency evacuations
and rescue operations in Benghazi, the Committee received conflicting information
on the extent of the awareness within DoD of the Benghazi Annex. According to
U.S. AFRICOM, neither the command nor its Commander were aware of an annex

page 21 -

RECOMMENDATION: The State Department must ensure that security
threats are quickly assessed and security upgrades are put into place with
minimal bureaucratic delay. The State Department has made changes since
September 11,2012, including the creation of a new position of Deputy
Assistant Secretary for High-Threat Posts. Although this new position will
help the State Department focus on high-threat posts, the State Department
must make the institutional changes necessary to quickly and efficiently
respond to emerging security threats--especially those threats that have been
identified numerous times by the U.S. Intelligence Community. The
Committee urges the State Department to consider the recommendation of its
Independent Panel on Best Practices to, "as a matter of urgency, establish an
Under Secretary for Diplomatic Security" to "bring security governance into
the 21st Century and align security management with the realities of a post
9/11 threat environment."84 As noted by the Chairman of the Independent
Panel on Best Practices in his written testimony to a House Committee, this
structural recommendation is not new and was suggested in a report written
14 years ago, following the 1998 East Mrica Embassy bombings. 5

It is hilarious how wrong you all are on every single issue.

Then to watch all of you squirm like little toads.

I still remember all of you actually saying Bush lied about WMDs. I think you all still believe that bullshit.

Do any of you (swallow or the stat asshole or rightwinger etc) have any control over how dumb you allow yourselves to get?

Or is it that hard to be proven wrong over and over again, where you add layers of bullshit to the established layers of bullshit?

Tell us again how Bush and Cheney organized 911 and rigged explosives at the base of WTC#7 again. I always loved that one. Always reminds me that I am talking to mental cases who have the thinking power of a 7 year old, but always think they are smarter.

How does it feel to be proved wrong again?

Well TheOwlFag.

You continue to spout lies as truth.

And continue to be wrong.

A good deal of the terrorism that we face today are a result of Conservative policies and a result of the wishes of their allies in Saudi Arabia.
This issue continues to fail in its mission.

NOBODY BELIEVES the right wing cranks about his issue.


The liberal dingbats that are in the tank for Obama and Hillary apparently don't believe the bi-partisan Senate report on the issue.

It is hilarious how wrong you all are on every single issue.

Then to watch all of you squirm like little toads.

I still remember all of you actually saying Bush lied about WMDs. I think you all still believe that bullshit.

Do any of you (swallow or the stat asshole or rightwinger etc) have any control over how dumb you allow yourselves to get?

Or is it that hard to be proven wrong over and over again, where you add layers of bullshit to the established layers of bullshit?

Tell us again how Bush and Cheney organized 911 and rigged explosives at the base of WTC#7 again. I always loved that one. Always reminds me that I am talking to mental cases who have the thinking power of a 7 year old, but always think they are smarter.

How does it feel to be proved wrong again?

Well TheOwlFag.

You continue to spout lies as truth.

And continue to be wrong.

A good deal of the terrorism that we face today are a result of Conservative policies and a result of the wishes of their allies in Saudi Arabia.

9-11 happened after 8 years of Bill Clinton. What were his conservative policies?

It is hilarious how wrong you all are on every single issue.

Then to watch all of you squirm like little toads.

I still remember all of you actually saying Bush lied about WMDs. I think you all still believe that bullshit.

Do any of you (swallow or the stat asshole or rightwinger etc) have any control over how dumb you allow yourselves to get?

Or is it that hard to be proven wrong over and over again, where you add layers of bullshit to the established layers of bullshit?

Tell us again how Bush and Cheney organized 911 and rigged explosives at the base of WTC#7 again. I always loved that one. Always reminds me that I am talking to mental cases who have the thinking power of a 7 year old, but always think they are smarter.

How does it feel to be proved wrong again?

Well TheOwlFag.

You continue to spout lies as truth.

And continue to be wrong.

A good deal of the terrorism that we face today are a result of Conservative policies and a result of the wishes of their allies in Saudi Arabia.

9-11 happened after 8 years of Bill Clinton. What were his conservative policies?

It must have been the funding and backing of close friend of the Bush's, Osama Bin Laden.

Oh wait, no, that was Ronald "I love terrorists that rape and kill American Nuns" Reagan and George HW Bush.

Clinton was trying to kill him.
As the Accountability Review Board found, there were at least 20 security
incidents involving the Temporary Mission Facility, international organizations,
non-governmental organizations, and third-country nationals and diplomats in the
Benghazi area in the months leading up to the September 11, 20 12, attacks. 51

The 20 security incidents detailed in the unclassified report of the ARB on pages 15-16 are as follows:
o March 18, 2012-Anned robbery occurs at the British School in Benghazi.
• March 22, 2012-Members of a militia searching for a suspect fire their weapons near the U.S. Mission
and attempt to enter.
• April 2, 2012-A British armored diplomatic vehicle is attacked after driving into a local protest; the
vehicle was damaged but occupants uninjured.
• April6, 2012-A gelatina bomb or "fish bomb" (traditional homemade explosive device used for fishing)
is thrown over the Temporary Mission Facility's north wall.
• April 10, 2012-An lED (gelatina or dynamite stick) is thrown at the motorcade ofthe United Nations
(UN) Special Envoy to Libya in Benghazi.
o April26, 2012-The principal officer ofthe U.S. Mission is evacuated from the International Medical
University (IMU) after a fistfight escalated to gunfire between Tripoli-based trade delegation security
personnel and IMU security.
• April27, 2012-Two South African nationals in Libya as part of a U.S.-funded weapons abatement,
unexploded ordnance removal, and demining project are detained at gunpoint by militia, questioned, and
• May 22, 2012-Benghazi-based International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) building is struck by
• May 28, 2012-A previously unknown organization, Omar Abdurrahman group, claims responsibility for
the ICRC attack and issues a threat against the United States on social media sites.
• June 6, 2012-IED attack on the Temporary Mission Facility; the lED detonates with no injuries but blows
a large hole.in the compound's exterior wall. Omar Abdurrahman group makes an unsubstantiated claim of
• June 8, 2012--=-Two hand grenades target a parked United Kingdom (UK) diplomatic vehicle in Sabha (800
km south of Benghazi).
• June 11, 2012-While in Benghazi, the British Ambassador's convoy is attacked with an RPG and possible AK-47s; two UK security officers are injured. The UK closes its mission in Benghazi the following day.
June 12, 2012-An RPG attack occurs on the ICRC compound in Misrata (400 km west of Benghazi).
• June 18, 20 12-Protestors storm the Tunisian consulate in Benghazi.
• July 29, 2012-An lED is found on grounds ofthe Tibesti Hotel in Benghazi.
• July 30, 2012-A Sudanese consul in Benghazi is carjacked and his driver is beaten.
• July 31, 2012-Seven Iranian-citizen ICRC workers are abducted in Benghazi. .
• AugustS, 2012-ICRC Misrata office is attacked with RPGs; ICRC withdraws its representatives from
Misrata and Benghazi.
• August 9, 2012-A Spanish-American dual national NGO worker is abducted from the Islamic Cultural
Center in Benghazi and released the same day.
• August 20, 2012-A small bomb is thrown at an Egyptian diplomat's vehicle parked outside ofthe
Egyptian consulate in Benghazi.
In the months prior to the attack, Ambassador Stevens and other State
Department officials in Libya outlined concerns via cables to State Department
headquarters about the security of the Mission compound in Benghazi and made
several requests for additional security resources. For example:
• On June6, 2012, Stevens recommended the creation of
~teams, made up of locally hired personnel, in Benghazi and
Tripoli. The State Department attempted to create a team in Tripoli, but
was unable to so because it was difficult to find and clear appropriate personnel.
A ---- team was never created in Benghazi, despite the Ambassador's recommendation. 60On July 9, 2012, Stevens sent a cable to State Department headquarters
requesting a minimum of 13 "Temporary Duty" (TDY) U.S. security
personnel for Libya, which he said could be made up of DS agents, DoD
Site Security Team (SST) personnel, or_some combination ofthe two.61
These TDY security personnel were needed to meet the requested
security posture in Tripoli and Benghazi. The State Department never
fulfilled this request and, according to Eric Nordstrom, State Department
headquarters never responded to the request with a cable

In an August 16, 2012, cable to State headquarters, Stevens raised
additional concerns about the deteriorating security situation in Benghazi
following an Emergency Action Committee (EAC) meeting held on
August 15, 2012, in Benghazi. The EAC is an interagency group
convened periodically in U.S. embassies and other facilities in response
to emergencies or security matters. ~n this case, the head State
Department officer in Benghazi, ca11ed the Principal Officer, convened
the meeting "to evaluate Post's tripwires in light of the deteriorating
security situation in Benghazi." 63 The cable summarizing this EAC
included the following points:
( 1) The Principal Officer "remarked that the security situation in
Benghazi was 'trending negatively"' and "that this daily pattern of
violence would be the 'new normal' for the foreseeable future,
particularly given the minimal capabilities of organizations such as
the Supreme Security Council and local police."
(2) A CIA officer "briefed the EAC on the location of approximately ten
Islamist militias and AQ training camps within Benghazi
(3) The Principal Officer and a CIA officer "expressed concerns with the
lack of host nation security to support the U.S. Mission [facility]."
(4)~ssed con.c~~s with.Post's r~lat.ionship with the
-[local mihtia], particularly m hght of some of the
actions taken by the brigade's subsidiary members."
(5) The Regional Security Officer "expressed concerns with the ability to
defend Post in the event of a coordinated attack due to limited
manpower, security me~sures, weapons_capabilities, host nation
support, and the overall size of the compound."

Despite the clearly deteriorating security si_tuation in Benghazi and requests
for additional security resources, few significant improvements were made by the
State Department to the security posture of the Temporary Mission Facility.
page 16
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So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Bush did it. The Tea Party is at fault. Fox News is making up phony scandals caused by rouge agents in Cincinnati appointed by Bush. Hey, what difference does it make anyway. The cover-up was only intended to re-elect the president. He actually called it an act of terror even before he blamed it all on a disgusting video that nobody saw. We need to talk about more important issues like removing income inequality, profiling during criminal investigations, women's rights, climate-change, racism, traffic cones on the GWB, and it's time Obama stopped following the Constitution and start turning America into a more authoritarian based governmental system rather than a representative Republic with co-equal branches of government and those nasty checks and balances.

They saw the video all over the middle east and they were plenty of riots.

Couple that with the fact that the US has a heavy footprint in the region and considers the natural resources of multiple countries as US assets.

There was no riot in Libya prior to the attack ..Why do you people keep saying that?
Lest we forget..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHXq8TRejow]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]
Well TheOwlFag.

You continue to spout lies as truth.

And continue to be wrong.

A good deal of the terrorism that we face today are a result of Conservative policies and a result of the wishes of their allies in Saudi Arabia.

9-11 happened after 8 years of Bill Clinton. What were his conservative policies?

It must have been the funding and backing of close friend of the Bush's, Osama Bin Laden.

Oh wait, no, that was Ronald "I love terrorists that rape and kill American Nuns" Reagan and George HW Bush.

Clinton was trying to kill him.

You're off in Lah..lah..land come back to the real world:cuckoo:
Bush did it. The Tea Party is at fault. Fox News is making up phony scandals caused by rouge agents in Cincinnati appointed by Bush. Hey, what difference does it make anyway. The cover-up was only intended to re-elect the president. He actually called it an act of terror even before he blamed it all on a disgusting video that nobody saw. We need to talk about more important issues like removing income inequality, profiling during criminal investigations, women's rights, climate-change, racism, traffic cones on the GWB, and it's time Obama stopped following the Constitution and start turning America into a more authoritarian based governmental system rather than a representative Republic with co-equal branches of government and those nasty checks and balances.

They saw the video all over the middle east and they were plenty of riots.

Couple that with the fact that the US has a heavy footprint in the region and considers the natural resources of multiple countries as US assets.

There was no riot in Libya prior to the attack ..Why do you people keep saying that?


The Libyans were well aware of that video and have been using it to recruit militants.
9-11 happened after 8 years of Bill Clinton. What were his conservative policies?

It must have been the funding and backing of close friend of the Bush's, Osama Bin Laden.

Oh wait, no, that was Ronald "I love terrorists that rape and kill American Nuns" Reagan and George HW Bush.

Clinton was trying to kill him.

You're off in Lah..lah..land come back to the real world:cuckoo:


Arbusto Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lah lah land.

They saw the video all over the middle east and they were plenty of riots.

Couple that with the fact that the US has a heavy footprint in the region and considers the natural resources of multiple countries as US assets.

There was no riot in Libya prior to the attack ..Why do you people keep saying that?


The Libyans were well aware of that video and have been using it to recruit militants.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeR34hrvrCw]ABC: Obama Admin admits no protest before Benghazi attack, security 'inappropriately low' - YouTube[/ame]
It must have been the funding and backing of close friend of the Bush's, Osama Bin Laden.

Oh wait, no, that was Ronald "I love terrorists that rape and kill American Nuns" Reagan and George HW Bush.

Clinton was trying to kill him.

You're off in Lah..lah..land come back to the real world:cuckoo:


Arbusto Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lah lah land.

it's fucking sad the lengths you libs will go in order to protect your people. Really?...I mean I guess we conservatives can take lessons from you libs, but we are just more principled than you.

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