Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

Actually, all we know is that three flag officers talking amongst themselves called it "Terror" when they had no real information at the time.

Here's the thing. Until we actually capture the folks who attacked, we really don't know what they were thinking.

But most of the ones who've testified said, "Um, yeah, we were pissed off about the Video!"

No, we have General Ham, the man in charge of the theatre telling us briefed Obama and Hillary within minutes telling them they were under attack by terrorists, it had nothing to do with any stupid video.

HOw did General Ham know what they were rioting over. Did they send him a memo?

According to the documents, Gen. Carter Ham - who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya - said that while there was mention of the demonstrations - which started on the same day day as Benghazi but in Egypt - he and the other commanders involved were always clear that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.

You'll have to ask him Joe....but see.....hmmmmm...the General in charge....or you.
No, we have General Ham, the man in charge of the theatre telling us briefed Obama and Hillary within minutes telling them they were under attack by terrorists, it had nothing to do with any stupid video.

HOw did General Ham know what they were rioting over. Did they send him a memo?

According to the documents, Gen. Carter Ham - who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya - said that while there was mention of the demonstrations - which started on the same day day as Benghazi but in Egypt - he and the other commanders involved were always clear that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.

You'll have to ask him Joe....but see.....hmmmmm...the General in charge....or you.


President Barack Hussein Obama really can't get away with the Benghazi lie any longer. Newly released declassified testimony reported by Fox News shows that just minutes after the attack on our consulate in Benghazi Libya that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 others, all the top civilian and military defense officials, including President Obama knew that attack was a terrorist attack.

No one ever denied it was a terrorist attack. Obama called it a "terrorist" attack the next day.

No, we have General Ham, the man in charge of the theatre telling us briefed Obama and Hillary within minutes telling them they were under attack by terrorists, it had nothing to do with any stupid video.

HOw did General Ham know what they were rioting over. Did they send him a memo?

According to the documents, Gen. Carter Ham - who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya - said that while there was mention of the demonstrations - which started on the same day day as Benghazi but in Egypt - he and the other commanders involved were always clear that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.

You'll have to ask him Joe....but see.....hmmmmm...the General in charge....or you.

and of course his speech at the UN using the video , again, etc. or refusing to call the attack a terrorist attack when questioned umpteen times directly on the 60 minutes blurb by steve croft which cbs edited out and held back :)), telling the mother of one of the men killed a video was responsible for the attack ( or was that hillary?;)), the massaging out of 'terrorism' in the "Memo", susan rice , 5 sunday shows....see, none of that happened :rolleyes:
HOw did General Ham know what they were rioting over. Did they send him a memo?

According to the documents, Gen. Carter Ham - who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya - said that while there was mention of the demonstrations - which started on the same day day as Benghazi but in Egypt - he and the other commanders involved were always clear that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.

You'll have to ask him Joe....but see.....hmmmmm...the General in charge....or you.

and of course his speech at the UN using the video , again, etc. or refusing to call the attack a terrorist attack when questioned umpteen times directly on the 60 minutes blurb by steve croft which cbs edited out and held back :)), telling the mother of one of the men killed a video was responsible for the attack ( or was that hillary?;)), the massaging out of 'terrorism' in the "Memo", susan rice , 5 sunday shows....see, none of that happened :rolleyes:

I've never seen anything like this...this blind allegiance to a liar and traitor...apparently the over riding requirement to be a Democrat is to not have any integrity.

President Barack Hussein Obama really can't get away with the Benghazi lie any longer. Newly released declassified testimony reported by Fox News shows that just minutes after the attack on our consulate in Benghazi Libya that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 others, all the top civilian and military defense officials, including President Obama knew that attack was a terrorist attack.

No one ever denied it was a terrorist attack. Obama called it a "terrorist" attack the next day.

"Nobody?" :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

More than half of you left wing fubars are PRESENTLY still denying that it was a terrorist attack. And that bastion of lolberal crapaganda, The NY Slimes, is urgently trying to peddle exactly that. This explains the ridiculous OP.

And, Obumbler inadvertently suggested or admitted that a terrorist attack was a terrorist attack BEFORE he (and Rice and Shrillary) started steadfastly denying that the terrorist attack was a terrorist attack.

For Christ's sake. Pick a story line you loopey libs.
Actually, all we know is that three flag officers talking amongst themselves called it "Terror" when they had no real information at the time.

Here's the thing. Until we actually capture the folks who attacked, we really don't know what they were thinking.

But most of the ones who've testified said, "Um, yeah, we were pissed off about the Video!"

No, we have General Ham, the man in charge of the theatre telling us briefed Obama and Hillary within minutes telling them they were under attack by terrorists, it had nothing to do with any stupid video.

HOw did General Ham know what they were rioting over. Did they send him a memo?

There was no riot you idiot:cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeR34hrvrCw]ABC: Obama Admin admits no protest before Benghazi attack, security 'inappropriately low' - YouTube[/ame]
. Fifteen months after Mr. Stevens’s death, the question of responsibility remains a searing issue in Washington, framed by two contradictory story lines.
One has it that the video, which was posted on YouTube, inspired spontaneous street protests that got out of hand. This version, based on early intelligence reports, was initially offered publicly by Susan E. Rice, who is now Mr. Obama’s national security adviser.
The other, favored by Republicans, holds that Mr. Stevens died in a carefully planned assault by Al Qaeda to mark the anniversary of its strike on the United States 11 years before. Republicans have accused the Obama administration of covering up evidence of Al Qaeda’s role to avoid undermining the president’s claim that the group has been decimated, in part because of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
The investigation by The Times shows that the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests. Benghazi was not infiltrated by Al Qaeda, but nonetheless contained grave local threats to American interests. The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.

Yeah, Fifteen months after the attack and Americans are getting trickles of information and no arrests have been made. Now the NY Slimes tell us al Qaeda or it's affiliates were not involved. Then we get those declassified documents exposing the Obama, Hillary and NYT lies. Oh my, oh my. The embarrassment, neither Obama or Hillary were capable of handling that 3:00 AM call. But to lie about it? Gen. Carter Ham of AFRICON has exposed the truth and he was relieved of duty for his response and so was Admiral Charles Gaouette of the Stennis Group that were near the coast of Libya at the time.
I took the time to read the report. It made me even more sick than I already was and I didn'think that was possible. Such flagrant ineptness from the state dept and others. Simply unbelievable and borders on criminal in my mind. If you haven't reae it take the time-not media reports on it but the actual Senate Intelligence Report.
No, we have General Ham, the man in charge of the theatre telling us briefed Obama and Hillary within minutes telling them they were under attack by terrorists, it had nothing to do with any stupid video.

HOw did General Ham know what they were rioting over. Did they send him a memo?

According to the documents, Gen. Carter Ham - who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya - said that while there was mention of the demonstrations - which started on the same day day as Benghazi but in Egypt - he and the other commanders involved were always clear that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.

You'll have to ask him Joe....but see.....hmmmmm...the General in charge....or you.

Sorry, dude, doesn't impress me. I've met a lot of officers that were really empty suits.

And again, no one really denied it was a "Terrorist" attack. Man, you paranoids need to get your story straight.
President Barack Hussein Obama really can't get away with the Benghazi lie any longer. Newly released declassified testimony reported by Fox News shows that just minutes after the attack on our consulate in Benghazi Libya that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 others, all the top civilian and military defense officials, including President Obama knew that attack was a terrorist attack.

No one ever denied it was a terrorist attack. Obama called it a "terrorist" attack the next day.

"Nobody?" :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

More than half of you left wing fubars are PRESENTLY still denying that it was a terrorist attack. And that bastion of lolberal crapaganda, The NY Slimes, is urgently trying to peddle exactly that. This explains the ridiculous OP.

And, Obumbler inadvertently suggested or admitted that a terrorist attack was a terrorist attack BEFORE he (and Rice and Shrillary) started steadfastly denying that the terrorist attack was a terrorist attack.

For Christ's sake. Pick a story line you loopey libs.

Yawn, guy. Everyone agreed it was a "Terrorist" attack. Of course, I find the very word "Terrorist" laughable, because a couple months earlier, these same douchebags were "Freedom fighters" when they were killing Khadafy.

Just like Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. But I digress.

but if the word "Terror" is what has your panties in a bunch, the President called it "Terror" the next day.

The two issues that are in contention are 1) Was Al Qaeda involved and 2) was the YouTube video that was causing riots in 20 Islamic countries at the same time a factor.

And the answers to those questions seem to be 1) Probably not, and 2) Probably.
No one ever denied it was a terrorist attack. Obama called it a "terrorist" attack the next day.

"Nobody?" :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

More than half of you left wing fubars are PRESENTLY still denying that it was a terrorist attack. And that bastion of lolberal crapaganda, The NY Slimes, is urgently trying to peddle exactly that. This explains the ridiculous OP.

And, Obumbler inadvertently suggested or admitted that a terrorist attack was a terrorist attack BEFORE he (and Rice and Shrillary) started steadfastly denying that the terrorist attack was a terrorist attack.

For Christ's sake. Pick a story line you loopey libs.

Yawn, guy. Everyone agreed it was a "Terrorist" attack. Of course, I find the very word "Terrorist" laughable, because a couple months earlier, these same douchebags were "Freedom fighters" when they were killing Khadafy.

Just like Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. But I digress.

but if the word "Terror" is what has your panties in a bunch, the President called it "Terror" the next day.

The two issues that are in contention are 1) Was Al Qaeda involved and 2) was the YouTube video that was causing riots in 20 Islamic countries at the same time a factor.

And the answers to those questions seem to be 1) Probably not, and 2) Probably.

Are you just a blatant liar or prefer to keep yoUrself totally uninformed?
Which ever it is you really look silly when the truth has come out from your beloved senate and is there for anyone to easily find and read to inform themselves.
Sorry, but America could of flatten that place with 7 hours. Unless something is seriously wrong.

Sadly, according to the report, the DOD wasn't even aware of our Benghazi annex or compound before the attacks. Makes it hard to plan for contingencies when you don't even know we have people there.
HOw did General Ham know what they were rioting over. Did they send him a memo?

According to the documents, Gen. Carter Ham - who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya - said that while there was mention of the demonstrations - which started on the same day day as Benghazi but in Egypt - he and the other commanders involved were always clear that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.

You'll have to ask him Joe....but see.....hmmmmm...the General in charge....or you.

Sorry, dude, doesn't impress me. I've met a lot of officers that were really empty suits.

And again, no one really denied it was a "Terrorist" attack. Man, you paranoids need to get your story straight.

No one did.

But that begs the question.

Was it a "terrorist" attack?

Is it a terrorist attack when a foreign nation has participated in knocking over your government, then they put up a "Consulate" that is really a cover for a Spy headquarters?

Or are the militants involved in a legitimate attack against invaders?
"Nobody?" :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

More than half of you left wing fubars are PRESENTLY still denying that it was a terrorist attack. And that bastion of lolberal crapaganda, The NY Slimes, is urgently trying to peddle exactly that. This explains the ridiculous OP.

And, Obumbler inadvertently suggested or admitted that a terrorist attack was a terrorist attack BEFORE he (and Rice and Shrillary) started steadfastly denying that the terrorist attack was a terrorist attack.

For Christ's sake. Pick a story line you loopey libs.

Yawn, guy. Everyone agreed it was a "Terrorist" attack. Of course, I find the very word "Terrorist" laughable, because a couple months earlier, these same douchebags were "Freedom fighters" when they were killing Khadafy.

Just like Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. But I digress.

but if the word "Terror" is what has your panties in a bunch, the President called it "Terror" the next day.

The two issues that are in contention are 1) Was Al Qaeda involved and 2) was the YouTube video that was causing riots in 20 Islamic countries at the same time a factor.

And the answers to those questions seem to be 1) Probably not, and 2) Probably.

Are you just a blatant liar or prefer to keep yoUrself totally uninformed?
Which ever it is you really look silly when the truth has come out from your beloved senate and is there for anyone to easily find and read to inform themselves.

Liar about what?

When you bring a charge of lying against someone..it's helpful to identify the lie.
"Nobody?" :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

More than half of you left wing fubars are PRESENTLY still denying that it was a terrorist attack. And that bastion of lolberal crapaganda, The NY Slimes, is urgently trying to peddle exactly that. This explains the ridiculous OP.

And, Obumbler inadvertently suggested or admitted that a terrorist attack was a terrorist attack BEFORE he (and Rice and Shrillary) started steadfastly denying that the terrorist attack was a terrorist attack.

For Christ's sake. Pick a story line you loopey libs.

Yawn, guy. Everyone agreed it was a "Terrorist" attack. Of course, I find the very word "Terrorist" laughable, because a couple months earlier, these same douchebags were "Freedom fighters" when they were killing Khadafy.

Just like Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. But I digress.

but if the word "Terror" is what has your panties in a bunch, the President called it "Terror" the next day.

The two issues that are in contention are 1) Was Al Qaeda involved and 2) was the YouTube video that was causing riots in 20 Islamic countries at the same time a factor.

And the answers to those questions seem to be 1) Probably not, and 2) Probably.

Are you just a blatant liar or prefer to keep yoUrself totally uninformed?
Which ever it is you really look silly when the truth has come out from your beloved senate and is there for anyone to easily find and read to inform themselves.

Did the Senate include itself in the blame for slashing security funds for the State Department?
Yawn, guy. Everyone agreed it was a "Terrorist" attack. Of course, I find the very word "Terrorist" laughable, because a couple months earlier, these same douchebags were "Freedom fighters" when they were killing Khadafy.

Just like Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. But I digress.

but if the word "Terror" is what has your panties in a bunch, the President called it "Terror" the next day.

The two issues that are in contention are 1) Was Al Qaeda involved and 2) was the YouTube video that was causing riots in 20 Islamic countries at the same time a factor.

And the answers to those questions seem to be 1) Probably not, and 2) Probably.

Are you just a blatant liar or prefer to keep yoUrself totally uninformed?
Which ever it is you really look silly when the truth has come out from your beloved senate and is there for anyone to easily find and read to inform themselves.

Did the Senate include itself in the blame for slashing security funds for the State Department?

It's funny how they left themselves out of the mix.

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