Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

your siggie pics are annoying as hell!! Any way I can turn just muddy's siggie pics off??? They are distracting as all get out.

As to the OP- yeah 44 is always right in the end. Thats one of the reasons the people :up: reelected him :)
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As to the OP- yeah 44 is always right in the end. Thats one of the reasons the people :up: reelected him :)

The funny thing is all of the morons that voted for him twice actually believe this.

Pathetic, but hilarious how these dolts always think they are the smartest ones in the room.
oh oh,

January 14, 2014, 06:00 am
Feinstein rejects NYT on Benghazi

By Julian Pecquet

.The chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said that key conclusions of a recent New York Times investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack are wrong.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) rejected the Times’s conclusion that al Qaeda wasn’t responsible for the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. She also took issue with the notion that the Libya strike was sparked by a U.S.-made anti-Islam video online.

“I believe that groups loosely associated with al Qaeda were” involved in the attack, she told The Hill last week. “That’s my understanding.”

She also disputed the notion that the Sept. 11, 2012, assault evolved from a protest against the video, which was widely disseminated by Islamic clerics shortly before the attack.

“It doesn’t jibe with me,” she said.

The months-long Times investigation, which was published late last month, “turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.” It concluded, after talking to actors on the ground, that “contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.”

A spokesman for the senator took issue with The Hill’s characterization of Feinstein’s comments.

“When Senator Feinstein said ‘loosely affiliated’ she clearly was referring to groups not directly connected to (or taking orders from) core AQ in Pakistan — which was essentially the conclusion of The New York Times as well,” said Brian Weiss. “So to say she ‘rejected’ the conclusion of The New York Times is an overstatement.”

Still, Feinstein’s comments represent a departure from the Times’s reporting. The Dec. 28, 2013, article pinned the blame on Ansar al-Sharia, which it deemed a “purely local extremist” organization and “Benghazi’s most overtly anti-Western militia.”

Critics say the Times was overly reliant on militants’ assertion that they had no link to al Qaeda.

They point out that an August 2012 report from the research division of the Library of Congress found that Ansar al-Sharia “has increasingly embodied al Qaeda’s presence in Libya.” And they fault the news outlet for making no mention of the suspected role played by other groups that have known ties with al Qaeda’s senior leadership, such as Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the Muhammad Jamal network, despite previous reporting in the Times itself.

“The article makes clear that the attack was led by groups sympathetic to Al Qaeda's goals but states there is ‘no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault,’ “ New York Times Company spokesperson Danielle Rhoades Ha said in an email.

“The article also explains that many of the attackers were motivated by anger at the American-made video denigrating Islam, which they believed was set for its debut on 9/11,” she added.

The report has rekindled debate about Benghazi on Capitol Hill. The incident is likely to be a major national security issue in this year’s midterms and the 2016 presidential campaign, especially if Hillary Clinton —who was the secretary of State at the time of the attack — decides to run.
ALL of it here

Read more: Feinstein rejects NYT on Benghazi | TheHill
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Too funny you stupid fucks, as of today we know that our Cracka Prez KNEW it was terror and NOT the video, our Ex Bitch SEC of Defense KNEW it was terror within minutes of it happening....our Left is completely stupid.
Too funny you stupid fucks, as of today we know that our Cracka Prez KNEW it was terror and NOT the video, our Ex Bitch SEC of Defense KNEW it was terror within minutes of it happening....our Left is completely stupid.

Actually, all we know is that three flag officers talking amongst themselves called it "Terror" when they had no real information at the time.

Here's the thing. Until we actually capture the folks who attacked, we really don't know what they were thinking.

But most of the ones who've testified said, "Um, yeah, we were pissed off about the Video!"
Gosh. The New York Times wants Hillary as the next President.

Who could have predicted that?

This is a totally galactic revelation.
Too funny you stupid fucks, as of today we know that our Cracka Prez KNEW it was terror and NOT the video, our Ex Bitch SEC of Defense KNEW it was terror within minutes of it happening....our Left is completely stupid.

Actually, all we know is that three flag officers talking amongst themselves called it "Terror" when they had no real information at the time.

Here's the thing. Until we actually capture the folks who attacked, we really don't know what they were thinking.

But most of the ones who've testified said, "Um, yeah, we were pissed off about the Video!"
some day you may actually wake up to the real world...Lets hope it's soon but i doubt it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN6Eu5G1n4w]Benghazi Transcripts: Terror Attack NOT a Protest - YouTube[/ame]
Too funny you stupid fucks, as of today we know that our Cracka Prez KNEW it was terror and NOT the video, our Ex Bitch SEC of Defense KNEW it was terror within minutes of it happening....our Left is completely stupid.

Actually, all we know is that three flag officers talking amongst themselves called it "Terror" when they had no real information at the time.

Here's the thing. Until we actually capture the folks who attacked, we really don't know what they were thinking.

But most of the ones who've testified said, "Um, yeah, we were pissed off about the Video!"

I'm pretty sure those that were killed or wounded knew they were terrorists. Last I heard rape was definitely against the Geneva convention not to mention minor details like, torture, a lack of uniforms, etc. It would have been a terrorist act even if it had been a demonstration to start with.
Too funny you stupid fucks, as of today we know that our Cracka Prez KNEW it was terror and NOT the video, our Ex Bitch SEC of Defense KNEW it was terror within minutes of it happening....our Left is completely stupid.

Actually, all we know is that three flag officers talking amongst themselves called it "Terror" when they had no real information at the time.

Here's the thing. Until we actually capture the folks who attacked, we really don't know what they were thinking.

But most of the ones who've testified said, "Um, yeah, we were pissed off about the Video!"

I'm pretty sure those that were killed or wounded knew they were terrorists. Last I heard rape was definitely against the Geneva convention not to mention minor details like, torture, a lack of uniforms, etc. It would have been a terrorist act even if it had been a demonstration to start with.

Actually, do you know why I have to laugh whenever I hear a wingnut scream about "Terrorism"?

When Osama bin Laden was killing Russians for teaching Afghan Girls how to Read, Ronald Reagan called them "Freedom Fighters".

When Osama Bin Laden killed American Yuppies working in offices in New York City, we called them "Terrorists".

Same assholes killing people for the same bad reasons. They hated Modernity and religions that weren't theirs.

So a bunch of assholes in Libya didn't like a tasteless movie on YouTube that made fun of their religion, and they killed Americans at what they thought was a CIA office. Yes, this is really bad, but there's no reason to get self-righteous. We've been sticking our dicks in this hornet's nest for decades, we shouldn't complain when we get stung.

President Barack Hussein Obama really can't get away with the Benghazi lie any longer. Newly released declassified testimony reported by Fox News shows that just minutes after the attack on our consulate in Benghazi Libya that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 others, all the top civilian and military defense officials, including President Obama knew that attack was a terrorist attack.
Actually, all we know is that three flag officers talking amongst themselves called it "Terror" when they had no real information at the time.

Here's the thing. Until we actually capture the folks who attacked, we really don't know what they were thinking.

But most of the ones who've testified said, "Um, yeah, we were pissed off about the Video!"

I'm pretty sure those that were killed or wounded knew they were terrorists. Last I heard rape was definitely against the Geneva convention not to mention minor details like, torture, a lack of uniforms, etc. It would have been a terrorist act even if it had been a demonstration to start with.

Actually, do you know why I have to laugh whenever I hear a wingnut scream about "Terrorism"?

When Osama bin Laden was killing Russians for teaching Afghan Girls how to Read, Ronald Reagan called them "Freedom Fighters".

When Osama Bin Laden killed American Yuppies working in offices in New York City, we called them "Terrorists".

Same assholes killing people for the same bad reasons. They hated Modernity and religions that weren't theirs.

So a bunch of assholes in Libya didn't like a tasteless movie on YouTube that made fun of their religion, and they killed Americans at what they thought was a CIA office. Yes, this is really bad, but there's no reason to get self-righteous. We've been sticking our dicks in this hornet's nest for decades, we shouldn't complain when we get stung.

Maybe you can go further back than Reagan to make excuses for your Dear leader?
and who care why you laugh, everything isn't always about you

President Barack Hussein Obama really can't get away with the Benghazi lie any longer. Newly released declassified testimony reported by Fox News shows that just minutes after the attack on our consulate in Benghazi Libya that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 others, all the top civilian and military defense officials, including President Obama knew that attack was a terrorist attack.

No one ever denied it was a terrorist attack. Obama called it a "terrorist" attack the next day.
I'm pretty sure those that were killed or wounded knew they were terrorists. Last I heard rape was definitely against the Geneva convention not to mention minor details like, torture, a lack of uniforms, etc. It would have been a terrorist act even if it had been a demonstration to start with.

Actually, do you know why I have to laugh whenever I hear a wingnut scream about "Terrorism"?

When Osama bin Laden was killing Russians for teaching Afghan Girls how to Read, Ronald Reagan called them "Freedom Fighters".

When Osama Bin Laden killed American Yuppies working in offices in New York City, we called them "Terrorists".

Same assholes killing people for the same bad reasons. They hated Modernity and religions that weren't theirs.

So a bunch of assholes in Libya didn't like a tasteless movie on YouTube that made fun of their religion, and they killed Americans at what they thought was a CIA office. Yes, this is really bad, but there's no reason to get self-righteous. We've been sticking our dicks in this hornet's nest for decades, we shouldn't complain when we get stung.

Maybe you can go further back than Reagan to make excuses for your Dear leader?
and who care why you laugh, everything isn't always about you

No, but the pomposity of the fools on the right is always laughable.

OH, gosh, they are "Terrorists"!

"Um, didn't these guys used to be Freedom Fighters?"

"Yeah, but that's when they were killing Commies!!!!"

President Barack Hussein Obama really can't get away with the Benghazi lie any longer. Newly released declassified testimony reported by Fox News shows that just minutes after the attack on our consulate in Benghazi Libya that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 others, all the top civilian and military defense officials, including President Obama knew that attack was a terrorist attack.

No one ever denied it was a terrorist attack. Obama called it a "terrorist" attack the next day.

You do realize you're lying?
President Barack Hussein Obama really can't get away with the Benghazi lie any longer. Newly released declassified testimony reported by Fox News shows that just minutes after the attack on our consulate in Benghazi Libya that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 others, all the top civilian and military defense officials, including President Obama knew that attack was a terrorist attack.

No one ever denied it was a terrorist attack. Obama called it a "terrorist" attack the next day.

You do realize you're lying?

Nope, that's what he said. Romney tried to make this claim, and he got FAMOUSLY slapped down by the moderator.

Major Newspapers Whitewash Obama's "Act Of Terror" Assertion | Research | Media Matters for America

Sept. 12: Obama Said Of Benghazi: "No Acts Of Terror Will Ever Shake The Resolve Of This Great Nation." On September 12, the day after the attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi which resulted in the deaths of four Americans, President Obama gave a speech in the Rose Garden. He said, "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

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