Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

I'm not chasing the threads down, I'll address it here.
So when are you going to stop campaigning for obama?

You mean you can't back up what you say? Okay.

ok joe sure fine, but you need to drop your rino suit

No, you guys need to stop being crazy.

Hey, did you hear the one about the REpublican President who signed amnesty for illegal aliens, supported gun control, raised taxes when needed, and nominated moderates to the courts?

His name was Ronald Reagan.

Today, he'd be a RINO. Except he's dead, the nutters can rewrite him like a Disney character.
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You can tell that to someone who might believe you.

oh yes Reagan signed it and it was a failure, and democrats want to do it again.
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You can tell that to someone who might believe you.

oh yes Reagan signed it and it was a failure, and democrats want to do it again.

How was it a "failure"?

The Purpose of Amnesty was never to prevent illegal immigration. It was to allow those who were otherwise hard working to get a chance at citizenship. That worked just fine.

Unfortunately, even though McCain and George W. Bush supported a much more limited and sensible "path to citizenship", the Crazies in the GOP went nuts at the suggestion, and then wondered why 71% of Hispanics voted against them.
Again, wasn't talking about Obama.

I asked a valid point, did we make our own mess with Bin Laden by arming him?

Tell you what, the GOP stops acting batshit crazy, I'll stop sticking up for Obama.

Did we arm Bin Laden with 767s?

I don't think a civilian passenger jet is in the military inventory.

Conservatives might as well have.

In addition to arming, training and recruiting "Afghan freedom fighters", they shot down Al Gore's attempt to modernize Air Port Security.
You can tell that to someone who might believe you.

oh yes Reagan signed it and it was a failure, and democrats want to do it again.

How was it a "failure"?

The Purpose of Amnesty was never to prevent illegal immigration. It was to allow those who were otherwise hard working to get a chance at citizenship. That worked just fine.

Unfortunately, even though McCain and George W. Bush supported a much more limited and sensible "path to citizenship", the Crazies in the GOP went nuts at the suggestion, and then wondered why 71% of Hispanics voted against them.

It was a failure because it was a one time deal and was suppose to fix the illegal immigrate problem. Well joe did it fix the problem?
You can tell that to someone who might believe you.

oh yes Reagan signed it and it was a failure, and democrats want to do it again.

How was it a "failure"?

The Purpose of Amnesty was never to prevent illegal immigration. It was to allow those who were otherwise hard working to get a chance at citizenship. That worked just fine.

Unfortunately, even though McCain and George W. Bush supported a much more limited and sensible "path to citizenship", the Crazies in the GOP went nuts at the suggestion, and then wondered why 71% of Hispanics voted against them.

It was a failure because it was a one time deal and was suppose to fix the illegal immigrate problem. Well joe did it fix the problem?

No, but that was mostly due to the fact that the GOP insisted EMPLOYERS be the ones who enforced elibility laws.

Which is kind of like putting foxes in charge of running the Henhouse.

You do get WHY we have an illegal problem, right.

It's because rich people hire them because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

Instead of buidling fences or harrassing children at school, go after the employers. Problem solved.

But it isn't about solving the problem. It's about keeping dumb bible thumping inbreds like you upset w hile the rich don't pay a fair wage.
How was it a "failure"?

The Purpose of Amnesty was never to prevent illegal immigration. It was to allow those who were otherwise hard working to get a chance at citizenship. That worked just fine.

Unfortunately, even though McCain and George W. Bush supported a much more limited and sensible "path to citizenship", the Crazies in the GOP went nuts at the suggestion, and then wondered why 71% of Hispanics voted against them.

It was a failure because it was a one time deal and was suppose to fix the illegal immigrate problem. Well joe did it fix the problem?

No, but that was mostly due to the fact that the GOP insisted EMPLOYERS be the ones who enforced elibility laws.

Which is kind of like putting foxes in charge of running the Henhouse.

You do get WHY we have an illegal problem, right.

It's because rich people hire them because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

Instead of buidling fences or harrassing children at school, go after the employers. Problem solved.

But it isn't about solving the problem. It's about keeping dumb bible thumping inbreds like you upset w hile the rich don't pay a fair wage.

it was supposed to fix the problem but didn't that's why it was a failure
Well what this thread proves is that liberals will let Obama and Democrats get away with anything..

No charges of how they lied and people died, bla bla bla

this is the sad state of this country and is it any wonder these politicians feel they can just lie, cheat and steamroll over us

16 atta boys all over some Nyslimes article
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The Benghazi Transcripts: Top Defense officials briefed Obama on ‘attack,’ not video or protest

James Rosen

By James Rosen
• Published January 14, 2014
Minutes after the American consulate in Benghazi came under assault on Sept. 11, 2012, the nation's top civilian and uniformed defense officials -- headed for a previously scheduled Oval Office session with President Obama -- were informed that the event was a "terrorist attack," declassified documents show. The new evidence raises the question of why the top military men, one of whom was a member of the president's Cabinet, allowed him and other senior Obama administration officials to press a false narrative of the Benghazi attacks for two weeks afterward.

Gen. Carter Ham, who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya, told the House in classified testimony last year that it was him who broke the news about the unfolding situation in Benghazi to then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The tense briefing -- in which it was already known that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens had been targeted and had gone missing -- occurred just before the two senior officials departed the Pentagon for their session with the commander in chief.

According to declassified testimony obtained by Fox News, Ham -- who was working out of his Pentagon office on the afternoon of Sept. 11 -- said he learned about the assault on the consulate compound within 15 minutes of its commencement, at 9:42 p.m. Libya time, through a call he received from the AFRICOM Command Center.

"My first call was to General Dempsey, General Dempsey's office, to say, 'Hey, I am headed down the hall. I need to see him right away,'" Ham told lawmakers on the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation on June 26 of last year. "I told him what I knew. We immediately walked upstairs to meet with Secretary Panetta."

Ham's account of that fateful day was included in some 450 pages of testimony given by senior Pentagon officials in classified, closed-door hearings conducted last year by the Armed Services subcommittee. The testimony, given under "Top Secret" clearance and only declassified this month, presents a rare glimpse into how information during a crisis travels at the top echelons of America's national security apparatus, all the way up to the president.

ALL of it here
The Benghazi Transcripts: Top Defense officials briefed Obama on ?attack,? not video or protest | Fox News
See, I knew he wouldn't be able to understand the argument.

Reb is exactly what is wrong with the GOP. People too stupid to see who their real enemies are.

So joe did it fix the problem?

As far as I'm concerned, it did.

Did exactly what it set out to do.

That other problem... meh, that wasn't the goal and you know it.
See, I knew he wouldn't be able to understand the argument.

Reb is exactly what is wrong with the GOP. People too stupid to see who their real enemies are.

So joe did it fix the problem?

As far as I'm concerned, it did.

Did exactly what it set out to do.

That other problem... meh, that wasn't the goal and you know it.

So, we don't have anymore illegals here in America?
And the borders have been closed?
So joe did it fix the problem?

As far as I'm concerned, it did.

Did exactly what it set out to do.

That other problem... meh, that wasn't the goal and you know it.

So, we don't have anymore illegals here in America?
And the borders have been closed?

No, we exactly what we want.

We have a disenfranchised labor force willing to do jobs most of us wouldn't want to do.

Come on, guy, get real. You don't want the illegals to go away. You like eating cheap lettuce and you like shitting on a clean toilet.
As far as I'm concerned, it did.

Did exactly what it set out to do.

That other problem... meh, that wasn't the goal and you know it.

So, we don't have anymore illegals here in America?
And the borders have been closed?

No, we exactly what we want.

We have a disenfranchised labor force willing to do jobs most of us wouldn't want to do.

Come on, guy, get real. You don't want the illegals to go away. You like eating cheap lettuce and you like shitting on a clean toilet.

But but but. I thought you guys wanted everyone in the US to have a "living wage". Why do you hate mexicans and want them to subsist on starvation wages while they clean your toilets?

hypocrisy, joe--------you libs are filled with it.
So, we don't have anymore illegals here in America?
And the borders have been closed?

No, we exactly what we want.

We have a disenfranchised labor force willing to do jobs most of us wouldn't want to do.

Come on, guy, get real. You don't want the illegals to go away. You like eating cheap lettuce and you like shitting on a clean toilet.

But but but. I thought you guys wanted everyone in the US to have a "living wage". Why do you hate mexicans and want them to subsist on starvation wages while they clean your toilets?

hypocrisy, joe--------you libs are filled with it.

I do. But i was pointing out the reality of why all the talk about "illegals" is just to get racists like you and Reb upset.

This is what you guys want.

And you complain because you have it.
It was a failure because it was a one time deal and was suppose to fix the illegal immigrate problem. Well joe did it fix the problem?

No, but that was mostly due to the fact that the GOP insisted EMPLOYERS be the ones who enforced elibility laws.

Which is kind of like putting foxes in charge of running the Henhouse.

You do get WHY we have an illegal problem, right.

It's because rich people hire them because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

Instead of buidling fences or harrassing children at school, go after the employers. Problem solved.

But it isn't about solving the problem. It's about keeping dumb bible thumping inbreds like you upset w hile the rich don't pay a fair wage.

it was supposed to fix the problem but didn't that's why it was a failure

Yep...Learn from our mistakes..
According to Ronald Reagan himself, as told to his trusted long-time friend and U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, the biggest mistake of his presidency was signing the 1986 amnesty for what turned out to be more than half the five million illegal immigrants in the country. Reagan was uncomfortable with the amnesty but was persuaded by some of the leaders of his own party (still living) that it would only affect a small number of illegal immigrants and would assure that Congress would follow through with more vigorous enforcement of U.S. immigration laws. The misnamed Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 was touted by its supporters as “comprehensive immigration reform” that would grant amnesty only to a few long-settled immigrants and strengthen border security and internal immigration enforcement against employers who were hiring illegal immigrants.

Internal enforcement was critical to Reagan. He knew that the real key to stopping illegal immigration was to cut off the job magnet at the employment place. He was also honest enough to call what he believed would only be a small amnesty by its real name—amnesty. He did not try to deceive the American people into thinking it was not really an amnesty, a deception much in vogue with many politicians today.

There are various accounts of how many amnesties were expected with passage of the 1986 amnesty. Figures range from 300,000 (Gingrich, who voted for it) to about 2.1 million. Some reasonable estimates center around 1.2 million. The actual result was 2.7 million. Close to one third of the amnesties given were based on document fraud.

For the first six months after the amnesty there was a modest fall in illegal immigration, but within 12 months illegal immigration was breaking all previous records, rising to 800,000 per year. Friends and relatives of the newly legalized immigrants began to pour into the United States. They were followed by more illegal job seekers who saw continued opportunities for more amnesties.

Ed Meese Says Reagan Regretted 1986 Amnesty | VDARE.com
No, we exactly what we want.

We have a disenfranchised labor force willing to do jobs most of us wouldn't want to do.

Come on, guy, get real. You don't want the illegals to go away. You like eating cheap lettuce and you like shitting on a clean toilet.

But but but. I thought you guys wanted everyone in the US to have a "living wage". Why do you hate mexicans and want them to subsist on starvation wages while they clean your toilets?

hypocrisy, joe--------you libs are filled with it.

I do. But i was pointing out the reality of why all the talk about "illegals" is just to get racists like you and Reb upset.

This is what you guys want.

And you complain because you have it.
You're a confused little boy, first you can't realize everybody sees you for what you are, and you can't see the bigiot and liar that you are, and you call me a racist? Not hardly short fry the retard.

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