Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

Ame®icano;8416239 said:
Just can't get over Boooosh! Get up to date...But MOM! They did it too...!:cuckoo:

There are attacks on Americans all the time.
Our outrage is not about attacks, but about cover ups.

Cover up what? Hard to hide the attack and three dead americans.
Who created these terrorists on Bush's watch? Again what difference does it make if it was done by al qaeda or pissed off muslims? Lets not forget the 911 attack on the world trade buildings under Bush where thousands died. And illegal alien invasion for the last 50 plus years that has killed thousands of Americans.
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the idiots on the right will just pretend there is some cover up even when they don't have a shred of evidence.

they will deny court documented evidence that their party has cheated in elections for decades that goes all the way to the SCOTUS yet they will swallow whole a rumor that targets the first black president based on not one rational thought.

the people we talk to here are terminally partisan level of stupid.

there lies must be attacked by every honest American.

they need to be publically shamed by the FACTS until they stop fucking lying with every breath.
The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is seen in flames during a protest by an armed group said to have been protesting a film being produced in the United States September 11, 2012.

(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

While officials did mention the possible involvement of "extremists," they did not lay blame on any specific militant groups or possible links to al Qaeda or its affiliates until intelligence officials publicly alleged that on September 28.

White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails | Reuters

If anything is going on its Right Wing Nutsled by Master Issa trying to cover up the truth.
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The investigation to uncover what happened in Benghazi that resulted in the death of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, apparently doesn't end with the New York Times. What about all those apparent facts the article thought they had?

Former Guantanamo detainee implicated in Benghazi attack
By Adam Goldman, Published: January 7, 2014

U.S. officials suspect that a former Guantanamo Bay detainee played a role in the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and are planning to designate the group he leads as a foreign terrorist organization, according to officials familiar with the plans.

Militiamen under the command of Abu Sufian bin Qumu, the leader of Ansar al-Sharia in the Libyan city of Darnah, participated in the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, U.S. officials said.

Qumu, 54, a Libyan from Darnah, is well known to U.S. intelligence officials. A former tank driver in the Libyan army, he served 10 years in prison in the country before fleeing to Egypt and then to Afghanistan.

According to U.S. military files disclosed by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, Qumu trained in 1993 at one of Osama bin Laden’s terrorist camps in Afghanistan and later worked for a bin Laden company in Sudan, where the al-Qaeda leader lived for three years.


Former Gitmo detainee with ties to al Qaeda implicated in Benghazi attack
By Douglas Ernst -The Washington Times Wednesday, January 8, 2014

In 1993, Qumu was allegedly trained at one of Osama bin Laden’s training camps in Afghanistan and later worked for one of bin Laden’s companies as a driver, according to a leaked Joint Task Force Guantánamo (JTF-GTMO) threat assessment.
Qumu allegedly has a “long-term association with Islamic extremist jihad and members of al Qaeda and other extremist groups,” according to the leaked military files. His alias was said to be “found on a list of probable al Qaeda personnel receiving monthly stipends.”

Read more: Former Gitmo detainee with ties to al Qaeda implicated in Benghazi attack - Washington Times
Ame®icano;8416239 said:
Just can't get over Boooosh! Get up to date...But MOM! They did it too...!:cuckoo:

There are attacks on Americans all the time.
Our outrage is not about attacks, but about cover ups.

What "coverup"?

Benghazi was a secret?

Romney was giving play by play outrage as the attack was happening.

First time that a Presidential candidate has done that.

In any case..the big story you folks gleaned from this was that the CIA sent the state department on the morning shows to blame this on a video which was responsible for protests ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST.

3 DAYS LATER, the administration came out and said that MAY NOT BE THE CASE.

So ALL THIS outrage is over 3 days and a video.
The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is seen in flames during a protest by an armed group said to have been protesting a film being produced in the United States September 11, 2012.

(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

While officials did mention the possible involvement of "extremists," they did not lay blame on any specific militant groups or possible links to al Qaeda or its affiliates until intelligence officials publicly alleged that on September 28.

White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails | Reuters

If anything is going on its Right Wing Nutsled by Master Issa trying to cover up the truth.

Again, why do you think it matters which group of terrorists attacked?
The failures of Obama's government were the same whichever group it was.
Ame®icano;8416239 said:
Just can't get over Boooosh! Get up to date...But MOM! They did it too...!:cuckoo:

There are attacks on Americans all the time.
Our outrage is not about attacks, but about cover ups.

Cover up what? Hard to hide the attack and three dead americans.
Who created these terrorists on Bush's watch? Again what difference does it make if it was done by al qaeda or pissed off muslims? Lets not forget the 911 attack on the world trade buildings under Bush where thousands died. And illegal alien invasion for the last 50 plus years that has killed thousands of Americans.

Cover up of truth. Fifteen months later we still don't know what exactly happened in Benghazi and who should be held responsible.
Ame®icano;8416239 said:
Just can't get over Boooosh! Get up to date...But MOM! They did it too...!:cuckoo:

There are attacks on Americans all the time.
Our outrage is not about attacks, but about cover ups.

What "coverup"?

Benghazi was a secret?

Romney was giving play by play outrage as the attack was happening.

First time that a Presidential candidate has done that.

In any case..the big story you folks gleaned from this was that the CIA sent the state department on the morning shows to blame this on a video which was responsible for protests ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST.

3 DAYS LATER, the administration came out and said that MAY NOT BE THE CASE.

So ALL THIS outrage is over 3 days and a video.

Only serious dumbasses ever believed that idiotic tale to begin with or that the "why" actually matters.
Ame®icano;8416239 said:
Just can't get over Boooosh! Get up to date...But MOM! They did it too...!:cuckoo:

There are attacks on Americans all the time.
Our outrage is not about attacks, but about cover ups.

What "coverup"?

Benghazi was a secret?

Romney was giving play by play outrage as the attack was happening.

First time that a Presidential candidate has done that.

In any case..the big story you folks gleaned from this was that the CIA sent the state department on the morning shows to blame this on a video which was responsible for protests ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST.

3 DAYS LATER, the administration came out and said that MAY NOT BE THE CASE.

So ALL THIS outrage is over 3 days and a video.

As usual, you're playing dumb card.
Again. Why does anyone think it's important that Al Ouida might have been involved?
Our mistakes were the same whoever did it.
Ame®icano;8416239 said:
Just can't get over Boooosh! Get up to date...But MOM! They did it too...!:cuckoo:

There are attacks on Americans all the time.
Our outrage is not about attacks, but about cover ups.

What "coverup"?

Benghazi was a secret?

Romney was giving play by play outrage as the attack was happening.

First time that a Presidential candidate has done that.

In any case..the big story you folks gleaned from this was that the CIA sent the state department on the morning shows to blame this on a video which was responsible for protests ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST.

3 DAYS LATER, the administration came out and said that MAY NOT BE THE CASE.

So ALL THIS outrage is over 3 days and a video.

yep, rw'ers were basically broadcasting the existence of "the annex" all over the globe.
Again. Why does anyone think it's important that Al Ouida might have been involved?
Our mistakes were the same whoever did it.

Because it was a vast conspiracy by Obama to minimize Al Qaeda involvement so he could claim he won teh war on terror.

Even though Obama called it an act of terror when it happened. That didn't matter. He was trying to hide it was terrorism.

Our mistake was getting involved in someone else's civil war. But we do that a lot.
Even though Obama called it an act of terror when it happened. That didn't matter. He was trying to hide it was terrorism.

Sept. 12, 2012 the Rose Garden statement the day after the attack, Obama sat down with Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes and acknowledged he purposely avoided the using the word “terrorism:”

KROFT: “Mr. President, this morning you went out of your way to avoid the use of the word ‘terrorism’ in connection with the Libya attack.”

OBAMA: “Right.”

KROFT: “Do you believe that this was a terrorist attack?”

OBAMA: “Well, it’s too early to know exactly how this came about, what group was involved, but obviously it was an attack on Americans. And we are going to be working with the Libyan government to make sure that we bring these folks to justice, one way or the other.”
He has covered up, delayed, impeded and obstructed the
investigation of the Benghazi Battle.
Specific conduct includes: (1) failing to adequately secure
the US Consulate and the CIA annex in Benghazi; (2) failing to send a response team to rescue embattled US citizens in Benghazi; (3) lying to the American people about
why the US Consulate and the CIA annex were attacked in
Benghazi; and (4) hiding from the media and congressional investigators the Central Intelligence Agency personnel
and other wounded US citizens who were on the ground in
Benghazi by scattering them throughout the United States,
forcing them to adopt new identities and subjecting them to
monthly polygraph tests.
Benghazi Battle elements that are under investigation:
On September 11, 2012, the anniversary of the September
11, 2001, the US Consulate and the CIA annex in Benghazi,
Libya was targeted in a premeditated, preplanned attack
launched without warning by Islamist militants.
Footage of the attack broadcast in real time showed armed
men attacking the consulate with rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, assault rifles, 14.5 mm anti-aircraft
machine guns, truck mounted artillery, diesel canisters, and
mortars. It was not an act of savage mob violence, nor a
spontaneous protest in response to an anti-Islamic video
on YouTube.
In that attack, four American citizens were killed: US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens; Information Officer Sean Smith;
and two embassy security personnel, Glen Doherty and Tyrone
Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Ambassador Stevens is the
first U.S. ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs
was killed in 1979.

artilce 1 of 10 filed for impeachment by the black GOP. which I totally support
Ame®icano;8416239 said:
There are attacks on Americans all the time.
Our outrage is not about attacks, but about cover ups.

What "coverup"?

Benghazi was a secret?

Romney was giving play by play outrage as the attack was happening.

First time that a Presidential candidate has done that.

In any case..the big story you folks gleaned from this was that the CIA sent the state department on the morning shows to blame this on a video which was responsible for protests ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST.

3 DAYS LATER, the administration came out and said that MAY NOT BE THE CASE.

So ALL THIS outrage is over 3 days and a video.

Only serious dumbasses ever believed that idiotic tale to begin with or that the "why" actually matters.

What idiotic tale?

That the people of the middle east are pissed?

That they don't like the fact their countries are run by puppets of the west?

That they don't like the fact that their religion is constantly shitted on?

That they don't like the fact that their natural resources are considered "national interests" of foreign countries?

Not really sure which "idiotic tale" you are going with..
Ame®icano;8416239 said:
There are attacks on Americans all the time.
Our outrage is not about attacks, but about cover ups.

What "coverup"?

Benghazi was a secret?

Romney was giving play by play outrage as the attack was happening.

First time that a Presidential candidate has done that.

In any case..the big story you folks gleaned from this was that the CIA sent the state department on the morning shows to blame this on a video which was responsible for protests ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST.

3 DAYS LATER, the administration came out and said that MAY NOT BE THE CASE.

So ALL THIS outrage is over 3 days and a video.

yep, rw'ers were basically broadcasting the existence of "the annex" all over the globe.

Not one fucking conservative has ever addressed that.

And the one's here? They are like "so what!".
What "coverup"?

Benghazi was a secret?

Romney was giving play by play outrage as the attack was happening.

First time that a Presidential candidate has done that.

In any case..the big story you folks gleaned from this was that the CIA sent the state department on the morning shows to blame this on a video which was responsible for protests ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST.

3 DAYS LATER, the administration came out and said that MAY NOT BE THE CASE.

So ALL THIS outrage is over 3 days and a video.

yep, rw'ers were basically broadcasting the existence of "the annex" all over the globe.

Not one fucking conservative has ever addressed that.

And the one's here? They are like "so what!".

they were basically spilling state secrets by egging-on the partisan witch hunt. GOP= party before country :thup:
yep, rw'ers were basically broadcasting the existence of "the annex" all over the globe.

Not one fucking conservative has ever addressed that.

And the one's here? They are like "so what!".

they were basically spilling state secrets by egging-on the partisan witch hunt. GOP= party before country :thup:

Issa was doing that long before Snowden or Manning.

He's been giving classified material with no redaction to the Press since his first investigations.
What "coverup"?

Benghazi was a secret?

Romney was giving play by play outrage as the attack was happening.

First time that a Presidential candidate has done that.

In any case..the big story you folks gleaned from this was that the CIA sent the state department on the morning shows to blame this on a video which was responsible for protests ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST.

3 DAYS LATER, the administration came out and said that MAY NOT BE THE CASE.

So ALL THIS outrage is over 3 days and a video.

Only serious dumbasses ever believed that idiotic tale to begin with or that the "why" actually matters.

What idiotic tale?

That the people of the middle east are pissed?

That they don't like the fact their countries are run by puppets of the west?

That they don't like the fact that their religion is constantly shitted on?

That they don't like the fact that their natural resources are considered "national interests" of foreign countries?

Not really sure which "idiotic tale" you are going with..

Do you want us to stop buying their oil?

Think that'll make em happy?

I get a kick out of liberals who hate fossil fuels and spend most of their free time proclaiming it while typing on their PC which needs electricity to operate. Electricity that needs coal or fuel oil plants to generate energy.

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