Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

Yawn, guy. Everyone agreed it was a "Terrorist" attack. Of course, I find the very word "Terrorist" laughable, because a couple months earlier, these same douchebags were "Freedom fighters" when they were killing Khadafy.

Just like Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. But I digress.

but if the word "Terror" is what has your panties in a bunch, the President called it "Terror" the next day.

The two issues that are in contention are 1) Was Al Qaeda involved and 2) was the YouTube video that was causing riots in 20 Islamic countries at the same time a factor.

And the answers to those questions seem to be 1) Probably not, and 2) Probably.

Are you just a blatant liar or prefer to keep yoUrself totally uninformed?
Which ever it is you really look silly when the truth has come out from your beloved senate and is there for anyone to easily find and read to inform themselves.

Liar about what?

When you bring a charge of lying against someone..it's helpful to identify the lie.
Re: your 1 and 2
Are you just a blatant liar or prefer to keep yoUrself totally uninformed?
Which ever it is you really look silly when the truth has come out from your beloved senate and is there for anyone to easily find and read to inform themselves.

Liar about what?

When you bring a charge of lying against someone..it's helpful to identify the lie.
Re: your 1 and 2

And this is about as clear as dirt.

What the heck are you referring too?
Yawn, guy. Everyone agreed it was a "Terrorist" attack. Of course, I find the very word "Terrori2ost" laughable, because a couple months earlier, these same douchebags were "Freedom fighters" when they were killing Khadafy.

Just like Bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. But I digress.

but if the word "Terror" is what has your panties in a bunch, the President called it "Terror" the next day.

The two issues that are in contention are 1) Was Al Qaeda involved and 2) was the YouTube video that was causing riots in 20 Islamic countries at the same time a factor.

And the answers to those questions seem to be 1) Probably not, and 2) Probably.

Are you just a blatant liar or prefer to keep yoUrself totally uninformed?
Which ever it is you really look silly when the truth has come out from your beloved senate and is there for anyone to easily find and read to inform themselves.

Did the Senate include itself in the blame for slashing security funds for the State Department?

How many times are you going to make that erroneous claim, when you know damn well the state dept stated funds were not lacking, as to why their was inadequate security.
Are you just a blatant liar or prefer to keep yoUrself totally uninformed?
Which ever it is you really look silly when the truth has come out from your beloved senate and is there for anyone to easily find and read to inform themselves.

Did the Senate include itself in the blame for slashing security funds for the State Department?

How many times are you going to make that erroneous claim, when you know damn well the state dept stated funds were not lacking, as to why their was inadequate security.

You mean they didn't slash the shit out of State Department funding, especially security?

becuase they totally did that.

That State hasn't pressed the issue enough isn't the problem here.

I think my biggest complaint with Obama and Hillary is that they haven't pushed back against the ghouls hard enough.
Did the Senate include itself in the blame for slashing security funds for the State Department?

How many times are you going to make that erroneous claim, when you know damn well the state dept stated funds were not lacking, as to why their was inadequate security.

You mean they didn't slash the shit out of State Department funding, especially security?

becuase they totally did that.

That State hasn't pressed the issue enough isn't the problem here.

I think my biggest complaint with Obama and Hillary is that they haven't pushed back against the ghouls hard enough.
couldn't have a thing to do with the fact they already stated outright funding was not a problem, now could it?
The GOP's embassy security problem | MSNBC

For fiscal 2013, the GOP-controlled House proposed spending $1.934 billion for the State Department’s Worldwide Security Protection program – well below the $2.15 billion requested by the Obama administration. House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012. (Negotiations with the Democrat-controlled Senate restored about $88 million of the administration’s request.) Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans’ proposed cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security” – a charge Republicans rejected.

Ryan, Issa and other House Republicans voted for an amendment in 2009 to cut $1.2 billion from State operations, including funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions. Under Ryan’s budget, non-defense discretionary spending, which includes State Department funding, would be slashed nearly 20 percent in 2014, which would translate to more than $400 million in additional cuts to embassy security.
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.
And rhe report states they were going to find another location at the end of the year for the compound mission and thus why they had not supplied the necessary resources.
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Just because that is the lie you wish to push doesn't make it reality. And I will continue to respond with the truth each and every attempt you make.
And the budget was such that they even were buying electric vehicles and their needed resources for other embassies at the time.
And rhe report states they were going to find another location at the end of the year for the compound mission and thus why they had not supplied the necessary resources.


I mean, I know you guys have a religious thing about Benghazi, St. Stevens Martyred over whatever we are accussing Obama of this week, but frankly, it strikes me that you guys can't keep your story straight.

The Middle East is a dangerous place. We keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest and wonder why we get stung.

If there's a fault to blame Obama for, it was going along with the European Union and their attempt to get rid of Khadafy.
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Just because that is the lie you wish to push doesn't make it reality. And I will continue to respond with the truth each and every attempt you make.
And the budget was such that they even were buying electric vehicles and their needed resources for other embassies at the time.


Is this a good time to point out that Congress approved every line in State's budget, and they were the ones who signed off on the electric cars...
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Just because that is the lie you wish to push doesn't make it reality. And I will continue to respond with the truth each and every attempt you make.
And the budget was such that they even were buying electric vehicles and their needed resources for other embassies at the time.

What lie?

The republicans DID slash the budget for security.
This issue continues to fail in its mission.

NOBODY BELIEVES the right wing cranks about his issue.

This issue continues to fail in its mission.

NOBODY BELIEVES the right wing cranks about his issue.


Because their supposition is ludicrous and makes absolutely no sense.

Additionally they refuse to deviate from it in light of evidence.

The CIA had an annex there. By definition, the militants probably were not involved in terrorism.
Oh, an investigation by the NYT...well that certainly settles it. Everybody zip it now.:D

The NYT interviewed hundreds of Libyans with an understanding of the situation

Who did Republicans talk to?

Did the NYT interview any of the survivors that the Justice and State Departments blocked access to...I'd be interested in hearing from them.
No they did not. Cheney, Bush, Rummy, Condy are still walking around freely. I'll see your 4 dead and raise you 5000. Colin Powell was right when he told the fools if they broke it they bought it.

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