Looks like Stewarts rally makes Becks look like a get together.

240 posts on who's got the biggest......... rally.


Personally, I'm more interested in what Steward said. Which I thought was great. But I'm smart enough to understand what's important - and to whom. The intelligent are considering what he said, while the idiots bicker over whether size matters.
the crowd was at least twice as large but its a totally different purpose. beck's rally was a right wing christian extremist circle jerk while stewart/colberts was more of an entertain thing with tons of celeberities giving speeches and endorsing it etc
the crowd was at least twice as large but its a totally different purpose. beck's rally was a right wing christian extremist circle jerk while stewart/colberts was more of an entertain thing with tons of celeberities giving speeches and endorsing it etc

Ah, so "tons" of celeberities "endorsed" an entertainment thing. :cuckoo:

Well that would sure have been meaningful [/sarcasm], if that's what the Stewart shit show had actually been.

But it wasn't, anyway.
240 posts on who's got the biggest......... rally.


Personally, I'm more interested in what Steward said. Which I thought was great. But I'm smart enough to understand what's important - and to whom. The intelligent are considering what he said, while the idiots bicker over whether size matters.

The content was tripe, too, though.
Nobody believes you...

Dr.Dweeb, nobody cares what you say. The photos speak for themselves, while you and Zander speak for your delusions.

Jake, you don't get to make decrees about what other people do and do not care about. It makes you look stupid.

Nice to see you're still hung up on the crowd numbers... despite being given the opportunity to discuss the content of the message of the day. Just goes to show what you think is important. Big numbers matter more than substance. Good to know.

Joke thinks bigger numbers make him look and feel better about himself.
I'm gonna have to go with Jake on this one. Sorry felllas. Size DOES matter. Lol
I'm gonna have to go with Jake on this one. Sorry felllas. Size DOES matter. Lol

When it was time to bestow the Roman Gladiator name upon Jokey, the choice came down to Penis Minimus or Penis Lackus.

Thus, I suspect that Jokey's level of frustration stems from his awareness that size matters.

well so far the only sane commentary I can find on the tale of the tape, is here....please be sure to READ and understand how he derived his numbers ..if you disagree fine, but please come back with something other than hot air.....

page one has some pics-
Pajamas Media So, How Much Sanity Was There in D.C. Yesterday? (Updated)

the numbers-

Which means we can, at last, estimate the size of the damned crowd. We’ll use exactly the same figures for crowd density we used for the One Nation rally and the Beck “Restore Honor” rally:
Estimate 10 square feet per person 5 square feet per person 2.5 square feet per person

Maximum: 162,000 324,000 648,000
90 percent 145,800 291,600 583,200
75 percent 121,500 243,000 486,000
50 percent 81,000 162,000 324,000
Based on CBS news estimate 58,725 58,725 58,725
40 percent 64,800 129,600 259,200

The row labeled “based on CBS News estimate,” by the way, is using the CBS figure of 87,000 for the Beck 8/28 rally to derive a number for square feet per person, and applying that to the Stewart/Colbert rally.

It’s worth looking back at our table from the 8/28 rally for comparison.
Estimate 10 square feet per person 5 square feet per person 2.5 square feet per person

Maximum: 215,000 people 430,000 860,000
90 percent 200,000 400,000 800,000
75 percent 163,000 326,000 652,000
50 percent 108,000 216,000 432,000
CBS News Estimate 87,000 87,000 87,000
40 percent 86,000 172,000 344,000

Of course, we could have shortened this considerably: the Beck rally covered about 2.4 million square feet, while the Stewart/Colbert rally only about 1.6 million square feet. In other words, we know from that alone that the Stewart/Colbert rally was about six-tenths as big as the Beck rally.

Back when I was an undergraduate at the University of Colorado, the common rumor was that Colorado had been left out of Playboy magazine’s rankings of the top party schools because “it was unfair for professionals to be included in competition with amateurs.” (It wasn’t true, and I presume lots of other schools had the same rumor; spare me from everyone’s story of how it was really their school.)

But in much the same way, it seems a bit unfair to compare either the 9/12 rally or Beck’s 8/28 rally with this one. The 9/12 2009 rally was more or less ad hoc; Beck’s rally was more organized, but still basically a rally.

But look at the Comedy Central “Sanity/Fear” rally. As PJTV’s Richard Pollock found out, it was very carefully organized, with limited press access — or at least attempts to limit press access — and with the announcement that video and photography was prohibited except for Comedy Central.

(On the National Mall? Good luck with that, bunky.)

There was a big proscenium stage, with a lovely setup framing the Capitol — as a sometimes theater guy, I really admired it, it was gorgeous — and a large controlled area behind the stage for performers and technical people. Professional sound set ups, with big name acts flying in for a few numbers.

Big name acts, extensive crowd control, rules against video or audio taping even with your cell phone, boring political speeches … this wasn’t a rally, this was a U2 concert!

And that tells us the real story: they held a rock/comedy concert, with pro acts including two of the hottest TV comedians around, and professional production, with free admission and with Arianna Huffington paying for bus rides — and no matter what you think a “dense” crowd is, it was still only about six-tenths of Beck’s open-air church service.

Pajamas Media So, How Much Sanity Was There in D.C. Yesterday? (Updated)
Last edited:
Place is slap full of murkinz fixin' to vote against their own best interests.............as usual.
Biggest crowd since the inaugaration. It is more of an entertainment event for independants and moderates as opposed to the far left or right rallys held earlier in the year. I think that it appeals more to a bigger group of people. Itd be interesting to be there except college football trumps this stuff by a mile.

Says CBS.

You kids stand back, and learn a lesson. GOP and Tea Party going to win big, the train will keep rolling well after this election, and Obama will be attacked by the media and the rest of Democrats prior to 2012.

The entire world sacrificed during these times, and now this monopolized, hack government will be held accountable for the last century of failure.
With Huffington guaranteeing unlimited buses from (NYC I think it was) and providing them, and Oprah flying in whole audiences, what you had was a rally of fun seekers hoping to be dazzled by celebrities. I got no problem with that.

But Beck's crowd came from all over the world, some at tremendous expense, just to gather in prayer for this country and be counted as willing to stand for something.

Stewart's rally was fueled by one-upance.

Beck's was fueled by the Spirit.

And there was a huge gathering at Beck's that the cameras can't touch.

I don't think one can compare the two. Nice try though.
  • Thanks
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You kids stand back, and learn a lesson. GOP and Tea Party going to win big, the train will keep rolling well after this election, and Obama will be attacked by the media and the rest of Democrats prior to 2012.

The entire world sacrificed during these times, and now this monopolized, hack government will be held accountable for the last century of failure.

Perhaps a rant. We shall see. Been on the money so far..............

Everything we worried about with Obama is here, and more poor people than ever in our nation. Imagine that.

Who knew?

We knew.
You knew both parties busted the system is what you knew, and you think going back to the GOP as it was is going to fix it? Newt and DeLay and that gang of goobers?

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