Looks like Stewarts rally makes Becks look like a get together.

:lol: Cute kid. Nonetheless you are extreme and you don't know any better.
Nuh-uh! You're the ignorant extremist!


No tag-backs!
Call me cynical, but both parties put the spending system in place, both benefit from it, why would they stop it?
Because if both parties continue to ignore the problem, America will fall.

Of course, that's why I think we're doomed. But I'm not giving up just yet.


If the Democrats stay in power, or the Republicans take power and continue the failed policies of the Bush era, I'll be taking my medical training to New Zealand or Australia before America collapses.

And you think necessity will translate into action? Sorry, but I really am chuckling right now. I've watched politics a long time, necessity has very little to do with either party's actions.
And you think necessity will translate into action?
I have those immigration papers handy.

Sorry, but I really am chuckling right now. I've watched politics a long time, necessity has very little to do with either party's actions.
Tis why I'm not optimistic, and why I suspect my future lies elsewhere.

I think your critical thinking bone for politics and culture reads wrong for you. However, your passion cannot be discounted. Best fortune to wherever you settle.
You do realize that it's people like you who have actually caused more harm to the country than anything else?

Non-partisan politicians more interested in filling their wallets than saving the country have ruined this country.

Ha! The above comment has nothing to be based on, it's pure ideological conjecture. Can you prove your point with facts!
What exactly has partisanship brought us? NOTHING, but putting an ideology ahead of country. Both parties think they have the answer and all they have to show for it is failure after failure after failure while they whore themselves to BIG MONEY! Anyone who has been paying attention and has the ability to use objective thinking can attest to failures of partisanship.
Talk about someone who has their head firmly buried in the sand!
You do realize that it's people like you who have actually caused more harm to the country than anything else?

Non-partisan politicians more interested in filling their wallets than saving the country have ruined this country.

Ha! The above comment has nothing to be based on, it's pure ideological conjecture. Can you prove your point with facts!
What exactly has partisanship brought us? NOTHING, but putting an ideology ahead of country. Both parties think they have the answer and all they have to show for it is failure after failure after failure while they whore themselves to BIG MONEY! Anyone who has been paying attention and has the ability to use objective thinking can attest to failures of partisanship.
Talk about someone who has their head firmly buried in the sand!

UNLESS you have partisanship as was demonstrated in 1994 that ushered in major reforms and put us on the track for 12 years of prosperity broken only by a few months of serious recession generated by 9/11. Under our system of government you have to have some sense of partisanship in order to accomplish any goal.

Our problems have not been partisanship for the most part, but rather ideology and/or self serving motives from our elected leaders. The Founders knew from the very beginning that as soon as the people, elected or electorate, discovered they could vote themselves money/prosperity/power/prestige/influence from the public treasury, the Constitution would be under assault and in danger.

So let's vote in favor of ideology that recognizes that and is willing to address it and stop that kind of graft and corruption. And in order to put enough strength into the system, you have to figure out which party is of a mind to fix whatever it is you want fixed.

For me this year, the Democrats have ridiculed, trashed, marginalized, and demonized the Tea Partiers who are of a mind to fix what I want fixed. The GOP has mostly embraced them. So for me it is a no brainer which party is more likely to fix what I want fixed.
And you think necessity will translate into action?
I have those immigration papers handy.

Sorry, but I really am chuckling right now. I've watched politics a long time, necessity has very little to do with either party's actions.
Tis why I'm not optimistic, and why I suspect my future lies elsewhere.

You may just be more cynical than I am. No sarcasm in this applause. :clap2:
I pray that I'm wrong. I pray that our economy recovers. I pray that social security solidifies. I pray that industry returns, that corruption ends, that America will be the site of the next great world-changing technological boom.

Then, I wouldn't have to leave my roots. Then, I would have ample career opportunities, so I can make it big. Then I could invest my money and not be afraid of losing it all in five or ten years. Then I could count on a reliable retirement. Then I wouldn't worry about my parents' retirement.

As it is, however, the fundamental flaws that caused this recession remain unfixed, the painfully gross unfunded liabilities grow, the corruption spreads, the poor accounting practices are ignored, the national debt grows larger, the dollar continues to decline, people continue to lose their jobs and default on loans. Asia continues to outpace us in technology and science, as demonstrated by the development of electric automobiles.

My childhood friends are still being sent to fight in the desert for god-knows-what-anymore.


Please tell me what I should be optimistic about?
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I have those immigration papers handy.

Tis why I'm not optimistic, and why I suspect my future lies elsewhere.

You may just be more cynical than I am. No sarcasm in this applause. :clap2:
I pray that I'm wrong. I pray that our economy recovers. I pray that social security solidifies. I pray that industry returns, that corruption ends, that America will be the site of the next great world-changing technological boom.

Then, I wouldn't have to leave my roots. Then, I would have ample career opportunities, so I can make it big. Then I could invest my money and not be afraid of losing it all in five or ten years. Then I could count on a reliable retirement. Then I wouldn't worry about my parents' retirement.

As it is, however, the fundamental flaws that caused this recession remain unfixed, the painfully gross unfunded liabilities grow, the corruption spreads, the poor accounting practices are ignored, the national debt grows larger, the dollar continues to decline, people continue to lose their jobs and default on loans. Asia continues to outpace us in technology and science, as demonstrated by the development of electric automobiles.

My childhood friends are still being sent to fight in the desert for god-knows-what-anymore.


Please tell me what I should be optimistic about?

Courage my friend. In the midst of WWII when everything looked the most hopeless, miracles pulled it out of the fire. You can look at the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki back then and see beautiful, modern, thriving cities there now. How many during the Great Depression were ready to give up in despair only to see subsequent generations thrive and prosper? How many people have been absolutely on the ropes with no prospects, no hope, only to find that job that would allow them to get back on track and prosper again?

Look again at that Restore Rally photo. (Page 9?) Look at those hundreds of thousands of people there all who believe in certain values and principles that made this country great. And I think they are the tip of the ice berg.

I am not ready to give up on America. Too many of us ignored the festering boils that were developing in our government because it didn't seem all that bad for so long. But once they reach maximum pain, you can't ignore them any more. And you do something about it.

In my opinion, America is ready to do something about it. And we need to encourage that as much as we possibly can.
I have those immigration papers handy.

Tis why I'm not optimistic, and why I suspect my future lies elsewhere.

You may just be more cynical than I am. No sarcasm in this applause. :clap2:
I pray that I'm wrong. I pray that our economy recovers. I pray that social security solidifies. I pray that industry returns, that corruption ends, that America will be the site of the next great world-changing technological boom.

Then, I wouldn't have to leave my roots. Then, I would have ample career opportunities, so I can make it big. Then I could invest my money and not be afraid of losing it all in five or ten years. Then I could count on a reliable retirement. Then I wouldn't worry about my parents' retirement.

As it is, however, the fundamental flaws that caused this recession remain unfixed, the painfully gross unfunded liabilities grow, the corruption spreads, the poor accounting practices are ignored, the national debt grows larger, the dollar continues to decline, people continue to lose their jobs and default on loans. Asia continues to outpace us in technology and science, as demonstrated by the development of electric automobiles.

My childhood friends are still being sent to fight in the desert for god-knows-what-anymore.


Please tell me what I should be optimistic about?

Individuals, not parties. If more people return to valuing the individual above the party and governance above politics we might have a prayer. But the system is geared to keep those people out, regardless of where they come from.

A miracle, maybe?

I understand how you feel. My generation got hit with both Iraq wars as well as Afghanistan, Somalia and Bosnia. It's tough to think we can recover from the insanity of the last 25 years or so, but we can. And we will. IF we're smart. Not parties, but people.
You may just be more cynical than I am. No sarcasm in this applause. :clap2:
I pray that I'm wrong. I pray that our economy recovers. I pray that social security solidifies. I pray that industry returns, that corruption ends, that America will be the site of the next great world-changing technological boom.

Then, I wouldn't have to leave my roots. Then, I would have ample career opportunities, so I can make it big. Then I could invest my money and not be afraid of losing it all in five or ten years. Then I could count on a reliable retirement. Then I wouldn't worry about my parents' retirement.

As it is, however, the fundamental flaws that caused this recession remain unfixed, the painfully gross unfunded liabilities grow, the corruption spreads, the poor accounting practices are ignored, the national debt grows larger, the dollar continues to decline, people continue to lose their jobs and default on loans. Asia continues to outpace us in technology and science, as demonstrated by the development of electric automobiles.

My childhood friends are still being sent to fight in the desert for god-knows-what-anymore.


Please tell me what I should be optimistic about?

Courage my friend. In the midst of WWII when everything looked the most hopeless, miracles pulled it out of the fire. You can look at the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki back then and see beautiful, modern, thriving cities there now. How many during the Great Depression were ready to give up in despair only to see subsequent generations thrive and prosper? How many people have been absolutely on the ropes with no prospects, no hope, only to find that job that would allow them to get back on track and prosper again?

Look again at that Restore Rally photo. (Page 9?) Look at those hundreds of thousands of people there all who believe in certain values and principles that made this country great. And I think they are the tip of the ice berg.

I am not ready to give up on America. Too many of us ignored the festering boils that were developing in our government because it didn't seem all that bad for so long. But once they reach maximum pain, you can't ignore them any more. And you do something about it.

In my opinion, America is ready to do something about it. And we need to encourage that as much as we possibly can.

That's pretty much how I see it. America has survived far, far worse. We are Americans. We get knocked down, we get back up. No one ever keeps us down. Not even our own Government. Either side.

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