Looks like Stewarts rally makes Becks look like a get together.

Biggest crowd since the inaugaration. It is more of an entertainment event for independants and moderates as opposed to the far left or right rallys held earlier in the year. I think that it appeals more to a bigger group of people. Itd be interesting to be there except college football trumps this stuff by a mile.

I have no doubt that Jonathan Stewart is incredibly more popular than Glenn Beck.
Some people are just against one-party fiat and will fight it to the death....unless it's THEIR party. Then it's suddenly not just all right, but a goal.
Which is why you will be voting for the Republicans this Tuesday, to ensure a split government?
Some people are just against one-party fiat and will fight it to the death....unless it's THEIR party. Then it's suddenly not just all right, but a goal.
Which is why you will be voting for the Republicans this Tuesday, to ensure a split government?

I'll be splitting my ballot at least three ways as usual and disregarding party labels - again, as usual.

Do you have a problem with that? Tough.
I am sure sometime tomorrow perhaps by later tonight there will be a few overhead shots, thats really the only way to get any idea the ways things are now, since the dep. of interior was restricted after the million man march whining, its catch as catch can. .
I'll be splitting my ballot at least three ways as usual and disregarding party labels - again, as usual.

Do you have a problem with that? Tough.
You're putting your vote where your mouth is...this I can respect.

Voting for the Libertarians last cycle aided the Democratic landslide...and so I intend to correct that horrible mistake.
War protesting? You mean the war in Iraq, that no one defends anymore because everyone knows it was a sham? That war? Yes, we have to keep some troops there to help keep the peace in the shambles that we created. The war that cheney's halliburton continues to make billions from? That war??

War protestors did harm to the country? Or the scumbags who created a phony war to enrich their own pockets? I remember I went on a job interview just prior to the 2008 election, with a electronics parts company. The HR woman said that they were hoping that McCain would win, because they had so many defense contracts for war materials, and they were afraid Obama would withdraw the troops. Apparently, it doesn't matter how many lives are lost or ruined because of the war, as long as the important people are making money. There are too many of you who just don't get it. We have maimed and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and Iraqis for no reason, except it lined the pockets of some--and put the U.S. deeply in debt.
Why so bitter? This is a day of joy and laughter!

We're partying while our friends and loved ones die in Afghanistan!

Afghanistan is another war which we shouldn't be in. This whole "terrorist" problem should be dealt with by the CIA, and the DIA. Nothing has been accomplished by putting the troops in there. So now what are we going to do--invade Pakistan and Yemen?

it's too bad that war is profitable to so many. It destroys far too many lives while enriching others.
Tempers are high right now...........that's not going to help anything, all this anger.

But just a reminder to everyone, on Tuesday, get out and

Hope remains alive, and the evidence was in the crowd. A new generation of young men and women immune to the hate and fear rhetoric of 24-7 news.
Contrasted with Beck's message which characterized America as a nation of cowards, fearful of the future and anyone not born a WASP.
And you're one of the people that Stewart/Colbert were talking about.
I'll be splitting my ballot at least three ways as usual and disregarding party labels - again, as usual.

Do you have a problem with that? Tough.
You're putting your vote where your mouth is...this I can respect.

Voting for the Libertarians last cycle aided the Democratic landslide...and so I intend to correct that horrible mistake.

It's your vote, I wouldn't dream of telling you what to do with it. I kinda like the Libertarians, myself. Some of them are crazy nutty but some make a lot of sense. Depends on the candidate. I'll be voting for one here. The D and R candidates in that particular race both suck too badly to even hold my nose to vote for them.

But I don't have a party affiliation or even one that comes close to adequately representing my views, so maybe it's easier for me to disregard the letter behind the name. /shrug
Nonesense, eagleseven. That a dysfunctional personality does not understand extremism is an illness can't be expected to comprehend what we are discussing here. The center is what holds America together, and the extremes are what try to tear it apart.
Hope remains alive, and the evidence was in the crowd. A new generation of young men and women immune to the hate and fear rhetoric of 24-7 news.
Contrasted with Beck's message which characterized America as a nation of cowards, fearful of the future and anyone not born a WASP.
And you're one of the people that Stewart/Colbert were talking about.

Jon Stewart's real last name is Liebowitz. Why does he want to pass himself off as a WASP?
Biggest crowd since the inaugaration. It is more of an entertainment event for independants and moderates as opposed to the far left or right rallys held earlier in the year. I think that it appeals more to a bigger group of people. Itd be interesting to be there except college football trumps this stuff by a mile.

I'll be splitting my ballot at least three ways as usual and disregarding party labels - again, as usual.

Do you have a problem with that? Tough.
You're putting your vote where your mouth is...this I can respect.

Voting for the Libertarians last cycle aided the Democratic landslide...and so I intend to correct that horrible mistake.

It's your vote, I wouldn't dream of telling you what to do with it. I kinda like the Libertarians, myself. Some of them are crazy nutty but some make a lot of sense. Depends on the candidate. I'll be voting for one here. The D and R candidates in that particular race both suck too badly to even hold my nose to vote for them.

But I don't have a party affiliation or even one that comes close to adequately representing my views, so maybe it's easier for me to disregard the letter behind the name. /shrug
I'm never well-represented, being small-government and very-socially-liberal. But this election cycle, the Democratic expansion of the Federal government must be stopped.

I don't trust the Republicans to control their own spending, but I'm hoping a Republican Congress fighting with a Democratic Executive will stop our fiscal insanity.
Hope remains alive, and the evidence was in the crowd. A new generation of young men and women immune to the hate and fear rhetoric of 24-7 news.
Contrasted with Beck's message which characterized America as a nation of cowards, fearful of the future and anyone not born a WASP.
And you're one of the people that Stewart/Colbert were talking about.

Jon Stewart's real last name is Liebowitz. Why does he want to pass himself off as a WASP?

What? He constantly refers to himself as a Jew. Many people in show business change their name to something easier to pronounce and remember.
Hope remains alive, and the evidence was in the crowd. A new generation of young men and women immune to the hate and fear rhetoric of 24-7 news.
Contrasted with Beck's message which characterized America as a nation of cowards, fearful of the future and anyone not born a WASP.
And you're one of the people that Stewart/Colbert were talking about.

Jon Stewart's real last name is Liebowitz. Why does he want to pass himself off as a WASP?

He doesn't. You've never watched his show, have you? :lol:

He makes references to and jokes about being Jewish on a regular basis. One of the reasons I like him is his ability to laugh at himself.

(Something certain unnamed people around here would do well to learn)
And you're one of the people that Stewart/Colbert were talking about.

Jon Stewart's real last name is Liebowitz. Why does he want to pass himself off as a WASP?

He doesn't. You've never watched his show, have you? :lol:

He makes references to and jokes about being Jewish on a regular basis. One of the reasons I like him is his ability to laugh at himself.

(Something certain unnamed people around here would do well to learn)

But he does not use his real name. He wants to turn his Jewishness on and off when it makes business sense to him.
Nonesense, eagleseven. That a dysfunctional personality does not understand extremism is an illness can't be expected to comprehend what we are discussing here. The center is what holds America together, and the extremes are what try to tear it apart.
One man's extremist is another man's savior.

'Moderate' is like 'Middle Class'; a poorly-defined term, subject to wild interpretations, that effectively means nothing. In 1930s Germany, the 'moderates' were Nazis.

But keep patting yourself on the back for your 'moderate-ness' if it makes you feel better.
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