Looks like Stewarts rally makes Becks look like a get together.

It's making fun of YOU and people like you, left and right. And yes, that includes Beck. But it's not only Beck. It's everybody who has absolutely no perspective whatosoever and has nothing of substance to contribute to any meaningful debate.
And Stewart is doing this by putting on a free concert while specifically avoiding any meaningful political discussion?

It sounds like Stewart "has nothing of substance to contribute to any meaningful debate." But that's right, he's only a comedian...we cannot expect him to make a serious argument.

and Beck is an entertainer.

Yep, that he is. He's certainly not a journalist. :lol:
He is a satirist, so is Colbert. What is satire? Comedy with a point. It's what they do.

Why are you so incensed about a show you didn't even watch?
Because I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party, and Stewart's audience includes the bulk of the young Democratic base.

Most of my leftist friends are too disillusioned by Obama's broken promises to vote this year, but Jon Stewart may yet still change this. This is precisely why Obama interviewed on the Daily Show...to get out the youth vote.


Why do I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party? Not because I have any love for the Republicans, but rather because the policies and decisions made by the current Democratic leadership, including Obama, are antithetical to my personal political philosophy.

The stakes are too high for me to be non-partisan.
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And the sad thing is it will influence more Democrats to come out and vote to support The Democrats which was probably the real reason for this anyway.

Yeah, how'd that approach work out last time for Democrats when it came to vetting a candidate who knew what the hell he was doing?
150K. Not bad. Not 500K, but not bad. Better than the Communists did.

But here is an interesting question: Which Rally do you think effected more individuals?
Folks, the dems are as necessary as the pubs to America's welfare, and the extremes of the far left and the far right are destructive to the country's best interest.
You know how the Libs will spin this.Starting with the WH Press Secretary and ending with Ed Shultz........
They will all say that the crowd was there to support the President,Nancy Pelosi,Harry Reid,The stimulus bill,the Health care bill Cap and tax,the President's crazy spending.The whole deal.And the sad thing is it will influence more Democrats to come out and vote to support The Democrats which was probably the real reason for this anyway.

How do you come up with this crap??? In your dreams?? What politicians were there? None? If you didn't watch it, you didn't get it. There was nothing in the rally to say that it supported any candidate. It was just supporting "let's all get along".

And ANYBODY that would have watched that would have gotten that.

I'll admit, it made me think......I need to be nicer to those I don't agree with....this hate by so many is weakening our country.

I'm going to try, and that's the best I can offer.
He is a satirist, so is Colbert. What is satire? Comedy with a point. It's what they do.

Why are you so incensed about a show you didn't even watch?
Because I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party, and Stewart's audience includes the bulk of the young Democratic base.

Most of my leftist friends are too disillusioned by Obama's broken promises to vote this year, but Jon Stewart may yet still change this. This is precisely why Obama interviewed on the Daily Show...to get out the youth vote.


Why do I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party? Not because I have any love for the Republicans, but rather because the policies and decisions made by the current Democratic leadership, including Obama, are antithetical to my personal political philosophy.

The stakes are too high for me to be non-partisan.
"destruction of the Democratic Party"? You do realize that it's people like you who have actually caused more harm to the country than anything else?

Apparently, you're another one who knows all about the rally that he DIDN'T WATCH!!!
I only extreme to you, Avatar4321, is that I know Beck, Skousen, the JBS, and your beliefs are far, far to the right and simply not reflective of mainstream. That's where I sit, in the mainstream, and that you can't see merely reflects your dysfunctional concept of American politics. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful day, and you should enjoy it.
the extremes of the far left and the far right are destructive to the country's best interest.

It is the do-nothing corrupt moderates in Congress that allowed our fiscal situation to deteriorate into this disaster. Moderates want to keep the status-quo, keeping everyone happy, even if it means mortgaging our grandchildren to the Chinese!

Bush campaigned as a "compassion conservative" and Obama campaigned as a "post-partisan candidate."

Both have fuck us over royally.
He is a satirist, so is Colbert. What is satire? Comedy with a point. It's what they do.

Why are you so incensed about a show you didn't even watch?
Because I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party, and Stewart's audience includes the bulk of the young Democratic base.

Most of my leftist friends are too disillusioned by Obama's broken promises to vote this year, but Jon Stewart may yet still change this. This is precisely why Obama interviewed on the Daily Show...to get out the youth vote.


Why do I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party? Not because I have any love for the Republicans, but rather because the policies and decisions made by the current Democratic leadership, including Obama, are antithetical to my personal political philosophy.

The stakes are too high for me to be non-partisan.
"destruction of the Democratic Party"? You do realize that it's people like you who have actually caused more harm to the country than anything else?

Apparently, you're another one who knows all about the rally that he DIDN'T WATCH!!!

omg, the drama.
I suppose all the anti-war protesting didn't do ANY harm whatsoever to our country. but saying you want put a political Party out of existence, is doing harm to the country..sheesh
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You do realize that it's people like you who have actually caused more harm to the country than anything else?

Non-partisan politicians more interested in filling their wallets than saving the country have ruined this country.
He is a satirist, so is Colbert. What is satire? Comedy with a point. It's what they do.

Why are you so incensed about a show you didn't even watch?
Because I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party, and Stewart's audience includes the bulk of the young Democratic base.

Most of my leftist friends are too disillusioned by Obama's broken promises to vote this year, but Jon Stewart may yet still change this. This is precisely why Obama interviewed on the Daily Show...to get out the youth vote.


Why do I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party? Not because I have any love for the Republicans, but rather because the policies and decisions made by the current Democratic leadership, including Obama, are antithetical to my personal political philosophy.

The stakes are too high for me to be non-partisan.

So you're completely misrepresenting and trashing an event you didn't watch where politics were not discussed because of your hatred for the Democratic Party?

Sorry, E7, but then you're just like bigreb and they were making fun of you too. :lol:
He is a satirist, so is Colbert. What is satire? Comedy with a point. It's what they do.

Why are you so incensed about a show you didn't even watch?
Because I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party, and Stewart's audience includes the bulk of the young Democratic base.

Most of my leftist friends are too disillusioned by Obama's broken promises to vote this year, but Jon Stewart may yet still change this. This is precisely why Obama interviewed on the Daily Show...to get out the youth vote.


Why do I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party? Not because I have any love for the Republicans, but rather because the policies and decisions made by the current Democratic leadership, including Obama, are antithetical to my personal political philosophy.

The stakes are too high for me to be non-partisan.
"destruction of the Democratic Party"? You do realize that it's people like you who have actually caused more harm to the country than anything else?

Apparently, you're another one who knows all about the rally that he DIDN'T WATCH!!!

Some people are just against one-party fiat and will fight it to the death....unless it's THEIR party. Then it's suddenly not just all right, but a goal.
Because I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party, and Stewart's audience includes the bulk of the young Democratic base.

Most of my leftist friends are too disillusioned by Obama's broken promises to vote this year, but Jon Stewart may yet still change this. This is precisely why Obama interviewed on the Daily Show...to get out the youth vote.


Why do I seek the destruction of the Democratic Party? Not because I have any love for the Republicans, but rather because the policies and decisions made by the current Democratic leadership, including Obama, are antithetical to my personal political philosophy.

The stakes are too high for me to be non-partisan.
"destruction of the Democratic Party"? You do realize that it's people like you who have actually caused more harm to the country than anything else?

Apparently, you're another one who knows all about the rally that he DIDN'T WATCH!!!

omg, the drama.
I suppose all the anti-war protesting didn't do ANY harm whatsoever to our country. but saying you want put to a political Party put out of existence, is doing harm to the country..sheesh

War protesting? You mean the war in Iraq, that no one defends anymore because everyone knows it was a sham? That war? Yes, we have to keep some troops there to help keep the peace in the shambles that we created. The war that cheney's halliburton continues to make billions from? That war??

War protestors did harm to the country? Or the scumbags who created a phony war to enrich their own pockets? I remember I went on a job interview just prior to the 2008 election, with a electronics parts company. The HR woman said that they were hoping that McCain would win, because they had so many defense contracts for war materials, and they were afraid Obama would withdraw the troops. Apparently, it doesn't matter how many lives are lost or ruined because of the war, as long as the important people are making money. There are too many of you who just don't get it. We have maimed and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and Iraqis for no reason, except it lined the pockets of some--and put the U.S. deeply in debt.
I only extreme to you, Avatar4321, is that I know Beck, Skousen, the JBS, and your beliefs are far, far to the right and simply not reflective of mainstream. That's where I sit, in the mainstream, and that you can't see merely reflects your dysfunctional concept of American politics. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful day, and you should enjoy it.

I have been. Did quite a bit of yard work.

Does anyone honestly believe they are extreme? The point is, if you are worried about extremes, address the problem in yourself. When that's done, you'll be a be in a better position.

Also, we need to have an anchor to determine what is extreme. Extreme compared to what?
War protesting? You mean the war in Iraq, that no one defends anymore because everyone knows it was a sham? That war? Yes, we have to keep some troops there to help keep the peace in the shambles that we created. The war that cheney's halliburton continues to make billions from? That war??

War protestors did harm to the country? Or the scumbags who created a phony war to enrich their own pockets? I remember I went on a job interview just prior to the 2008 election, with a electronics parts company. The HR woman said that they were hoping that McCain would win, because they had so many defense contracts for war materials, and they were afraid Obama would withdraw the troops. Apparently, it doesn't matter how many lives are lost or ruined because of the war, as long as the important people are making money. There are too many of you who just don't get it. We have maimed and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and Iraqis for no reason, except it lined the pockets of some--and put the U.S. deeply in debt.
Why so bitter? This is a day of joy and laughter!

We're partying while our friends and loved ones die in Afghanistan!

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