Looks Like The Cat's Out Of The Bag....

Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

According to a March 25, 2019 Poll:

Americans as Concerned as Ever About Global Warming

66% believe global warming is caused by human activity, near all-time high
65% Say most scientist believe Global Warming is
59% Believe the effects of Global Warning have already begun
For the first time since 2001, a majority of Americans are classified as Concerned Believers.
Americans as Concerned as Ever About Global Warming
"Weather, Climate, and Climate Doomsday: Why Do Climate Alarmist Predictions Fail?

Climate alarmists—the ones who believe we are approaching climate doomsday—are confident that the future climate is solely decided on the basis of changes in atmospheric CO2 levels.

However, this is not true with our environment. Their belief in such a hypothesis was put to the test over the past two decades when the temperature forecasts from their computer climate models were compared against the actual real-time temperature measurements for the same period.

The analysis revealed that the computer climate models failed dramatically because of their assumptions that CO2 was the major driver of increase in temperature levels.

The CO2 levels in the atmosphere increased at a very high rate between 1999-2017, but the temperature levels did not rise correspondingly, and the rate of increase fell behind the rate of increase that the temperatures displayed during the decades prior to 1999.

This should have been a major wake up call for the climate alarmists. But they remain stubborn and continue to warn us of an imminent climate doomsday.

Their warning is based on their erroneous theory of a steep temperature increase induced by human CO2 emissions, which has been proven wrong again and again at the highest academic levels and testified to atthe U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology by climate scientists."
Weather, Climate, and Climate Doomsday: Why Do Climate Alarmist Predictions Fail?
You are such a pathetic liar. The predictions made by the scientists were accurate, although a bit optimistic. The warming has been greater than the predictions, and the effects more severe.

Seems that you have lied so much that you have come to believe your own bullshit... Hansen's predictions were an abject failure. The warming has been less than his business as usual scenario even though our CO2 production has not been business as usual. We produced 25% more CO2 than he projected. Had he increased his warming prediction assuming a 25% increase in CO2, his prediction of warming would have been even higher...Then there is the fact that there were two very large El Nino events that he didn't consider which raised temperatures for him and kept his predictions from being completely out of the ball park. It was the blind luck of the two El Nino events that kept his prediction from being completely outrageous. He failed miserably and yet you still believe him, and now apparently even believe yourself when you lie in an effort to defend him.
Looks like Conservative misinformation is working

It's seriously embarrassing. A bunch of fuck mouthed rednecks from the United States have unraveled the global conspiracy being pushed by some of the most educated people on Earth. Right...
Global Warming had to be changed to Climate Change for legal reasons. 20 years ago they said the ice capes would melt in 10 years......New York City would be under water by now.
All of those intelligent people turned out to be wrong.
The primary indicator is the fact that 3rd world countries and China are still dumping tons of poisons into the air and they are exempt from the standards Westerners fall under. The oceans are becoming trash heaps because India and other countries don't recycle their trash. They just throw it in the ocean. America leads the way in pollution control yet its never enough.

So glad you put that Lemon quote there.

Did you see this?

WASHINGTON – Steven Clifford, author and former CEO of the King Broadcasting Company and National Mobile Television, told PJM that the federal government should “prohibit straight white males from voting” in U.S. elections as a way to “save” democracy."
Former TV CEO Says U.S. Should Ban ‘Straight White Males from Voting’
To be honest, I think you should be able to pass an exam in order to vote. There are so many who vote that don't know squat.

But....if they gave the test in government school, they'd just give 'em the answers, you know....Donna Brazile style.

And kids were so poorly educated that they still failed...these are the people who believe in man made climate change and hang on every word that an ignorant twit like OAC has to say..
Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

According to a March 25, 2019 Poll:

Americans as Concerned as Ever About Global Warming

66% believe global warming is caused by human activity, near all-time high
65% Say most scientist believe Global Warming is
59% Believe the effects of Global Warning have already begun
For the first time since 2001, a majority of Americans are classified as Concerned Believers.
Americans as Concerned as Ever About Global Warming

The change in those #'s is rather insignificant....they've always looked similar.

But words and actions.....big difference. In other words, people are concerned....but not really that concerned. Tons of evidence too. When Pew does their " voter concern" poll at every election, global warming is waaaaaaaay down on the bottom of the concern list. Since 2010.

Those polls are posted throughout the thread MORE PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING. The thread is always available on the first page of this forum because it is ePiC.
Polls in the US and globally currently show a majority of people believe AGW, believe it is a threat and believe our governments need to deal with it. Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Accords.

Surveys asking participants to prioritize a list of issues does NOT rebut those findings. You know that, yet you still seem to live and breathe on such worthless statistics.
Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

As more and more people are aware of what the earth has done over the ages they learn what they are seeing is not an emergency of any kind... Its rather refreshing to see people become informed on a scam that stole trillions of dollars from us.

Think we can get Gore to give back the loot????
Not a chance.... he still has the EU duped...

Gore still has Europe duped?

I thought a British court found that his movie about global warming was propaganda?
"Weather, Climate, and Climate Doomsday: Why Do Climate Alarmist Predictions Fail?

Climate alarmists—the ones who believe we are approaching climate doomsday—are confident that the future climate is solely decided on the basis of changes in atmospheric CO2 levels.

However, this is not true with our environment. Their belief in such a hypothesis was put to the test over the past two decades when the temperature forecasts from their computer climate models were compared against the actual real-time temperature measurements for the same period.

The analysis revealed that the computer climate models failed dramatically because of their assumptions that CO2 was the major driver of increase in temperature levels.

The CO2 levels in the atmosphere increased at a very high rate between 1999-2017, but the temperature levels did not rise correspondingly, and the rate of increase fell behind the rate of increase that the temperatures displayed during the decades prior to 1999.

This should have been a major wake up call for the climate alarmists. But they remain stubborn and continue to warn us of an imminent climate doomsday.

Their warning is based on their erroneous theory of a steep temperature increase induced by human CO2 emissions, which has been proven wrong again and again at the highest academic levels and testified to atthe U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology by climate scientists."
Weather, Climate, and Climate Doomsday: Why Do Climate Alarmist Predictions Fail?
You are such a pathetic liar. The predictions made by the scientists were accurate, although a bit optimistic. The warming has been greater than the predictions, and the effects more severe.

Your still grasping on this pile of political excrement... Gawd... There is no hope for those who choose to be ignorant..
Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

As more and more people are aware of what the earth has done over the ages they learn what they are seeing is not an emergency of any kind... Its rather refreshing to see people become informed on a scam that stole trillions of dollars from us.

Think we can get Gore to give back the loot????
Not a chance.... he still has the EU duped...

Gore still has Europe duped?

I thought a British court found that his movie about global warming was propaganda?
Europe is censoring all skeptical positions and scrubbing them. Yes the fraud was exposed but the kings and socialists have taken control of the information flow in an attempt to keep people ignorant. Its the only way they can win on the man made global warming lie.
[Gore still has Europe duped?

I thought a British court found that his movie about global warming was propaganda?

So who told you such a bizarre thing, and why did you fall for such dumb propaganda?

My post from six months earlier post, #319, is still dead-on. Deniers have been reduced to screaming about polls, politicians and conspiracy theories. If all the science didn't contradict their idiot conspiracy babbling, they could refer to the science. But the science does contradict all of their idiot conspiracy babbling, hence they're forced to change to the topic to anything but the science.
Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

As more and more people are aware of what the earth has done over the ages they learn what they are seeing is not an emergency of any kind... Its rather refreshing to see people become informed on a scam that stole trillions of dollars from us.

Think we can get Gore to give back the loot????
Not a chance.... he still has the EU duped...

Gore still has Europe duped?

I thought a British court found that his movie about global warming was propaganda?
Europe is censoring all skeptical positions and scrubbing them. Yes the fraud was exposed but the kings and socialists have taken control of the information flow in an attempt to keep people ignorant. Its the only way they can win on the man made global warming lie.

Believe in the scam is more prevalent in Europe than in the United States?

Seems to fit the historical legal difference....

The Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition. The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.”
See "Justinian's Flea"
[Gore still has Europe duped?

I thought a British court found that his movie about global warming was propaganda?

So who told you such a bizarre thing, and why did you fall for such dumb propaganda?

My post from six months earlier post, #319, is still dead-on. Deniers have been reduced to screaming about polls, politicians and conspiracy theories. If all the science didn't contradict their idiot conspiracy babbling, they could refer to the science. But the science does contradict all of their idiot conspiracy babbling, hence they're forced to change to the topic to anything but the science.
Al Gore's 'nine Inconvenient Untruths'
Gore's climate film has scientific errors - judge

Mr Justice Barton yesterday said that while the film was "broadly accurate" in its presentation of climate change, he identified nine significant errors in the film,

So, the judge called the film "broadly accurate". That seems rather the opposite of "propaganda".
"There are people who nonetheless believe that climate change is a world-threatening calamity and that exaggeration is a necessary tool to galvanize public opinion. If you Google the phrase "12 years to save the planet," you'll find people who think it's literally true.

The problem is that we've heard these things before. In 1989, a U.N. official predicted "entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000." In 2008, Al Gore warned that the northern polar ice cap could be gone in five years.

Melting polar ice is something to worry about, but it's not gone.

The reasons this is a political problem for climate-change warriors should be obvious. First, they are their own worst enemy when it comes to maintaining credibility. By working on the theory that they have to scare the bejeebus out of the public, they made it easy for people to dismiss them when their Chicken Little prophecies didn't materialize."
Democrats Taking A Nonsensical Approach To Climate Change
Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

According to a March 25, 2019 Poll:

Americans as Concerned as Ever About Global Warming

66% believe global warming is caused by human activity, near all-time high
65% Say most scientist believe Global Warming is
59% Believe the effects of Global Warning have already begun
For the first time since 2001, a majority of Americans are classified as Concerned Believers.
Americans as Concerned as Ever About Global Warming

For the first time since 2001, a majority of Americans are classified as Concerned Believers.

And yet, not concerned enough to want to waste...err...invest any serious money to make sure the
climate never ever changes again.

The survey results also suggest that the amount that people are willing to pay monthly varies. Fifty-seven percent are willing to pay at least $1 per month. The share declines with the monthly cost: 23 percent would pay at least $40 monthly, and 16 percent would pay at least $100 each month. However, the fact that 43 percent are unwilling to pay anything underscores the polarization about climate change. Party identification and acceptance of climate change are the main correlates of whether people are willing to pay, with Democrats being consistently more inclined to pay a fee.

New Poll: Nearly Half Of Americans Are More Convinced Than They Were Five Years Ago That Climate Change Is Happening, With Extreme Weather Driving Their Views | Energy Policy Institute at University of Chicago
Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

According to a March 25, 2019 Poll:

Americans as Concerned as Ever About Global Warming

66% believe global warming is caused by human activity, near all-time high
65% Say most scientist believe Global Warming is
59% Believe the effects of Global Warning have already begun
For the first time since 2001, a majority of Americans are classified as Concerned Believers.
Americans as Concerned as Ever About Global Warming

The change in those #'s is rather insignificant....they've always looked similar.

But words and actions.....big difference. In other words, people are concerned....but not really that concerned. Tons of evidence too. When Pew does their " voter concern" poll at every election, global warming is waaaaaaaay down on the bottom of the concern list. Since 2010.

Those polls are posted throughout the thread MORE PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING. The thread is always available on the first page of this forum because it is ePiC.
People can be in crisis mode for only so long. After a while it becomes the norm and it's no long on their list of concerns. This is what happened in the 50's and 60's as everyone prepared for nuclear annihilation. By the end of the 60's and no nuclear bombs had fallen, most people lost interest. The same thing will happen with Trump's emergency at border. This why I think there will be no major efforts to stop climate change until the weather seriously threatens life and the economy.
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