Looks like the infamous Vindman will be doing the duffle bag drag

We were in during the same time period then. I went in in 67 and got out 7 years later in 74. I did the last three loaned out to the DMA. I never regretted a moment of it but there were some, shall we say tense episodes.

I never regretted it either Man. Everyone should serve. Kinda with I went Warrant Officer on Helis, had the chance. Imagine crossing to civie commercial, what a job!

Oh shit, you were essentially cannon fodder in that job. I knew the army was handing out WO ratings to fly choppers in Nam but I didn't know the AF was doing it too.

Well maybe flying one of those Chinook gun ships may have been a little fun. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! I ain't no dumb unarmed ship stupid. BANG! BANG! BANG! YOU'RE DEAD!
I think Charlie pretty much started leaving Chinooks alone because he didn't know which one just might bite his ass back.
Welcome to your new Duty Station Vindman.

Again,you cultists are confused. The military has, publicly,made it very clear they will not allow any reprisals against Vindman. Pay attention!

Shuuurrrrrrreeee. LOL The military is always known to stand good for their word.
BTW The checks in the mail and I absolutely will not cum in your mouth.
Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal
This piece of shit will be an example to others who want to politicize their positions and attemp a coup to overthrow our government. He should be stripped of his rank and given a dishonorable discharge

What "misconduct" was this?

What "misconduct" was this?

Passing confidential information to a third party.

Wrong. He complied with a subpoena from Congress.

On the otherhand, Trump has now committed another federal felony.

18 U.S.C. § 1513 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18.

Whoever knowingly, with the intent to retaliate, takes any action harmful to any person, including interference with the lawful employment or livelihood of any person, for providing to a law enforcement officer any truthful information relating to the commission or possible commission of any Federal offense, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

Wrong. He complied with a subpoena from Congress.

They subpoenaed this guy at random, before he illegally passed confidential info?

Trump has now committed another federal felony.

You're lying.

for providing to a law enforcement officer any truthful information

And so did Vindman.

tRump is going to pay for his crimes soon.

He's living on borrowed time.
Vindeman and other plotters will pay for their crimes REAL SOON.
We were in during the same time period then. I went in in 67 and got out 7 years later in 74. I did the last three loaned out to the DMA. I never regretted a moment of it but there were some, shall we say tense episodes.

I never regretted it either Man. Everyone should serve. Kinda with I went Warrant Officer on Helis, had the chance. Imagine crossing to civie commercial, what a job!

Oh shit, you were essentially cannon fodder in that job. I knew the army was handing out WO ratings to fly choppers in Nam but I didn't know the AF was doing it too.

Well maybe flying one of those Chinook gun ships may have been a little fun. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! I ain't no dumb unarmed ship stupid. BANG! BANG! BANG! YOU'RE DEAD!
I think Charlie pretty much started leaving Chinooks alone because he didn't know which one just might bite his ass back.
Guy I play golf with did 3 tours as a door gunner. I don't know how he did it.
I couldn't get out fast enough
What "misconduct" was this?

Passing confidential information to a third party.
Lying under oath...
Vindman's Claims Don't Hold Up | RealClearPolitics

You keep posting that, oblivious to the fact that it doesn't say that.

Guess you can't read the contradictions in the transcript and what he said under actual questioning by House Republicans on the committee?

Quote it, wimp.
"House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff, D-Calif., barred Vindman from naming anyone he talked to outside the NSC, on pages 105 and 277-281, apparently to protect the whistleblower. But on page 14, Vindman denies knowing the whistleblower. Schiff is protecting himself and his staff."
Lt Col Vindman Caught Lying Under Oath During Hearing | News Break
what would have been funny is after Trump fired vindman, Schiff would have come out and said, "you can't retaliate against a whistleblower."
6’ 250lbs and I bench 425, how about you scum bag?

Isn’t he too fat to be The Ukrainian Defense Minister?

He was not fired, he is still an Army office, he was just reassigned. Happens to thousands of military personnel every day.

without a doubt you are about 5'8" and weigh 350.

Guess you’ll find out on Judgment Day where Liars go To Hell, and The Believers in Christ go to Their Eternal Reward.

Get right with God. Time is short. Quit your lying, quit lusting after women and committing adultery In your heart. Repent.
Judgment Day will come and in our lifetime.

This from a Trump worshiper! :21::21::21::21:
There was never any doubt that Vindman would be removed from his post. Anyone who is unwilling to lie has no business being near our president
Didn't Obama do a purge of anyone not on board with his agenda?

Yes, do you remember the name General Mike Flynn! Notice what the Obysmal Administration did to him!
It takes so long for someone to overcome those false court issues. It is a tragedy what has happened to him. I do hope that his new attorneys do him full justice for what he's gone through.
Didn't Obama do a purge of anyone not on board with his agenda?

Yes, do you remember the name General Mike Flynn! Notice what the Obysmal Administration did to him!
It takes so long for someone to overcome those false court issues. It is a tragedy what has happened to him. I do hope that his new attorneys do him full justice for what he's gone through.

With that statement, I agree 100%!

If things continue along as they are going, most ALL of what the Left pulled off will be laid bare before the American public before November of 2020. That is the Lefts biggest fear!
Vindman.......,you’re fired
He is still active duty serving his country

He was part of the coup. When you work at the pleasure of the President, you work with him, not against him. A President can't work with people who hate him.

Along with the President having the absolute RIGHT to put in these positions, anyone he sees fit!

He was only removed from the White House and given his old job back. He didn't lose anything. A President needs to be surrounded by people that support him.
Vindman.......,you’re fired
He is still active duty serving his country

He was part of the coup. When you work at the pleasure of the President, you work with him, not against him. A President can't work with people who hate him.

Along with the President having the absolute RIGHT to put in these positions, anyone he sees fit!

He was only removed from the White House and given his old job back. He didn't lose anything. A President needs to be surrounded by people that support him.

Trump needs to be surrounded by people who are willing to lie for him

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