Looks like the left has their new George Floyd. Jordan Neely arrested 42 times, threatening passengers.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
He was screaming "I'm ready to go back to jail m*fkr at passengers on a New York subway. Oh yeah, he's homeless, black and mentally ill. White guy puts him in a choke hold and kills him. AOC, NY Governor and the Leftist Media machine is already whipping the minions into a frenzy. Wheeee! Welcome to America under Democratic Party rule.

He was screaming "I'm ready to go back to jail m*fkr at passengers on a New York subway. Oh yeah, he's homeless, black and mentally ill. White guy puts him in a choke hold and kills him. AOC, NY Governor and the Leftist Media machine is already whipping the minions into a frenzy. Wheeee! Welcome to America under Democratic Party rule.

awww, his death will hurt sales of queer beer no doubt
I think this case (just legally, not socio-politically) comes down to a set of question of how much force was reasonable under the circumstances and whether the suspect’s use of force were “reasonable.”

I have no faith at all in DA Bragg. But if some experienced prosecutors are analyzing the facts of this “case” in a neutral manner, then I suspect Bragg’s Office will charge the accused. It may not be for “murder.” But, my guess is that he will be indicted for some lesser form of homicide, like manslaughter or maybe even criminally negligent homicide.

If indicted, he could get a deal offer to something even lower. Or, we’ll then find out how much stones the DAs Office has. It’s a case which could go to trial; and even in liberal Manhattan, it’s not clear a jury of the former marine’s peers in the City would feel that convicting him was fair.
He was screaming "I'm ready to go back to jail m*fkr at passengers on a New York subway. Oh yeah, he's homeless, black and mentally ill. White guy puts him in a choke hold and kills him. AOC, NY Governor and the Leftist Media machine is already whipping the minions into a frenzy. Wheeee! Welcome to America under Democratic Party rule.

Here's the first question. What has anyone done for this guy? He has mental problems. Was he treated for those problems, are there opportunities for such a person in this society? Does this society just abandon people like this because "fuck them all"?
This says a hell of a lot about the US, and I'm blaming left and right, Dems and Reps for how the US is turning into a stinking hole for people.
I think this case (just legally, not socio-politically) comes down to a set of question of how much force was reasonable under the circumstances and whether the suspect’s use of force were “reasonable.”

I have no faith at all in DA Bragg. But if some experienced prosecutors are analyzing the facts of this “case” in a neutral manner, then I suspect Bragg’s Office will charge the accused. It may not be for “murder.” But, my guess is that he will be indicted for some lesser form of homicide, like manslaughter or maybe even criminally negligent homicide.

If indicted, he could get a deal offer to something even lower. Or, we’ll then find out how much stones the DAs Office has. It’s a case which could go to trial; and even in liberal Manhattan, it’s not clear a jury of the former marine’s peers in the City would feel that convicting him was fair.
It's another case that should be settled LOCALLY without inflaming Racial tensions and rioting across the country. But this is how Democrats roll. George Floyd 2.0 ready set go!
Here's the first question. What has anyone done for this guy? He has mental problems. Was he treated for those problems, are there opportunities for such a person in this society? Does this society just abandon people like this because "fuck them all"?
This says a hell of a lot about the US, and I'm blaming left and right, Dems and Reps for how the US is turning into a stinking hole for people.
That is the 800 pound mentally ill Gorilla in the room, isn't it? But that's a hard problem to address, it's much easier to distract people and set them against each other. Yes I agree we have a lot of problems that both Parties do little if anything about. That's yet another problem, the failure of the two-party political system.
I think this case (just legally, not socio-politically) comes down to a set of question of how much force was reasonable under the circumstances and whether the suspect’s use of force were “reasonable.”

I have no faith at all in DA Bragg. But if some experienced prosecutors are analyzing the facts of this “case” in a neutral manner, then I suspect Bragg’s Office will charge the accused. It may not be for “murder.” But, my guess is that he will be indicted for some lesser form of homicide, like manslaughter or maybe even criminally negligent homicide.

If indicted, he could get a deal offer to something even lower. Or, we’ll then find out how much stones the DAs Office has. It’s a case which could go to trial; and even in liberal Manhattan, it’s not clear a jury of the former marine’s peers in the City would feel that convicting him was fair.
Wow. It is legal for even civilians to choke somebody out and render no aid where you come from? It's a stand your choke hold state? Interesting. Well, I guess we will see if it is the same in New York.
It's another case that should be settled LOCALLY without inflaming Racial tensions and rioting across the country. But this is how Democrats roll. George Floyd 2.0 ready set go!
Yep. Weird coincidence:

The episode of Law and Order, that aired tonight, involved a decision to arrest a juvenile white kid for a murder. The DA’s analysis was a discussion of how their own office had been guilty of over prosecuting black juveniles as “adults” but never with white kids. So, they decided (politically etc) to go ahead and prosecute the now 17 y.o. as an adult.

Now Bragg and his staff must decide what to do. Politically.
That is the 800 pound mentally ill Gorilla in the room, isn't it? But that's a hard problem to address, it's much easier to distract people and set them against each other. Yes I agree we have a lot of problems that both Parties do little if anything about. That's yet another problem, the failure of the two-party political system.

Yes, I've been telling people about why Proportional Representation is the way forwards and why FPTP sucks to hell for a long time on here, and mostly I get ignored. A lot of people love the fight, they love having two easy to define sides, and they love attacking the other side. PR would take that away from them.

Certainly PR would mean people voting for issues, rather than personalities as much. It'd mean more oversight, more ideas.

Why would the Dems or Reps care about mentally ill people? It's not a vote winning issue.

But with PR smaller parties might pick up on it, and it might just be something that then gets dealt with by representatives who represent REAL PEOPLE.
Wow. It is legal for even civilians to choke somebody out and render no aid where you come from? It's a stand your choke hold state? Interesting. Well, I guess we will see if it is the same in New York.
Choke holds are illegal in NY, period.

It’s not even a “stand your ground state.” It’s a “justification” state. And (except in one’s own residence), you have a duty to retreat — if you can do so, safely. Not sure that “duty to retreat thing applies when your justification is that you were aiding a 3d party.

By the way, it was NY I had been referring to in the first place. (I moved away. I don’t know my new State’s criminal laws.)
Oh, we get to see the leftist cities burn again? I say have at it.....Yawn, I could care less. I hope the cops/firemen/EMSs just smile and wave too.

At least that will be enough of a squirrel to draw attention away from the border where 700K await to invade the US.
Wow. It is legal for even civilians to choke somebody out and render no aid where you come from? It's a stand your choke hold state? Interesting. Well, I guess we will see if it is the same in New York.
That's not the point. He's clearly guilty of something, probably manslaughter. But we both know this is being blown up into something, much, MUCH bigger than what the WHITE GUY did to the threatening BLACK GUY.
Choke holds are illegal in NY, period.

It’s not even a “stand your ground state.” It’s a “justification” state. And (except in one’s own residence), you have a duty to retreat — if you can do so, safely. Not sure that “duty to retreat thing applies when your justification is that you were aiding a 3d party.

By the way, it was NY I had been referring to in the first place. (I moved away. I don’t know my new State’s criminal laws.)
I kind of figured. I suspect the Marine (in civilian life) is in a lot of trouble. Though he's not a cop, I would not be surprised if the BLM gets involved and ramps up protests, so it could get ugly. I am glad it is up there and not down here.

The video, shot by freelance journalist Juan Alberto Vázquez, shows Neely trying to escape the choke hold for two minutes before his body stops moving.

“He moved his arms, but he couldn’t express anything,” Vázquez told the Post. “Then suddenly he just stopped moving. He was out of strength.” On Facebook, Vázquez said the choke hold lasted 15 minutes and that the situation reminded him of George Floyd’s murder.
It is legal for even civilians to choke somebody out and render no aid where you come from?

When one is threatened and it is self-defense, yes.

And many seem to not realize that the person was actually trained to respond in that manner. Yes, the military still uses choke holds. And he could have stopped it at any time by not fighting him. Both the Army and Marine Corps combative programs make use of choke holds because they are effective in stopping a situation.

And I am interested in reading the coroners report when it is released. Odds are likely with his background he was under the influence of drugs. And as people should know now, actually getting into a fight while high is often fatal because the heart can't take that kind of stress.
He's clearly guilty of something, probably manslaughter.

That will actually be much harder to prove, and he has his training to fall back on for his defense.

A lot of people do not know (but they should) that those who were in the military will likely respond very different than most others. Less likely to back down or cower, more likely to take sharp action to end the situation.

He had been through the Marine Combatives program, and choke holds are one of the first things they teach for subduing a combative individual. In most people it is not fatal, and it can end the conflict quickly.
Choke holds are illegal in NY, period.

Well, better get out on the street then to get all of those that participate in MMA activities arrested.

And no, they are not "illegal". They may be prohibited for law enforcement, but they are actually not illegal in and of themselves.

If they were, you would have the participants in almost every wrestling and many martial arts competitions arrested.
When one is threatened and it is self-defense, yes.

And many seem to not realize that the person was actually trained to respond in that manner. Yes, the military still uses choke holds. And he could have stopped it at any time by not fighting him. Both the Army and Marine Corps combative programs make use of choke holds because they are effective in stopping a situation.

And I am interested in reading the coroners report when it is released. Odds are likely with his background he was under the influence of drugs. And as people should know now, actually getting into a fight while high is often fatal because the heart can't take that kind of stress.
He was not trained very well, as he did it until the guy was dead. I've done a lot of pass fail testing in my 20+ years in the military. That would be a fail. It's not like we're allowed 10% losses for training. He was no longer serving in the Marines so training means d#ck.
Oh, so if they have done drugs, you can choke them to death, even if they have attacked nobody. Hey, was the civilian that choked him to death trained to tell if somebody had drugs in their system without a drug test, too? That would be handy and save companies a fortune on drug tests. So far, the only part of the coroner report that has been released was the coroner saying it was a homicide. Yes getting into a fight can be fatal anytime, but witnesses say the dead guy attacked nobody, I suspect he struggle against the three wanting to avoid being choked to death.
I hear the dead guy did a great impression of Michael Jackson. I guess he is still doing it as he is laying very still, like a dead guy.
That will actually be much harder to prove, and he has his training to fall back on for his defense.

A lot of people do not know (but they should) that those who were in the military will likely respond very different than most others. Less likely to back down or cower, more likely to take sharp action to end the situation.

He had been through the Marine Combatives program, and choke holds are one of the first things they teach for subduing a combative individual. In most people it is not fatal, and it can end the conflict quickly.
I always go back to the imminent threat element. I haven't read anything that indicates Neely was armed and directly threatening the Marine, so that's why I think he will be charged with manslaughter although I personally think he did a really brave thing. The New York Democrats have failed the people of New York and this is just another example of that.

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