Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

He didn't lie

The guilty plea on multiple counts of obstruction says otherwise.
Come on libtard...you know you have heard of dirty cops and corrupt FBI agents and unjust legal action....you just thinks its okay because its a Trump guy....can't you see how dangerous that acceptance of this action against Flynn is?....for the future of our nation?.....

Hey, if you can make the case that something dirty was done here then let's have it, because I don't see it from the documents or from the ridiculous straw argument rightwingers here are making..
Lets say the FBI came to Obama's national security advisors office in the white house and then prosecuted her for lying after the meeting....and then four years later after a huge investigation we discover the memo from FBI investigators to higher ups in the agency that asks if they are there to catch her in a lie (which means a perjury conviction) or to get her fired....what would you say then?.....

If Obama's cabinet member was investigated for a possible crime and in that process perjured herself to cover it up, then plead guilty to that perjury then I, as any sane person, would consider her a sketch ball that is getting all she was asking for. FBI liking or not liking someone has nothing to do with it - it's just simple, provable in court facts of the matter.

But we don't have that in Obama's White House, because unlike Trump, his leadership style did not include a habit of surrounding himself with shady law falunting characters.

That's why there were ZERO indictments and ZERO convictions in Obama's administration over 8 years and why so many of Trump's associates were indicted and convicted.
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I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Yes, they did, he misstated a fact. That's all. You are either willfully ignorant of the case, or simply don't care.

Regardless of your bullshit opinion, Flynn is going to be exonerated because he committed no crime.

The fbi however, did.
I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Yes, they did, he misstated a fact. That's all. You are either willfully ignorant of the case, or simply don't care.

Regardless of your bullshit opinion, Flynn is going to be exonerated because he committed no crime.

The fbi however, did.

If you are so sure then why don't we put a symbolic bet on it?

He walks, I post to admit to not knowing wtf I'm talking about.
He gets convicted, then you post to admit to not knowing wtf you are talking about.

Come on nutter-butter, show me up.
That's why there were ZERO indictments and ZERO convictions in Obama's administration over 8 years and why so many of Trump's associates were indicted and convicted
We all know democrats don't get the same scrutiny as the republicans do so that argument will not fly with me...and if what we read today is correct...we will see Obama national security agency appointees go to jail...not just be investigated....indicted and imprisoned....
I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Yes, they did, he misstated a fact. That's all. You are either willfully ignorant of the case, or simply don't care.

Regardless of your bullshit opinion, Flynn is going to be exonerated because he committed no crime.

The fbi however, did.

Why don't we put a ssymbolic bet on it.

He walks I admit to not knowing wtf I'm talking about.
He gets convicted, then you admit to not knowing wtf you are talking about.

That's why there were ZERO indictments and ZERO convictions in Obama's administration over 8 years and why so many of Trump's associates were indicted and convicted
We all know democrats don't get the same scrutiny as the republicans .

Blah blah blah.
Come on lets make a gentleman's bet...very soon more than one of Obama's national security team will be indicted.....what will you say then?...blah blah blah?.....tool...total tool....
I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Yes, they did, he misstated a fact. That's all. You are either willfully ignorant of the case, or simply don't care.

Regardless of your bullshit opinion, Flynn is going to be exonerated because he committed no crime.

The fbi however, did.

Why don't we put a ssymbolic bet on it.

He walks I admit to not knowing wtf I'm talking about.
He gets convicted, then you admit to not knowing wtf you are talking about.


And by the way, just so we are clear - a pardon is not Flynn walking, it is still Flynn convicted.
That's why there were ZERO indictments and ZERO convictions in Obama's administration over 8 years and why so many of Trump's associates were indicted and convicted
We all know democrats don't get the same scrutiny as the republicans .

Blah blah blah.
Come on lets make a gentleman's bet...very soon more than one of Obama's national security team will be indicted.....what will you say then?...blah blah blah?.....tool...total tool....

lol ok dummy,, you make the list of who it is you think will be convicted and I'll gladly take that bet.
That's why there were ZERO indictments and ZERO convictions in Obama's administration over 8 years and why so many of Trump's associates were indicted and convicted
We all know democrats don't get the same scrutiny as the republicans .

Blah blah blah.
Come on lets make a gentleman's bet...very soon more than one of Obama's national security team will be indicted.....what will you say then?...blah blah blah?.....tool...total tool....

lol ok dummy,, you make the list of who it is you think will be convicted and I'll gladly take that bet.
Could be any one of them....but Comey will be the first to be tossed to the wolves....
Here is what we have from the note taker and part of the team working on the case....it seems?

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

so the note taker here said that he agreed yesterday when the group on the case strategized, that they should not show Flynn.... something that was redacted, (so we do not know what he was talking about there), if he did not admit, (to something else we don't know as well because it is not spelled out)

Then he went on to say, that he thought about doing it the way that was discussed, (and we don't know what exactly that means...what exactly was the way that was discussed?)

And that he believed that this approach or method that they were going to use, should be rethought....in his opinion....

then he says:

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

Then he goes on to say that they regularly do show subjects evidence that they have on them, with the goal to get subjects to admit to wrong doing.... (so this is a common tactic of the FBI, in general, it seems?)

But the note taker does not see how getting someone to admit their wrong doing, is going "easy" on this particular subject....

(So the note taker is saying that THEIR GOAL was to GO EASY on Flynn, and doing it the way they discussed the day before in their strategizing meeting.....whatever that may have been, was NOT going easy on him, as their goal was....in his opinion)


Without the redacted part, and without the rest of this conversation's notes to give an accurate context, nothing at all can be concluded as some sort of nefarious action, imo. That is all far out conjecture!!!
So you'd be OK with the FBI acting like that against you or a member of your family??
acting like what? the note taker is asking questions... there are question marks.

Wouldn't doing it the way they originally discussed, not be ''going easy on Flynn''?

(so they obviously discussed previously, that they were going to try to go ''easy'' on Flynn)

conveniently the whole conversation is not posted....they only posted what they thought they could twist and use..... enough to make you all, believe their twist....

Oh -- so you blow off the ACTUAL content and context and you're down to using question marks as excuses?? How would you like all this abuse to be applied to someone you KNOW or voted for?

Time to suit up and start CARING "Care4All" about Civil Liberties again like the Dems USED to do.. Start PROSECUTING the PROSECUTORS WHO ABUSE their posts.. Abuse of prosecutorial powers HERE are as clear as the abuses perpetrated on the poor, minority defenseless ones..
It was simply what they do, to everyone they are about to interview....is what the couple of chosen notes appeared to show.... I would need to see all the notes before coming to the conclusions you all on the right wing have been primed to come to by your media.

You had your minds made up, before the selected notes showed up. The rest of America outside of the right wing have not been exposed to these conspiracies on a daily basis as y'all obviously have been....So we are not going to see what you've been programmed to see.

This appears to be FBI agents working on a case, talking all angles through in an honest manner with each other to make certain they have their ducks in order before the interview.

And all scenarios of what could happen, would be turned over to the DOJ for them to decide.......

I don't see their couple of sentences and questions with each other shown of obviously a much much larger conversation as any kind of solid evidence of this nefarious plot to "get the President" by framing or entrapping Flynn....?

Like the note takers change of mind on initial agreed upon tactics...And questioning....

I think they strategize and talk like they did, with every person they are about to interview, whomever they are....

And if things need to be changed in the way they do these interviews and prep sessions, then they need to change their tactics for everyone.... not for just the President's men.

President Trump and his supporters seized on newly disclosed documents to argue Thursday that his former aide Michael Flynn was railroaded into pleading guilty as part of the FBI investigation into the 2016 campaign and Russian interference, but legal experts said the material is unlikely to convince a judge that agents entrapped the former national security adviser.
The notes show that before the Flynn interview, FBI officials discussed the possibility he would lie to them, given that he had already apparently denied to other White House officials that he’d discussed sanctions against Russia weeks earlier in phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

“What is our goal?” Priestap wrote in the notes. “Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” Priestap also wrote that the FBI should “protect our institution by not playing games.”

Another set of documents filed Thursday revealed the code name the FBI gave to a 2016 investigation into Flynn’s possible ties to Russia. That case, Crossfire Razor, was shutting down just as the FBI took a renewed interest in Flynn while Trump was preparing to take office, the documents show.

“These notes raise questions about the investigation, and it is not surprising that Flynn’s defense team is pressing the defense of entrapment,” said Robert Mintz, a former federal prosecutor now in private practice. “But entrapment is a high bar. It is not enough simply to show that government agencies solicited a criminal act from a defendant. The critical issue for the defense is proving that investigators induced the defendant to engage in criminal conduct that the defendant would not otherwise have committed.”

“In order to succeed here,” Mintz continued, “the defense will have to prove not merely that the FBI anticipated that Flynn might lie during the interview, but that the FBI encouraged him to lie and induced him to commit a crime that he otherwise would not have committed.”

Chuck Rosenberg, a former U.S. attorney who also served as Comey’s chief of staff, said the notes do not make a case for entrapment.

“It is not a close call,” said Rosenberg. “In this situation, Flynn had three options: tell the truth, lie or refuse to talk. The FBI did not plant a lie, urge him to repeat the lie, record him in the lie, and then prosecute him for lying. That might be entrapment. Here, Flynn was predisposed to lie, chose to talk, and then lied. That’s not entrapment.”


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president trump is just looking for an excuse for the pardon he's going to give Flynn before... he loses his upcoming election.... :D

that's what is going on here....
I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Yes, they did, he misstated a fact. That's all. You are either willfully ignorant of the case, or simply don't care.

Regardless of your bullshit opinion, Flynn is going to be exonerated because he committed no crime.

The fbi however, did.

No he will be exonerated because Tramp told Barr to exert pressure.

According to you trampers its ok to lie to the FBI and its ok to ignore the house investigations,
and its ok to lie, because tramp does it all the time.
You tramper's are so low.

Can I lie to the FBI. You guys have absolutely no morals.
Yes seriously, Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying.
When several FBI Agents testify/ state they do not believe Flynn was lying, and the only one to say he did was/is the FBI's #1 Counter-Intel Expert (such a high level FBI leadership position being involved in an interview usually done by Field Agents, another 'breach of standard protocol / from the norm the IG pointed out) who has been proven to have lied numerous times, helped the NSA and CIA Directors author the ICA and ICR - which they said they knew nothing about (a LIE)and considering all of the other criminal evidence against the FBI...according to the retired FBI Investigative expert in the article posted, this was a planned illegal set-up that required the FBI to bypass protocol so as not to alert the WY or WH legal Counsel to ensure Flynn was isolated and without legal Counsel. This was a set-up. Comey even admitted it (read the article).

"Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying."

That doesn't mean he WAS lying, either...and every one of the FBI Agents involved....except co-conspiring Strzok stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

president trump is just looking for an excuse for the pardon he's going to give Flynn before... he loses his upcoming election....

Proven criminal action by Comey and his Gestapo to bypass FBI protocol to prevent from alerting the WH / WH Counsel so they could isolate Flynn then set him up, blackmailing him by threatening to throw his son in jail to get Flynn to agree to plea 'Guilty'....part of Barry's proven failed coup attempt.

That's more than enough to pardon Flynn....and toss Comey's and Strzok's asses in prison.
I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Yes, they did, he misstated a fact. That's all. You are either willfully ignorant of the case, or simply don't care.

Regardless of your bullshit opinion, Flynn is going to be exonerated because he committed no crime.

The fbi however, did.

No he will be exonerated because Tramp told Barr to exert pressure.

According to you trampers its ok to lie to the FBI and its ok to ignore the house investigations,
and its ok to lie, because tramp does it all the time.
You tramper's are so low.

Can I lie to the FBI. You guys have absolutely no morals.

For the sake of argument, lets say he lied.

Why was Flynn not convicted of anything other than lying? Just wondering, since Flynn has been used by the left as a justification for the Mueller investigation. Was the the entire investigation nothing more than an attempt to get a bunch of process crimes out of Trump associates? Sure does seem that way to the logical mind.
Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light. The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.
So said the "spider to the fly"

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years.
So said the "spider to the fly"

show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

So said the "spider to the fly"
In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments.
So said the "spider to the fly"
“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”
So said the "spider to the fly"
“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”
So said the "spider to the fly"
"Meister.,...,.,,“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

Before commenting, please read the above four (4) times in suspension
Thanks in advance :)-

Putin just wet his pants while jumping up and down to trumpies blabberneeds.,,.,.,..,]

This is a private side note between you Meister and me, no one can hear this observayion but you and me :)-
Wow, dude, you put in a lot of time to come up with this. cool
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I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Yes, they did, he misstated a fact. That's all. You are either willfully ignorant of the case, or simply don't care.

Regardless of your bullshit opinion, Flynn is going to be exonerated because he committed no crime.

The fbi however, did.

No he will be exonerated because Tramp told Barr to exert pressure.

According to you trampers its ok to lie to the FBI and its ok to ignore the house investigations,
and its ok to lie, because tramp does it all the time.
You tramper's are so low.

Can I lie to the FBI. You guys have absolutely no morals.
According to you fuck nuts your side never lies.

Fuck off.
That's why there were ZERO indictments and ZERO convictions in Obama's administration over 8 years and why so many of Trump's associates were indicted and convicted
We all know democrats don't get the same scrutiny as the republicans .

Blah blah blah.
Come on lets make a gentleman's bet...very soon more than one of Obama's national security team will be indicted.....what will you say then?...blah blah blah?.....tool...total tool....

lol ok dummy,, you make the list of who it is you think will be convicted and I'll gladly take that bet.
Could be any one of them....but Comey will be the first to be tossed to the wolves....

Make the list and I’ll take a bet if any one of them gets convicted over bias actions against Trump&Co or for Clinton/Obama within 1 year
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Yes seriously, Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying.
When several FBI Agents testify/ state they do not believe Flynn was lying, and the only one to say he did was/is the FBI's #1 Counter-Intel Expert (such a high level FBI leadership position being involved in an interview usually done by Field Agents, another 'breach of standard protocol / from the norm the IG pointed out) who has been proven to have lied numerous times, helped the NSA and CIA Directors author the ICA and ICR - which they said they knew nothing about (a LIE)and considering all of the other criminal evidence against the FBI...according to the retired FBI Investigative expert in the article posted, this was a planned illegal set-up that required the FBI to bypass protocol so as not to alert the WY or WH legal Counsel to ensure Flynn was isolated and without legal Counsel. This was a set-up. Comey even admitted it (read the article).

"Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying."

That doesn't mean he WAS lying, either...and every one of the FBI Agents involved....except co-conspiring Strzok stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

That’s right, it doesn’t.


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