Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

oh like RUSSIA
Yes, we abaolutely found out the trump campaign was colluding with the russians.

Impeachment? If not for cultists like you, trump would have been impeached in mutes. The GOP despises him.

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.
Backfired? The guy has shown historically low approval for his entire presidency. The GOP got drummed by 10 million votes in 2018 because of his fat ass. You're a delusional cultist.

Yes, we abaolutely found out the trump campaign was colluding with the russians.


This is fun.. But it gets old fast. Like debating people on the Vietnam war who last got ANY REAL news in 1944....
Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
Have you considered a career as a writer of fiction?

TPM, huh? :laughing0301: 'Nuff said, run along and tell Putin you've been outted, comrade.
/——/ Can’t refute the message — Attack the messenger. BTW, azzwipe. You didn’t deny anything in the story.
An opinion? A left wing rag site with an opinion. Howz dat azzwipe?
By the way....normally I tend to ignore shit except when I step in it...I made you the exception.
Facts dont back you up
But the weirs thing is, literally all the facts back me up . The foreign agent got caught doing back door deals with the russian government, then lied to the FBI about it. All facts. And some trump cultists saying they are not facts wont show up in the history books.
He was part of the fucking transition team and one of Trumps National Security Advisors, of course he is going to talk to Russian Diplomats.
False. It was not legal for them to engage in diplomacy.

Wrong. Try looking up the facts before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

He was part of the fucking transition team and one of Trumps National Security Advisors, of course he is going to talk to Russian Diplomats.
False. It was not legal for them to engage in diplomacy.

Wrong. Try looking up the facts before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
"The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. "

Has been determined to be non Constitutional, and has not been used in 150 years, and the idea that the incoming Nat Sec Adviser is a private citizen is fucking laughable. Go home child.

What case determined it was unconstitutional?

Flynn had no government position in December 2016. He was by definition a private citizen. There’s only one government at a time. It’s fundamental to our country.

Wrong, he was part of the transition team taking over the government. That actually means something. Unlike your hero john Kerry trying to fuck up Trumps dealings with iran.

If anyone is guilty of breaking the logan act it is that asshole.

Nope. Civilian. By definition.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
People feel strongly that Flynn should have never been interviewed in the first place.

Keep in mind, it was a wholly voluntary interview. The FBI asked him if they could ask him questions, he said yes.
The FBI was Investigating Russian interference in the election and Flynn was lying about communicating with the Russians, right? Why would an interview be inappropriate?

Flynn wasn’t breaking any laws, at least not anything that anyone was going to prosecute.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
People feel strongly that Flynn should have never been interviewed in the first place.

Keep in mind, it was a wholly voluntary interview. The FBI asked him if they could ask him questions, he said yes.
The FBI was Investigating Russian interference in the election and Flynn was lying about communicating with the Russians, right? Why would an interview be inappropriate?

When was Flynn lying about his telephone conversation with the Russian ambassdor?? Nobody but the Intel agencies had heard that call.. NO ONE was discussing it. And BECAUSE he did that BECAUSE he was the incoming Nat Sec Advisor -- IT WAS PERFECTLY LEGAL... NO REASON to lie...

That phone call -- part of the HIGHEST CLASSIFIED data in the US -- was leaked to the public by an Obama official who's name I don't recall about a week before the inauguration.. ANOTHER scoundrel that won't be prosecuted... Should be vegetating in Levenworth by now by all rights..

Before the ambush at the WH interview with Peter Strzok on Jan 24th, the known TDS agent at the center of the FBI RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA probe --- The FBI Intel group had concluded there was NOTHING in the Kislyak call to worry about.. THIS published in the TDS rag the WashPo ---- IRONICALLY ONE DAY before the ambush FBI ambush at the WH...,

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said. The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


The FBI Intel operation on Flynn was ready to WRAP UP a week before Stzok and his co-conspirators conceived the ambush and entrapment operation.. Strzok is ON RECORD asking the Intel group to "hold it open".. Presumably LONG ENOUGH to get a Special Counsel appointed and operating..

And that's HOW this entrapment began...
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Facts dont back you up
But the weirs thing is, literally all the facts back me up . The foreign agent got caught doing back door deals with the russian government, then lied to the FBI about it. All facts. And some trump cultists saying they are not facts wont show up in the history books.

The foreign agent got caught doing back door deals with the russian government,

Sounds serious!!

Much more serious than perjury about back door deals with the russian government
Wrong, he was part of the transition team taking over the government. That actually means something.
Right, it means he is a private citizen.

No, it doesn't you imbecile.
It does. It literally does. He has no official government position. No government authority. He’s not elected. He’s not appointed. He has no more duties or privileges than any other private citizen.

It's the procedure ALL ELECTED transition teams have used.. Their slotted APPOINTEES at the cabinet level HAVE PRIVILEGES to set up diplomatic contacts... And become familiar with the foreign counterparts and DISCUSS the means of establishing FORMAL channels once they are in charge...

NOTHING ILLEGAL about Flynn talking to high foreigners as part of the OFFICIAL ELECTED transition team... That's your error above when you call them NOT ELECTED... They WON the election.. They get SIXTY DAYS of privilege to get rolling... Go learn something..

It involves key personnel from the outgoing and incoming presidents’ staffs, requires resources, and includes a host of activities, such as vetting candidates for positions in the new administration, helping to familiarize the incoming administration with the operations of the executive branch, and developing a comprehensive policy platform.[1]

Under existing federal law and custom, major-party presidential candidates become eligible to receive classified national security briefings once their nomination is formalized at the party's national convention.[2] They are also afforded presidential transition services and facilities by the General Services Administration, including office space, equipment, and payment of certain related expenses.

he Presidential Transition Act of 1963 Pub.L. 88–277, as amended (by the Presidential Transitions Effectiveness Act of 1998 Pub.L. 100–398, Presidential Transition Act of 2000 Pub.L. 106–293, Pre-Election Presidential Transition Act of 2010 Pub.L. 111–283 and Presidential Transitions Improvements Act of 2015 Pub.L. 114–136), established formal mechanisms to facilitate presidential transitions. Specifically, the act directs the Administrator of General Services to provide facilities, funding of approximately five million dollars, access to government services, and support for a transition team, and to provide training and orientation of new government personnel and other procedures to ensure an orderly transition.[1]
Wrong, he was part of the transition team taking over the government. That actually means something.
Right, it means he is a private citizen.

No, it doesn't you imbecile.
It does. It literally does. He has no official government position. No government authority. He’s not elected. He’s not appointed. He has no more duties or privileges than any other private citizen.

It's the procedure ALL ELECTED transition teams have used.. Their slotted APPOINTEES at the cabinet level HAVE PRIVILEGES to set up diplomatic contacts... And become familiar with the foreign counterparts and DISCUSS the means of establishing FORMAL channels once they are in charge...

NOTHING ILLEGAL about Flynn talking to high foreigners as part of the OFFICIAL ELECTED transition team... That's your error above when you call them NOT ELECTED... They WON the election.. They get SIXTY DAYS of privilege to get rolling... Go learn something..

I never said it was illegal for him to talk to anyone in Russia.

The transition teams are granted some privileges only at the express consent of the current administration. Regardless of those privileges, they are still just private citizens.

And Flynn is not and never has been elected to anything. So saying he’s not elected is not a mistake. It is an obvious state of fact. Read more carefully before making a cocky statement like that.

I don’t need you to tell me anything I already know, son.

There is only one president at a time. There is only one foreign policy at a time. Being part of the transition does not give one permission to make foreign policy.
The transition teams are granted some privileges only at the express consent of the current administration. Regardless of those privileges, they are still just private citizens.

Not actually --- the LAWS I quoted give incoming trans teams COMPLETE access to their counterparts that they are replacing for status, advice and counsel -- but there is NO necessity to get "permission" to set up diplomatic or strategic contacts...

You KEEP asserting the falsehood that they (like Flynn) are "just private citizens".. That's false as spelled out in the various LAWS and procedures for trans teams.. They ARE the identified KEY personnel of the transition team.. They had security and WH access since even BEFORE the election took place.. They are identified BY LAW to have access to most anything they ask for...
I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

The discussion of which was not a crime.

Don't know how strong the Logan Act case would be, but there was a damn good reason Flynn was lying to FBI. People don't just take risks of going to jail for no reason.

He tried to obstruct the investigation and got caught by the balls - that's on him.

Don't know how strong the Logan Act case would be

Obviously not very strong at all.
They already had the transcript of his "violation".
They didn't need to question him at all, charge him.

People don't just take risks of going to jail for no reason.

There was a risk of him going to jail for that conversation?
Makes you wonder why they told him he didn't need a lawyer.

Not obvious at all. The law is pretty straight forward - civilians can't conduct diplomacy past the current president on the country's behalf and there are no exceptions for transition teams. Flynn may very well have been worried that it may be illegal or at the very least politically damaging to Trump.

And even presuming Flynn's discussions about sanctions were not illegal on their own, they are still relevant to Russian interference investigation to warrant an interview. Flynn lying about his communications with Russians about sanctions was illegal and charges against him were appropriate.
I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

The discussion of which was not a crime.

Don't know how strong the Logan Act case would be, but there was a damn good reason Flynn was lying to FBI. People don't just take risks of going to jail for no reason.

He tried to obstruct the investigation and got caught by the balls - that's on him.

Don't know how strong the Logan Act case would be

Obviously not very strong at all.
They already had the transcript of his "violation".
They didn't need to question him at all, charge him.

People don't just take risks of going to jail for no reason.

There was a risk of him going to jail for that conversation?
Makes you wonder why they told him he didn't need a lawyer.

Not obvious at all. The is pretty straight forward and there are no exceptions for transition teams. Flynn may very well have been worried that it may be illegal.

But even presuming Flynn's discussions about sanctions were not illegal on their own, they are still relevant to Russian interference investigation and warrant an interview. Flynn's lying about this was illegal and charges against him were appropriate.
The is pretty straight forward and there are no exceptions for transition teams.

If it's a straight forward violation, no need to question him. Charge him.

But even presuming Flynn's discussions about sanctions were not illegal on their own

If they weren't illegal, why open an investigation?

they are still relevant to Russian interference investigation


Flynn's lying about this was illegal and charges against him were appropriate.

You should never lie to the FBI. But why was the FBI asking him questions about a non-crime?
And telling him he didn't need a lawyer? And bypassing the White House counsel's office?
But it gets old fast
Really? Then why after 3 years do you still go full crazy at every nothingburger? Seems like it's not getting old for you at all.

This phony ORCHESTRATED Russia Russia Russia thing -- DESTROYED many lives of completely innocent people like Carter Page, Papadopolus and Flynn.. The were TARGETED AND ABUSED with LIES from the highest levels of FBI, FOREIGN INtel agency setups, and fabricated DNC paid for shit like the Steele dossier... Yes I want many people to rot in jail for that. And if these people DONT get prosecuted -- the little revolt in Michigan will look like a girl scout cookie stand....,

Like I said... I'll call you BACK HERE when "your nothingburger" makes you look ridiculous...
I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

The discussion of which was not a crime.

Don't know how strong the Logan Act case would be, but there was a damn good reason Flynn was lying to FBI. People don't just take risks of going to jail for no reason.

He tried to obstruct the investigation and got caught by the balls - that's on him.

Don't know how strong the Logan Act case would be

Obviously not very strong at all.
They already had the transcript of his "violation".
They didn't need to question him at all, charge him.

People don't just take risks of going to jail for no reason.

There was a risk of him going to jail for that conversation?
Makes you wonder why they told him he didn't need a lawyer.

Not obvious at all. The is pretty straight forward and there are no exceptions for transition teams. Flynn may very well have been worried that it may be illegal.

But even presuming Flynn's discussions about sanctions were not illegal on their own, they are still relevant to Russian interference investigation and warrant an interview. Flynn's lying about this was illegal and charges against him were appropriate.
The is pretty straight forward and there are no exceptions for transition teams.

If it's a straight forward violation, no need to question him. Charge him.

Put yourself into the prosecutor's shoes.

You have the guy on clean cut perjury he is willing to plead guilty on and co-operate, why the fuck would you bring an extremely rare Logan Act case to court?

Common buddy, use that noggin of yours.
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