Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Something that seems to be forgotten:

Flynn was fired for lying to Pence about the same thing he lied to the FBI about. But then it came out right away that Trump knew many days before Flynn lied to Pence, meaning Trump also lied to Pence about the exact same thing. Then fired Flynn for doing it.

Good stuff.
It was simply what they do, to everyone they are about to interview....is what the couple of chosen notes appeared to show.... I would need to see all the notes before coming to the conclusions you all on the right wing have been primed to come to by your media.

If this is "what they do" in general -- we need to close the FBI.. Comey BRAGGING PUBLICLY about how he "entrapped" Flynn in that WH visit just DAYS into the Admin.. To TAKE ADVANTAGE of the chaos of those 1st days boiled my blood.. I AM angry.. And when he told the audience about how he STALKED flynn without even DISCLOSING the purpose of the meeting to him -- the audience LAUGHED...

If I EVER see a top law enforcement officer BRAG PUBLICLY about setting up or entrapping people again and they DONT go to jail -- I will join the "open carry" protests that are going on right now and WORK to get justice for acts of ARROGANCE and HUBRIS like that..
If this is "what they do" in general --
Right. They investigate criminals and trap them in their own lies. Thank goodness.

Except the NOTES from that WH ambush by the agents involved (now in the hands of his current atty) show that the agents called him unguarded and open. And THEY CONCLUDED "he did not LIE to them"...

You're WAAAAY the fuck behind on this.. A 2nd 302 report was ALTERED and substituted once Mueller came on the scene and the LEAD agent for interview KEPT the Flynn investigation OPEN until MUELLER'S team could do the dirty work...

The DAMN AGENTS told Comey in their report "He did lie" or words to that effect... HE WAS AMBUSHED... Not told ANYTHING about being under investigation.. He ASKED if "he need a lawyer" and EVERYONE in the interview just laughed....

It's filthy disgusting prosecutorial abuse...
And THEY CONCLUDED "he did not LIE to them"...
That's a lie. You are a shameless liar. And all for Dear Leader.

Fact is, he did lie. That's a fact. And you are not going to slither and whine your way around it.

What ya want to bet on the existence of an FBI 302 report of their meeting at the WH that SAYS -- they didn't think that Flynn lied to them? I WANT something here for curing your ignorance and badgering me for lying...

Otherwise as the Dos Equis guy says -- "Stay IGNORANT my friend"....
BTW -- Rush covered that ground about the altered 302 FBI report circa early 2018... Folks who dont watch the Joe/Mikka morning puppet show have KNOWN about this for almost 2 years.. Only recently was the actual document entered into court records...
hat ya want to bet on the existence of an FBI 302 report of their meeting at the WH that SAYS -- they didn't think that Flynn lied to them?
But he did lie, so who cares? And thank you for confirming your lie. What they said was that it did not seem like he was lying, while he was talking. They did not conclude that he didn't lie. See if you can spot the difference an save yourself from further embarrassment.
But he did lie, so who cares? And thank you for confirming your lie.

Twisting in the wind here. AND you don't want to SEE THE PROOF because THIS would happen...

If he didn't LIE to the agents -- And their 302 report was ALTERED before Mueller got a hold of it -- then WHO the hell that was THERE -- says "lied about the meeting with the Russian ambassador..

And CUT the personal shit.. Not a good poker face.. About the bet -- How about you sport a Rush Limbaugh hat as your avie for a month.,. Got the FBI report FACTS JUST PUBLISHED right here at my fingertips...
Twisting in the wind here
I know you are . You lied and then confirmed that you were lying. The lying foreign agent was back door dealing with russians to give them their spyhouses back, and he lied to the FBI about it. The fact that a foreign agent was even in the position Flynn was would be the scandal of the term, for anyone other than the mentally ill president.
He was part of the fucking transition team and one of Trumps National Security Advisors, of course he is going to talk to Russian Diplomats.
False. It was not legal for them to engage in diplomacy.

Wrong. Try looking up the facts before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

He was part of the fucking transition team and one of Trumps National Security Advisors, of course he is going to talk to Russian Diplomats.
False. It was not legal for them to engage in diplomacy.

Wrong. Try looking up the facts before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
"The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. "

Has been determined to be non Constitutional, and has not been used in 150 years, and the idea that the incoming Nat Sec Adviser is a private citizen is fucking laughable. Go home child.

What case determined it was unconstitutional?

Flynn had no government position in December 2016. He was by definition a private citizen. There’s only one government at a time. It’s fundamental to our country.
And THEY CONCLUDED "he did not LIE to them"...
That's a lie. You are a shameless liar. And all for Dear Leader.

Fact is, he did lie. That's a fact. And you are not going to slither and whine your way around it.

What ya want to bet on the existence of an FBI 302 report of their meeting at the WH that SAYS -- they didn't think that Flynn lied to them? I WANT something here for curing your ignorance and badgering me for lying...

Otherwise as the Dos Equis guy says -- "Stay IGNORANT my friend"....
The FBI agents did conclude that he didn’t lie. That’s a false and misleading statement.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
Because that isn't what happened.

The FBI was going to close the case on Flynn in January of 2017. They concluded that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

Then Comey and Struck decided to lay an entrapment sting on him. They even advised him that he needed no lawyer. They withheld exculpatory evidence from him and his lawyers.

Flynn confessed to lying in order to spare his son from the threats made to investigate him unless he did. Flynn did not confess because he was guilty of anything.

What isn't controversial about it.
What were they going after Flynn's son for? Not sure if I ever heard what that part was about.
I'd have to go look, but I do recall that Flynn had been bankrupted because of the lawyers he needed after the second run at him by the FBI commenced. They were looking into his son too, but I don't recall the reasons.
I’ve heard that narrative but I haven’t seen facts to back that up. Flynn lied and got fired by Trump that’s not in dispute right. The FBI were investigating collusion with a Russia and were questioning a guy who had lied about his contacts. Why is that inappropriate?
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
I think the issue is that the FBI squeezed him for dirt on Trump and Russia. And at the time the FBI did that, it had to know there was no actual evidence of a Trump-Putin conspiracy.

And that IS NOT TO DAY THE FBI DIDN'T HAVE REASON TO INITIATE AN INVESTIGATION. Trump told his boychinkins to meet with a known Russian spy to get dirt of Hillary. And Trump publicly asked Putin to hack and publish Hillary's emails. No presidential candidate since Nixon has come close to that brazen misbehavior.

But I agree that in the end, all Flynn did was illegally represent foreign entities, and he did so while working for the US govt (US). He needed to give the money up, and take his legal hit.
Had Flynn not lied to the FBI there would be nothing to squeeze, right?
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
Because that isn't what happened.

The FBI was going to close the case on Flynn in January of 2017. They concluded that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

Then Comey and Struck decided to lay an entrapment sting on him. They even advised him that he needed no lawyer. They withheld exculpatory evidence from him and his lawyers.

Flynn confessed to lying in order to spare his son from the threats made to investigate him unless he did. Flynn did not confess because he was guilty of anything.

What isn't controversial about it.
What were they going after Flynn's son for? Not sure if I ever heard what that part was about.
/----/ Try listening to the news once in a while.
We're the FBI - tell us what we want to hear, confess to whatever crime we say OR we will go after your son, and destroy him like we did you.

TruePundit? LoLoLoL!! The number one website linked by Russian trolls in 2016!


  • Overall, we rate True Pundit not only Questionable, but also a far right conspiracy site that rarely publishes credible news. This is a far right conspiracy source that cannot be trusted for accurate news reporting.
/——/ Forbes any better? You know you could do your own Googling: Will Michael Flynn Plead Guilty And Cooperate To Protect His Son?

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