Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Because, when person commits a crime he would have not otherwise thought to commit because of the nefarious activities of the Government---its known at "Entrapment" and it is a bar, a legal defense, to punishment for the crime.

But that is just the start of the story as to General Flynn.

I don't feel like explaining it all---it's a long story, but it involved KGB-like pressure--psychological torture---breaking him financially, and threatening to do the same to his son to get him to plead to a "process crime" which it is not clear he even committed.

People do plead to crimes they didn't commit, to avoid other hassles which are worse. The most basic example is paying a traffic ticket when you don't think you did anything wrong---to avoid the hassle and cost of fighting it.

It was of course much worse for Flynn.

Out of spite, Obama operatives investigated him for being a possible Russian Agent---a 30 year combat veteran--found nothing---and decided to close the case--until Comey and McCabe and Strzok said in effect: "no keep it open perhaps we can "entrap" him into a lie if we interview him even though we we know he has committed no crime.

So, they sprung a trap and interviewed him without him even knowing he was involved in an investigation---nefarious as it was. The people who did it did not find evidence of lying, and they didn't charge him----but later on---Mueller and his Gestapo---needing a scapegoat to keep their sham investigation in the news---did pursue him; and his son---and reduced him to plead to relieve the psychological and financial torture.

The issue is now, not whether Flynn, who was suspected of no crime, lied to the FBI when they performed a shame interview---the issue is much larger than Flynn--it is the behavior of our DOJ/FBI---which very much resembles the old Soviet KGB---at least the way it was operated under Obama and his apparachits.

Forget Flynn. What has been exposed should terrify every American---except you Bolsheviks, of course.

Good post.
This was the second thread I started on USMB just to test the waters.

The FBI was going to close the case on Flynn in January of 2017. They concluded that there was nothing wrong with what he did.
That's a well crafted distortion of the truth. In the part of the investigation ("Crossfire Razor") you referred to the FBI was looking in to whether Flynn had acted as a Russian agent during the campaign. They concluded he had not.
That investigation was not part of the FBI's pursuit of Flynn on charges relating to his conversations with Kislyak. The conversations he lied to the FBI about and later confessed to. A crime for which he plead guilty.

However, none of these facts matter to occupants of Trumpworld. Where half-baked conspiracy theories, outright lies, and false accusations by the Liar-in-Chief abound.
So, you are going to continue to lie about it.

I suggest you go find the link to the real documentation and stop listening to your handlers.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?

It isn't an issue. Law enforcement sets traps all the time.
Crooked Mike confessed. And Donnie is obsessed.
Lock 'em both up. In fact - They''d make great cellies!

Here's an excellent read:
It isn't an issue. Law enforcement sets traps all the time.
Crooked Mike confessed. And Donnie is obsessed.
Lock 'em both up, in fact - They''d make excellent cellies!

Here's an excellent read:
What a douchebag.
So, you are going to continue to lie about it.

I suggest you go find the link to the real documentation and stop listening to your handlers.
"Why isn't it on CNN and MSNBC ?":26:
So, you are going to continue to lie about it.
What, specifically, about what I wrote do you dispute?

Because, when person commits a crime he would have not otherwise thought to commit because of the nefarious activities of the Government---its known at "Entrapment" and it is a bar, a legal defense, to punishment for the crime.

But that is just the start of the story as to General Flynn.

I don't feel like explaining it all---it's a long story, but it involved KGB-like pressure--psychological torture---breaking him financially, and threatening to do the same to his son to get him to plead to a "process crime" which it is not clear he even committed.

People do plead to crimes they didn't commit, to avoid other hassles which are worse. The most basic example is paying a traffic ticket when you don't think you did anything wrong---to avoid the hassle and cost of fighting it.

It was of course much worse for Flynn.

Out of spite, Obama operatives investigated him for being a possible Russian Agent---a 30 year combat veteran--found nothing---and decided to close the case--until Comey and McCabe and Strzok said in effect: "no keep it open perhaps we can "entrap" him into a lie if we interview him even though we we know he has committed no crime.

So, they sprung a trap and interviewed him without him even knowing he was involved in an investigation---nefarious as it was. The people who did it did not find evidence of lying, and they didn't charge him----but later on---Mueller and his Gestapo---needing a scapegoat to keep their sham investigation in the news---did pursue him; and his son---and reduced him to plead to relieve the psychological and financial torture.

The issue is now, not whether Flynn, who was suspected of no crime, lied to the FBI when they performed a shame interview---the issue is much larger than Flynn--it is the behavior of our DOJ/FBI---which very much resembles the old Soviet KGB---at least the way it was operated under Obama and his apparachits.

Forget Flynn. What has been exposed should terrify every American---except you Bolsheviks, of course.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?

It isn't an issue. Law enforcement sets traps all the time.
Crooked Mike confessed. And Donnie is obsessed.
Lock 'em both up. In fact - They''d make great cellies!

Here's an excellent read:
Thanks for the post. It summarizes the case well.

"The Michael Flynn scandal was one of the first to reveal the pattern of lawlessness that has characterized the Trump administration. In December 2016, Mr. Flynn, in a phone call, successfully implored Russia to moderate retaliation against the United States for sanctions imposed because of the attack on U.S. elections. The conduct raised serious questions under the Logan Act, which prohibits private parties from conducting U.S. foreign policy.

Mr. Flynn dissembled about the call, and his lies were made public, exposing him to potential blackmail by Russia. He then lied to the F.B.I. about it, was indicted and ultimately entered a guilty plea in December 2017 for those false statements. He is now seeking to withdraw that plea, resulting in the release of this new material."
I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Yes, they did, he misstated a fact. That's all. You are either willfully ignorant of the case, or simply don't care.

Regardless of your bullshit opinion, Flynn is going to be exonerated because he committed no crime.

The fbi however, did.

No he will be exonerated because Tramp told Barr to exert pressure.

According to you trampers its ok to lie to the FBI and its ok to ignore the house investigations,
and its ok to lie, because tramp does it all the time.
You tramper's are so low.

Can I lie to the FBI. You guys have absolutely no morals.

For the sake of argument, lets say he lied.

Why was Flynn not convicted of anything other than lying? Just wondering, since Flynn has been used by the left as a justification for the Mueller investigation. Was the the entire investigation nothing more than an attempt to get a bunch of process crimes out of Trump associates? Sure does seem that way to the logical mind.

Because he took a guilty plea on straight forward perjury charges instead of a rare Logan Act charge. Prosecutors like to keep their case as clear as possible while getting the just outcome, probably even more so for high profile, politically sensitive cases.

Your assertion that Flynn had ANYTHING to do with justification for investigation, which began in 2016 is pure ignorance. It was a tangent episode to operation Hurricane until Trump pressured Comey to "let Flynn go" and eventually fired him, which resulted in Mueller being assigned.

Because he took a guilty plea on straight forward perjury charges instead of a rare Logan Act charge.

They didn't charge him with violating the Logan Act because he didn't.
Yes seriously, Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying.
When several FBI Agents testify/ state they do not believe Flynn was lying, and the only one to say he did was/is the FBI's #1 Counter-Intel Expert (such a high level FBI leadership position being involved in an interview usually done by Field Agents, another 'breach of standard protocol / from the norm the IG pointed out) who has been proven to have lied numerous times, helped the NSA and CIA Directors author the ICA and ICR - which they said they knew nothing about (a LIE)and considering all of the other criminal evidence against the FBI...according to the retired FBI Investigative expert in the article posted, this was a planned illegal set-up that required the FBI to bypass protocol so as not to alert the WY or WH legal Counsel to ensure Flynn was isolated and without legal Counsel. This was a set-up. Comey even admitted it (read the article).

"Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying."

That doesn't mean he WAS lying, either...and every one of the FBI Agents involved....except co-conspiring Strzok stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

That’s right, it doesn’t.

The evidence that already exists and that continues to come out speaks for itself:

The Obama administration initiated an illegitimate investigation into Trump and his team based on no legal, proper, legitimate justification for doing so.

Moron, Trump's DOJ IG report has already concluded this statement to be full of shit.

In a highly anticipated report released Monday, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz determined that the FBI had adequate cause in July 2016 to justify opening an investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia and did not find hard evidence of political bias in that decision, undermining allegations by President Trump and his allies that the bureau acted improperly in launching the probe.

What is it with you and total disregard for well-known facts?
That was before all of this information / internal docs (as recent as yesterday) began being unsealed...

Nothing in these 2017 documents deals with why 2016 investigation was initiated.

As usual, you grossly misunderstand what you mouth off about.

Nothing in these 2017 documents deals with why 2016 investigation was initiated.

Was it initiated because the Hillary campaign and the DNC got a phony dossier from Steele?
Yes seriously, Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying.
When several FBI Agents testify/ state they do not believe Flynn was lying, and the only one to say he did was/is the FBI's #1 Counter-Intel Expert (such a high level FBI leadership position being involved in an interview usually done by Field Agents, another 'breach of standard protocol / from the norm the IG pointed out) who has been proven to have lied numerous times, helped the NSA and CIA Directors author the ICA and ICR - which they said they knew nothing about (a LIE)and considering all of the other criminal evidence against the FBI...according to the retired FBI Investigative expert in the article posted, this was a planned illegal set-up that required the FBI to bypass protocol so as not to alert the WY or WH legal Counsel to ensure Flynn was isolated and without legal Counsel. This was a set-up. Comey even admitted it (read the article).

"Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying."

That doesn't mean he WAS lying, either...and every one of the FBI Agents involved....except co-conspiring Strzok stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

That’s right, it doesn’t.

The evidence that already exists and that continues to come out speaks for itself:

The Obama administration initiated an illegitimate investigation into Trump and his team based on no legal, proper, legitimate justification for doing so.

Moron, Trump's DOJ IG report has already concluded this statement to be full of shit.

In a highly anticipated report released Monday, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz determined that the FBI had adequate cause in July 2016 to justify opening an investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia and did not find hard evidence of political bias in that decision, undermining allegations by President Trump and his allies that the bureau acted improperly in launching the probe.

What is it with you and total disregard for well-known facts?
That was before all of this information / internal docs (as recent as yesterday) began being unsealed...

Nothing in these 2017 documents deals with why 2016 investigation was initiated.

As usual, you grossly misunderstand what you mouth off about.
Spin it however you like. Mounting evidence shows the case against Flynn is looking very bogus indeed.

Let's see you say that after Flynn gets convicted.

I will be waiting for you to accept you were wrong.

Me too, but god damn it, I keep being right.

No, you have merely been the beneficiary of illegal actions on the part of a government you support because you are ultimately an authoritarian. Funny that you accuse Trump of what you actually are.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
Because that isn't what happened.

The FBI was going to close the case on Flynn in January of 2017. They concluded that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

Then Comey and Struck decided to lay an entrapment sting on him. They even advised him that he needed no lawyer. They withheld exculpatory evidence from him and his lawyers.

Flynn confessed to lying in order to spare his son from the threats made to investigate him unless he did. Flynn did not confess because he was guilty of anything.

What isn't controversial about it.
What were they going after Flynn's son for? Not sure if I ever heard what that part was about.
/----/ Try listening to the news once in a while.
We're the FBI - tell us what we want to hear, confess to whatever crime we say OR we will go after your son, and destroy him like we did you.

TruePundit? LoLoLoL!! The number one website linked by Russian trolls in 2016!


  • Overall, we rate True Pundit not only Questionable, but also a far right conspiracy site that rarely publishes credible news. This is a far right conspiracy source that cannot be trusted for accurate news reporting.
So, you are going to continue to lie about it.
What, specifically, about what I wrote do you dispute?

Because, when person commits a crime he would have not otherwise thought to commit because of the nefarious activities of the Government---its known at "Entrapment" and it is a bar, a legal defense, to punishment for the crime.

But that is just the start of the story as to General Flynn.

I don't feel like explaining it all---it's a long story, but it involved KGB-like pressure--psychological torture---breaking him financially, and threatening to do the same to his son to get him to plead to a "process crime" which it is not clear he even committed.

People do plead to crimes they didn't commit, to avoid other hassles which are worse. The most basic example is paying a traffic ticket when you don't think you did anything wrong---to avoid the hassle and cost of fighting it.

It was of course much worse for Flynn.

Out of spite, Obama operatives investigated him for being a possible Russian Agent---a 30 year combat veteran--found nothing---and decided to close the case--until Comey and McCabe and Strzok said in effect: "no keep it open perhaps we can "entrap" him into a lie if we interview him even though we we know he has committed no crime.

So, they sprung a trap and interviewed him without him even knowing he was involved in an investigation---nefarious as it was. The people who did it did not find evidence of lying, and they didn't charge him----but later on---Mueller and his Gestapo---needing a scapegoat to keep their sham investigation in the news---did pursue him; and his son---and reduced him to plead to relieve the psychological and financial torture.

The issue is now, not whether Flynn, who was suspected of no crime, lied to the FBI when they performed a shame interview---the issue is much larger than Flynn--it is the behavior of our DOJ/FBI---which very much resembles the old Soviet KGB---at least the way it was operated under Obama and his apparachits.

Forget Flynn. What has been exposed should terrify every American---except you Bolsheviks, of course.
"Because, when person commits a crime he would have not otherwise thought to commit because of the nefarious activities of the Government-"

You've proved nothing other than having a lack of understanding about the facts. The FBI interviewed Flynn relating to Flynn's conversations with Kislyak. He lied about what was said. You seem to be confused about that.
How about this deep secret LOL
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
oh golly.

what a new topic to discuss. and what an open mind how the corrupt shit we have in our gov.

wait, if open mind = only the OTHER SIDE does shit wrong, then yes, Slade3200 has a very open mind.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
Because that isn't what happened.

The FBI was going to close the case on Flynn in January of 2017. They concluded that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

Then Comey and Struck decided to lay an entrapment sting on him. They even advised him that he needed no lawyer. They withheld exculpatory evidence from him and his lawyers.

Flynn confessed to lying in order to spare his son from the threats made to investigate him unless he did. Flynn did not confess because he was guilty of anything.

What isn't controversial about it.
What were they going after Flynn's son for? Not sure if I ever heard what that part was about.
/----/ Try listening to the news once in a while.
We're the FBI - tell us what we want to hear, confess to whatever crime we say OR we will go after your son, and destroy him like we did you.
Why am I not surprised given the people involved. All I heard was the FBI would go after Flynn's son, no details as to potential charges.
The Logan Act which hadn’t been used since almost our beginning.
Because, when person commits a crime he would have not otherwise thought to commit because of the nefarious activities of the Government---its known at "Entrapment" and it is a bar, a legal defense, to punishment for the crime.

But that is just the start of the story as to General Flynn.

I don't feel like explaining it all---it's a long story, but it involved KGB-like pressure--psychological torture---breaking him financially, and threatening to do the same to his son to get him to plead to a "process crime" which it is not clear he even committed.

People do plead to crimes they didn't commit, to avoid other hassles which are worse. The most basic example is paying a traffic ticket when you don't think you did anything wrong---to avoid the hassle and cost of fighting it.

It was of course much worse for Flynn.

Out of spite, Obama operatives investigated him for being a possible Russian Agent---a 30 year combat veteran--found nothing---and decided to close the case--until Comey and McCabe and Strzok said in effect: "no keep it open perhaps we can "entrap" him into a lie if we interview him even though we we know he has committed no crime.

So, they sprung a trap and interviewed him without him even knowing he was involved in an investigation---nefarious as it was. The people who did it did not find evidence of lying, and they didn't charge him----but later on---Mueller and his Gestapo---needing a scapegoat to keep their sham investigation in the news---did pursue him; and his son---and reduced him to plead to relieve the psychological and financial torture.

The issue is now, not whether Flynn, who was suspected of no crime, lied to the FBI when they performed a shame interview---the issue is much larger than Flynn--it is the behavior of our DOJ/FBI---which very much resembles the old Soviet KGB---at least the way it was operated under Obama and his apparachits.

Forget Flynn. What has been exposed should terrify every American---except you Bolsheviks, of course.

Good post.
This was the second thread I started on USMB just to test the waters.


A few know what when on. Those who watch the New York Media---a Pravda-like Extension of the Democratic Party---certainly do not.

But, it is part of what Attorney General Barr was referring to when he said what was done to Trump and his Campaign...and his Presidency after election----was "one of the greatest travesties in American History." And that it amounted to an attempt to "sabotage" his presidency.

That's the TWICE confirmed Attorney General of the United States.

People are going to jail.

Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
Have you considered a career as a writer of fiction?

Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
Have you considered a career as a writer of fiction?

TPM, huh? :laughing0301: 'Nuff said, run along and tell Putin you've been outted, comrade.
Yes seriously, Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying.
When several FBI Agents testify/ state they do not believe Flynn was lying, and the only one to say he did was/is the FBI's #1 Counter-Intel Expert (such a high level FBI leadership position being involved in an interview usually done by Field Agents, another 'breach of standard protocol / from the norm the IG pointed out) who has been proven to have lied numerous times, helped the NSA and CIA Directors author the ICA and ICR - which they said they knew nothing about (a LIE)and considering all of the other criminal evidence against the FBI...according to the retired FBI Investigative expert in the article posted, this was a planned illegal set-up that required the FBI to bypass protocol so as not to alert the WY or WH legal Counsel to ensure Flynn was isolated and without legal Counsel. This was a set-up. Comey even admitted it (read the article).

"Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying."

That doesn't mean he WAS lying, either...and every one of the FBI Agents involved....except co-conspiring Strzok stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

That’s right, it doesn’t.

The evidence that already exists and that continues to come out speaks for itself:

The Obama administration initiated an illegitimate investigation into Trump and his team based on no legal, proper, legitimate justification for doing so.

Moron, Trump's DOJ IG report has already concluded this statement to be full of shit.

In a highly anticipated report released Monday, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz determined that the FBI had adequate cause in July 2016 to justify opening an investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia and did not find hard evidence of political bias in that decision, undermining allegations by President Trump and his allies that the bureau acted improperly in launching the probe.

What is it with you and total disregard for well-known facts?
That was before all of this information / internal docs (as recent as yesterday) began being unsealed...

Nothing in these 2017 documents deals with why 2016 investigation was initiated.

As usual, you grossly misunderstand what you mouth off about.
Spin it however you like. Mounting evidence shows the case against Flynn is looking very bogus indeed.

Let's see you say that after Flynn gets convicted.

I will be waiting for you to accept you were wrong.

Me too, but god damn it, I keep being right.

No, you have merely been the beneficiary of illegal actions on the part of a government you support because you are ultimately an authoritarian. Funny that you accuse Trump of what you actually are.

lol at crazy
Look moron, if you have an actual refute to what I said then directly post, I'm not interested in your tangent diarrheas of the mouth.
I have continuously posted links, articles, testimony, evidence, laws, etc.. and all I have gotten back from snowflakes are rants and uneducated, debunked opinion.

I can lead a jackass to water, but I can't make you drink / open your eyes.

Flynn's case was based on his discussion of sanctions with the Russians (that's on Flynn) and then lying about it (again, that's on Flynn). He also had dealings with Turkey that he lied about (again, that's on him). He then pled guilty to multiple counts of perjury (that's again on Flynn)

Pleadings that FBI somehow tricked him into this behavior because they were after Trump are laughable and nothing you said refutes that. Nobody made Flynn lie his ass off to obstruct investigations but Flynn himself.

Flynn's case was based on his discussion of sanctions with the Russians (that's on Flynn)

And perfectly legal.

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