Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
1) Since the FBI did not reveal it was a criminal inquiry and part of an investigation, THERE IS NO PRESUMPTION OF AN OATH. Flynn could have said the sky was pink and purple for all it mattered since he was NOT under oath in a 'friendly' conversation.
2) That 'omission' also denied Flynn his Miranda rights which were not read to him prior to a criminal interview, and the case should have been thrown out over that alone.
3) Since Flynn is a member of the Trump team, the TDS lying ass corrupt Dimocrat partisans who love Beria blow it all off since it got a 'bad guy', i.e. and American patriot and war hero. They hate America just that much.

Flynn's defense lawyers at the time should be disbarred for gross incompetence.

Here is another interesting document...

View attachment 331608

Obama made Nixon look clean.
Looks like it could very well be heading in that direction possibly. Stay tuned eh ?
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI already had transcripts and were on a fishing expedition should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person has done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV because he said he could get away with it. Also, the FBI falsely told Flynn that their questioning was really no big deal (after all they did not use protocols) and encouraged him NOT to have a lawyer present. They didn't even read him his Miranda rights. The whole thing was a dirty set-up in order to get Flynn and ultimately get to Trump.
Wait... you think he was arrested for not remembering exactly what was discussed in the two conversations?! Because the questions were about pretty significant things like asking Russians to temper their response to obama sanctions. It was the purpose of the call and Flynn denied making that request. That’s not forgetting details. That’s lying. If he was fuzzy about any details he could have easily said “I do not recall” but he didn’t say that. He lied and denied. When people lie to cops they break the law and they are going to get pressed harder to see what else they might be lying about. That’s how it works
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI got their information from WAPO should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person as done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV.
Not only that, but they broke protocol by not telling him the nature of the visit. Flynn would have had counsel if he had known.
Flynn would have had his notes with him also. This was a set up from Comey and the rest of the rogue gang.
I imagine that all of this didn't go down without the blessing of Ears.
Flynn could have ended the interview or called his attorney at any point. There was no reason for him to lie. He wasn’t tricked into lying... nobody made him do it, except perhaps Trump, wouldn’t surprise me. But either way that was his choice
People do many things out of fear, intimidation etc
You forgot "guilt".
In the context of that bullcrap, it wasn't guilt, but more about fear of being set up, and his fears became a reality in that situation it appears.
Set up?! He wasn’t set up... he had to do was tell the truth and he would have been fine. He lied to everybody about his “totally legit” talks with Russia. Trump fired him for it. You understand that right?
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI got their information from WAPO should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person as done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV.
Not only that, but they broke protocol by not telling him the nature of the visit. Flynn would have had counsel if he had known.
Flynn would have had his notes with him also. This was a set up from Comey and the rest of the rogue gang.
I imagine that all of this didn't go down without the blessing of Ears.
Flynn could have ended the interview or called his attorney at any point. There was no reason for him to lie. He wasn’t tricked into lying... nobody made him do it, except perhaps Trump, wouldn’t surprise me. But either way that was his choice
What a, maroon.
People do many things out of fear, intimidation etc
You forgot "guilt".
In the context of that bullcrap, it wasn't guilt, but more about fear of being set up, and his fears became a reality in that situation it appears.
Set up?! He wasn’t set up... he had to do was tell the truth and he would have been fine. He lied to everybody about his “totally legit” talks with Russia. Trump fired him for it. You understand that right?
All Hillary had to do was turn over the mail...
The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI already had transcripts and were on a fishing expedition should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person has done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV because he said he could get away with it. Also, the FBI falsely told Flynn that their questioning was really no big deal (after all they did not use protocols) and encouraged him NOT to have a lawyer present. They didn't even read him his Miranda rights. The whole thing was a dirty set-up in order to get Flynn and ultimately get to Trump.
Wait... you think he was arrested for not remembering exactly what was discussed in the two conversations?! Because the questions were about pretty significant things like asking Russians to temper their response to obama sanctions. It was the purpose of the call and Flynn denied making that request. That’s not forgetting details. That’s lying. If he was fuzzy about any details he could have easily said “I do not recall” but he didn’t say that. He lied and denied. When people lie to cops they break the law and they are going to get pressed harder to see what else they might be lying about. That’s how it works
Asking the Russians to do anything was not a crime, Flynn was in the transition team and did nothing more than any other transition team did with any other President. The FBI was on a fishing expedition. They knew what was in the call, did not tell Flynn, made it seem like a casual meeting, told him he did not need a lawyer and never gave him his Miranda rights. You seem to always leave out the details I guess because you are voluntarily ignorant of the facts. Flynn was not given the same rights as a common criminal. Also the FBI threatened to jail his son if he didn't go belly up. But I get it, you're perfectly OK with any malfeasance or sedition as long as the man (Trump) whom you hate so much, is is taken out by any means, including a Coup.

Also you haven't addressed the fact that Comey sent agents into the White House without following protocol and bragged about it. But, I know, dirty Comey is your hero....
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The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI already had transcripts and were on a fishing expedition should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person has done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV because he said he could get away with it. Also, the FBI falsely told Flynn that their questioning was really no big deal (after all they did not use protocols) and encouraged him NOT to have a lawyer present. They didn't even read him his Miranda rights. The whole thing was a dirty set-up in order to get Flynn and ultimately get to Trump.
Wait... you think he was arrested for not remembering exactly what was discussed in the two conversations?! Because the questions were about pretty significant things like asking Russians to temper their response to obama sanctions. It was the purpose of the call and Flynn denied making that request. That’s not forgetting details. That’s lying. If he was fuzzy about any details he could have easily said “I do not recall” but he didn’t say that. He lied and denied. When people lie to cops they break the law and they are going to get pressed harder to see what else they might be lying about. That’s how it works
Asking the Russians to do anything was not a crime, Flynn was in the transition team and did nothing more than any other transition team did with any other President. The FBI was on a fishing expedition. They knew what was in the call, did not tell Flynn, made it seem like a casual meeting, told him he did not need a lawyer and never gave him his Miranda rights. You seem to always leave out the details I guess because you are voluntarily ignorant of the facts. Flynn was not given the same rights as a common criminal. Also the FBI threatened to jail his son if he didn't go belly up. But I get it, you're perfectly OK with any malfeasance or sedition as long as the man (Trump) whom you hate so much, is is taken out by any means, including a Coup.

Also you haven't addressed the fact that Comey sent agents into the White House without following protocol and bragged about it. But, I know, dirty Comey is your hero....
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
Your narrative is nuts.
The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
Your narrative is nuts.
He usually has to crawl over distant turds in the rain to connect his, dots and almost always by his "logical" conjecture. He never affords people he doesn't like the same leeway.
It is well known that Trump is a pathological liar which is a mental illness.

What is 'known' by TDS-suffering ( a mental illness) snowflakes who have been and continue to be emotionally manipulated and driven by HATE is ignorant, biased, indoctrinated, regurgitated propaganda.

Snowflakes 'KNOW' Hillary committed no crime....despite all the evidence proving otherwise, despite former FBI Director James Comey testifying to the contrary under oath before Congress....

Snowflakes 'KNOW' former VP Joe Biden did NOT engage in criminal, illegal extortion of the former Ukraine PM ... despite Joe giving a videotaped confession during which he bragged about it and even bragged about how Obama knew and fully supported him doing so.

Snowflakes 'KNOW' Obama and his criminal administration did NOT illegally spy on Ttrump and his team and that Trump and his team WERE 'illegally colluding with the Russians'...despite:
- The fact that the entire BS Obama 'Illegal Russian Collusion' narrative was based on official Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI itself assessed to be Russian propaganda already being used against US Foreign Policy elsewhere...and before deciding to use the information any way in their failed coup attempt by using it to commit FISA court abuses and other crimes...
- The Weismann-Mueller report clearly stated 'no illegal Russian-Collusion was found'
- More and more official documents from inside the FBI and other sources are being FORCED out into the light proving just how criminal Barry and his criminal Cabinet really were..

Snowflakes 'KNOW' that former CIA Director Brennan - who was caught illegally spying on US citizens, on reporters, on the media, on US SENATOS, on USSC JUSTICES, and who was forced to appear before Congress and confess to illegally spying on them, in order to escape going to prison - would NEVER illegally spy on Trump and his team... (WTF?!)

And the snowflakes who sat silently through 8 years of a true pathologically lying President - the most criminally non-transparent and the most criminally non-compliant US Presidential administration in US history regarding the FOIA and Federal Records Act - who are now claiming they 'KNOW' President Trump 'a pathological liar' are proving themselves to be criminally biased or demonstrating they have extremely serious psychological mentally instability themselves.
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
well to be fair neither of those are usually his goal.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
How do you know this? As far as I’ve seen Iran was complying up until Trump blew up the deal
No, and read past the headline-

Dr. Depoto. Just because you like what you read doesn’t mean it’s correct.....
1. Why didn’t this dude publish his report to the whole world that Iran has violated JCPOA? Not even from Fox News. Why?

2. Trump kid uses QANON, Solomon and other conspiracies etc etc.... Trump has been heavily criticized for the sanctions and provide no evidence of Iran’s violations. So WHY didn’t Trump uses this report? WHY?

3. Like I posted earlier most of the inspectors are AMERICANS repeat AMERICANS. So WHY are we not hearing from them? And oh by the name of GOD we hear it from this Dude.

I read this report before. This is Political Chic favorite topic and discussed this same topic for last 3 years ( I think). At least PC tried to explain.
Before you send me (or anybody)of your rebuttal read the report again see if you spot the deficiencies of that report.

The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI already had transcripts and were on a fishing expedition should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person has done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV because he said he could get away with it. Also, the FBI falsely told Flynn that their questioning was really no big deal (after all they did not use protocols) and encouraged him NOT to have a lawyer present. They didn't even read him his Miranda rights. The whole thing was a dirty set-up in order to get Flynn and ultimately get to Trump.
Wait... you think he was arrested for not remembering exactly what was discussed in the two conversations?! Because the questions were about pretty significant things like asking Russians to temper their response to obama sanctions. It was the purpose of the call and Flynn denied making that request. That’s not forgetting details. That’s lying. If he was fuzzy about any details he could have easily said “I do not recall” but he didn’t say that. He lied and denied. When people lie to cops they break the law and they are going to get pressed harder to see what else they might be lying about. That’s how it works
Asking the Russians to do anything was not a crime, Flynn was in the transition team and did nothing more than any other transition team did with any other President. The FBI was on a fishing expedition. They knew what was in the call, did not tell Flynn, made it seem like a casual meeting, told him he did not need a lawyer and never gave him his Miranda rights. You seem to always leave out the details I guess because you are voluntarily ignorant of the facts. Flynn was not given the same rights as a common criminal. Also the FBI threatened to jail his son if he didn't go belly up. But I get it, you're perfectly OK with any malfeasance or sedition as long as the man (Trump) whom you hate so much, is is taken out by any means, including a Coup.

Also you haven't addressed the fact that Comey sent agents into the White House without following protocol and bragged about it. But, I know, dirty Comey is your hero....
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.

they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it.

Lies about a non-crime that aren't part of a legitimate criminal investigation aren't material.

Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t.

If the call contained criminal acts, he should have been charged with those crimes. He wasn't.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.
Hard vs heavy. You misspoke.

So prepare for 117 pages of the toddinator pointing it out.
In nuclear discussion and physicists that is the same. You do not get to pick and choose to fit your agenda.

No. Hard water is not the same as heavy water.
Physicists don't use the terms interchangeably.
You are just a Trump supporter. What do you know?

More than you.....really low bar, I know.
More than me? You are dreaming my dear.

Yes, I know more than the guy who thinks there are "hard water" reactors out there.
But a wee bit less than the guy who knows Iran stopped making nuclear bombs for a while. Which is most people

Yes, your faith in the trustworthiness of the mullahs is sweet......
No Todd. We rely on our source from the people that are handling this nuclear program. We believe in our own intelligence. Not from Russia or Qanon, or Facebook or conspiracies or unknown media. The nuclear inspectors are mostly US scientists. Did you hear any from them or any countries that are involved that Iran violated the agreement?

WHERE and WHAT is your EVIDENCE that Iran violated the agreement? You have nothing except coming from this lousy, liar and inept president.

Dat doesn’t mean we love the mullahs.

We rely on our source from the people that are handling this nuclear program. We believe in our own intelligence.

That's good to know. What did those sources say about nuclear research activity on Iranian military bases?

As Obamunists refuse to admit.....no real inspections were EVER a part of the plan to give nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

HELLO Political Chic ........ I was expecting you. Missed me Eh! Every time I mentioned Iran Nuclear Program you shows up like you have a homing device.

As always you post the same nonsense over and over and over . Can you please change your normal routine of attack? I’m getting bored.

Seriously. I do admire your Art of Psychological (offense and defense) Warfare. I think someone trained you. That is a compliments.

I applied the same with Todds (hard water vs heavy water) and he stuck with it.
The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
Your narrative is nuts.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.
Hard vs heavy. You misspoke.

So prepare for 117 pages of the toddinator pointing it out.
In nuclear discussion and physicists that is the same. You do not get to pick and choose to fit your agenda.

No. Hard water is not the same as heavy water.
Physicists don't use the terms interchangeably.
You are just a Trump supporter. What do you know?

More than you.....really low bar, I know.
More than me? You are dreaming my dear.

Yes, I know more than the guy who thinks there are "hard water" reactors out there.
But a wee bit less than the guy who knows Iran stopped making nuclear bombs for a while. Which is most people

Yes, your faith in the trustworthiness of the mullahs is sweet......
No Todd. We rely on our source from the people that are handling this nuclear program. We believe in our own intelligence. Not from Russia or Qanon, or Facebook or conspiracies or unknown media. The nuclear inspectors are mostly US scientists. Did you hear any from them or any countries that are involved that Iran violated the agreement?

WHERE and WHAT is your EVIDENCE that Iran violated the agreement? You have nothing except coming from this lousy, liar and inept president.

Dat doesn’t mean we love the mullahs.

We rely on our source from the people that are handling this nuclear program. We believe in our own intelligence.

That's good to know. What did those sources say about nuclear research activity on Iranian military bases?
Our own intelligence CIA or American nuclear scientists inspectors. Provided NO such violations.

If there are or any reliable proof that Iran violated the agreement. I will publish it myself.

Who do you believe Todd’s?

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