Looks Like Trump Was Right About Voter Fraud. Vindicated Once Again!!

I accept the facts. 50 states certified their election results and sent their EC votes to Congress which in turned certified them. The result is Biden is POTUS.

Anything beyond that is just make believe till you can actually prove something in a court of law.

America was going to lose no matter who won. When you are choosing between being shot or getting poisoned, there is no winning.

Trump won.
I am getting Democrats being elected to seats previously held by Republicans. What are you getting?
Yeah, Democrats like this:


Shame on you all for putting this poor guy through this....
We all knew that voter fraud occurred in the last general, Presidential election. Both sides of the aisle were perfectly aware of the widespread election manipulation (even though the left refuses to admit it). But an independent group has revealed more damning evidence which will end up vindicating Trump and his claims.

"Trump Proven Right As New Bombshell Audit Uncovers Millions Of Invalid Voter Registrations"

“Through auditing the voter roll databases, obtained directly from state and local boards of elections, we have uncovered millions of invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrants, massive vote discrepancies, and the clear presence of algorithmic patterns we reverse engineered from within the state’s own official records,” Hornik wrote in a new letter.

“To be absolutely clear, there is no known innocent purpose or explanation for why these algorithms exist,” Hornik added.
Again explain how Trump managed to win 2,497 counties to Biden's
477 counties.Or how Trump managed to win 18 of 19 key battleground
counties.Where Florida,Ohio and Texas were all called early and w/o
Or how in 150 + years No President has lost a Reelection when they
Increased their lead.Trump managed over 3 million more votes in
2020 than 2016.
For contrast Barack Obama won 873 counties in 2012.
Again Biden winning a minuscule 477 counties.Plus or minus a few
since 2020 kept counting votes for weeks/months on end.
Absolutely incredible that these poor rubes still think this stuff.

After 60+ court losses and all the other indignities, like Mr. Pillow having to pay $5 million.

Pay attention. This is history. A true group pathology, not seen outside of North Korea since Europe, 85 years ago.
Not one of them is capable to think for themselves, they follow, they're lemmings. No individualism here. You would think they are all one person with using different socks. They always vote straight party regardless, pretty stupid in this day and age.
Then why does it get so worked up? If it is so accepted and case closed, why do you feel the need to respond to a thread like this? You would think that most liberals would view the thread, snicker to themselves, and move on, instead you come in here and stoke the fire....Do you really think you're going to change any minds?
You clearly don't understand the reason for these forums. If you're looking for thoughtful debate, look elsewhere. This forum is to troll, nothing else.
Not one of them is capable to think for themselves, they follow, they're lemmings. No individualism here. You would think they are all one person with using different socks. They always vote straight party regardless, pretty stupid in this day and age.

Ok Kool-Aid drinker.
Ask me how I know you're a phony. If you spent a quarter of the time denigrating idiot Democrats instead of Republicans, I'd believe you were an "independent."

You are just not very bright. I agree with J-mac on the quality of Fetterman. I was just pointing out how shitty of a candidate the Repubs choose.

When you force people to choose between two pieces of shit, you cannot act shocked when they choose a piece of shit
Not one of them is capable to think for themselves, they follow, they're lemmings. No individualism here. You would think they are all one person with using different socks. They always vote straight party regardless, pretty stupid in this day and age.
America hasn't seen anything like this before.

Europe has. We haven't. We didn't learn.
We all knew that voter fraud occurred in the last general, Presidential election. Both sides of the aisle were perfectly aware of the widespread election manipulation (even though the left refuses to admit it). But an independent group has revealed more damning evidence which will end up vindicating Trump and his claims.

"Trump Proven Right As New Bombshell Audit Uncovers Millions Of Invalid Voter Registrations"

“Through auditing the voter roll databases, obtained directly from state and local boards of elections, we have uncovered millions of invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrants, massive vote discrepancies, and the clear presence of algorithmic patterns we reverse engineered from within the state’s own official records,” Hornik wrote in a new letter.

“To be absolutely clear, there is no known innocent purpose or explanation for why these algorithms exist,” Hornik added.

DC Enquirer – Bias and Credibility



  • Overall, we rate the DC Enquirer Right Biased based on consistent story selection and editorializing that favors a conservative pro-Trump perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the one-sided promotion of propaganda and the occasional use of poor sources which fail fact checks.
Not one of them is capable to think for themselves, they follow, they're lemmings. No individualism here. You would think they are all one person with using different socks. They always vote straight party regardless, pretty stupid in this day and age.
I'm not Republican, and I certainly don't vote for every Republican who runs. But as an Independent, it's still clear when fraud took place. I understand why pea-brains can't see it, but pea-brains are the exception to the rule.

DC Enquirer – Bias and Credibility



  • Overall, we rate the DC Enquirer Right Biased based on consistent story selection and editorializing that favors a conservative pro-Trump perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the one-sided promotion of propaganda and the occasional use of poor sources which fail fact checks.
Let me guess ... CNN produced the graph? (or someone just as biased against the truth)

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