Looks like Trump was right. The Chinese Flu did likely originate in a lab.

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.

It has nothing to do with defending China. It has to do with FACTS.

There is no conclusive evidence thus far that the virus originated in a lab. Thats a FACT.

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.

Defend? No.
Presenting facts is not defending.
But the lies your spreading?
There is no defense.


some guy on youtube is calling someone else a liar.
Not exactly earth shattering there.

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.

It has nothing to do with defending China. It has to do with FACTS.

There is no conclusive evidence thus far that the virus originated in a lab. Thats a FACT.

No, that's not a fact.

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.

It is a CCP/Democrat/globalist attack prompted by Trump's successful tariffs. The Chinese were losing the trade battle, so they shut the world down with the democrat/globalist's help.

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.
It seems that many scientists are also thinking that the lab "possibility" is likely; many think it's most likely, although without certainty a better investigation will take place as it was said "Politics never left the room" (meaning China's political image) when the previous group went to investigate.

China uses "saving face" as a soft power. CCP would never have admitted that the pandemic resulted from human error directly affilated with one of China's labs as it goes against their policy of saving face at all costs. China of course wants the suspected source to be something out of their control, like from frozen food brought in from another country. How convenient of an alibi, and even looks legit. Hard to know what evidence would be left to be discovered, but at least countries need to go in again and demand (as a global effort) access to all information and locations.

That St Trumpy !

He was something else.

A damn shame we didn’t re-elect Him.
You folks don't even know what shame IS, anymore. It'll be alright. The times, they are a-changin' and it's going to cause an equilibrium of misery for all of us, yep, even smug, self-assured trash. Enjoy!

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.

who's defending China?
The Chinese Flu did likely originate in a lab

Uh... okaaay. Care to tell us where the "Spanish Flu" originated?

You know, the one that killed Rump's grandfather, and he didn't even know about it?

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.
It seems that many scientists are also thinking that the lab "possibility" is likely; many think it's most likely, although without certainty a better investigation will take place as it was said "Politics never left the room" (meaning China's political image) when the previous group went to investigate.

China uses "saving face" as a soft power. CCP would never have admitted that the pandemic resulted from human error directly affilated with one of China's labs as it goes against their policy of saving face at all costs. China of course wants the suspected source to be something out of their control, like from frozen food brought in from another country. How convenient of an alibi, and even looks legit. Hard to know what evidence would be left to be discovered, but at least countries need to go in again and demand (as a global effort) access to all information and locations.

It WASN'T human error--It was intentional by a Chinese government that was quickly losing a trade war to Trumps tariffs.

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