Looks like Trump was right. The Chinese Flu did likely originate in a lab.

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.
It seems that many scientists are also thinking that the lab "possibility" is likely; many think it's most likely, although without certainty a better investigation will take place as it was said "Politics never left the room" (meaning China's political image) when the previous group went to investigate.

China uses "saving face" as a soft power. CCP would never have admitted that the pandemic resulted from human error directly affilated with one of China's labs as it goes against their policy of saving face at all costs. China of course wants the suspected source to be something out of their control, like from frozen food brought in from another country. How convenient of an alibi, and even looks legit. Hard to know what evidence would be left to be discovered, but at least countries need to go in again and demand (as a global effort) access to all information and locations.

It WASN'T human error--It was intentional by a Chinese government that was quickly losing a trade war to Trumps tariffs.

You could be right CA, and any evidence that supports that premise is likely buried by now, especially if intentional. I would not be shocked to learn that was the case. Considering the timeframe and we're now at about 16 months post outbreak, producing evidence seems comparable to discovering new fragments of the Dead Scrolls....being done but indeed challenging.

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.

It has nothing to do with defending China. It has to do with FACTS.

There is no conclusive evidence thus far that the virus originated in a lab. Thats a FACT.


Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.
It seems that many scientists are also thinking that the lab "possibility" is likely; many think it's most likely, although without certainty a better investigation will take place as it was said "Politics never left the room" (meaning China's political image) when the previous group went to investigate.

China uses "saving face" as a soft power. CCP would never have admitted that the pandemic resulted from human error directly affilated with one of China's labs as it goes against their policy of saving face at all costs. China of course wants the suspected source to be something out of their control, like from frozen food brought in from another country. How convenient of an alibi, and even looks legit. Hard to know what evidence would be left to be discovered, but at least countries need to go in again and demand (as a global effort) access to all information and locations.

It WASN'T human error--It was intentional by a Chinese government that was quickly losing a trade war to Trumps tariffs.

How the fuck does shutting themselves down and pushing companies towards diversifying supply chain win them anything?

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Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.

Trump was right but he knew more than he revealed....aka it was released intentionally....but to reveal that would have meant war with China....we are not prepared for that and now that biden is commander-in-chief(those woids stick in my throat) we will never be prepared not even to mention the idiot has so pissed off Putin--- we may be facing a very real crisis over there.

Anyone care to guess what China will do if we get bogged down in a conflict with Russia?

First of all....kiss Taiwan goodbye. Japan best look out also....China has never forgiven them for WWII...though I think Japan may be better prepared than most realize....aka nukes up their sleeve.

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.
It seems that many scientists are also thinking that the lab "possibility" is likely; many think it's most likely, although without certainty a better investigation will take place as it was said "Politics never left the room" (meaning China's political image) when the previous group went to investigate.

China uses "saving face" as a soft power. CCP would never have admitted that the pandemic resulted from human error directly affilated with one of China's labs as it goes against their policy of saving face at all costs. China of course wants the suspected source to be something out of their control, like from frozen food brought in from another country. How convenient of an alibi, and even looks legit. Hard to know what evidence would be left to be discovered, but at least countries need to go in again and demand (as a global effort) access to all information and locations.

It WASN'T human error--It was intentional by a Chinese government that was quickly losing a trade war to Trumps tariffs.

How the fuck does shutting themselves down and pushing companies towards diversifying supply chain win them anything?

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.
It seems that many scientists are also thinking that the lab "possibility" is likely; many think it's most likely, although without certainty a better investigation will take place as it was said "Politics never left the room" (meaning China's political image) when the previous group went to investigate.

China uses "saving face" as a soft power. CCP would never have admitted that the pandemic resulted from human error directly affilated with one of China's labs as it goes against their policy of saving face at all costs. China of course wants the suspected source to be something out of their control, like from frozen food brought in from another country. How convenient of an alibi, and even looks legit. Hard to know what evidence would be left to be discovered, but at least countries need to go in again and demand (as a global effort) access to all information and locations.

It WASN'T human error--It was intentional by a Chinese government that was quickly losing a trade war to Trumps tariffs.

How the fuck does shutting themselves down and pushing companies towards diversifying supply chain win them anything?

You really should try keeping up boyo.........How China is ruthlessly exploiting the coronavirus pandemic it helped cause

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.

It has nothing to do with defending China. It has to do with FACTS.

There is no conclusive evidence thus far that the virus originated in a lab. Thats a FACT.


Yes.....I think so.
That St Trumpy !

He was something else.

A damn shame we didn’t re-elect Him.

Trump may have been our last chance to get back on track.....I think we still have a slim chance if we can regain control of congress....though 2 yrs is a long time under current conditions.....we could meet our demise before the election even comes up.

People simply have no clue as to how dire out situation is at this time.....not even counting the pandemic.

Biden is an absolute disaster......we are also facing a long hot summer...and the stupid democrats will see what a real insurrection looks like this summer......the radicals have been so empowered by biden that their running dogs will be running loose in all our big cities and even into the burbs in some areas.....we live in interesting times.

Despite all the mounting evidence I expect the left to continue defending China on this issue.
In the interview this scientist/doctor states point blank that Dr Fauci is a liar. That's pretty damning.

WHO stated over the summer, and came out again in February of this year, that China withheld valuable data and information about the earlier transmission. WHO is not totally dismissing it at this point. This Nature article?

The left has not been told how to respond. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Basically everything that will get you banned from Big Tech for saying (Wuhan Lab, Hunter's laptop, widespread voter fraud, ).....
Seems trump was always right.
Trump was right about everything.

Wow, you are completely out to lunch.

Trump was saying that Chinese President is doing a great job and China is being transparent on Covid.

He was saying that it's nothing to worry about it, just a few people from China and soon will be zero.

He was saying day in and out untill his last day in office that Covid-19 will be gone anyday now, like magic.

He was saying that it's flu-like.

He was saying that HCQ is great at treating it. After that proved to be a bust he was saying that we should perhaps try using disinfectants and UV lights.

Right about everything? Trump is a two bit carnival barker that got himself ejected out of office, because he liked to run his ignorant mouth instead of listening to his healthcare advisory.
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Seems trump was always right.
Trump was right about everything.

Wow, you are completely out to lunch.

Trump was saying that Chinese President is doing a great job and China is being transparent on Covid.

He was saying that it's nothing to worry about it, just a few people from China and soon will be zero.

He was saying day in and out untill his last day in office that Covid-19 will be gone anyday now, like magic.

He was saying that it's flu-like.

He was saying that HCQ is great at treating it. After that proved to be a bust he was saying that we should perhaps try using disinfectants and UV lights.

Right about everything? Trump is a two bit carnival barker that got himself ejected out of office, because he liked to run his ignorant mouth instead of listening to his healthcare advisory.

What you do not realize is that Trump knew China had intentionally released the virus.....but to come out and admit we knew that would have been disastrous...most likely resulting in war with China....to intentionally release a virus is a biological act of war.....we were not prepared for War with China.....thus Trump had to defuse the situation to prevent war and also to prevent panic in America.

As President he had to look at the big picture and do what was best for America as a whole. Downplaying the virus was the right thing to do when you consider all the factors at play.

Also you are wrong about HCQ........all you have going is your TDS

Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19: a systematic review
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Seems trump was always right.
Trump was right about everything.

Wow, you are completely out to lunch.

Trump was saying that Chinese President is doing a great job and China is being transparent on Covid.

He was saying that it's nothing to worry about it, just a few people from China and soon will be zero.

He was saying day in and out untill his last day in office that Covid-19 will be gone anyday now, like magic.

He was saying that it's flu-like.

He was saying that HCQ is great at treating it. After that proved to be a bust he was saying that we should perhaps try using disinfectants and UV lights.

Right about everything? Trump is a two bit carnival barker that got himself ejected out of office, because he liked to run his ignorant mouth instead of listening to his healthcare advisory.

What you do not realize is that Trump knew China had intentionally released the virus.....but to come out and admit we knew that would have been disastrous...most likely resulting in war with China....to intentionally release a virus is a biological act of war.....we were not prepared for War with China.....thus Trump had to defuse the situation to prevent war and also to prevent panic in America.

As President he had to look at the big picture and do what was best for America as a whole. Downplaying the virus was the right thing to do when you consider all the factors at play.

Also you are wrong about HCQ........all you have going is your TDS

Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19: a systematic review

You are just making things up out of your ass. Just because you can imagine something doesn’t mean it is so. Stick to facts, not fantasies.
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Seems trump was always right.
Trump was right about everything.

Wow, you are completely out to lunch.

Trump was saying that Chinese President is doing a great job and China is being transparent on Covid.

He was saying that it's nothing to worry about it, just a few people from China and soon will be zero.

He was saying day in and out untill his last day in office that Covid-19 will be gone anyday now, like magic.

He was saying that it's flu-like.

He was saying that HCQ is great at treating it. After that proved to be a bust he was saying that we should perhaps try using disinfectants and UV lights.

Right about everything? Trump is a two bit carnival barker that got himself ejected out of office, because he liked to run his ignorant mouth instead of listening to his healthcare advisory.

What you do not realize is that Trump knew China had intentionally released the virus.....but to come out and admit we knew that would have been disastrous...most likely resulting in war with China....to intentionally release a virus is a biological act of war.....we were not prepared for War with China.....thus Trump had to defuse the situation to prevent war and also to prevent panic in America.

As President he had to look at the big picture and do what was best for America as a whole. Downplaying the virus was the right thing to do when you consider all the factors at play.

Also you are wrong about HCQ........all you have going is your TDS

Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19: a systematic review

You are just making things up out of your ass. Just because you can imagine something doesn’t mean it is so. Stick to facts, not fantasies.
Like Russia, Russia, Russia.
Seems trump was always right.
Trump was right about everything.

Wow, you are completely out to lunch.

Trump was saying that Chinese President is doing a great job and China is being transparent on Covid.

He was saying that it's nothing to worry about it, just a few people from China and soon will be zero.

He was saying day in and out untill his last day in office that Covid-19 will be gone anyday now, like magic.

He was saying that it's flu-like.

He was saying that HCQ is great at treating it. After that proved to be a bust he was saying that we should perhaps try using disinfectants and UV lights.

Right about everything? Trump is a two bit carnival barker that got himself ejected out of office, because he liked to run his ignorant mouth instead of listening to his healthcare advisory.

What you do not realize is that Trump knew China had intentionally released the virus.....but to come out and admit we knew that would have been disastrous...most likely resulting in war with China....to intentionally release a virus is a biological act of war.....we were not prepared for War with China.....thus Trump had to defuse the situation to prevent war and also to prevent panic in America.

As President he had to look at the big picture and do what was best for America as a whole. Downplaying the virus was the right thing to do when you consider all the factors at play.

Also you are wrong about HCQ........all you have going is your TDS

Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19: a systematic review

You are just making things up out of your ass. Just because you can imagine something doesn’t mean it is so. Stick to facts, not fantasies.

Try and keep up Chump......the evidence has been presented.
There is no conclusive evidence thus far that the virus originated in a lab. Thats a FACT.

There is no conclusive evidence that it didn't. It's as much a plausible theory as any other. The truth is we'll probably never know where it really came from because the Chinese government lies.
There is no conclusive evidence thus far that the virus originated in a lab. Thats a FACT.

There is no conclusive evidence that it didn't. It's as much a plausible theory as any other. The truth is we'll probably never know where it really came from because the Chinese government lies.

It is known .....Trump hinted at it....they are just not saying ....because to do so would cause big,big problems.

That is just another reason China is so mad .....they know we know and they know if we ever get a good President--- action of a similar nature may be taken against them or some other form of retaliation....Trump had a plan and he would have been very clever in carrying it out.

Now we got a brain damaged idiot....so nothing will be done about it.

Watch the video of President Trump speaking and compare it to how biden talks.........

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