Looks Like Trump Will Be Live New Year's Eve

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Will it actually be a good speech? Or will he be complaining about more stuff or trying to sell more of his own products? Possibly all of the above? I'm still intrigued. I sure hope he has been focusing more on his 2024 campaign now and that he'll be making announcements about that, but it all remains to be seen.

Perhaps it's just a reminder of how terrible shape this country is in ever since Dementia took over. Of course that will relate to his potential bid for 2024.

Funny, I suspect your welfare check is still arriving, Welfare Ray.

I just posted my best year ever! I didn't even lose as much money on my rental property as I was expecting.
Of course I forgot that it mostly will be broadcasted on Rumble.

The two semi-finals were intense.

Two of the best games of the year. That almost never happens in the playoffs. Was happy to see TCU win. I hate both UGA and OSU, but in honor of my MIL who died this past year, I was rooting for OSU to pull it out.
Meanwhile the Country is going down the tubes and the current president is sucking pina coladas in the Bahamas.

Jealously is an ugly thing.

Besides, the more time he is on vaca the less damage he can do.

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